The prophet Muhammad's miracles : Splitting of the Moon

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abd allah

Feb 8, 2012, 7:49:57 AM2/8/12
to to know what is islam

The prophet Muhammad's miracles : Splitting of the Moon

One of the times when God performed miracles at the hand of the
Prophet was when the Meccans demanded to see a miracle from Muhammad
to show his truthfulness. God split the moon in two separate halves
and then re-joined them. The Quran recorded the event:

“The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder!” (Quran

Prophet Muhammad would recite these verses of the Quran in large
congregations of the weekly Friday prayer and the bi-annual Eed
prayers.[1] Had the event never occurred, Muslims themselves would
have doubted their religion and many would have left it! The Meccans
would have said, ‘Hey, your prophet is a liar, the moon never split,
and we never saw it split!’ Instead, the believers grew stronger in
their faith and the only explanation the Meccans could come up with
was, ‘passing magic!’

“The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder! And if they
see a sign (miracle), they turn away and say, ‘Passing magic!’- for
they are bent on giving it the lie, being always wont to follow their
own desires.” (Quran 54:1-3)

The splitting of the moon is confirmed through eye-witness testimony
transmitted through an unbroken chain of reliable scholars so many
that is it impossible that it could be false (hadith mutawatir).[2]

A skeptic might ask, do we have any independent historical evidence to
suggest the moon was ever split? After all, people around the world
should have seen this marvelous event and recorded it.

The answer to this question is twofold.

First, people around the world could not have seen it as it would have
been daytime, late night, or early morning many parts of the world.
The following table will give the reader some idea of corresponding
world times to 9:00 pm Mecca time:

Country and Time

9:00 pm

11:30 pm

2:00 am

6:00 pm

Washington D.C.
2:00 pm

Rio de Janeiro
3:00 pm

3:00 am

2:00 am

Also, it is not likely that a large number of people in lands close by
would be observing the moon at the exact same time. They had no
reason to. Even if some one did, it does not necessarily mean people
believed him and kept a written record of it, especially when many
civilizations at that time did not preserve their own history in

Second, we actually have an independent, and quite amazing, historical
corroboration of the event from an Indian king of that time.

Kerala is a state of India. The state stretches for 360 miles (580
kilometers) along the Malabar Coast on the southwestern side of the
Indian peninsula.[3] King Chakrawati Farmas of Malabar was a Chera
king, Cheraman perumal of Kodungallure. He is recorded to have seen
the moon split. The incident is documented in a manuscript kept at
the India Office Library, London, reference number: Arabic, 2807,
152-173.[4] A group of Muslim merchant’s passing by Malabar on their
way to China spoke to the king about how God had supported the Arabian
prophet with the miracle of splitting of the moon. The shocked king
said he had seen it with his own eyes as well, deputized his son, and
left for Arabia to meet the Prophet in person. The Malabari king met
the Prophet, bore the two testimonies of faith, learned the basics of
faith, but passed away on his way back and was buried in the port city
of Zafar, Yemen.[5]

It is said that the contingent was led by a Muslim, Malik bin Dinar,
and continued to Kodungallure, the Chera capital, and built the first,
and India’s oldest, mosque in the area in 629 CE which exists today.

to be continued:

evidences that islam is true:

how can i become a muslim :

for more information about Quran ,Muhammad and Islam ,please visit :

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