Spam Deleter Button

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Apr 3, 2009, 11:19:51 AM4/3/09
to Gmail Request Feature
Gmail could make a Special Spam button that instead of only mark mail
as Spam, also deletes it. This would be great because why in the world
you want to have 11234556789 mail marked as spam and always hitting
the delete all spam button...

They Could create a unique filter that remembers the preference of
which mail is spam (already have) but also send it to the trash or
even better delete it forever. So the only spam you would have would
be the "new spam" never marked as spam before and would never have to
see again Spam (1348) or something like that...

Hope you could do this one, is not that difficult, but Im not a



Apr 3, 2009, 3:16:58 PM4/3/09
to Gmail Request Feature
I'm totally agree with you. It should be very smart and great feature.
Our emails are swimming in a sea of spams and such feature will make
life easier in-order to dealing with spams.
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