Positive constraint

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antoine laboury

Sep 17, 2020, 9:21:26 AM9/17/20
to TNT-Tree Analysis using New Technology
Hello everyone, 

I try to enter a positive constraint using force+[ ] in my phylogeny and adding my species names but I can't do it, can someone help me? 

Thank you ! 

Arianny Storari

Sep 17, 2020, 9:39:05 AM9/17/20
to tnt-tree-analysis-u...@googlegroups.com


To force a group of taxa as a monophyletic group before carrying out any analysis, it is necessary to use the command line. type on the command line, as you did...

Force+[A B C]

ps: A, B and C must be separated by space.

To form a negative constraint:


Force-[A B C]


Or, after performing at least one round of analysis, you can choose which taxa to force as monophyletic by selecting them from one of the trees stored in the buffer memory after the analysis has been performed. This is generally the most practical way, and also allows for the selection of a large number of taxa, something that is often not possible to do from the command line. When using this search method, use the trees stored in the RAM memory of previous searches.


In “Data”:> “Define constraints” In the “for monophyly” quadrant, select the “tree number” icon. In this way, you will be requesting that it uses "constraints" from certain groups from a certain tree present in RAM. select any tree within the "tree number" and then click:> "Use selected groups" - a window will open with the selected tree and in it you must select the group you want to keep as monophyletic. Click on the most basal node in the group. The node will turn red. After that click OK. You will return to the initial window, and click OK on it too.


Finally, when executing a new search, you must reinforce the “constraints” by the “Enforce constraints” icon within the options menu for each type of search (“Implicit enumeration”, “Heuristic Search” and “New Technology Search”)

I hope it helps!

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Arianny Pimentel Storari
Doutoranda em Ciências Biológicas
Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES

Tuhar Mukherjee

Sep 17, 2020, 10:03:25 AM9/17/20
to tnt-tree-analysis-u...@googlegroups.com
It's easier  to use taxon number instead of taxon name. In tnt the name Homo sapiens will be treated as Homo_sapiens. You need to add Homo_sapiens. 


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