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Christmas music for lute

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Francis Perry

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

This is a follow-up to the inquiry made about 5 weeks ago re/Christmas
music for lute.
I mentioned _My Lute's First Christmas_, but didn't know if it were
still available, or how to obtain it. I just received the latest LSA
Quarterly and it turns out that there are a number of selections from
that book in this issue. The introductory paragraph reads: "The music
in this issue has been contributed from two sources. John Sproule sent
us selections from his book entitled _My Lute's First Christmas_, which
he published in 1989. You can obtain more information about this book
by contacting the publisher at John T. Sproule & Associates, 260 Queens
Quay W. Suite 2303, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2N3. George Moss
contributed some pieces which he intabulated from the Gervais books of
dance music. Our thanks to both contributors, and enjoy!"

Francis Perry

Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

In the LSA Quarterly, it was recently said:

] that book in this issue. The introductory paragraph reads: "The music

]] in this issue has been contributed from two sources. John Sproule sent
]] us selections from his book entitled _My Lute's First Christmas_, which
]] he published in 1989. You can obtain more information about this book
]] by contacting the publisher at John T. Sproule & Associates, 260 Queens
]] Quay W. Suite 2303, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2N3.

I bought this back in 1989 when it was first offered for sale, and I loved it.
It is well worth the price they were asking, but, then, the publisher
disappeared or moved, and letters were returned.

Are you saying, they are now back in business, and answering letters and
selling the book again??? If so, this book is well worth purchasing.
He even entabulated the music from the Nutcracker Suite!!

Mike P

Thomas Garcia

Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

AS far as I know, the info. on the Sproule Christmas book is correct --
he never let us know any differently. If anybody knows better, plase let
us know. Thanks,
Tom Garcia
Editor, Lute Society Quarterly

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