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From our friends at DC TNG

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J. Grier

Dec 8, 2009, 4:32:36 PM12/8/09
Join Us Tonight for Happy Hour at Lounge 201 starting at 6pm, RSVP  for TNG 'Nice & Naughty' Social at Judy's SAT DEC 19th!

First Things First...

We'd like to congratulate British "Lucky" Paul and the Castle Crew who
hosted a "Playboy Mansion Party" this past Saturday!  Even though we
saw our first sign of snow in the DC area...plenty of kinksters came
out.  Pretty ladies brought out those Bunny Ears, and a few tails even
and sexy lingerie - the guys had their silk robes and PJ's and there
were many sights to see like Latex Jane & Match getting to express
their kink in a hot public setting - enuf said!  A valuable and clever
sign off sheet for expected behavior and general Castle guidelines was
implemented with all who entered through the door, providing an
outstanding measure of safety and peace of mind for the community!!
We look forward to the next Lucky Castle Event!

Second Things Second...

DC TNG and TNG Baltimore Present... A 'Nice & Naughty' Holiday Social
at Judy's Amazing Play Space!  Saturday, December, 19, 2009 at 8pm

Whether you've been 'naughty or nice' this holiday season...Santa
along with the lovely Mrs. Claus will be making an exclusive TNG
appearance to help you work that out at this special holiday party
that will feature Sexy AHLEAH'S Birthday Worshipping, an educational
experience hosted by TNG Baltimore, a little egg nog with a 'kick,'
custom play space music by DJ Hirezolution from New York City, and a
very special midnight 'Drag Queen' performance and much more!

RSVP via Evite - If for some reason you did not receive an invitation
please contact us right away at!



HAPPY HOUR TONIGHT in The Sierra Lounge at Lounge 201:

Lounge 201
201 Mass Ave. NE Washington DC 20002 DC Nearest Metro is Union Station
about 2 blocks away. For Map Link & More Info go to –

Come check out our sweet TNG tailored social spot for all kinds of fun
with half-priced martinis, great food, titillating conversation...oh
and did we mention meet, mix, and mingle with all kinds of sexy, like-
minded TNGers?


We will have the entire SIERRA LOUNGE to ourselves Tonight, when you
head down the outside stairs and approach the front doors you should
see a sign that reads "TNG" and the name of the room we're at
underneath.  As you walk in the front doors keep going just past the
DJ booth and the front bar as you step down into the first back room
area called "The Sierra Lounge" straight back as  you walk in the
lounge.  You'll find us mixing and mingling in our own little "DC TNG
Zone" enjoying snacks, drinks, and even better company!

Important Note about The Lounge:
LOUNGE 201 is located on the North East side of the U.S. Capital, a
short walk to the OTHER SIDE of Union Station, OPPOSITE of Capital
City Brewery/Old Post Office Building and our old stomping ground
Kelly's Irish Times. Example: If you were to walk out of the front
door of Union Station you would proceed to your LEFT about 2 blocks
toward 3rd and D streets just before reaching Lounge 201.

DC TNG Encourages Education! - Check Out - This Week At Black Rose:

At 8:00pm, those interested can attend a weekly education class head
over to the weekly education meeting provided by BLACK ROSE located at
the Hyatt Regency at 8PM, 400 New Jersey Avenue, NW

Tonight's Presentation will be "'Labels, Identities, Genders, Titles:
Who We Are And What That Means With Del'"

When we find the freedom to define our desires outside of the box, we
find the freedom to identify in all sorts of ways that might confuse
the well-meaning friend or flirtation. What gender pronoun does that
person want? Is a Master the same as a Dominant? What the heck is
"heteroflexible" and what does it mean that they winked at me? Is a
"furry" the same thing as a "pony"? How does one actually pronounce
the word "domme"? Del has a lot of freaky friends and lovers, and will
help create a safe space to discuss all the various labels that people
use in the BDSM and Leather communities. Perhaps we can share
information about our own identities, and what etiquette works (and
doesn't work) when interacting with us, to honor our titles and
genders in a way that is supportive and informed.

$5 members, $10 non-members

So Come Play With Us at Lounge 201 Tonight!

-The DC TNG Community

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