TMSU v0.7.1 released

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Paul Ruane

Sep 3, 2018, 6:01:32 PM9/3/18
Sorry, it's been a while: life's been getting in the way of the funner things.

Anyhow, I didn't announce TMSU v0.7.0 back when I released it last
November. As I've just released a bug fix v.0.7.1 I thought I'd use
this opportunity to let you all know what's changed since v0.6:

* Mac O/S support: due to no effort of my own, TMSU can now apparently
be built for Mac. Quite handy if you're using Mac O/S.
* Saner VFS structure. I used to, for simplicity, mix the tags and
files together in the virtual filesystem directories. This could get a
bit unwieldy at the higher-level directories as potentially thousands
of files would match. So I've fixed this by requiring you to navigate
to a 'files' folder to actually see what matches. This lets you
navigate down the tag directories with gay abandon, uninhibited by the
soiree of matching files on the way.
* Also in the VFS, tag directories are repeated for tags that have
values so you can build up a path that has multiple values, e.g.
/mountpoint/tags/country/=uk/country/=france. Before the second
country directory wouldn't be there.
* TMSU will follow a symbolic link, so if you tag a symbolic link
it'll actually tag the target file, which is probably what you wanted
to begin with. This can, naturally, be overridden just like you can
for other Unixy commands.
* Back in the beginning, I made TMSU report duplicate files when you
tagged them. I did this because, as we're taking a fingerprint anyway,
I figured it may aswell report them. Later on I changed my mined and
removed this functionality under the mindset that it was outside
TMSU's remit to monitor and detect duplicate files. Well, guess what,
I had another change of heart and it's back. Until I change my mind
again. I'm that fickle.
* You can now use the slash character in tags and values. Quite why
you'd want one in a tag, I don't know. But they're everso useful in
values as you can now capture URLs whereas before you couldn't.
Obviously the VFS will have a bit of a problem with them so a similar
looking Unicode character is used in their place in the VFS, which is
not ideal but better than nothing.
* You can now tag files that already have a particular set of tags.
Wait, what? Best explained with an example: tmsu tag --where "pong >
50" stinky. Unlike tag implications, this is a one-off,
state-of-the-files-as-they-are-at-the-moment kind of thing. In other
words, your stinky files won't lose their stink by reducing their
* The tag command has a new (since last year) --value option that lets
you find which tags actually use a particular value you created ages
ago but can't remember what it's for.
* I (apparently, it was a long time ago) extended the database schema
versioning so that I can change the schema between releases. (I think
there was a case where I had to make a couple of changes before a
major release and this caused some people grief because they'd already
applied the first change so TMSU couldn't auto-upgrade to the second
* You can run tmsu untagged --count to get a count of the number of
untagged files.
* A bunch of miscellaneous bug fixes that even I can't remember what
they are. They're probably great though.

Enjoy folks.

The current plan is still to try a port to Rust so I can evaluate
whether I'd rather continue the project in that language or stick with
Go. And then work my way through the ever-increasing list of
functionality I've still not done.

I should also probably send out one of those annoying GDPR thingies
but I don't think I coerced anyone into signing up to this list.
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