Weekly TMLR digest for Jul 07, 2024

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Jul 7, 2024, 12:00:10 AM (11 days ago) Jul 7
to tmlr-annou...@googlegroups.com

New certifications

Reproducibility Certification: Chain-of-Thought Unfaithfulness as Disguised Accuracy

Oliver Bentham, Nathan Stringham, Ana Marasovic



Reproducibility Certification: [Re] Classwise-Shapley values for data valuation

Markus Semmler, Miguel de Benito Delgado



Accepted papers

Title: D3: Data Diversity Design for Systematic Generalization in Visual Question Answering

Authors: Amir Rahimi, Vanessa D'Amario, Moyuru Yamada, Kentaro Takemoto, Tomotake Sasaki, Xavier Boix

Abstract: Systematic generalization is a crucial aspect of intelligence, which refers to the ability to generalize to novel tasks by combining known subtasks and concepts. One critical factor that has been shown to influence systematic generalization is the diversity of training data. However, diversity can be defined in various ways, as data have many factors of variation. A more granular understanding of how different aspects of data diversity affect systematic generalization is lacking. We present new evidence in the problem of Visual Question Answering (VQA) that reveals that the diversity of simple tasks (i.e. tasks formed by a few subtasks and concepts) plays a key role in achieving systematic generalization. This implies that it may not be essential to gather a large and varied number of complex tasks, which could be costly to obtain. We demonstrate that this result is independent of the similarity between the training and testing data and applies to well-known families of neural network architectures for VQA (i.e. monolithic architectures and neural module networks). Additionally, we observe that neural module networks leverage all forms of data diversity we evaluated, while monolithic architectures require more extensive amounts of data to do so. These findings provide a first step towards understanding the interactions between data diversity design, neural network architectures, and systematic generalization capabilities.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ZAin13msOp


Title: Decoupling Pixel Flipping and Occlusion Strategy for Consistent XAI Benchmarks

Authors: Stefan Bluecher, Johanna Vielhaben, Nils Strodthoff

Abstract: Feature removal is a central building block for eXplainable AI (XAI), both for occlusion-based explanations (Shapley values) as well as their evaluation (pixel flipping, PF).
However, occlusion strategies can vary significantly from simple mean replacement up to inpainting with state-of-the-art diffusion models.
This ambiguity limits the usefulness of occlusion-based approaches.
For example, PF benchmarks lead to contradicting rankings.
This is amplified by competing PF measures: Features are either removed starting with most influential first (MIF) or least influential first (LIF).

This study proposes two complementary perspectives to resolve this disagreement problem.
Firstly, we address the common criticism of occlusion-based XAI, that artificial samples lead to unreliable model evaluations.
We propose to measure the reliability by the R(eference)-Out-of-Model-Scope (OMS) score.
The R-OMS score enables a systematic comparison of occlusion strategies and resolves the disagreement problem by grouping consistent PF rankings.
Secondly, we show that the insightfulness of MIF and LIF is conversely dependent on the R-OMS score.
To leverage this, we combine the MIF and LIF measures into the symmetric relevance gain (SRG) measure.
This breaks the inherent connection to the underlying occlusion strategy and leads to consistent rankings.
This resolves the disagreement problem of PF benchmarks, which we verify for a set of 40 different occlusion strategies.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=bIiLXdtUVM


Title: Chain-of-Thought Unfaithfulness as Disguised Accuracy

Authors: Oliver Bentham, Nathan Stringham, Ana Marasovic

Abstract: Understanding the extent to which Chain-of-Thought (CoT) generations align with a large language model's (LLM) internal computations is critical for deciding whether to trust an LLM's output. As a proxy for CoT faithfulness, Lanham et al. (2023) propose a metric that measures a model's dependence on its CoT for producing an answer. Within a single family of proprietary models, they find that LLMs exhibit a scaling-then-inverse-scaling relationship between model size and their measure of faithfulness, and that a 13 billion parameter model exhibits increased faithfulness compared to models ranging from 810 million to 175 billion parameters in size. We evaluate whether these results generalize as a property of all LLMs. We replicate the experimental setup in their section focused on scaling experiments with three different families of models and, under specific conditions, successfully reproduce the scaling trends for CoT faithfulness they report.
However, after normalizing the metric to account for a model's bias toward certain answer choices, unfaithfulness drops significantly for smaller less-capable models. This normalized faithfulness metric is also strongly correlated ($R^2$=0.74) with accuracy, raising doubts about its validity for evaluating faithfulness.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ydcrP55u2e


Title: PRD: Peer Rank and Discussion Improve Large Language Model based Evaluations

Authors: Ruosen Li, Teerth Patel, Xinya Du

Abstract: Nowadays, the quality of responses generated by different modern large language models (LLMs) is hard to evaluate and compare automatically. Recent studies suggest and predominantly use LLMs for reference-free evaluation of open-ended question answering. More specifically, they use the recognized “strongest” LLM as the evaluator, which conducts pairwise comparisons of candidate models’ answers and provides a ranking score. However, this intuitive method has multiple problems, such as bringing in self-enhancement (favoring its own answers) and positional bias. We draw insights and lessons from the educational domain (Cho & MacArthur, 2011; Walsh, 2014) to improve LLM-based evaluations. Specifically, we propose (1) the peer rank (PR) algorithm that takes into account each peer LLM’s pairwise preferences of all answer pairs, and outputs a final ranking of models; and (2) peer discussion (PD), where we prompt two LLMs to discuss and try to reach a mutual agreement on the preferences of two answers. We conduct experiments on two benchmark datasets. We find that our approaches achieve higher accuracy and align better with human judgments. Interestingly, PR can induce a relatively accurate self-ranking of models under the anonymous setting, where each model’s name is unrevealed. Our work provides space to explore evaluating models that are hard to compare for humans.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=YVD1QqWRaj


Title: BaSIS-Net: From Point Estimate to Predictive Distribution in Neural Networks - A Bayesian Sequential Importance Sampling Framework

Authors: Giuseppina Carannante, Nidhal Bouaynaya, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Ghulam Rasool

Abstract: Data-driven Deep Learning (DL) models have revolutionized autonomous systems, but ensuring their safety and reliability necessitates the assessment of predictive confidence or uncertainty. Bayesian DL provides a principled approach to quantify uncertainty via probability density functions defined over model parameters. However, the exact solution is intractable for most DL models, and the approximation methods, often based on heuristics, suffer from scalability issues and stringent distribution assumptions and may lack theoretical guarantees. This work develops a Sequential Importance Sampling framework that approximates the posterior probability density function through weighted samples (or particles), which can be used to find the mean, variance, or higher-order moments of the posterior distribution. We demonstrate that propagating particles, which capture information about the higher-order moments, through the layers of the DL model results in increased robustness to natural and malicious noise (adversarial attacks). The variance computed from these particles effectively quantifies the model’s decision uncertainty, demonstrating well-calibrated and accurate predictive confidence.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=V92PnXQ7UW


Title: Object-Centric Relational Representations for Image Generation

Authors: Luca Butera, Andrea Cini, Alberto Ferrante, Cesare Alippi

Abstract: Conditioning image generation on specific features of the desired output is a key ingredient of modern generative models. However, existing approaches lack a general and unified way of representing structural and semantic conditioning at diverse granularity levels. This paper explores a novel method to condition image generation, based on object-centric relational representations. In particular, we propose a methodology to condition the generation of objects in an image on the attributed graph representing their structure and the associated semantic information. We show that such architectural biases entail properties that facilitate the manipulation and conditioning of the generative process and allow for regularizing the training procedure. The proposed conditioning framework is implemented by means of a neural network that learns to generate a 2D, multi-channel, layout mask of the objects, which can be used as a soft inductive bias in the downstream generative task. To do so, we leverage both 2D and graph convolutional operators. We also propose a novel benchmark for image generation consisting of a synthetic dataset of images paired with their relational representation. Empirical results show that the proposed approach compares favorably against relevant baselines.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=7kWjB9zW90


Title: A General-Purpose Multi-Modal OOD Detection Framework

Authors: Viet Quoc Duong, Qiong Wu, Zhengyi Zhou, Eric Zavesky, WenLing Hsu, Han Zhao, Huajie Shao

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection seeks to identify test samples that deviate from the training data, which is critical to ensuring the safety and reliability of machine learning (ML) systems. While a plethora of methods have been developed to detect uni-modal OOD samples, only a few have focused on multi-modal OOD detection. Current contrastive learning-based methods primarily address multi-modal OOD detection in a scenario where an image is not related to the class labels in training data. However, ML systems in the real-world applications may encounter a broader spectrum of anomalies caused by different factors like systematic errors in labeling, environmental changes, and sensor malfunctions. Hence, we propose a new method to be able to simultaneously detect anomalies from multiple different OOD scenarios, arising from fine-grained image features and textual descriptions, instead of large categorical information. To achieve this goal, we propose a general-purpose weakly-supervised OOD detection framework, called WOOD, that combines a binary classifier and a contrastive learning module to reap the benefits of both. In order to better distinguish in-distribution (ID) samples from OOD ones, we employ the Hinge loss to constrain the similarity of their latent representations. Moreover, we devise a new scoring metric that fuses predictions from both the binary classifier and contrastive learning to enhance OOD detection. Extensive experimental results on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed WOOD significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for multi-modal OOD detection. Importantly, our approach can achieve superior detection performance in a variety of OOD scenarios.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=nYzws7sSzo


Title: Federated TD Learning with Linear Function Approximation under Environmental Heterogeneity

Authors: Han Wang, Aritra Mitra, Hamed Hassani, George J. Pappas, James Anderson

Abstract: We initiate the study of federated reinforcement learning under environmental heterogeneity by considering a policy evaluation problem. Our setup involves $N$ agents interacting with environments that share the same state and action space but differ in their reward functions and state transition kernels. Assuming agents can communicate via a central server, we ask: \textit{Does exchanging information expedite the process of evaluating a common policy?} To answer this question, we provide the first comprehensive finite-time analysis of a federated temporal difference (TD) learning algorithm with linear function approximation, while accounting for Markovian sampling, heterogeneity in the agents' environments, and multiple local updates to save communication. Our analysis crucially relies on several novel ingredients: (i) deriving perturbation bounds
on TD fixed points as a function of the heterogeneity in the agents' underlying Markov decision processes (MDPs); (ii) introducing a virtual MDP to closely approximate the dynamics of the federated TD algorithm; and (iii) using the virtual MDP to make explicit connections to federated optimization. Putting these pieces together, we prove that in a low-heterogeneity regime, exchanging model estimates leads to linear convergence speedups in the number of agents. Our theoretical contribution is significant in that it is the first result of its kind in multi-agent/federated reinforcement learning that complements the numerous analogous results in heterogeneous federated optimization.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=hdQspgyFrk


Title: ConsistI2V: Enhancing Visual Consistency for Image-to-Video Generation

Authors: Weiming Ren, Huan Yang, Ge Zhang, Cong Wei, Xinrun Du, Wenhao Huang, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Image-to-video (I2V) generation aims to use the initial frame (alongside a text prompt) to create a video sequence. A grand challenge in I2V generation is to maintain visual consistency throughout the video: existing methods often struggle to preserve the integrity of the subject, background, and style from the first frame, as well as ensure a fluid and logical progression within the video narrative. To mitigate these issues, we propose ConsistI2V, a diffusion-based method to enhance visual consistency for I2V generation. Specifically, we introduce (1) spatiotemporal attention over the first frame to maintain spatial and motion consistency, (2) noise initialization from the low-frequency band of the first frame to enhance layout consistency. These two approaches enable ConsistI2V to generate highly consistent videos. We also extend the proposed approaches to show their potential to improve consistency in auto-regressive long video generation and camera motion control. To verify the effectiveness of our method, we propose I2V-Bench, a comprehensive evaluation benchmark for I2V generation. Our automatic and human evaluation results demonstrate the superiority of ConsistI2V over existing methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=vqniLmUDvj


Title: Variational excess risk bound for general state space models

Authors: Elisabeth Gassiat, Sylvain Le Corff

Abstract: In this paper, we consider variational autoencoders (VAE) for general state space models. We consider a backward factorization of the variational distributions to analyze the excess risk associated with VAE. Such backward factorizations were recently proposed to perform online variational learning and to obtain upper bounds on the variational estimation error. When independent trajectories of sequences are observed and under strong mixing assumptions on the state space model and on the variational distribution, we provide an oracle inequality explicit in the number of samples and in the length of the observation sequences. We then derive consequences of this theoretical result. In particular, when the data distribution is given by a state space model, we provide an upper bound for the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the data distribution and its estimator and between the variational posterior and the estimated state space posterior distributions. Under classical assumptions, we prove that our results can be applied to Gaussian backward kernels built with dense and recurrent neural networks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=36OX7uRM5t


Title: [Re] Classwise-Shapley values for data valuation

Authors: Markus Semmler, Miguel de Benito Delgado

Abstract: We evaluate CS-Shapley, a data valuation method introduced in Schoch et al. (2022) for classification problems. We repeat the experiments in the paper, including two additional methods, the Least Core (Yan & Procaccia, 2021) and Data Banzhaf (Wang & Jia, 2023), a comparison not found in the literature. We include more conservative error estimates and additional metrics, like rank stability, and a variance-corrected version of Weighted Accuracy Drop, originally introduced in Schoch et al. (2022). We conclude that while CS-Shapley helps in the scenarios it was originally tested in, in particular for the detection of corrupted labels, it is outperformed by the conceptually simpler Data Banzhaf in the task of detecting highly influential points.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=srFEYJkqD7


Title: $\sigma$-PCA: a building block for neural learning of identifiable linear transformations

Authors: Fahdi Kanavati, Lucy Katsnith, Masayuki Tsuneki

Abstract: Linear principal component analysis (PCA) learns (semi-)orthogonal transformations by orienting the axes to maximize variance. Consequently, it can only identify orthogonal axes whose variances are clearly distinct, but it cannot identify the subsets of axes whose variances are roughly equal. It cannot eliminate the subspace rotational indeterminacy: it fails to disentangle components with equal variances (eigenvalues), resulting, in each eigen subspace, in randomly rotated axes. In this paper, we propose $\sigma$-PCA, a method that (1) formulates a unified model for linear and nonlinear PCA, the latter being a special case of linear independent component analysis (ICA), and (2) introduces a missing piece into nonlinear PCA that allows it to eliminate, from the canonical linear PCA solution, the subspace rotational indeterminacy — without whitening the inputs. Whitening, a preprocessing step which converts the inputs into unit-variance inputs, has generally been a prerequisite step for linear ICA methods, which meant that conventional nonlinear PCA could not necessarily preserve the orthogonality of the overall transformation, could not directly reduce dimensionality, and could not intrinsically order by variances. We offer insights on the relationship between linear PCA, nonlinear PCA, and linear ICA — three methods with autoencoder formulations for learning special linear transformations from data, transformations that are (semi-)orthogonal for PCA, and arbitrary unit-variance for ICA. As part of our formulation, nonlinear PCA can be seen as a method that maximizes both variance and statistical independence, lying in the middle between linear PCA and linear ICA, serving as a building block for learning linear transformations that are identifiable.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=KpVJ6CGnwI


New submissions

Title: Reward Distance Comparisons Under Transition Sparsity

Abstract: Reward comparisons are vital for evaluating differences in agent behaviors induced by a set of reward functions. Most conventional techniques employ optimized policies to derive these behaviors; however, learning these policies can be computationally expensive and susceptible to safety concerns. Direct reward comparison techniques obviate policy learning but suffer from transition sparsity, where only a small subset of transitions are sampled due to data collection challenges and feasibility constraints. Existing state-of-the-art direct reward comparison methods are ill-suited for these sparse conditions since they require high transition coverage, where the majority of transitions from a given coverage distribution are sampled. When this requirement is not satisfied, a distribution mismatch between sampled and expected transitions can occur, introducing significant errors. This paper introduces the Sparsity Agnostic Reward Distance (SARD) pseudometric, designed to eliminate the need for high transition coverage by accommodating diverse sample distributions, likely common under transition sparsity. We provide theoretical justifications for SARD's robustness and conduct empirical studies to demonstrate its practical efficacy across various domains, namely Gridworld, Bouncing Balls, Drone Combat, and StarCraft 2.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=kCONxY2AVT


Title: Equivariant Symmetry Breaking Sets

Abstract: Equivariant neural networks (ENNs) have been shown to be extremely effective in applications involving underlying symmetries. By construction ENNs cannot produce lower symmetry outputs given a higher symmetry input. However, symmetry breaking occurs in many physical systems and we may obtain a less symmetric stable state from an initial highly symmetric one. Hence, it is imperative that we understand how to systematically break symmetry in ENNs. In this work, we propose a novel symmetry breaking framework that is fully equivariant and is the first which fully addresses spontaneous symmetry breaking. We emphasize that our approach is general and applicable to equivariance under any group. To achieve this, we introduce the idea of symmetry breaking sets (SBS). Rather than redesign existing networks, we design sets of symmetry breaking objects which we feed into our network based on the symmetry of our inputs and outputs. We show there is a natural way to define equivariance on these sets, which gives an additional constraint. Minimizing the size of these sets equates to data efficiency. We prove that minimizing these sets translates to a well studied group theory problem, and tabulate solutions to this problem for the point groups. Finally, we provide some examples of symmetry breaking to demonstrate how our approach works in practice.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=tHKH4DNSR5


Title: Learning Interpretable Policies in Hindsight-Observable POMDPs through Partially Supervised Reinforcement Learning

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has demonstrated remarkable achievements across diverse domains such as video games, robotic control, autonomous driving, and drug discovery. Common methodologies in partially observable domains largely lean on end-to-end learning from high-dimensional observations, such as images, without explicitly reasoning about true state. We suggest an alternative direction, introducing the Partially Supervised Reinforcement Learning (PSRL) framework. At the heart of PSRL is the fusion of both supervised and unsupervised learning. The approach leverages a state estimator to distill supervised semantic state information from high-dimensional observations which are often fully observable at training time. This yields more interpretable policies that compose state predictions with control. In parallel, it captures an unsupervised latent representation. These two—the semantic state and the latent state—are then fused and utilized as inputs to a policy network. This juxtaposition offers practitioners a flexible and dynamic spectrum: from emphasizing supervised state information to integrating richer, latent insights. Extensive experimental results indicate that by merging these dual representations, PSRL offers a potent balance, enhancing model interpretability while preserving, and often significantly outperforming, the performance benchmarks set by traditional methods in terms of reward and convergence speed.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=70s7gEIPmO


Title: Flatness-guided hyper-parameter optimization

Abstract: We propose a novel white-box approach to hyper-parameter optimization. Motivated by recent work establishing a relationship between flat minima and generalization, we first establish a relationship between the Hessian norm and established sharpness metrics. Based on this, we seek to find hyper-parameter configurations that improve flatness by minimizing the upper bound on the sharpness of the loss. By using the structure of the underlying neural network, we derive semi-empirical estimates for the sharpness of the loss, and attempt to find hyper-parameters that minimize it in a randomized fashion. Through experiments on 14 classification datasets, we show that our method achieves strong performance at a fraction of the runtime.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=IhGliADVth


Title: Diverse Diffusion: Enhancing Image Diversity in Text-to- Image Generation

Abstract: Latent diffusion models excel at producing high-quality images from text. Yet, concerns appear about the lack of diversity in the generated imagery. To tackle this, we introduce Diverse Diffusion, a method for boosting image diversity beyond gender and ethnicity, spanning into richer realms.

Diverse Diffusion is a general unsupervised technique that can be applied to existing text-to-image models. Our approach focuses on finding vectors in the Stable Diffusion latent space that are distant from each other. We generate multiple vectors in the latent space until we find a set of vectors that meets the desired distance requirements and the required batch size.

To evaluate the effectiveness of our diversity methods, we conduct experiments examining various characteristics, including color diversity, LPIPS metric, and ethnicity/gender representation in images featuring humans. We also provide image quality assessment by human raters.

The results of our experiments emphasize the significance of diversity in generating realistic and varied images, offering valuable insights for improving text-to-image models. Through the enhancement of image diversity without decrease in quality, our approach contributes to the creation of more inclusive and representative AI-generated art.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=UHaSaor8VU


Title: Probabilistic Matching of Real and Generated Data Statistics in Generative Adversarial Networks

Abstract: Generative adversarial networks constitute a powerful approach to generative modeling. While generated samples often are indistinguishable from real data, there is no guarantee that they will follow the true data distribution. For scientific applications in particular, it is essential that the true distribution is well captured by the generated distribution. In this work, we propose a method to ensure that the distributions of certain generated data statistics coincide with the respective distributions of the real data. In order to achieve this, we add a new loss term to the generator loss function, which quantifies the difference between these distributions via suitable $f$-divergences. Kernel density estimation is employed to obtain representations of the true distributions, and to estimate the corresponding generated distributions from minibatch values at each iteration. When compared to other methods, our approach has the advantage that the complete shapes of the distributions are taken into account. We evaluate the method on a synthetic dataset and a real-world dataset and demonstrate improved performance of our approach.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=o1oetBJuSv


Title: LLM-Select: Feature Selection with Large Language Models

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate a surprising capability of large language models (LLMs): given only input feature names and a description of a prediction task, they are capable of selecting the most predictive features, with performance rivaling the standard tools of data science. Remarkably, these models exhibit this capacity across various query mechanisms. For example, we zero-shot prompt an LLM to output a numerical importance score for a feature (e.g., ``blood pressure'') in predicting an outcome of interest (e.g., ``heart failure''), with no additional context. In particular, we find that the latest models, such as GPT-4, can consistently identify the most predictive features regardless of the query mechanism and across various prompting strategies. We illustrate these findings through extensive experiments on real-world data, where we show that LLM-based feature selection consistently achieves strong performance competitive with data-driven methods such as the LASSO, despite never having looked at the downstream training data. Our findings suggest that LLMs may be useful not only for selecting the best features for training but also for deciding which features to collect \textit{in the first place}. This could potentially benefit practitioners in domains like healthcare, where collecting high-quality data comes at a high cost.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=16f7ea1N3p


Title: FrugalGPT: How to Use Large Language Models While Reducing Cost and Improving Performance

Abstract: The rapid adoption of large language models (LLMs) has led to a growing number of com- panies offering generative LLMs as callable services at varying costs. We find that popular generative LLM APIs, such as GPT-4, ChatGPT, and J1-Jumbo, exhibit heterogeneous pricing structures, with fees that can differ by two orders of magnitude and heterogeneous performance across tasks and input queries. This makes it challenging for users to decide which generative LLM APIs to utilize for their applications and budget. Motivated by these findings, we propose FrugalGPT, an algorithmic framework that adaptively selects which generative LLMs to use for different queries to reduce cost and improve accuracy. Our experiments demonstrate that, for a range of natural language tasks including news classi- fication, reading comprehension, and scientific question answering, FrugalGPT can match the performance of the best individual generative LLM (e.g., GPT-4) with up to a 98% cost reduction or improve the accuracy over GPT-4 by 4% at the same cost. The ideas and findings presented in this paper lay a foundation for using LLMs sustainably and efficiently.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=cSimKw5p6R


Title: Effective Backdoor Mitigation in Vision-Language Models Depends on the Pre-training Objective

Abstract: Despite the advanced capabilities of contemporary machine learning (ML) models, they remain vulnerable to adversarial and backdoor attacks. This vulnerability is particularly concerning in real-world deployments, where compromised models may exhibit unpredictable behavior in critical scenarios. Such risks are heightened by the prevalent practice of collecting massive, internet-sourced datasets for training multimodal models, as these datasets may harbor backdoors. Various techniques have been proposed to mitigate the effects of backdooring in multimodal models, such as CleanCLIP, which is the current state-of-the-art approach. In this work, we demonstrate that the efficacy of CleanCLIP in mitigating backdoors is highly dependent on the particular objective used during model pre-training. We observe that stronger pre-training objectives that lead to higher zero-shot classification performance correlate with harder to remove backdoors behaviors. We show this by training multimodal models on two large datasets consisting of 3 million (CC3M) and 6 million (CC6M) datapoints, under various pre-training objectives, followed by poison removal using CleanCLIP. We find that CleanCLIP, even with extensive hyperparameter tuning, is ineffective in poison removal when stronger pre-training objectives are used. Our findings underscore critical considerations for ML practitioners who train models using large-scale web-curated data and are concerned about potential backdoor threats.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Conma3qnaT


Title: Faster optimal univariate microaggregation

Abstract: Microaggregation is a method to coarsen a dataset, by optimally clustering data points in groups of at least k points, thereby providing a $k$-anonymity type disclosure guarantee for each point in the dataset. Previous algorithms for univariate microaggregation had a $O(kn)$ time complexity. By rephrasing microaggregation as an instance of the concave least weight subsequence problem, in this work we provide improved algorithms that provide an optimal univariate microaggregation on sorted data in $O(n)$ time and space. We further show that our algorithms work not only for sum of squares cost functions, as typically considered, but seamlessly extend to many other cost functions used for univariate microaggregation tasks. In experiments we show that the presented algorithms lead to real world performance improvements.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=s5lEUtyVly


Title: Bandits with Mean Bounds

Abstract: We study a variant of the bandit problem where side information in the form of bounds on the mean of each arm is provided. We prove that these translate to tighter estimates of subgaussian factors and develop novel algorithms that exploit these estimates. In the linear setting, we present the Restricted-set OFUL (R-OFUL) algorithm that additionally uses the geometric properties of the problem to (potentially) restrict the set of arms being played and reduce exploration rates for suboptimal arms. In the stochastic case, we propose the non-optimistic Global Under-Explore (GLUE) algorithm which employs the inferred subgaussian estimates to adapt the rate of exploration for the arms. We analyze the regret of R-OFUL and GLUE, showing that our regret upper bounds are never worse than that of the standard OFUL and UCB algorithms respectively. Further, we also consider a practically motivated setting of learning from confounded logs where mean bounds appear naturally.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=4TZ4DE24fX


Title: λ-ECLIPSE: Multi-Concept Personalized Text-to-Image Diffusion Models by Leveraging CLIP Latent Space

Abstract: Despite the recent advances in personalized text-to-image (P-T2I) generative models, it remains challenging to perform finetuning-free multi-subject-driven T2I in a resource-efficient manner. Predominantly, contemporary approaches, involving the training of hypernetworks and Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), require heavy computing resources that range from 600 to 12300 GPU hours of training. These subject-driven T2I methods hinge on Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs), which facilitate T2I mapping through cross-attention layers. While LDMs offer distinct advantages, P-T2I methods' reliance on the latent space of these diffusion models significantly escalates resource demands, leading to inconsistent results and necessitating numerous iterations for a single desired image.

Through empirical evidences we find that CLIP (vision) latent space is already expressive enough to preserve the fine-grained details. Building upon this insight, in this paper, we present λ-ECLIPSE, an alternative prior-training strategy that works in the latent space of a pre-trained CLIP model without relying on the diffusion UNet models. λ-ECLIPSE leverages the image-text interleaved pre-training for fast and effective multi-subject-driven P-T2I. Through extensive experiments, we establish that λ-ECLIPSE surpasses existing baselines in composition alignment while preserving concept alignment performance, even with significantly lower resource utilization. λ-ECLIPSE performs multi-subject driven P-T2I with just 34M parameters and is trained on a mere 74 GPU hours. Additionally, λ-ECLIPSE demonstrates the unique ability to perform multi-concept interpolations.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=7q5UewlAdM


Title: Privacy Preserving Reinforcement Learning for Population Processes

Abstract: We consider the problem of privacy protection in Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms that operate over population processes, a practical but understudied setting that includes, for example, the control of epidemics in large populations of dynamically interacting individuals. In this setting, the RL algorithm interacts with the population over $T$ time steps by receiving population-level statistics as state and performing actions which can affect the entire population at each time step. An individual's data can be collected across multiple interactions and their privacy must be protected at all times. We clarify the Bayesian semantics of Differential Privacy (DP) in the presence of correlated data in population processes through a Pufferfish Privacy analysis. We then give a meta algorithm that can take any RL algorithm as input and make it differentially private. This is achieved by taking an approach that uses DP mechanisms to privatize the state and reward signal at each time step before the RL algorithm receives them as input. Our main theoretical result shows that the value-function approximation error when applying standard RL algorithms directly to the privatized states shrinks quickly as the population size and privacy budget increase. This highlights that reasonable privacy-utility trade-offs are possible for differentially private RL algorithms in population processes. Our theoretical findings are validated by experiments performed on a simulated epidemic control problem over large population sizes.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=zZFb1aDUeE


Title: Pretrained deep models outperform GBDTs in Learning-To-Rank under label scarcity

Abstract: On tabular data, a significant body of literature has shown that current deep learning (DL) models perform at best similarly to Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDTs), while significantly underperforming them on outlier data. However, these works often study idealized problem settings which may fail to capture complexities of real-world scenarios. We identify a natural tabular data setting where DL models can outperform GBDTs: tabular Learning-to-Rank (LTR) under label scarcity. Tabular LTR applications, including search and recommendation, often have an abundance of unlabeled data, and scarce labeled data. We show that DL rankers can utilize unsupervised pretraining to exploit this unlabeled data. In extensive experiments over both public and proprietary datasets, we show that pretrained DL rankers consistently outperform GBDT rankers on ranking metrics---sometimes by as much as 38%---both overall and on outliers.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=093Q9VxaWt


Title: Beyond Joint Demonstrations: Personalized Expert Guidance for Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Abstract: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms face the challenge of efficient exploration due to the exponential increase in the size of the joint state-action space. While demonstration-guided learning has proven beneficial in single-agent settings, its direct applicability to MARL is hindered by the practical difficulty of obtaining joint expert demonstrations. In this work, we introduce a novel concept of personalized expert demonstrations, tailored for each individual agent or, more broadly, each individual type of agent within a heterogeneous team. These demonstrations solely pertain to single-agent behaviors and how each agent can achieve personal goals without encompassing any cooperative elements, thus naively imitating them will not achieve cooperation due to potential conflicts. To this end, we propose an approach that selectively utilizes personalized expert demonstrations as guidance and allows agents to learn to cooperate, namely personalized expert-guided MARL (PegMARL). This algorithm utilizes two discriminators: the first provides incentives based on the alignment of individual agent behavior with demonstrations, and the second regulates incentives based on whether the behaviors lead to the desired outcome. We evaluate PegMARL using personalized demonstrations in both discrete and continuous environments. The results demonstrate that PegMARL learns near-optimal policies even when provided with suboptimal demonstrations and outperforms state-of-the-art MARL algorithms in solving coordinated tasks. We also showcase PegMARL’s capability of leveraging joint demonstrations in the StarCraft scenario and converging effectively even with demonstrations from non-co-trained policies.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=kzPNHQ8ByY


Title: Risk-Controlling Model Selection via Guided Bayesian Optimization

Abstract: Adjustable hyperparameters of machine learning models typically impact various key trade-offs such as accuracy, fairness, robustness, or inference cost. Our goal in this paper is to find a configuration that adheres to user-specified limits on certain risks while being useful with respect to other conflicting metrics. We solve this by combining Bayesian Optimization (BO) with rigorous risk-controlling procedures, where our core idea is to steer BO towards an efficient testing strategy. Our BO method identifies a set of Pareto optimal configurations residing in a designated region of interest. The resulting candidates are statistically verified and the best-performing configuration is selected with guaranteed risk levels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a range of tasks with multiple desiderata, including low error rates, equitable predictions, handling spurious correlations, managing rate and distortion in generative models, and reducing computational costs.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=nvmGBcElus


Title: Recurrent Inertial Graph-Based Estimator (RING): A Single Pluripotent Inertial Motion Tracking Solution

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel ML-based method for Inertial Motion Tracking (IMT) that fundamentally changes the way this technology is used. The proposed method, named RING (Recurrent Inertial Graph-Based Estimator), provides a pluripotent, problem-unspecific plug-and-play IMT solution that, in contrast to conventional IMT solutions, eliminates the need for expert knowledge to identify, select, and parameterize the appropriate method. RING's pluripotency is enabled by a novel online-capable neural network architecture that uses a decentralized network of message-passing, parameter-sharing recurrent neural networks, which map local IMU measurements and nearest-neighbour messages to local orientations. This architecture enables RING to address a broad range of IMT problems that vary greatly in aspects such as the number of attached sensors, or the number of segments in the kinematic chain, and even generalize to previously unsolved IMT problems, including the challenging combination of magnetometer-free and sparse sensing with unknown sensor-to-segment parameters. Remarkably, RING is trained solely on simulated data, yet evaluated on experimental data, which indicates its exceptional ability to zero-shot generalize from simulation to experiment, while outperforming several state-of-the-art problem-specific solutions. For example, RING can, for the first time, accurately track a four-segment kinematic chain (which requires estimating four orientations) using only two magnetometer-free inertial measurement units. This research not only makes IMT more powerful and less restrictive in established domains ranging from biomechanics to autonomous systems, but also opens its application to new users and fields previously untapped by motion tracking technology. Code and data is available at https://github.com/anonymous-sup-material/ring_supplementary_material.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=h2C3rkn0zR


Title: Confidence Intervals and Simultaneous Confidence Bands Based on Deep Learning

Abstract: Deep learning models have significantly improved prediction accuracy in various fields, gain-
ing recognition across numerous disciplines. Yet, an aspect of deep learning that remains
insufficiently addressed is the assessment of prediction uncertainty. Producing reliable un-
certainty estimators could be crucial in practical terms. For instance, predictions associated
with a high degree of uncertainty could be sent for further evaluation. Recent works in un-
certainty quantification of deep learning predictions, including Bayesian posterior credible
intervals and a frequentist confidence-interval estimation, have proven to yield either invalid
or overly conservative intervals. Furthermore, there is currently no method for quantify-
ing uncertainty that can accommodate deep neural networks for survival (time-to-event)
data that involves right-censored outcomes. In this work, we provide a valid non-parametric
bootstrap method that correctly disentangles data uncertainty from the noise inherent in the
adopted optimization algorithm, ensuring that the resulting point-wise confidence intervals
or the simultaneous confidence bands are accurate (i.e., valid and not overly conservative).
The proposed ad-hoc method can be easily integrated into any deep neural network without
interfering with the training process. The utility of the proposed approach is illustrated
by constructing simultaneous confidence bands for survival curves derived from deep neural
networks for survival data with right censoring.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PdbaruPVUY


Title: Human–AI Safety: A Descendant of Generative AI and Control Systems Safety

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is interacting with people at an unprecedented scale, offering new avenues for immense positive impact, but also raising widespread concerns around the potential for individual and societal harm. Today, the predominant paradigm for human–AI
safety focuses on fine-tuning the generative model’s outputs to better agree with human-provided examples or feedback. In reality, however, the consequences of an AI model’s outputs cannot be determined in isolation: they are tightly entangled with the responses and
behavior of human users over time. In this paper, we distill key complementary lessons from AI safety and control systems safety, highlighting open challenges as well as key synergies between both fields. We then argue that meaningful safety assurances for advanced AI technologies require reasoning about how the feedback loop formed by AI outputs and human behavior may drive the interaction towards different outcomes. To this end, we introduce a unifying formalism to capture dynamic, safety-critical human–AI interactions and propose a concrete technical roadmap towards next-generation human-centered AI safety.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=YuKBJ7iHf8


Title: Graph-level Representation Learning with Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures

Abstract: Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures (JEPAs) have recently emerged as a novel and powerful technique for self-supervised representation learning. They aim to learn an energy-based model by predicting the latent representation of a target signal y from the latent representation of a context signal x. JEPAs bypass the need for negative and positive samples, traditionally required by contrastive learning while avoiding the overfitting issues associated with generative pretraining. In this paper, we show that graph-level representations can be effectively modeled using this paradigm by proposing a Graph Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (Graph-JEPA). In particular, we employ masked modeling and focus on predicting the latent representations of masked subgraphs starting from the latent representation of a context subgraph. To endow the representations with the implicit hierarchy that is often present in graph-level concepts, we devise an alternative prediction objective that consists of predicting the coordinates of the encoded subgraphs on the unit hyperbola in the 2D plane. Through multiple experimental evaluations, we show that Graph-JEPA can learn highly semantic and expressive representations, as shown by the downstream performance in graph classification, regression, and distinguishing non-isomorphic graphs. The code will be made available upon acceptance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=v47f4DwYZb


Title: DS2TA: Denoising Spiking Transformer with Attenuated Spatiotemporal Attention

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViT) are current high-performance models of choice for various vision applications. Recent developments have given rise to biologically inspired spiking transformers that thrive in ultra-low power operations on neuromorphic hardware, however, without fully unlocking the potential of spiking neural networks. We introduce DS2TA, a Denoising Spiking transformer with attenuated SpatioTemporal Attention, designed specifically for vision applications. DS2TA introduces a new spiking attenuated spatiotemporal attention mechanism that considers input firing correlations occurring in both time and space, thereby fully harnessing the computational power of spiking neurons at the core of the transformer architecture. Importantly, DS2TA facilitates parameter-efficient spatiotemporal attention computation without introducing extra weights. DS2TA employs efficient hashmap-based nonlinear spiking attention denoisers to enhance the robustness and expressive power of spiking attention maps. DS2TA demonstrates state-of-the-art performances on several widely adopted static image and dynamic neuromorphic datasets. Operated over 4 time steps, DS2TA achieves 94.92% top-1 accuracy on CIFAR10 and 77.47% top-1 accuracy on CIFAR100, as well as 79.1% and 94.44% on CIFAR10-DVS and DVS-Gesture using 10 time steps.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=7GPDccWOZK


Title: Graph Structure Learning with Interpretable Bayesian Neural Networks

Abstract: Graphs serve as generic tools to encode the underlying relational structure of data. Often this graph is not given, and so the task of inferring it from nodal observations becomes important. Traditional approaches formulate a convex inverse problem with a smoothness promoting objective and rely on iterative methods to obtain a solution. In supervised settings where graph labels are available, one can unroll and truncate these iterations into a deep network that is trained end-to-end. Such a network is parameter efficient and inherits inductive bias from the optimization formulation, an appealing aspect for data constrained settings in, e.g., medicine, finance, and the natural sciences. But typically such settings care equally about \textit{uncertainty} over edge predictions, not just point estimates. Here we introduce novel iterations with \textit{independently interpretable parameters}, i.e., parameters whose values - independent of other parameters' settings - proportionally influence characteristics of the estimated graph, such as edge sparsity. After unrolling these iterations, prior knowledge over such graph characteristics shape \textit{prior distributions} over these independently interpretable network parameters to yield a Bayesian neural network (BNN) capable of graph structure learning (GSL) from smooth signal observations. Fast execution and parameter efficiency allow for high-fidelity posterior approximation via Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and thus uncertainty quantification on edge predictions. Informative priors unlock modeling tools from Bayesian statistics like prior predictive checks. Synthetic and real data experiments corroborate this model's ability to provide well-calibrated estimates of uncertainty, in test cases that include unveiling economic sector modular structure from S$\&$P$500$ data and recovering pairwise digit similarities from MNIST images. Overall, this framework enables GSL in modest-scale applications where uncertainty on the data structure is paramount.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2noXK5KBbx


Title: Multi-Accurate CATE is Robust to Unknown Covariate Shifts

Abstract: Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects is important to tailor treatments to those individuals who would most likely benefit. However, conditional average treatment effect predictors may often be trained on one population but possibly deployed on different, possibly unknown populations. We use methodology for learning multi-accurate predictors to post-process CATE T-learners (differenced regressions) to become robust to unknown covariate shifts at the time of deployment. The method works in general for pseudo-outcome regression, such as the DR-learner. We show how this approach can combine (large) confounded observational and (smaller) randomized datasets by learning a confounded predictor from the observational dataset, and auditing for multi-accuracy on the randomized controlled trial. We show improvements in bias and mean squared error in simulations with increasingly larger covariate shift, and on a semi-synthetic case study of a parallel large observational study and smaller randomized controlled experiment. Overall, we establish a connection between methods developed for multi-distribution learning and achieve appealing desiderata (e.g. external validity) in causal inference and machine learning.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=VOGlTb27ob


Title: Population Priors for Matrix Factorization

Abstract: We develop an empirical Bayes prior for probabilistic matrix factorization.
Matrix factorization models each cell of a matrix with two latent variables, one
associated with the cell's row and one associated with the cell's column.
How to set the priors of these two latent variables?
Drawing from empirical Bayes principles, we consider estimating the priors from data, to
find those that best match the populations of row and column latent vectors.
Thus we develop the twin population prior.
We develop a variational inference algorithm to simultaneously learn the empirical priors
and approximate the corresponding posterior. We evaluate this approach with both
synthetic and real-world data on diverse applications: movie ratings, book ratings, single-cell gene expression data, and musical preferences. Without needing to tune Bayesian hyperparameters, we
find that the twin population prior leads to high-quality predictions, outperforming manually tuned priors.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=AT9G5s1pOj


Title: Equivariant Graph Learning for High-density Crowd Trajectories Modeling

Abstract: Understanding the high-density crowd dynamics of urbanization plays an important role in architectural design and urban planning, preventing the occurrence of crowd crush. Most traditional methods rely on formulas designed based on expert knowledge, which are inflexible and incomplete to model complex real-world crowd trajectories. To address the issue, recent studies propose to simulate crowds via data-driven models. However, these models fail to learn the inherent symmetry of high-density crowd trajectories, leading to insufficient generalization ability. For example, existing models can not predict left-to-right trajectories by learning right-to-left trajectories, even though they share similar patterns. In this work, we propose a novel Equivariant Graph Learning framework for high-density crowd dynamic modeling, called CrowdEGL. It utilizes an additional objective to encourage models to predict the transformed output given the input under the same transformation. We summarize three types of transformation groups, which are determined by the symmetry of environments. To explicitly incorporate these augmented data, a multi-channel GNN is employed to learn the latent graph embedding of pedestrian patterns. Finally, to model dense crowd interactions, future positions of original and transformed inputs are obtained by multiple independent graph decoders. Extensive experiments on 8 datasets from 5 different environments show that CrowdEGL outperforms existing models by a large margin.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=TeQRze2ZjO


Title: Simple Steps to Success: A Method for Step-Based Counterfactual Explanations

Abstract: Algorithmic recourse is a process that leverages counterfactual explanations, going beyond understanding why a system produced a given classification, to providing a user with actions they can take to change their predicted outcome. Existing approaches to compute such interventions---known as {\em recourse}---identify a set of points that satisfy some desiderata---e.g. an intervention in the underlying causal graph, minimizing a cost function, etc. Satisfying these criteria, however, requires extensive knowledge of the underlying model structure, an often unrealistic amount of information in several domains. We propose a data-driven and model-agnostic framework to compute counterfactual explanations. We introduce StEP, a computationally efficient method that offers \emph{incremental steps} along the data manifold that directs users towards their desired outcome. We show that StEP uniquely satisfies a desirable set of axioms. Furthermore, via a thorough empirical and theoretical investigation, we show that StEP offers provable robustness and privacy guarantees while outperforming popular methods along important metrics.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=R6ey5DKaoX


Title: Out-of-Distribution Detection with Domain-Invariant Representations in Multi-domain Latent Space

Abstract: Domain generalization focuses on leveraging the knowledge from the training data of multiple related domains to enhance inference on unseen in-distribution (IN) and out-of-distribution(OOD) domains. In our study, we introduce a multi-task representation learning technique
that leverages the information of multiple related domains to improve the detection of classes from unseen domains. Our method aims to cultivate a latent space from data spanning multiple domains, encompassing both source and cross-domains, to amplify generalization to
OOD domains. Additionally, we attempt to disentangle the latent space by minimizing the mutual information between the input and the latent space, effectively de-correlating spurious correlations among the samples of a specific domain. Collectively, the joint optimization
will facilitate domain-invariant feature learning. We assess the model’s efficacy across multiple cybersecurity datasets, using standard classification metrics on both unseen IN and OOD sets, and validate the results with contemporary domain generalization methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Mb9heaooFI


Title: Using Intermediate Forward Iterates for Intermediate Generator Optimization

Abstract: Score-based models have become increasingly popular for image and video generation. In score-based models, a generative task is formulated using a parametric model (such as a neural network) to directly learn the gradient of such high dimensional distributions, instead of the density functions themselves, as is done traditionally. From a mathematical point of view, such gradient information can be utilized in reverse by stochastic sampling to generate diverse samples. However, from a computational perspective, existing score-based models can be efficiently trained only if the forward or the corruption process can be computed in closed form. By using the relationship between the process and layers in a feed-forward network, we derive a backpropagation-based procedure, which we call Intermediate Generator Optimization, to utilize intermediate iterates of the non-Gaussian process with negligible computational overhead. The main advantage of IGO is that it can be incorporated into any standard autoencoder pipeline for generative tasks. We analyze the sample complexity properties of IGO to solve downstream tasks like Generative PCA. We show applications of IGO on two dense predictive tasks, viz., image extrapolation, and point cloud denoising. Our experiments indicate that it is possible to obtain an ensemble of generators for various time points is possible using first-order methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=QE9JKTrQ02


Title: Graph Knowledge Distillation to Mixture of Experts

Abstract: In terms of accuracy, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are the best architectural choice for the node classification task.
Their drawback in real-world deployment is the latency that emerges from the neighbourhood processing operation.
One solution to the latency issue is to perform knowledge distillation from a trained GNN to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), where the MLP processes only the features of the node being classified (and possibly some pre-computed structural information).
However, the performance of such MLPs in both transductive and inductive settings remains inconsistent for existing knowledge distillation techniques.
We propose to address the performance concerns by using a specially-designed student model instead of an MLP.
Our model, named Routing-by-Memory (RbM), is a form of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), with a design that enforces expert specialization.
By encouraging each expert to specialize on a certain region on the hidden representation space, we demonstrate experimentally that it is possible to derive considerably more consistent performance across multiple datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=vzZ3pbNRvh


Title: Dataset Distillation in Large Data Era

Abstract: Dataset distillation or condensation aims to generate a smaller but representative subset from a large dataset, which allows a model to be trained more efficiently, meanwhile evaluating on the original testing data distribution to achieve decent performance. Previous decoupled methods like SRe$^2$L simply use a unified gradient update scheme for synthesizing data from Gaussian noise, while, we notice that the initial several update iterations will determine the final outline of synthesis, thus an improper gradient update strategy may dramatically affect the final generation quality. To address this, we introduce a simple yet effective global-to-local gradient refinement approach enabled by curriculum data augmentation ($\texttt{CDA}$) during data synthesis. The proposed framework achieves the current published highest accuracy on both large-scale ImageNet-1K and 21K with 63.2% under IPC (Images Per Class) 50 and 36.1% under IPC 20, using a regular input resolution of 224$\times$224. The proposed model outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods like SRe$^2$L, TESLA, and MTT by more than 4% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K/21K and for the first time, reduces the gap to its full-data training counterparts to less than absolute 15%. Moreover, this work represents the inaugural success in dataset distillation on the larger-scale ImageNet-21K dataset under the standard 224$\times$224 resolution. Our distilled ImageNet-21K dataset of 20 IPC, 2K recovery budget is available anonymously at https://drive.google.com/file/d/13j92BUEGKNnyvLaGEcUMqMWKX08428vZ/view?usp=sharing.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PlaZD2nGCl


Title: AGG: Amortized Generative 3D Gaussians for Single Image to 3D

Abstract: Given the growing need for automatic 3D content creation pipelines, various 3D representations have been studied to generate 3D objects from a single image. Due to its superior rendering efficiency, 3D Gaussian splatting-based models have recently excelled in both 3D reconstruction and generation. 3D Gaussian splatting approaches for image to 3D generation are often optimization-based, requiring many computationally expensive score-distillation steps. To overcome these challenges, we introduce an Amortized Generative 3D Gaussian framework (AGG) that instantly produces 3D Gaussians from a single image, eliminating the need for per-instance optimization. Utilizing an intermediate hybrid representation, AGG decomposes the generation of 3D Gaussian locations and other appearance attributes for joint optimization. Moreover, we propose a cascaded pipeline that first generates a coarse representation of the 3D data and later upsamples it with a 3D Gaussian super-resolution module. Our method is evaluated against existing sampling-based 3D Gaussian frameworks and inference-based pipelines utilizing other 3D representations, where AGG showcases competitive generation abilities both qualitatively and quantitatively while being several orders of magnitude faster.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=BOq3n5ewSP


Title: Beyond Labeling Oracles - What does it mean to steal ML models?

Abstract: Model extraction attacks are designed to steal trained models with only query access, as is often provided through APIs that ML-as-a-Service providers offer.
Machine Learning (ML) models are expensive to train, in part because data is hard to obtain, and a primary incentive for model extraction is to acquire a model while incurring less cost than training from scratch.
Literature on model extraction commonly claims or presumes that the attacker is able to save on both data acquisition and labeling costs. We thoroughly evaluate this assumption and find that the attacker often does not. This is because current attacks implicitly rely on the adversary being able to sample from the victim model's data distribution. We thoroughly research factors influencing the success of model extraction. We discover that prior knowledge of the attacker, i.e., access to in-distribution data, dominates other factors like the attack policy the adversary follows to choose which queries to make to the victim model API. Our findings urge the community to redefine the adversarial goals of ME attacks as current evaluation methods misinterpret the ME performance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=950naKZIyh


Title: Hessian Free Efficient Single Loop Iterative Differentiation Methods for Bi-Level Optimization Problems

Abstract: Bilevel optimization problems have been actively studied in recent machine learning research due to their broad applications. In this work, we investigate single-loop methods with iterative differentiation (ITD) for nonconvex bilevel optimization problems. For deterministic bilevel problems, we propose an efficient single-loop ITD-type method (ES-ITDM). Our method employs historical updates to approximate the hypergradient. More importantly, based on ES-ITDM, we propose a new method that avoids computing Hessians. This Hessian-free method requires fewer backpropagations and thus has a lower computational cost. We analyze the convergence properties of the proposed methods in two aspects. We provide the convergence rates of the sequences generated by ES-ITD based on the Kurdyka-\L ojasiewicz (KL) property. We also show that the Hessian-free stochastic ES-ITDM has the best-known complexity while has cheaper computation. The empirical studies show that our Hessian-free stochastic variant is more efficient than existing Hessian-free methods and other state-of-the-art bilevel optimization approaches.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=X59U5CHnfr


Title: Inexact Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers with Efficient Local Termination Criterion for Cross-silo Federated Learning

Abstract: Federated learning has attracted increasing attention in the machine learning community at the past five years.
In this paper, we propose a new cross-silo federated learning algorithm with fast convergence guarantee to solve the machine learning models with nonsmooth regularizers. To solve this type of problems, we design an inexact federated alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). This method enables each agent to solve a strongly convex local problem. We introduce a new local termination criterion that can be quickly satisfied when using efficient solvers such as stochastic variance reduced gradient (SVRG). We prove that our method has faster convergence than existing methods. Moreover, we show that our proposed method has sequential convergence guarantees under the Kurdyka-\L ojasiewicz (KL) assumption.
We conduct experiments using both synthetic and real datasets to demonstrate the superiority of our new methods over existing algorithms.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=MZU09jacLd


Title: GOTHAM: Graph Class Incremental Learning Framework under Weak Supervision

Abstract: Graphs are growing rapidly and so are the number of different categories associated with it. Applications like e-commerce, healthcare, recommendation systems, and various social media platforms are rapidly moving towards graph representation of data due to their ability to capture both structural and attribute information. One crucial task in graph analysis is node classification, where unlabeled nodes are categorized into predefined classes. In practice, novel classes appear incrementally sometimes with just a few labels (seen classes) or even without any labels (unseen classes), either because they are new or haven't been explored much. Traditional methods assume abundant labeled data for training, which isn't always feasible. We investigate a broader objective: Graph Class Incremental Learning under Weak Supervision (GCL), addressing this challenge by meta-training on base classes with limited labeled instances. During the incremental streams, novel classes can have few-shot or zero-shot representation. Our proposed framework GOTHAM efficiently accommodates these unlabeled nodes by finding the closest prototype representation, serving as class representatives in the attribute space. For Text-Attributed Graphs (TAGs), our framework additionally incorporates semantic information to enhance the representation. By employing teacher-student knowledge distillation to mitigate forgetting, GOTHAM achieves promising results across various tasks. Experiments on datasets such as Cora-ML, Amazon, and OBGN-Arxiv showcase the effectiveness of our approach in handling evolving graph data under limited supervision.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=hCyT4RsF27


Title: Differentially Private Source-Target Clustering

Abstract: We consider a new private variant of the Source-Target Clustering (STC) setting, which was introduced by de Mathelin et al. (2022). In STC, there is a target dataset that needs to be clustered by selecting centers, in addition to centers that are already provided in a separate source dataset. The goal is to select centers from the target, such that the target clustering cost given the additional source centers is minimized. We consider private STC, in which the source dataset is private and should only be used under the constraint of differential privacy. This is motivated by scenarios in which the existing centers are private, for instance because they represent individuals in a social network. We derive lower bounds for the private STC objective, illustrating the theoretical limitations on worst-case guarantees for this setting. We then present a differentially private algorithm with asymptotically advantageous results under a data-dependent analysis, in which the guarantee depends on properties of the dataset, as well as more practical variants. We demonstrate in experiments the reduction in clustering cost that is obtained by our practical algorithms compared to baseline approaches.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ojeCoOKwWp


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