Weekly TMLR digest for Aug 25, 2024

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Aug 25, 2024, 12:00:11 AMAug 25
to tmlr-annou...@googlegroups.com

New certifications

Reproducibility Certification: GCondNet: A Novel Method for Improving Neural Networks on Small High-Dimensional Tabular Data

Andrei Margeloiu, Nikola Simidjievski, Pietro Lio, Mateja Jamnik



Accepted papers

Title: Robust Feature Inference: A Test-time Defense Strategy using Spectral Projections

Authors: Anurag Singh, Mahalakshmi Sabanayagam, Krikamol Muandet, Debarghya Ghoshdastidar

Abstract: Test-time defenses are used to improve the robustness of deep neural networks to adversarial examples during inference. However, existing methods either require an additional trained classifier to detect and correct the adversarial samples, or perform additional complex optimization on the model parameters or the input to adapt to the adversarial samples at test-time, resulting in a significant increase in the inference time compared to the base model. In this work, we propose a novel test-time defense strategy called Robust Feature Inference (RFI) that is easy to integrate with any existing (robust) training procedure without additional test-time computation. Based on the notion of robustness of features that we present, the key idea is to project the trained models to the most robust feature space, thereby reducing the vulnerability to adversarial attacks in non-robust directions. We theoretically characterize the subspace of the eigenspectrum of the feature covariance that is the most robust for a generalized additive model. Our extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, tiny ImageNet and ImageNet datasets for several robustness benchmarks, including the state-of-the-art methods in RobustBench show that RFI improves robustness across adaptive and transfer attacks consistently. We also compare RFI with adaptive test-time defenses to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=9OHAtWdFWB


Title: A Practical Guide to Sample-based Statistical Distances for Evaluating Generative Models in Science

Authors: Sebastian Bischoff, Alana Darcher, Michael Deistler, Richard Gao, Franziska Gerken, Manuel Gloeckler, Lisa Haxel, Jaivardhan Kapoor, Janne K Lappalainen, Jakob H. Macke, Guy Moss, Matthijs Pals, Felix C Pei, Rachel Rapp, A Erdem Sağtekin, Cornelius Schröder, Auguste Schulz, Zinovia Stefanidi, Shoji Toyota, Linda Ulmer, Julius Vetter

Abstract: Generative models are invaluable in many fields of science because of their ability to capture high-dimensional and complicated distributions, such as photo-realistic images, protein structures, and connectomes. How do we evaluate the samples these models generate? This work aims to provide an accessible entry point to understanding popular sample-based statistical distances, requiring only foundational knowledge in mathematics and statistics. We focus on four commonly used notions of statistical distances representing different methodologies: Using low-dimensional projections (Sliced-Wasserstein; SW), obtaining a distance using classifiers (Classifier Two-Sample Tests; C2ST), using embeddings through kernels (Maximum Mean Discrepancy; MMD), or neural networks (Fréchet Inception Distance; FID). We highlight the intuition behind each distance and explain their merits, scalability, complexity, and pitfalls. To demonstrate how these distances are used in practice, we evaluate generative models from different scientific domains, namely a model of decision-making and a model generating medical images. We showcase that distinct distances can give different results on similar data. Through this guide, we aim to help researchers to use, interpret, and evaluate statistical distances for generative models in science.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=isEFziui9p


Title: Learning a Decision Tree Algorithm with Transformers

Authors: Yufan Zhuang, Liyuan Liu, Chandan Singh, Jingbo Shang, Jianfeng Gao

Abstract: Decision trees are renowned for their ability to achieve high predictive performance while remaining interpretable, especially on tabular data. Traditionally, they are constructed through recursive algorithms, where they partition the data at every node in a tree. However, identifying a good partition is challenging, as decision trees optimized for local segments may not yield global generalization. To address this, we introduce MetaTree, a transformer-based model trained via meta-learning to directly produce strong decision trees. Specifically, we fit both greedy decision trees and globally optimized decision trees on a large number of datasets, and train MetaTree to produce only the trees that achieve strong generalization performance. This training enables MetaTree to emulate these algorithms and intelligently adapt its strategy according to the context, thereby achieving superior generalization performance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=1Kzzm22usl


Title: InvariantStock: Learning Invariant Features for Mastering the Shifting Market

Authors: Haiyao Cao, Jinan Zou, Yuhang Liu, Zhen Zhang, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Anton van den Hengel, Javen Qinfeng Shi

Abstract: Accurately predicting stock returns is crucial for effective portfolio management. However, existing methods often overlook a fundamental issue in the market, namely, distribution shifts, making them less practical for predicting future markets or newly listed stocks. This study introduces a novel approach to address this challenge by focusing on the acquisition of invariant features across various environments, thereby enhancing robustness against distribution shifts. Specifically, we present InvariantStock, a designed learning framework comprising two key modules: an environment-aware prediction module and an environment-agnostic module. Through the designed learning of these two modules, the proposed method can learn invariant features across different environments in a straightforward manner, significantly improving its ability to handle distribution shifts in diverse market settings. Our results demonstrate that the proposed InvariantStock not only delivers robust and accurate predictions but also outperforms existing baseline methods in both prediction tasks and backtesting within the dynamically changing markets of China and the United States.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dtNEvUOZmA


Title: GCondNet: A Novel Method for Improving Neural Networks on Small High-Dimensional Tabular Data

Authors: Andrei Margeloiu, Nikola Simidjievski, Pietro Lio, Mateja Jamnik

Abstract: Neural networks often struggle with high-dimensional but small sample-size tabular datasets. One reason is that current weight initialisation methods assume independence between weights, which can be problematic when there are insufficient samples to estimate the model's parameters accurately. In such small data scenarios, leveraging additional structures can improve the model's performance and training stability. To address this, we propose GCondNet, a general approach to enhance neural networks by leveraging implicit structures present in tabular data. We create a graph between samples for each data dimension, and utilise Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to extract this implicit structure, and for conditioning the parameters of the first layer of an underlying predictor network. By creating many small graphs, GCondNet exploits the data's high-dimensionality, and thus improves the performance of an underlying predictor network. We demonstrate GCondNet's effectiveness on 12 real-world datasets, where it outperforms 14 standard and state-of-the-art methods. The results show that GCondNet is a versatile framework for injecting graph-regularisation into various types of neural networks, including MLPs and tabular Transformers. The code is available at https://github.com/andreimargeloiu/GCondNet.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=y0b0H1ndGQ


Title: XAI-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks on Deepfake Detectors

Authors: Ben Pinhasov, Raz Lapid, Rony Ohayon, Moshe Sipper, Yehudit Aperstein

Abstract: We introduce a novel methodology for identifying adversarial attacks on deepfake detectors using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). In an era characterized by digital advancement, deepfakes have emerged as a potent tool, creating a demand for efficient detection systems. However, these systems are frequently targeted by adversarial attacks that inhibit their performance. We address this gap, developing a defensible deepfake detector by leveraging the power of XAI. The proposed methodology uses XAI to generate interpretability maps for a given method, providing explicit visualizations of decision-making factors within the AI models. We subsequently employ a pretrained feature extractor that processes both the input image and its corresponding XAI image. The feature embeddings extracted from this process are then used for training a simple yet effective classifier. Our approach contributes not only to the detection of deepfakes but also enhances the understanding of possible adversarial attacks, pinpointing potential vulnerabilities. Furthermore, this approach does not change the performance of the deepfake detector. The paper demonstrates promising results suggesting a potential pathway for future deepfake detection mechanisms. We believe this study will serve as a valuable contribution to the community, sparking much-needed discourse on safeguarding deepfake detectors.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=7pBKrcn199


Title: Robust and Efficient Quantization-aware Training via Coreset Selection

Authors: Xijie Huang, Zechun Liu, Shih-Yang Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng

Abstract: Quantization-aware training (QAT) is a representative model compression method to reduce redundancy in weights and activations.
However, most existing QAT methods require end-to-end training on the entire dataset, which suffers from long training time and high energy costs. In addition, the potential label noise in the training data undermines the robustness of QAT. We propose two metrics based on analysis of loss and gradient of quantized weights: error vector score and disagreement score, to quantify the importance of each sample during training. Guided by these two metrics, we proposed a quantization-aware Adaptive Coreset Selection (ACS) method to select the data for the current training epoch. We evaluate our method on various networks (ResNet-18, MobileNetV2, RetinaNet), datasets(CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-1K, COCO), and under different quantization settings. Specifically, our method can achieve an accuracy of 68.39\% of 4-bit quantized ResNet-18 on the ImageNet-1K dataset with only a 10\% subset, which has an absolute gain of 4.24\% compared to the baseline. Our method can also improve the robustness of QAT by removing noisy samples in the training set.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=4c2pZzG94y


Title: AutoCLIP: Auto-tuning Zero-Shot Classifiers for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Jan Hendrik Metzen, Piyapat Saranrittichai, Chaithanya Kumar Mummadi

Abstract: Classifiers built upon vision-language models such as CLIP have shown remarkable zero-shot performance across a broad range of image classification tasks. Prior work has studied different ways of automatically creating descriptor sets for every class based on prompt templates, ranging from manually engineered templates over templates obtained from a large language model to templates built from random words and characters. Up until now, deriving zero-shot classifiers from the respective encoded class descriptors has remained nearly unchanged, i.e., classify to the class that maximizes cosine similarity between its averaged encoded class descriptors and the image encoding. However, weighing all class descriptors equally can be suboptimal when certain descriptors match visual clues on a given image better than others. In this work, we propose AutoCLIP, a method for auto-tuning zero-shot classifiers. AutoCLIP tunes per-image weights to each prompt template at inference time, based on statistics of class descriptor-image similarities. AutoCLIP is fully unsupervised, has only a minor additional computation overhead, and can be easily implemented in few lines of code. We show that AutoCLIP outperforms baselines across a broad range of vision-language models, datasets, and prompt templates consistently and by up to 3 percent point accuracy.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gVNyEVKjqf


Title: iHyperTime: Interpretable Time Series Generation with Implicit Neural Representations

Authors: Elizabeth Fons, Alejandro Sztrajman, Yousef El-Laham, Andrea Coletta, Alexandros Iosifidis, Svitlana Vyetrenko

Abstract: Implicit neural representations (INRs) have emerged as a powerful tool that provides an accurate and resolution-independent encoding of data. Their robustness as general approximators has been shown across diverse data modalities, such as images, video, audio, and 3D scenes. However, little attention has been given to leveraging these architectures for time series data. Addressing this gap, we propose an approach for time series generation based on two novel architectures: TSNet, an INR network for interpretable trend-seasonality time series representation, and iHyperTime, a hypernetwork architecture that leverages TSNet for time series generalization and synthesis. Through evaluations of fidelity and usefulness metrics, we demonstrate that iHyperTime outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in challenging scenarios that involve long or irregularly sampled time series, while performing on par on regularly sampled data. Furthermore, we showcase iHyperTime fast training speed, comparable to the fastest existing methods for short sequences and significantly superior for longer ones. Finally, we empirically validate the quality of the model's unsupervised trend-seasonality decomposition by comparing against the well-established STL method.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=GSnGPgeoS5


Title: Sensitivity-Aware Amortized Bayesian Inference

Authors: Lasse Elsemüller, Hans Olischläger, Marvin Schmitt, Paul-Christian Bürkner, Ullrich Koethe, Stefan T. Radev

Abstract: Sensitivity analyses reveal the influence of various modeling choices on the outcomes of statistical analyses. While theoretically appealing, they are overwhelmingly inefficient for complex Bayesian models. In this work, we propose sensitivity-aware amortized Bayesian inference (SA-ABI), a multifaceted approach to efficiently integrate sensitivity analyses into simulation-based inference with neural networks. First, we utilize weight sharing to encode the structural similarities between alternative likelihood and prior specifications in the training process with minimal computational overhead. Second, we leverage the rapid inference of neural networks to assess sensitivity to data perturbations and preprocessing steps. In contrast to most other Bayesian approaches, both steps circumvent the costly bottleneck of refitting the model for each choice of likelihood, prior, or data set. Finally, we propose to use deep ensembles to detect sensitivity arising from unreliable approximation (e.g., due to model misspecification). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in applied modeling problems, ranging from disease outbreak dynamics and global warming thresholds to human decision-making. Our results support sensitivity-aware inference as a default choice for amortized Bayesian workflows, automatically providing modelers with insights into otherwise hidden dimensions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Kxtpa9rvM0


Title: Automatic Data Curation for Self-Supervised Learning: A Clustering-Based Approach

Authors: Huy V. Vo, Vasil Khalidov, Timothée Darcet, Théo Moutakanni, Nikita Smetanin, Marc Szafraniec, Hugo Touvron, camille couprie, Maxime Oquab, Armand Joulin, Herve Jegou, Patrick Labatut, Piotr Bojanowski

Abstract: Self-supervised features are the cornerstone of modern machine learning systems. They are typically pre-trained on data collections whose construction and curation typically require extensive human effort. This manual process has some limitations similar to those encountered in supervised learning, e.g.,
the crowd-sourced selection of data is costly and time-consuming, preventing scaling the dataset size. In this work, we consider the problem of automatic curation of high-quality datasets for self-supervised pre-training. We posit that such datasets should be large, diverse and balanced, and propose a clustering-based approach for building ones satisfying all these criteria. Our method involves successive and hierarchical applications of $k$-means on a large and diverse data repository to obtain clusters that distribute uniformly among data concepts, followed by a hierarchical, balanced sampling step from these clusters. Extensive experiments on three different data domains including web-based images, satellite images and text show that features trained on our automatically curated datasets outperform those trained on uncurated data while being on par or better than ones trained on manually curated data. Our code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/facebookresearch/ssl-data-curation}.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=G7p8djzWOl


Title: Byzantine-Resilient Decentralized Multi-Armed Bandits

Authors: Jingxuan Zhu, Alec Koppel, Alvaro Velasquez, Ji Liu

Abstract: In decentralized cooperative multi-armed bandits (MAB), each agent observes a distinct stream of rewards, and seeks to exchange information with others to select a sequence of arms so as to minimize its regret. Agents in the cooperative setting can outperform a single agent running a MAB method such as Upper-Confidence Bound (UCB) independently. In this work, we study how to recover such salient behavior when an unknown fraction of the agents can be Byzantine, that is, communicate arbitrarily wrong information in the form of reward mean-estimates or confidence sets. This framework can be used to model attackers in computer networks, instigators of offensive content into recommender systems, or manipulators of financial markets. Our key contribution is the development of a fully decentralized resilient upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm that fuses an information mixing step among agents with a truncation of inconsistent and extreme values. This truncation step enables us to establish that the performance of each normal agent is no worse than the classic single-agent UCB1 algorithm in terms of regret, and more importantly, the cumulative regret of all normal agents is strictly better than the non-cooperative case, provided that each agent has at least $3f+1$ neighbors where $f$ is the maximum possible Byzantine agents in each agent's neighborhood. Extensions to time-varying neighbor graphs, and minimax lower bounds are further established on the achievable regret. Experiments corroborate the merits of this framework in practice.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JoYMJJdvry


Title: On the Stochastic (Variance-Reduced) Proximal Gradient Method for Regularized Expected Reward Optimization

Authors: Ling Liang, Haizhao Yang

Abstract: We consider a regularized expected reward optimization problem in the non-oblivious setting that covers many existing problems in reinforcement learning (RL). In order to solve such an optimization problem, we apply and analyze the classical stochastic proximal gradient method. In particular, the method has shown to admit an $O(\epsilon^{-4})$ sample complexity to an $\epsilon$-stationary point, under standard conditions. Since the variance of the classical stochastic gradient estimator is typically large, which slows down the convergence, we also apply an efficient stochastic variance-reduce proximal gradient method with an importance sampling based ProbAbilistic Gradient Estimator (PAGE). Our analysis shows that the sample complexity can be improved from $O(\epsilon^{-4})$ to $O(\epsilon^{-3})$ under additional conditions. Our results on the stochastic (variance-reduced) proximal gradient method match the sample complexity of their most competitive counterparts for discounted Markov decision processes under similar settings. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed methods represent a novel approach in addressing the general regularized reward optimization problem.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Ve4Puj2LVT


New submissions

Title: Evaluating Posterior Probabilities: Decision Theory, Proper Scoring Rules, and Calibration

Abstract: Most machine learning classifiers are designed to output posterior probabilities for the classes given the input sample. These probabilities may be used to make the categorical decision on the class of the sample; provided as input to a downstream system; or provided to a human for interpretation. Evaluating the quality of the posteriors generated by these system is an essential problem which was addressed decades ago with the invention of proper scoring rules (PSRs). Unfortunately, much of the recent machine learning literature uses calibration metrics---most commonly, the expected calibration error (ECE)---as a proxy to assess posterior performance. The problem with this approach is that calibration metrics reflect only one aspect of the quality of the posteriors, ignoring the discrimination performance. For this reason, we argue that calibration metrics should play no role in the assessment of posterior quality. Expected PSRs should instead be used for this job, preferably normalized for ease of interpretation. In this work, we first give a brief review of PSRs from a practical perspective, motivating their definition using Bayes decision theory. We discuss why expected PSRs provide a principled measure of the quality of a system's posteriors and why calibration metrics are not the right tool for this job. We argue that calibration metrics, while not useful for performance assessment, may be used as diagnostic tools during system development. With this purpose in mind, we discuss a simple and practical calibration metric, called calibration loss, derived from a decomposition of expected PSRs. We compare this metric with the ECE and with the expected score divergence calibration metric from the PSR literature and argue, using theoretical and empirical evidence, that calibration loss is superior to these two metrics.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=qbrE0LR7fF


Title: Deep Augmentation: Self-Supervised Learning with Trans- formations in Activation Space

Abstract: We introduce Deep Augmentation, an approach to implicit data augmentation using dropout or PCA to transform a targeted layer within a neural network to improve performance and generalization. We demonstrate Deep Augmentation through extensive experiments on contrastive learning tasks in NLP, computer vision, and graph learning. We observe substantial performance gains with Transformers, ResNets, and Graph Neural Networks as the underlying models in contrastive learning, but observe inverse effects on the corresponding supervised problems. Our analysis suggests that Deep Augmentation alleviates co-adaptation between layers, a problem exhibited by self-supervised learning where ground truth labels are not available. We use this observation to formulate a method for selecting which layer to target; in particular, our experimentation reveals that targeting deeper layers with Deep Augmentation outperforms augmenting the input data. The simple network- and modality-agnostic nature of this approach enables its integration into various machine learning pipelines.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=85LXLHf9SW


Title: Machine Learning with Physics Knowledge for Prediction: A Survey

Abstract: This survey examines the broad suite of methods and models for combining machine learning with physics knowledge for prediction and forecast, with a focus on partial differential equations.
These methods have attracted significant interest due to their potential impact on advancing scientific research and industrial practices by improving predictive models with small- or large-scale datasets and expressive predictive models with useful inductive biases.
The survey has two parts.
The first considers incorporating physics knowledge on an architectural level through objective functions, structured predictive models, and data augmentation.
The second considers data as physics knowledge, which motivates looking at multi-task, meta, and contextual learning as an alternative approach to incorporating physics knowledge in a data-driven fashion.
Finally, we also provide an industrial perspective on the application of these methods and a survey of the open-source ecosystem for physics-informed machine learning.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ZiJYahyXLU


Title: Tree Ensembles for Contextual Bandits

Abstract: We propose a new framework for contextual multi-armed bandits based on tree ensembles. Our framework adapts two widely used bandit methods, Upper Confidence Bound and Thompson Sampling, for both standard and combinatorial settings. As part of this framework, we propose a novel method of estimating the uncertainty in tree ensemble predictions. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework via several experimental studies, employing XGBoost and random forest, two popular tree ensemble methods. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods based on decision trees and neural networks, our methods exhibit superior performance in terms of both regret minimization and computational runtime, when applied to benchmark datasets and the real-world application of navigation over road networks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=59DCkSGw8S


Title: An elementary concentration bound for Gibbs measures arising in statistical learning theory

Abstract: We present an elementary concentration bound for Gibbs measures whose log-likelihood is a function of the empirical risk. This bound controls the distance between samples from the (random) Gibbs measure and the minimizers of the population risk function. This bound is a generalization of a recent inequality developed by Ramsay et al., 2024. As a corollary, we obtain sample complexity bounds and bounds on the inverse temperature so that the samples are within a prescribed error of the population value. The latter bound on the inverse temperature is essentially sharp. We demonstrate our work on three canonical classes of examples: classification of two component mixture models, robust regression, and spiked matrix and tensor models.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ZInwrlkQ3f


Title: Wasserstein Modality Alignment Makes Your Multimodal Transformer More Robust

Abstract: Multimodal fusion with a multimodal transformer is an effective method for both early and late fusion paradigms. However, in a multimodal transformer, the modality fusion is performed solely through the self-attention mechanism, which is originally designed for unimodal token sequences. To improve the self-attention mechanism for handling multimodal input, a parametric adapter model, like the Q-former in BLIP-2, is often used to align tokens from different modalities. Our empirical study unveils that only using the self-attention layer to perform the modality fusion makes the model less robust to missing modalities and input noise, as the model will overly rely on one certain modality. To improve the robustness of the transformer, our paper proposes an implicit approach based on Wasserstein distance that aligns tokens from different modalities without using any additional trainable parameters. Our empirical study shows that the implicit modality alignment improves the effectiveness of the multimodal Transformer in discriminative tasks, as well as its robustness to input noise and missing modalities. We conduct experiments on four downstream task datasets, including 2-modalities and 3-modalities tasks. We also consider different fusion paradigms, i.e., early and late fusion. The experimental results show that our proposed method has a significant improvement in both performance and robustness over all baselines across all datasets and fusion paradigms.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dbaGuiYsTl


Title: Active Learning for Level Set Estimation Using Randomized Straddle Algorithms

Abstract: Level set estimation (LSE) the problem of identifying the set of input points where a function takes a value above (or below) a given threshold is important in practical applications. When the function is expensive to evaluate and black-box, the straddle algorithm, a representative heuristic for LSE based on Gaussian process models, and its extensions with theoretical guarantees have been developed. However, many existing methods include a confidence parameter, $\beta^{1/2}_t$, that must be specified by the user. Methods that choose $\beta^{1/2}_t$ heuristically do not provide theoretical guarantees. In contrast, theoretically guaranteed values of $\beta^{1/2}_t$ need to be increased depending on the number of iterations and candidate points; they are conservative and do not perform well in practice. In this study, we propose a novel method, the randomized straddle algorithm, in which $\beta_t$ in the straddle algorithm is replaced by a random sample from the chi-squared distribution with two degrees of freedom. The confidence parameter in the proposed method does not require adjustment, does not depend on the number of iterations and candidate points, and is not conservative. Furthermore, we show that the proposed method has theoretical guarantees that depend on the sample complexity and the number of iterations. Finally, we validate the applicability of the proposed method through numerical experiments using synthetic and real data.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=N8M2yqRicS


Title: Graphon-Explainer: Generating Model-Level Explanations for Graph Neural Networks using Graphons

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) form the backbone of several state of the art methods for performing machine learning tasks on graphs. As GNNs find application across diverse real-world scenarios, ensuring their interpretability and reliability becomes imperative. In this paper, we propose Graphon-Explainer, a model-level explanation method to elucidate the high-level decision-making process of a GNN. Graphon-Explainer learns a graphon to approximate the distribution of a target class, as learned by the GNN. The learnt graphon then acts as a generative model, yielding distinct graph motifs deemed significant by the GNN for the target class. Unlike existing model-level explanation methods for GNNs, which are limited to explaining a GNN for individual target classes, Graphon-Explainer can also generate synthetic graphs close to the decision boundary between two target classes by interpolating graphons of both the classes, thereby aiding in the characterization of the GNN model's decision boundary. Further, Graphon-Explainer is model agnostic, does not rely on additional blackbox models and does not require manually specified handcrafted constraints for explanation generation. The effectiveness of our method is validated through thorough theoretical analysis and extensive experimentation on both synthetic and real world datasets. Results demonstrate its capability to effectively learn and generate diverse graph patterns identified by a trained GNN, thus enhancing its interpretability for end-users.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=yHUtuvoIQv


Title: TeaMs-RL: Teaching LLMs to Generate Better Instruction Datasets via Reinforcement Learning

Abstract: The development of Large Language Models (LLMs) often confronts challenges stemming from the heavy reliance on human annotators in the reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) framework, or the frequent and costly external queries tied to the self-instruct paradigm. In this work, we pivot to Reinforcement Learning (RL)---but with a twist. Diverging from the typical RLHF, which refines LLMs following instruction data training, we use RL to directly generate the foundational instruction dataset that alone suffices for fine-tuning. Our method, TeaMs-RL, uses a suite of textual operations and rules, prioritizing the diversification of training datasets. It facilitates the generation of high-quality data without excessive reliance on external advanced models, paving the way for a single fine-tuning step and negating the need for subsequent RLHF stages. Our findings highlight key advantages of our approach: reduced need for human involvement and fewer model queries (only $5.73\%$ of the strong baseline's total), along with enhanced capabilities of LLMs in crafting and comprehending complex instructions compared to strong baselines, and substantially improved model privacy protection. Code is available at the link: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/TeaMs-RL-D3FE

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=YmwzfdJPXE


Title: Do Parameters Reveal More than Loss for Membership Inference?

Abstract: Membership inference attacks aim to infer whether an individual record was used to train a model. They are used as a key tool for disclosure auditing. While such evaluations are useful to demonstrate risk, they are computationally expensive and often make strong assumptions about potential adversaries' access to models and training environments, and thus do not provide very tight bounds on leakage from potential attacks. We show how prior claims around black-box access being sufficient for optimal membership inference do not hold for stochastic gradient descent, and that optimal membership inference indeed requires white-box access.
Our theoretical results suggest a new white-box inference attack IHA (Inverse Hessian Attack) that explicitly uses model parameters by taking advantage of computing inverse-Hessian vector products. Our results show that both auditors and adversaries may be able to benefit from access to model parameters, and we advocate for further research into white-box methods for membership privacy auditing.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=fmKJfbGKFC


Title: Uniformly Distributed Feature Representations for Fair and Robust Learning

Abstract: A fundamental challenge in machine learning is training models that generalize well to distributions different from the training distribution. Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), which is the predominant learning principle, is known to under-perform in minority sub-populations and fail to generalize well in unseen test domains. In this work, we propose a novel learning principle called Uniform Risk Minimization (URM) to alleviate these issues. We first show theoretically that uniform training data distributions and feature representations support robustness to unknown distribution shifts. Motivated by this result, we propose an empirical method that trains deep neural networks to learn a uniformly distributed feature representation in their final activation layer for improved robustness. Our experiments on multiple datasets for sub-population shifts and domain generalization show that URM improves the generalization of deep neural networks without requiring knowledge of groups or domains during training. URM is competitive with the best existing methods designed for these tasks and can also be easily combined with them for improved performance. Our work sheds light on the importance of the distribution of learned feature representations for downstream robustness and fairness.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PgLbS5yp8n


Title: Standard-Deviation-Inspired Regularization for Improving Adversarial Robustness

Abstract: Adversarial Training (AT ) has been demonstrated to improve the robustness of deep neural networks (DNNs) to adversarial attacks. AT is a min-max optimization procedure wherein adversarial examples are generated to train a robust DNN. Generally, AT utilize un-targeted
adversarial examples because the inner maximization step maximizes the losses of inputs w.r.t their actual classes, ensuring misclassifications into any other incorrect classes. The outer minimization involves minimizing the losses on the adversarial examples obtained from the inner maximization. This work proposes a standard-deviation-inspired (SDI ) regularization term for improving adversarial robustness and generalization. We argue that the inner maximization is akin to minimizing a modified standard deviation of a model’s output probabilities. Moreover, we argue that maximizing the modified standard deviation measure may complement the outer minimization of the AT framework. To corroborate our argument, we experimentally show that the SDI measure may be utilized to craft adversarial examples. Furthermore, we show that combining the proposed SDI regularization term with existing AT variants improves the robustness of DNNs to stronger attacks (e.g., CW and Auto-attack) and improves robust generalization.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=6GfqN0Ca1Y


Title: FedIN: Federated Intermediate Layers Learning for Model Heterogeneity

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) facilitates edge devices to cooperatively train a global shared model while maintaining the training data locally and privately. However, a prevalent yet impractical assumption in FL requires the participating edge devices to train on an identical global model architecture. Recent research endeavors to address this problem in FL using public datasets. Nevertheless, acquiring data distributions that closely match to those of participating users poses a significant challenge. In this study, we propose an FL method called Federated Intermediate Layers Learning (FedIN), which supports heterogeneous models without relying on any public datasets. Instead, FedIN leverages the inherent knowledge embedded in client model features to facilitate knowledge exchange. To harness the knowledge from client features, we propose Intermediate Layers (IN) training to align intermediate layers based on features obtained from other clients. IN training only needs minimal memory and communication overhead by employing a single batch of client features. Additionally, we formulate and resolve a convex optimization problem to mitigate the challenge of gradient divergence stemming from model heterogeneity. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of FedIN in heterogeneous model settings compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. Furthermore, the experiments discuss the details of how to protect user privacy leaked from IN features, and our ablation study illustrates the effectiveness of IN training.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dv5WKcgpbj


Title: Multivariate Dense Retrieval: A Reproducibility Study under a Memory-limited Setup

Abstract: The current paradigm in dense retrieval is to represent queries and passages as low-dimensional real-valued vectors using neural language models, and then compute query-passage similarity as the dot product of these vector representations. A limitation of this approach is that these learned representations cannot capture or express uncertainty. At the same time, information retrieval over large corpora contains several sources of uncertainty, such as misspelled or ambiguous text. Consequently, retrieval methods that incorporate uncertainty estimation are more likely to generalize well to such data distribution shifts. The multivariate representation learning (MRL) framework proposed by Zamani & Bendersky (2023) is the first method that works in the direction of modeling uncertainty in dense retrieval. This framework represents queries and passages as multivariate normal distributions and computes query-passage similarity as the negative Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between these distributions. Furthermore, MRL formulates KL divergence as a dot product, allowing for efficient first-stage retrieval using standard maximum inner product search.

In this paper, we attempt to reproduce MRL under memory constraints (e.g., an academic computational budget). In particular, we focus on a memory-limited, single GPU setup. We find that the original work (i) introduces a typographical/mathematical error early in the formulation of the method that propagates to the rest of the original paper's mathematical formulations, and (ii) does not fully specify certain important design choices that can strongly influence performance. In light of the aforementioned, we address the mathematical error and make some reasonable design choices when important details are unspecified. Additionally, we expand on the results from the original paper with a thorough ablation study which provides more insight into the impact of the framework's different components. While we confirm that MRL can have state-of-the-art performance, we could not reproduce the results reported in the original paper or uncover the reported trends against the baselines under a memory-limited setup that facilitates fair comparisons of MRL against its baselines. Our analysis offers insights as to why that is the case. Most importantly, our empirical results suggest that the variance definition in MRL does not consistently capture uncertainty. The source code for our reproducibility study is available at: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/multivariate_ir_code_release-AB26.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=wF3ZtSlOcT


Title: Generalizing Denoising to Non-Equilibrium Structures Improves Equivariant Force Fields

Abstract: Understanding the interactions of atoms such as forces in 3D atomistic systems is fundamental to many applications like molecular dynamics and catalyst design. However, simulating these interactions requires compute-intensive ab initio calculations and thus results in
limited data for training neural networks. In this paper, we propose to use denoising non-equilibrium structures (DeNS) as an auxiliary task to better leverage training data and improve performance. For training with DeNS, we first corrupt a 3D structure by adding noise to its 3D coordinates and then predict the noise. Different from previous works on denoising, which are limited to equilibrium structures, the proposed method generalizes denoising to a much larger set of non-equilibrium structures. The main difference is that a non-equilibrium structure does not correspond to local energy minima and has non-zero forces, and therefore it can have many possible atomic positions compared to an equilibrium structure. This makes denoising non-equilibrium structures an ill-posed problem since the target of denoising is not uniquely defined. Our key insight is to additionally encode the forces of the original non-equilibrium structure to specify which non-equilibrium structure we are denoising. Concretely, given a corrupted non-equilibrium structure and the forces of the original one, we predict the non-equilibrium structure satisfying the input forces instead of any arbitrary structures. Since DeNS requires encoding forces, DeNS favors equivariant networks, which can easily incorporate forces and other higher-order tensors in node embeddings. We study the effectiveness of training equivariant networks with DeNS on OC20, OC22 and MD17 datasets and demonstrate that DeNS can achieve new state-of-the-art results on OC20 and OC22 and significantly improve training efficiency on MD17.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=whGzYUbIWA


Title: A Survey on Model MoErging: Recycling and Routing Among Specialized Experts for Collaborative Learning

Abstract: Abstract: The availability of performant pre-trained models has led to a proliferation of fine-tuned expert models that are specialized to a particular domain or task. Model MoErging methods aim to recycle expert models to create an aggregate system with improved performance or generalization. A key component of MoErging methods is the creation of a router that decides which expert model(s) to use for a particular input or application. The promise, effectiveness, and large design space of MoErging has spurred the development of many new methods over the past few years. This rapid pace of development has made it challenging to compare different MoErging methods, which are rarely compared to one another and are often validated in different experimental setups. To remedy such gaps, we present a comprehensive survey of MoErging methods that includes a novel taxonomy for cataloging key design choices and clarifying suitable applications for each method. Apart from surveying MoErging research, we inventory software tools and applications that make use of MoErging. We additionally discuss related fields of study such as model merging, multitask learning, and mixture-of-experts models. Taken as a whole, our survey provides a unified overview of existing MoErging methods and creates a solid foundation for future work in this burgeoning field.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=u0azVc9Y0y


Title: Zero-Order One-Point Gradient Estimate in Consensus-Based Distributed Stochastic Optimization

Abstract: In this work, we consider a distributed multi-agent stochastic optimization problem, where each agent holds a local objective function that is smooth and strongly convex and that is subject to a stochastic process. The goal is for all agents to collaborate to find a common solution that optimizes the sum of these local functions. With the practical assumption that agents can only obtain noisy numerical function queries at precisely one point at a time, we consider an extention of a standard consensus-based distributed stochastic gradient (DSG) method to the bandit setting where we do not have access to the gradient, and we introduce a zero-order (ZO) one-point estimate (1P-DSG). We analyze the convergence of this techniques using stochastic approximation tools, and we prove that it \textit{converges almost surely to the optimum} despite the biasedness of our gradient estimate. We then study the convergence rate of our method. With constant step sizes, our method competes with its first-order (FO) counterparts by achieving a linear rate $O(\varrho^k)$ as a function of number of iterations $k$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that proves this rate in the noisy estimation setting or with one-point estimators. With vanishing step sizes, we establish a rate of $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}})$ after a sufficient number of iterations $k > K_0$. This rate matches the lower bound of centralized techniques utilizing one-point estimators. We then provide a regret bound of $O(\sqrt{k})$ with vanishing step sizes. We further illustrate the usefulness of the proposed technique using numerical experiments.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=tkswb7XoYB


Title: Comparing Deterministic and Soft Policy Gradients for Optimizing Gaussian Mixture Actors

Abstract: Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) have been recently proposed for approximating actors in actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithms. Such GMM-based actors are commonly optimized using stochastic policy gradients along with an entropy maximization objective. In contrast to previous work, we define and study deterministic policy gradients for optimizing GMM-based actors. Similar to stochastic gradient approaches, our proposed method, denoted $\textit{Gaussian Mixture Deterministic Policy Gradient}$ (Gamid-PG), encourages policy entropy maximization. To this end, we define the GMM entropy gradient using $\textit{Variational Approximation}$ of the $KL$-divergence between the GMM's constituting Gaussians. We compare Gamid-PG with common stochastic policy gradient methods on benchmark dense-reward MuJoCo tasks and sparse-reward Fetch tasks. We observe that Gamid-PG outperforms stochastic gradient-based methods in 3/6 MuJoCo tasks while performing similarly on the remaining 3 tasks. In the Fetch tasks, Gamid-PG outperforms single-actor deterministic gradient-based methods while performing worse than stochastic policy gradient methods. Consequently, we conclude that GMMs optimized using deterministic policy gradients (1) should be favorably considered over stochastic gradients in dense-reward continuous control tasks, and (2) improve upon single-actor deterministic gradients.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=qS9pPu8ODt


Title: A Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Approach to Subgraph Contrastive Learning

Abstract: Self-supervised learning has become a key method for training deep learning models when labeled data is scarce or unavailable. While graph machine learning holds great promise across various domains, the design of effective pretext tasks for self-supervised graph representation learning remains challenging. Contrastive learning, a popular approach in graph self-supervised learning, leverages positive and negative pairs to compute a contrastive loss function. However, current graph contrastive learning methods often struggle to fully use structural patterns and node similarities. To address these issues, we present a new method called Fused Gromov-Wasserstein Subgraph Contrastive Learning (FOSSIL). Our method integrates node-level and subgraph-level contrastive learning, seamlessly combining a standard node-level contrastive loss with the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance. This combination helps our method capture both node features and graph structure together. Importantly, our approach works well with both homophilic and heterophilic graphs and can dynamically create views for generating positive and negative pairs. Through extensive experiments on benchmark graph datasets, we show that FOSSIL outperforms or achieves competitive performance compared to current state-of-the-art methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=J7cY9Jr9WM


Title: Private Fine-tuning of Large Language Models with Zeroth-order Optimization

Abstract: Differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) allows models to be trained in a privacy-preserving manner, but has proven difficult to scale to the era of foundation models. We introduce DP-ZO, a private fine-tuning framework for large language models by privatizing zeroth order optimization methods. A key insight into the design of our method is that the direction of the gradient in the zeroth-order optimization we use is random and the only information from training data is the step size, i.e., a scalar. Therefore, we only need to privatize the scalar step size, which is memory-efficient. DP-ZO provides a strong privacy-utility trade-off across different tasks, and model sizes that are comparable to DP-SGD in $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-DP. Notably, DP-ZO possesses significant advantages over DP-SGD in memory efficiency, and obtains higher utility in $\varepsilon$-DP when using the Laplace mechanism.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=3Y3o0yFZfu


Title: Bias-inducing geometries: an exactly solvable data model with fairness implications

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) may be oblivious to human bias but it is not immune to its perpetuation. Marginalisation and iniquitous group representation are often traceable in the very data used for training, and may be reflected or even enhanced by the learning models.
In the present work, we aim to clarify the role played by data geometry in the emergence of ML bias. We introduce an exactly solvable high-dimensional model of data imbalance, where parametric control over the many bias-inducing factors allows for an extensive exploration of the bias inheritance mechanism.
Through the tools of statistical physics, we analytically characterise the typical properties of learning models trained in this synthetic framework and obtain exact predictions for the observables that are commonly employed for fairness assessment.
Simplifying the nature of the problem to its minimal components, we can retrace and unpack typical unfairness behaviour observed on real-world datasets.
Finally, we focus on the effectiveness of bias mitigation strategies, first by considering a loss-reweighing scheme, that allows for an implicit minimisation of different unfairness metrics and a quantification of the incompatibilities between existing fairness criteria. Then, we propose a mitigation strategy based on a matched inference setting that entails the introduction of coupled learning models. Our theoretical analysis of this approach shows that the coupled strategy can strike superior fairness-accuracy trade-offs.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=n9Mtw6BEnW


Title: The Sparse Matrix-Based Random Projection: An Analysis of Matrix Sparsity for Classification

Abstract: In the paper, we study the sparse $\{0,\pm1\}$-matrix based random projection, which has been widely applied in classification to reduce the data dimension. For such kind of sparse matrices, it is of computational interest to explore the minimum number of nonzero entries $\pm1$ that supports achieving the best or nearly best classification performance. To achieve this, we analyze the impact of matrix sparsity on the $\ell_1$ distance between projected data points. The analysis is inspired by the principle component analysis, which says that the larger distance between projected data points should better capture the variation among original data, and then yield better classification performance. Theoretically, the $\ell_1$ distance between projected data points is not only related to the sparsity of sparse matrices, but also to the distribution of original data. Without loss of generality, we consider two typical data distributions, the Gaussian mixture distribution and the two-point distribution, which have been widely used to model the distributions of real data. With the two data distributions, we estimate the $\ell_1$ distance between projected data points. It is found that the sparse matrices with only one or at most dozens of nonzero entries per row, can provide comparable or even larger $\ell_1$ distances than other more dense matrices, under the matrix size $m\geq\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{n})$. Accordingly, the similar performance trend should also be obtained in classification. This is confirmed with classification experiments on real data of different types, including the image, text, gene and binary quantization data.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JEqH5b8qBp


Title: UPS: Efficiently Building Foundation Models for PDE Solving via Cross-Modal Adaptation

Abstract: We present Unified PDE Solvers (UPS), a data- and compute-efficient approach to developing unified neural operators for diverse families of spatiotemporal PDEs from various domains, dimensions, and resolutions. UPS embeds different PDEs into a shared representation space and processes them using a FNO-transformer architecture. Rather than training the network from scratch, which is data-demanding and computationally expensive, we warm-start the transformer from pretrained LLMs and perform explicit alignment to reduce the modality gap while improving data and compute efficiency. The cross-modal UPS achieves state-of-the-art results on a wide range of 1D and 2D PDE families from PDEBench, outperforming existing unified models using 4 times less data and 26 times less compute. Meanwhile, it is capable of few-shot transfer to unseen PDE families and coefficients.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=0r9mhjRv1E


Title: Preserving Privacy in Large Language Models: A Survey on Current Threats and Solutions

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a significant advancement in artificial intelligence, finding applications across various domains. However, their reliance on massive internet-sourced datasets for training brings notable privacy issues, which are exacerbated in critical domains (e.g., healthcare). Moreover, certain application-specific scenarios may require fine-tuning these models on private data. This survey critically examines the privacy threats associated with LLMs, emphasizing the potential for these models to memorize and inadvertently reveal sensitive information. We explore current threats by reviewing privacy attacks on LLMs and propose comprehensive solutions for integrating privacy mechanisms throughout the entire learning pipeline. These solutions range from anonymizing training datasets to implementing differential privacy during training or inference and machine unlearning after training. Our comprehensive review of existing literature highlights ongoing challenges, available tools, and future directions for preserving privacy in LLMs. This work aims to guide the development of more secure and trustworthy AI systems by providing a thorough understanding of privacy preservation methods and their effectiveness in mitigating risks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Ss9MTTN7OL


Title: Continual Hyperbolic Learning of Instances and Classes

Abstract: Instance-level continual learning addresses the challenging problem of recognizing and remembering specific instances of object classes in an incremental setup, where new instances appear over time. Continual learning of instances forms a more fine-grained challenge than conventional continual learning, which is only concerned with incremental discrimination at the class level. In this paper, we argue that for real-world continual understanding, we need to recognize samples both at the instance and class level. We find that classes and instances form a hierarchical structure and propose HyperCLIC, a hyperbolic continual learning algorithm for visual instances and classes, to enable us to learn from this structure. We introduce continual hyperbolic classification and distillation objectives, allowing us to embed the hierarchical relations between classes and from classes to instances. Empirical evaluations show that HyperCLIC can operate effectively at both levels of granularity and with better hierarchical generalization, outperforming well-known continual learning algorithms. The code is included with this submission and will be made publicly available.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=I8JVKawISW


Title: Problem Solving Through Human-AI Preference-Based Cooperation

Abstract: While there is a widespread belief that artificial general intelligence (AGI) -- or even superhuman AI -- is imminent, complex problems in expert domains are far from being solved. We argue that such problems require human-AI cooperation and that the current state of the art in generative AI is unable to play the role of a reliable partner due to a multitude of shortcomings, including inability to keep track of a complex solution artifact (e.g., a software program), limited support for versatile human preference expression and lack of adapting to human preference in an interactive setting. To address these challenges, we propose HAI-Co2, a novel human-AI co-construction framework. We formalize HAI-Co2 and discuss the difficult open research problems that it faces. Finally, we present a case study of HAI-Co2 and demonstrate its efficacy compared to monolithic generative AI models.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gJri0N2MXC


Title: Hierarchical VAE with a Diffusion-based VampPrior

Abstract: Deep hierarchical variational autoencoders (VAEs) are powerful latent variable generative models. In this paper, we introduce Hierachical VAE with Diffusion-based Variational Mixture of the Posterior Prior (VampPrior). We apply amortization to scale the VampPrior to models with many stochastic layers. The proposed approach allows us to get a better performance compared to original VampPrior work, as well as to achieve state-of-the-art performance compared to other deep hierarchical VAEs, while using much fewer parameters. We empirically validate our method on standard benchmark datasets (MNIST, OMNIGLOT, CIFAR10) and demonstrate improved training stability and latent space utilization.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=NUkEoZ7Toa


Title: Modular Quantization-Aware Training for 6D Object Pose Estimation

Abstract: Edge applications, such as collaborative robotics and spacecraft rendezvous, demand efficient 6D object pose estimation on resource-constrained embedded platforms. Existing 6D object pose estimation networks are often too large for such deployments, necessitating compression while maintaining reliable performance. To address this challenge, we introduce Modular Quantization-Aware Training (MQAT), an adaptive and mixed-precision quantization-aware training strategy that exploits the modular structure of modern 6D object pose estimation architectures. MQAT guides a systematic gradated modular quantization sequence and determines module-specific bit precisions, leading to quantized models that outperform those produced by state-of-the-art uniform and mixed-precision quantization techniques. Our experiments showcase the generality of MQAT across datasets, architectures, and quantization algorithms. Additionally, we observe that MQAT quantized models can achieve an accuracy boost (>7% ADI-0.1d) over the baseline full-precision network while reducing model size by a factor of x4x or more.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=lIy0TEUou7


Title: Actively Inferring Optimal Measurement Sequences

Abstract: Measurement of a physical quantity such as light intensity is an integral part of many reconstruction and decision scenarios but can be costly in terms of acquisition time, invasion of or damage to the environment and storage. Data minimisation and compliance with data protection laws is also an important consideration. Where there are a range of measurements that can be made, some may be more informative and compliant with the overall measurement objective than others. We develop an active sequential inference algorithm that uses the low dimensional representational latent space from a variational autoencoder (VAE) to choose which measurement to make next. Our aim is to recover high dimensional data by making as few measurements as possible. We adapt the VAE encoder to map partial data measurements on to the latent space of the complete data. The algorithm draws samples from this latent space and uses the VAE decoder to generate data conditional on the partial measurements. Estimated measurements are made on the generated data and fed back through the partial VAE encoder to the latent space where they can be evaluated prior to making a measurement. Starting from no measurements and a normal prior on the latent space, we consider alternative strategies for choosing the next measurement and updating the predictive posterior prior for the next step. The algorithm is illustrated using the Fashion MNIST dataset and a novel convolutional Hadamard pattern measurement basis. We see that useful patterns are chosen within 10 steps, leading to the convergence of the guiding generative images. Compared with using stochastic variational inference to infer the parameters of the posterior distribution or each generated data point individually, the partial VAE framework can efficiently process batches of generated data and obtains superior results with minimal measurements.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=mKsa4KkHkl


Title: Mental Modeling of Reinforcement Learning Agents by Language Models

Abstract: Can emergent language models faithfully model the intelligence of decision-making agents? Though modern language models already exhibit some reasoning ability, and theoretically can potentially express any probable distribution over tokens, it remains underexplored how the world knowledge these pre-trained models have memorized can be utilised to comprehend an agent's behaviour in the physical world. This paper empirically examines, for the first time, how well large language models (LLMs) can build a mental model of reinforcement learning (RL) agents, termed agent mental modelling, by reasoning about an agent's behaviour and its effect on states from agent interaction history. This research attempts to unveil the potential of leveraging LLMs for elucidating RL agent behaviour, addressing a key challenge in explainable RL. To this end, we propose specific evaluation metrics and test them on selected RL task datasets of varying complexity, reporting findings on agent mental model establishment. Our results disclose that LLMs are not yet capable of fully realising the mental modelling of agents through inference alone without further innovations. This work thus provides new insights into the capabilities and limitations of modern LLMs, highlighting that while they show promise in understanding agents with a longer history context, preexisting beliefs within LLMs about behavioural optimum and state complexity limit their ability to fully comprehend an agent's behaviour and action effects.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JN7iNWaPTe


Title: A Theoretical Study of The Effects of Adversarial Attacks on Sparse Regression

Abstract: This paper analyzes $\ell_1$ regularized linear regression under the challenging scenario of having only adversarially corrupted data for training. Firstly, we prove existing deterministic adversarial attacks (e.g., FGSM and variants) focusing on maximizing the loss function can be easily handled with a few samples for support recovery problem. Hence, we consider a more general, challenging stochastic adversary which can be conditionally dependent on uncorrupted data and show existing models attacking support (Goodfellow et al., 2014; Madry
et al., 2017) or Huber model (Prasad et al. 2018) are particular cases of our adversarial model. This enables us to show the counter-intuitive result that an adversary can influence sample complexity by corrupting the ``irrelevant features'', i.e., non-support. Secondly, as any adversarially robust algorithm has limitations, our theoretical analysis identifies that the dependence (covariance) between adversarial perturbation and uncorrupted data plays a critical role in defining the regimes under which this challenging adversary or Lasso can dominate over each other. Thirdly, we derive a necessary condition for support recovery for any algorithm (not restrictive to Lasso), which corroborates our theoretical findings for Lasso. Fourthly, we identify the fundamental limits and address critical scientific questions of which parameters (like mutual incoherence, perturbation budget) play a role in the high or low probability of success of the Lasso algorithm. Also, the derived sample complexity is logarithmic with respect to the size of the regression parameter vector. Our theoretical claims are validated by empirical analysis.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=DaDBtnWcy9


Title: Machine Learning Based Power Quality Disturbance Classification Under Varying Fundamental Frequency Conditions for Islanding of a Microgrid

Abstract: The integration of renewable energy sources into modern power systems is increasing in a rapid manner. With their integration into the grid and many other power electronics devices, the rise in Power Quality Disturbances (PQDs) is posing as a major issue in improving the performance of smart grids and microgrid systems. Due to the intermittency of renewable energy sources, the fundamental frequency of power systems fluctuate, stemming different PQDs. In this work, we present a comparative analysis of four different machine learning classification algorithms, namely Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Random Forest (RF), and Naive Bayes (NB), in classifying different types of single-stage and multiple-stage PQDs. We generated a dataset consisting of 29 types of PQDs, while taking into consideration the variation of fundamental frequency. We note that variation of fundamental frequency can significantly affect the classification accuracy of the machine learning models. We introduced different levels of noise (20dB to 40dB) to the PQD data to mimic real-life scenarios. We used the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), which is a supervised learning technique, for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction. Our results show that the classification accuracy decreases as the noise level is increased gradually, and that a decrease in the classification accuracy is possible when the variation of the fundamental frequency is taken into account.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sSaaNSszuZ


Title: A Simple and Efficient Method for Random Fourier Features

Abstract: Random Fourier features and random projection involve matrix multiplication with a $k \times D$ random matrix, the original dimensionality $D$ and the dimensionality in the projected space $k$. Large values of $k\sim 10^5$ required for high accuracies together with large sample sizes $n$ lead to substantial computational demands. In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient method for random Fourier features and random projection. The work with our simple method is motivated by the fact that the order for features do not change distances or similarities between feature vectors as long as the same order is maintained for all feature vectors. The proposed method allows much reduced computation with improved complexity $O(\max\{k,D\}n)$, where $n$ represents the sample size, compared to the complexity $O(kDn)$ associated traditionally with random projection and random Fourier features. The proposed method is also simple to implement without the need for the platform-dependent libraries of the popularly used fast Walsh-Hadamard transform that Fastfood and a lot of other previous work rely on. It is demonstrated in our experiments that the proposed method achieves significant speed improvements, i.e. a 10,000x speed-up over Random Kitchen Sinks and a 15x speed-up over Fastfood on real-world datasets when both $D$ and $k$ are large. As a general framework, no Gaussian assumption has been made to the random entries of the projection matrix and, thus, it is a unified approach to efficient random projections and random Fourier features with any shift-invariant kernels. The bias, the variance and error bounds are given in our analysis. We show that our estimators for kernel approximations and random projection are unbiased with the variance inversely proportional to $k$. Our code is made available at https://anonymous.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Mf4muWBo1U


Title: Exploring End-to-end Differentiable Neural Charged Particle Tracking – A Loss Landscape Perspective

Abstract: Measurement and analysis of high energetic particles for scientific, medical or industrial applications is a complex procedure, requiring the design of sophisticated detector and data processing systems. The development of adaptive and differentiable software pipelines using a combination of conventional and machine learning algorithms is therefore getting ever more important to optimize and operate the system efficiently while maintaining end-to-end (E2E) differentiability. We propose for the application of charged particle tracking an E2E differentiable decision-focused learning scheme using graph neural networks with combinatorial components solving a linear assignment problem for each detector layer. We demonstrate empirically that including differentiable variations of discrete assignment operations allows for efficient network optimization, working better or on par with approaches that lack E2E differentiability. In additional studies, we dive deeper into the optimization process and provide further insights from a loss landscape perspective. We demonstrate that while both methods converge into similar performing, globally well-connected regions, they suffer under substantial predictive instability across initialization and optimization methods, which can have unpredictable consequences on the performance of downstream tasks such as image reconstruction. We also point out a dependency between the interpolation factor of the gradient estimator and the prediction stability of the model, suggesting the choice of sufficiently small values. Given the strong global connectivity of learned solutions and the excellent training performance, we argue that E2E differentiability provides, besides the general availability of gradient information, an important tool for robust particle tracking to mitigate prediction instabilities by favoring solutions that perform well on downstream tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=1Pi2GwduEz


Title: Unlearning Sensitive Information in Multimodal LLMs: Benchmark and Attack-Defense Evaluation

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on massive datasets may inadvertently acquire sensitive information such as personal details and potentially harmful content. This risk is further heightened in multimodal LLMs (aka MLLMs) as they integrate information from multiple modalities (image and text). Adversaries can exploit this stored knowledge by crafting inputs across modalities to extract sensitive details. Evaluating how effectively MLLMs can forget such information (targeted unlearning) necessitates the creation of high-quality, well-annotated image-text pairs. While significant research has addressed the creation of datasets for unlearning within LLMs, it has primarily concentrated on text modality. Creation of analogous datasets for multimodal data and models remain an understudied area. To address this gap, we first introduce a multimodal unlearning benchmark, UnLOK-VQA (Unlearning Outside Knowledge VQA), as well as an “attack and-defense” framework to evaluate methods for deleting specific multimodal knowledge from MLLMs. Our dataset generation process involves an automated pipeline to create samples of varied proximity levels to the target data point for evaluation of generalization and specificity, followed by manual filtering to retain only the high-quality data points. We use this process to extend a visual question-answering dataset for evaluating multimodal information deletion. Next, we present a comprehensive unlearning evaluation involving an attack-and-defense framework consisting of four white box and three blackbox attacks against six unlearning defense objectives. We also design a whitebox attack based on the interpretability of hidden states in LLMs motivated by past work. Our experimental results demonstrate that multimodal extraction attacks (with an attack success rate of 45.5%) are more successful than either image-only (32%) or text-only attacks (39%). The best overall defense mechanism, which removes answer information from internal model hidden states, reduces the success rate of multimodal attack to 15.7%. Furthermore, our findings suggest that larger models exhibit greater resilience to attacks, implying that model scaling could be a valuable strategy for enhancing robustness and developing safer models. UnLOK-VQA thus facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of unlearning in MLLMs and serves as a challenging benchmark for future research in unlearning.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=YcnjgKbZQS


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