Weekly TMLR digest for Dec 24, 2023

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Dec 23, 2023, 7:00:12 PM12/23/23
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New certifications

Survey Certification: Modular Deep Learning

Jonas Pfeiffer, Sebastian Ruder, Ivan Vulić, Edoardo Ponti



Survey Certification: Benchmarks for Physical Reasoning AI

Andrew Melnik, Robin Schiewer, Moritz Lange, Andrei Ioan Muresanu, mozhgan saeidi, Animesh Garg, Helge Ritter



Reproducibility Certification: StarCoder: may the source be with you!

Raymond Li, Loubna Ben allal, Yangtian Zi, Niklas Muennighoff, Denis Kocetkov, Chenghao Mou, Marc Marone, Christopher Akiki, Jia LI, Jenny Chim, Qian Liu, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Terry Yue Zhuo, Thomas Wang, Olivier Dehaene, Joel Lamy-Poirier, Joao Monteiro, Nicolas Gontier, Ming-Ho Yee, Logesh Kumar Umapathi, Jian Zhu, Ben Lipkin, Muhtasham Oblokulov, Zhiruo Wang, Rudra Murthy, Jason T Stillerman, Siva Sankalp Patel, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Marco Zocca, Manan Dey, Zhihan Zhang, Urvashi Bhattacharyya, Wenhao Yu, Sasha Luccioni, Paulo Villegas, Fedor Zhdanov, Tony Lee, Nadav Timor, Jennifer Ding, Claire S Schlesinger, Hailey Schoelkopf, Jan Ebert, Tri Dao, Mayank Mishra, Alex Gu, Carolyn Jane Anderson, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, Danish Contractor, Siva Reddy, Daniel Fried, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Yacine Jernite, Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis, Sean Hughes, Thomas Wolf, Arjun Guha, Leandro Von Werra, Harm de Vries



Expert Certification: SHAP-XRT: The Shapley Value Meets Conditional Independence Testing

Jacopo Teneggi, Beepul Bharti, Yaniv Romano, Jeremias Sulam



Accepted papers

Title: Resmax: An Alternative Soft-Greedy Operator for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Erfan Miahi, Revan MacQueen, Alex Ayoub, Abbas Masoumzadeh, Martha White

Abstract: Soft-greedy operators, namely $\varepsilon$-greedy and softmax, remain a common choice to induce a basic level of exploration for action-value methods in reinforcement learning. These operators, however, have a few critical limitations. In this work, we investigate a simple soft-greedy operator, which we call resmax, that takes actions proportionally to their max action gap: the residual to the estimated maximal value. It is simple to use and ensures coverage of the state-space like $\varepsilon$-greedy, but focuses exploration more on potentially promising actions like softmax. Further, it does not concentrate probability as quickly as softmax, and so better avoids overemphasizing sub-optimal actions that appear high-valued during learning. Additionally, we prove it is a non-expansion for any fixed exploration hyperparameter, unlike the softmax policy which requires a state-action specific temperature to obtain a non-expansion (called mellowmax). We empirically validate that resmax is comparable to or outperforms $\varepsilon$-greedy and softmax across a variety of environments in tabular and deep RL.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=wzzrs5QH5k


Title: Privacy Budget Tailoring in Private Data Analysis

Authors: Daniel Alabi, Chris Wiggins

Abstract: We consider the problem of learning differentially private linear and logistic regression models that do not exhibit disparate performance for minority groups in the data. Small-sized datasets pose a challenging regime for differential privacy; that is, satisfying differential privacy while learning models from data can lead to models with worse accuracy for minority---in size---subgroups. To address this challenge, inspired by Abowd & Schmutte (2018), we propose: (i) to systematically tailor the privacy budget to the different groups, (ii) use linear optimization oracles in a grid to optimize Lagrangian objectives that correspond to fair learning and optimization. We present efficient differentially private algorithms for linear and logistic regression subject to fairness constraints (e.g., bounded group loss) that allocate the privacy budget based on the private standard error of each subgroup in the data. Consequently, the formulation reduces the amount of noise added to these groups, which leads to more accurate models for such groups. We validate the proposed, group-aware budget allocation, method on synthetic and real-world datasets where we show significant reductions in prediction error for the smallest groups, while still preserving sufficient privacy to protect the minority group from re-identification attacks. In addition, we provide sample complexity lower bounds for our problem formulation.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=SnPEhMyuYX


Title: Modular Deep Learning

Authors: Jonas Pfeiffer, Sebastian Ruder, Ivan Vulić, Edoardo Ponti

Abstract: Transfer learning has recently become the dominant paradigm of machine learning. Pre-trained models fine-tuned for downstream tasks achieve better performance with fewer labelled examples. Nonetheless, it remains unclear how to develop models that specialise towards multiple tasks without incurring negative interference and that generalise systematically to non-identically distributed tasks. Modular deep learning has emerged as a promising solution to these challenges. In this framework, units of computation are often implemented as autonomous parameter-efficient modules. Information is conditionally routed to a subset of modules and subsequently aggregated. These properties enable positive transfer and systematic generalisation by separating computation from routing and updating modules locally. We offer a survey of modular architectures, providing a unified view over several threads of research that evolved independently in the scientific literature. Moreover, we explore various additional purposes of modularity, including scaling language models, causal inference and discovery, programme simulation, and hierarchical reinforcement learning. Finally, we report various concrete applications where modularity has been successfully deployed such as cross-lingual and cross-modal knowledge transfer.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=z9EkXfvxta


Title: Smoothed Differential Privacy

Authors: Ao Liu, Yu-Xiang Wang, Lirong Xia

Abstract: Differential privacy (DP) is a widely-accepted and widely-applied notion of privacy based on worst-case analysis. Often, DP classifies most mechanisms without additive noise as non-private (Dwork et al., 2014). Thus, additive noises are added to improve privacy (to achieve DP). However, in many real-world applications, adding additive noise is undesirable (Bagdasaryan et al., 2019) and sometimes prohibited (Liu et al., 2020).

In this paper, we propose a natural extension of DP following the worst average-case idea behind the celebrated smoothed analysis (Spielman & Teng, May 2004). Our notion, smoothed DP, can effectively measure the privacy leakage of mechanisms without additive noises under realistic settings. We prove that any discrete mechanism with sampling procedures is more private than what DP predicts, while many continuous mechanisms with sampling procedures are still non-private under smoothed DP. In addition, we prove several desirable properties of smoothed DP, including composition, robustness to post-processing, and distribution reduction. Based on those properties, we propose an efficient algorithm to calculate the privacy parameters for smoothed DP. Experimentally, we verify that, according to smoothed DP, the discrete sampling mechanisms are private in real-world elections, and some discrete neural networks can be private without adding any additive noise. We believe that these results contribute to the theoretical foundation of realistic privacy measures beyond worst-case analysis.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=CviCLt44Em


Title: Distributed Architecture Search Over Heterogeneous Distributions

Authors: Erum Mushtaq, Chaoyang He, Jie Ding, Salman Avestimehr

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is an efficient learning framework that assists distributed machine learning when data cannot be shared with a centralized server. Recent advancements in FL use predefined architecture-based learning for all clients. However, given that clients' data are invisible to the server and data distributions are non-identical across clients, a predefined architecture discovered in a centralized setting may not be an optimal solution for all the clients in FL. Motivated by this challenge, we introduce SPIDER, an algorithmic framework that aims to Search PersonalIzed neural architecture for feDERated learning. SPIDER is designed based on two unique features: (1) alternately optimizing one architecture-homogeneous global model in a generic FL manner and architecture-heterogeneous local models that are connected to the global model by weight-sharing-based regularization, (2) achieving architecture-heterogeneous local models by a perturbation-based neural architecture search method. Experimental results demonstrate superior prediction performance compared with other state-of-the-art personalization methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sY75NqDRk1


Title: DreamEdit: Subject-driven Image Editing

Authors: Tianle Li, Max Ku, Cong Wei, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Subject-driven image generation aims at generating images containing customized subjects, which has recently drawn enormous attention from the research community. Nevertheless, the previous works cannot precisely control the background and position of the target subject. In this work, we aspire to fill the void of the existing subject-driven generation tasks. To this end, we propose two novel subject-driven editing sub-tasks, i.e., Subject Replacement and Subject Addition. The new tasks are challenging in multiple aspects: replacing a subject with a customized one can totally change its shape, texture, and color, while adding a target subject to a designated position in a provided scene necessitates a rational context-aware posture of the subject. To conquer these two novel tasks, we first manually curate a new dataset called DreamEditBench containing 22 different types of subjects, and 440 source images, which cover diverse scenarios with different difficulty levels. We plan to host DreamEditBench as a platform and hire trained evaluators for standardized human evaluation. We also devise an innovative method DreamEditor to resolve these tasks by performing iterative generation, which enables a smooth adaptation to the customized subject. In this project, we conduct automatic and human evaluations to understand the performance of our DreamEditor and baselines on DreamEditBench. We found that the new tasks are challenging for the existing models. For Subject Replacement, we found that the existing models are particularly sensitive to the shape and color of the original subject. When the original subject and the customized subject are highly different, the model failure rate will dramatically increase. For Subject Addition, we found that the existing models cannot easily blend the customized subjects into the background smoothly, which causes noticeable artifacts in the generated image. We hope that DreamEditBench can become a standardized platform to enable future investigations towards building more controllable subject-driven image editing. Our project and benchmark homepage is https://dreameditbenchteam.github.io/

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=P9haooN9v2


Title: UnIVAL: Unified Model for Image, Video, Audio and Language Tasks

Authors: Mustafa Shukor, Corentin Dancette, Alexandre Rame, Matthieu Cord

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made the ambitious quest for generalist agents significantly far from being a fantasy. A key hurdle for building such general models is the diversity and heterogeneity of tasks and modalities. A promising solution is unification, allowing the support of a myriad of tasks and modalities within one unified framework. While few large models (e.g., Flamingo (Alayrac et al. 2022)), trained on massive datasets, can support more than two modalities, current small to mid-scale unified models are still limited to 2 modalities, usually image-text or video-text. The question that we ask is: is it possible to build efficiently a unified model that can support all modalities? To answer this, we propose UnIVAL, a step further towards this ambitious goal. Without relying on fancy datasets sizes or models with billions of parameters, the ~ 0.25B parameter UnIVAL model goes beyond two modalities and unifies text, images, video, and audio into a single model. Our model is efficiently pretrained on many tasks, based on task balancing and multimodal curriculum learning. UnIVAL shows competitive performance to existing state-of-the-art approaches, across image and video-text tasks. The feature representations learned from image and video-text modalities, allows the model to achieve competitive performance when finetuned on audio-text tasks, despite not being pretrained on audio. Thanks to the unified model, we propose a novel study on multimodal model merging via weight interpolation of models trained on different multimodal tasks, showing their benefits in particular for out-of-distribution generalization. Finally, we motivate unification by showing the synergy between tasks. The model weights and code are available at: https://github.com/mshukor/UnIVAL.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=4uflhObpcp


Title: IndicTrans2: Towards High-Quality and Accessible Machine Translation Models for all 22 Scheduled Indian Languages

Authors: Jay Gala, Pranjal A Chitale, A K Raghavan, Varun Gumma, Sumanth Doddapaneni, Aswanth Kumar M, Janki Atul Nawale, Anupama Sujatha, Ratish Puduppully, Vivek Raghavan, Pratyush Kumar, Mitesh M Khapra, Raj Dabre, Anoop Kunchukuttan

Abstract: India has a rich linguistic landscape, with languages from 4 major language families spoken by over a billion people. 22 of these languages listed in the Constitution of India (referred to as scheduled languages) are the focus of this work. Given the linguistic diversity, high-quality and accessible Machine Translation (MT) systems are essential in a country like India. Before this work, there was (i) no parallel training data spanning all 22 languages, (ii) no robust benchmarks covering all these languages and containing content relevant to India, and (iii) no existing translation models that support all 22 scheduled languages of India. In this work, we aim to address this gap by focusing on the missing pieces required for enabling wide, easy, and open access to good machine translation systems for all 22 scheduled Indian languages. We identify four key areas of improvement: curating and creating larger training datasets, creating diverse and high-quality benchmarks, training multilingual models, and releasing models with open access. Our first contribution is the release of the Bharat Parallel Corpus Collection (BPCC), the largest publicly available parallel corpora for Indic languages. BPCC contains a total of 230M bitext pairs, of which a total of 126M were newly added, including 644K manually translated sentence pairs created as part of this work. Our second contribution is the release of the first $n$-way parallel benchmark covering all 22 Indian languages, featuring diverse domains, Indian-origin content, and conversational test sets. Next, we present IndicTrans2, the first translation model to support all 22 languages, surpassing existing models in performance on multiple existing and new benchmarks created as a part of this work. Lastly, to promote accessibility and collaboration, we release our models and associated data with permissive licenses at https://github.com/AI4Bharat/IndicTrans2.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=vfT4YuzAYA


Title: Towards Optimization-Friendly Binary Neural Network

Authors: Nianhui Guo, Joseph Bethge, Hong Guo, Christoph Meinel, Haojin Yang

Abstract: Binary neural networks (BNNs) are a promising approach for compressing and accelerating deep learning models, especially in resource-constrained environments. However, the optimization gap between BNNs and their full-precision counterparts has long been an open problem limiting their performance. In this work, we propose a novel optimization pipeline to enhance the performance of BNNs. The main approach includes three key components: (1) BNext, a strong binary baseline based on an optimization-friendly basic block design, (2) knowledge complexity, a simple yet effective teacher-selection metric taking the capacity gap between teachers and binary students under consideration, (3) consecutive knowledge distillation (CKD), a novel multi-round optimization technique to transfer high-confidence knowledge from strong teachers to low-capacity BNNs.
We empirically validate the superiority of the method on several vision classification tasks CIFAR-10/100 & ImageNet. For instance, the BNext family outperforms previous BNNs under different capacity levels and contributes the first binary neural network to reach the state-of-the-art 80.57\% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with 0.82 GOPS, which verifies the potential of BNNs and already contributes a strong baseline for future research on high-accuracy BNNs. The code will be publicly available at (blind URL, see supplementary material).

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=4Hq816XDDG


Title: Equivariant MuZero

Authors: Andreea Deac, Theophane Weber, George Papamakarios

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has shown lots of success in closed, well-defined domains such as games (Chess, Go, StarCraft). The next frontier is real-world scenarios, where setups are numerous and varied. For this, agents need to learn the underlying environment dynamics, so as to robustly generalise to conditions that differ from those they were trained on. Model-based reinforcement learning algorithms, such as MuZero or Dreamer, aim to accomplish this by learning a world model. However, leveraging a world model has not yet consistently shown greater generalisation capabilities compared to model-free alternatives. In this work, we propose improving the data efficiency and generalisation capabilities of MuZero by explicitly incorporating the \emph{symmetries} of the environment in its world-model architecture. We prove that, so long as the neural networks used by MuZero are equivariant to a particular symmetry group acting on the environment, the entirety of MuZero's action-selection algorithm will also be equivariant to that group. As such, Equivariant MuZero is guaranteed to behave symmetrically in symmetrically-transformed states, and will hence be more data-efficient when learning its world models. We evaluate Equivariant MuZero on procedurally-generated MiniPacman and on Chaser from the ProcGen suite: training on a set of mazes, and then testing on unseen rotated versions, demonstrating the benefits of equivariance. We verify that our improvements hold even when only some of the components of Equivariant MuZero obey strict equivariance, which highlights the robustness of our construction.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ExbGarTbLE


Title: On the Efficacy of Differentially Private Few-shot Image Classification

Authors: Marlon Tobaben, Aliaksandra Shysheya, John F Bronskill, Andrew Paverd, Shruti Tople, Santiago Zanella-Beguelin, Richard E Turner, Antti Honkela

Abstract: There has been significant recent progress in training differentially private (DP) models which achieve accuracy that approaches the best non-private models. These DP models are typically pretrained on large public datasets and then fine-tuned on private downstream datasets that are relatively large and similar in distribution to the pretraining data. However, in many applications including personalization and federated learning, it is crucial to perform well (i) in the few-shot setting, as obtaining large amounts of labeled data may be problematic; and (ii) on datasets from a wide variety of domains for use in various specialist settings. To understand under which conditions few-shot DP can be effective, we perform an exhaustive set of experiments that reveals how the accuracy and vulnerability to attack of few-shot DP image classification models are affected as the number of shots per class, privacy level, model architecture, downstream dataset, and subset of learnable parameters in the model vary. We show that to achieve DP accuracy on par with non-private models, the shots per class must be increased as the privacy level increases. We also show that learning parameter-efficient FiLM adapters under DP is competitive with learning just the final classifier layer or learning all of the network parameters. Finally, we evaluate DP federated learning systems and establish state-of-the-art performance on the challenging FLAIR benchmark.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=hFsr59Imzm


Title: Benchmarks for Physical Reasoning AI

Authors: Andrew Melnik, Robin Schiewer, Moritz Lange, Andrei Ioan Muresanu, mozhgan saeidi, Animesh Garg, Helge Ritter

Abstract: Physical reasoning is a crucial aspect in the development of general AI systems, given that human learning starts with interacting with the physical world before progressing to more complex concepts. Although researchers have studied and assessed the physical reasoning of AI approaches through various specific benchmarks, there is no comprehensive approach to evaluating and measuring progress. Therefore, we aim to offer an overview of existing benchmarks and their solution approaches and propose a unified perspective for measuring the physical reasoning capacity of AI systems. We select benchmarks that are designed to test algorithmic performance in physical reasoning tasks. While each of the selected benchmarks poses a unique challenge, their ensemble provides a comprehensive proving ground for an AI generalist agent with a measurable skill level for various physical reasoning concepts. This gives an advantage to such an ensemble of benchmarks over other holistic benchmarks that aim to simulate the real world by intertwining its complexity and many concepts. We group the presented set of physical reasoning benchmarks into subcategories so that more narrow generalist AI agents can be tested first on these groups.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=cHroS8VIyN


Title: StarCoder: may the source be with you!

Authors: Raymond Li, Loubna Ben allal, Yangtian Zi, Niklas Muennighoff, Denis Kocetkov, Chenghao Mou, Marc Marone, Christopher Akiki, Jia LI, Jenny Chim, Qian Liu, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Terry Yue Zhuo, Thomas Wang, Olivier Dehaene, Joel Lamy-Poirier, Joao Monteiro, Nicolas Gontier, Ming-Ho Yee, Logesh Kumar Umapathi, Jian Zhu, Ben Lipkin, Muhtasham Oblokulov, Zhiruo Wang, Rudra Murthy, Jason T Stillerman, Siva Sankalp Patel, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Marco Zocca, Manan Dey, Zhihan Zhang, Urvashi Bhattacharyya, Wenhao Yu, Sasha Luccioni, Paulo Villegas, Fedor Zhdanov, Tony Lee, Nadav Timor, Jennifer Ding, Claire S Schlesinger, Hailey Schoelkopf, Jan Ebert, Tri Dao, Mayank Mishra, Alex Gu, Carolyn Jane Anderson, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, Danish Contractor, Siva Reddy, Daniel Fried, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Yacine Jernite, Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis, Sean Hughes, Thomas Wolf, Arjun Guha, Leandro Von Werra, Harm de Vries

Abstract: The BigCode community, an open-scientific collaboration working on the responsible development of Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs), introduces StarCoder and StarCoderBase: 15.5B parameter models with 8K context length, infilling capabilities and fast large-batch inference enabled by multi-query attention. StarCoderBase is trained on 1 trillion tokens sourced from The Stack, a large collection of permissively licensed GitHub repositories with inspection tools and an opt-out process. We fine-tuned StarCoderBase on 35B Python tokens, resulting in the creation of StarCoder. We perform the most comprehensive evaluation of Code LLMs to date and show that StarCoderBase outperforms every open Code LLM that supports multiple programming languages and matches or outperforms the OpenAI code-cushman-001 model. Furthermore, StarCoder outperforms every model that is fine-tuned on Python and still retains its performance on other programming languages. We take several important steps towards a safe open-access model release, including an improved PII redaction pipeline and a novel attribution tracing tool, and make the StarCoder models publicly available under a more commercially viable version of the Open Responsible AI Model license.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=KoFOg41haE


Title: Mixture of Dynamical Variational Autoencoders for Multi-Source Trajectory Modeling and Separation

Authors: Xiaoyu Lin, Laurent Girin, Xavier Alameda-Pineda

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a latent-variable generative model called mixture of dynamical variational autoencoders (MixDVAE) to model the dynamics of a system composed of multiple moving sources. A DVAE model is pre-trained on a single-source dataset to capture the source dynamics. Then, multiple instances of the pre-trained DVAE model are integrated into a multi-source mixture model with a discrete observation-to-source assignment latent variable. The posterior distributions of both the discrete observation-to-source assignment variable and the continuous DVAE variables representing the sources content/position are estimated using the variational expectation-maximization algorithm, leading to multi-source trajectories estimation. We illustrate the versatility of the proposed MixDVAE model on two tasks: a computer vision task, namely multi-object tracking, and an audio processing task, namely single-channel audio source separation. Experimental results show that the proposed method works well on these two tasks, and outperforms several baseline methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sbkZKBVC31


Title: Fast Slate Policy Optimization: Going Beyond Plackett-Luce

Authors: Otmane Sakhi, David Rohde, Nicolas Chopin

Abstract: An increasingly important building block of large scale machine learning systems is based on returning slates; an ordered lists of items given a query. Applications of this technology include: search, information retrieval and recommender systems. When the action space is large, decision systems are restricted to a particular structure to complete online queries quickly. This paper addresses the optimization of these large scale decision systems given an arbitrary reward function. We cast this learning problem in a policy optimization framework and propose a new class of policies, born from a novel relaxation of decision functions. This results in a simple, yet efficient learning algorithm that scales to massive action spaces. We compare our method to the commonly adopted Plackett-Luce policy class and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on problems with action space sizes in the order of millions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=f7a8XCRtUu


Title: Error bounds and dynamics of bootstrapping in actor-critic reinforcement learning

Authors: Ahmed J Zerouali, Douglas Blair Tweed

Abstract: Actor-critic algorithms such as DDPG, TD3, and SAC, which are built on Silver's deterministic policy gradient theorem, are among the most successful reinforcement-learning methods, but their mathematical basis is not entirely clear. In particular, the critic networks in these algorithms learn to estimate action-value functions by a “bootstrapping” technique based on Bellman error, and it is unclear why this approach works so well in practice, given that Bellman error is only very loosely related to value error, i.e. to the inaccuracy of the action-value estimate. Here we show that policy training in this class of actor-critic methods depends not on the accuracy of the critic's action-value estimate but on how well the critic estimates the gradient of the action-value, which is better assessed using what we call difference error. We show that this difference error is closely related to the Bellman error — a finding which helps to explain why Bellman-based bootstrapping leads to good policies. Further, we show that value error and difference error show different dynamics along on-policy trajectories through state-action space: value error is a low-pass anticausal (i.e., backward-in-time) filter of Bellman error, and therefore accumulates along trajectories, whereas difference error is a high-pass filter of Bellman error. It follows that techniques which reduce the high-frequency Fourier components of the Bellman error may improve policy training even if they increase the actual size of the Bellman errors. These findings help to explain certain aspects of actor-critic methods that are otherwise theoretically puzzling, such as the use of policy (as distinct from exploratory) noise, and they suggest other measures that may improve these methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=QCjMJfSnYk


Title: SHAP-XRT: The Shapley Value Meets Conditional Independence Testing

Authors: Jacopo Teneggi, Beepul Bharti, Yaniv Romano, Jeremias Sulam

Abstract: The complex nature of artificial neural networks raises concerns on their reliability, trustworthiness, and fairness in real-world scenarios. The Shapley value---a solution concept from game theory---is one of the most popular explanation methods for machine learning models. More traditionally, from a statistical perspective, feature importance is defined in terms of conditional independence. So far, these two approaches to interpretability and feature importance have been considered separate and distinct. In this work, we show that Shapley-based explanation methods and conditional independence testing are closely related. We introduce the \textbf{SHAP}ley E\textbf{X}planation \textbf{R}andomization \textbf{T}est (SHAP-XRT), a testing procedure inspired by the Conditional Randomization Test (CRT) for a specific notion of local (i.e., on a sample) conditional independence. With it, we prove that for binary classification problems, the marginal contributions in the Shapley value provide lower and upper bounds to the expected $p$-values of their respective tests. Furthermore, we show that the Shapley value itself provides an upper bound to the expected $p$-value of a global (i.e., overall) null hypothesis. As a result, we further our understanding of Shapley-based explanation methods from a novel perspective and characterize the conditions under which one can make statistically valid claims about feature importance via the Shapley value.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=WFtTpQ47A7


Title: Federated Minimax Optimization with Client Heterogeneity

Authors: Pranay Sharma, Rohan Panda, Gauri Joshi

Abstract: Minimax optimization has seen a surge in interest with the advent of modern applications such as GANs, and it is inherently more challenging than simple minimization. The difficulty is exacerbated by the training data residing at multiple edge devices or \textit{clients}, especially when these clients can have heterogeneous datasets and heterogeneous local computation capabilities. We propose a general federated minimax optimization framework that subsumes such settings and several existing methods like Local SGDA. We show that naive aggregation of model updates made by clients running unequal number of local steps can result in optimizing a mismatched objective function -- a phenomenon previously observed in standard federated minimization. To fix this problem, we propose normalizing the client updates by the number of local steps. We analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithm for classes of nonconvex-concave and nonconvex-nonconcave functions and characterize the impact of heterogeneous client data, partial client participation, and heterogeneous local computations. For all the function classes considered, we significantly improve the existing computation and communication complexity results. Experimental results support our theoretical claims.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=NnUmg1chLL


Title: Towards Fair Video Summarization

Authors: Anshuman Chhabra, Kartik Patwari, Chandana Kuntala, Sristi, Deepak Kumar Sharma, Prasant Mohapatra

Abstract: Automated video summarization is a vision task that aims to generate concise summaries of lengthy videos. Recent advancements in deep learning have led to highly performant video summarization models; however, there has been a lack of attention given to fairness and unbiased representation in the generated summaries. To bridge this gap, we introduce and analytically define the fair video summarization problem, and demonstrate its connections to the well-established problem of fair clustering. To facilitate fair model development, we also introduce the FairVidSum dataset, which is similar in design to state-of-the-art video summarization datasets such as TVSum and SumMe, but also includes annotations for sensitive attributes and individuals alongside frame importance scores. Finally, we propose the SumBal metric for quantifying the fairness of an outputted video summary. We conduct extensive experiments to benchmark the fairness of various state-of-the-art video summarization models. Our results highlight the need for better models that balance accuracy and fairness to ensure equitable representation and inclusion in summaries. For completeness, we also provide a novel fair-only baseline, FVS-LP, to showcase the fairness-utility gap models can improve upon.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Uj6MRfR1P5


Title: Uncertainty Estimation for Computed Tomography with a Linearised Deep Image Prior

Authors: Javier Antoran, Riccardo Barbano, Johannes Leuschner, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Bangti Jin

Abstract: Existing deep-learning based tomographic image reconstruction methods do not provide accurate uncertainty estimates of their reconstructions, hindering their real-world deployment. This paper develops a method, termed as linearised deep image prior (DIP), to estimate the uncertainty associated with reconstructions produced by the DIP with total variation (TV) regularisation. We endow the DIP with conjugate Gaussian-linear model type error-bars computed from a local linearisation of the neural network around its optimised parameters. To preserve conjugacy, we approximate the TV regulariser with a Gaussian surrogate. This approach provides pixel-wise uncertainty estimates and a marginal likelihood objective for hyperparameter optimisation. We demonstrate the method on synthetic data and real-measured high-resolution 2D $\mu$CT data, and show that it provides superior calibration of uncertainty estimates relative to previous probabilistic formulations of the~DIP. Our code is available at https://github.com/educating-dip/bayes_dip.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=FWyabz82fH


Title: Early Stopping for Deep Image Prior

Authors: Hengkang Wang, Taihui Li, Zhong Zhuang, Tiancong Chen, Hengyue Liang, Ju Sun

Abstract: Deep image prior (DIP) and its variants have shown remarkable potential to solve inverse problems in computational imaging (CI), needing no separate training data. Practical DIP models are often substantially overparameterized. During the learning process, these models first learn the desired visual content and then pick up potential modeling and observational noise, i.e., performing early learning then overfitting. Thus, the practicality of DIP hinges on early stopping (ES) that can capture the transition period. In this regard, most previous DIP works for CI tasks only demonstrate the potential of the models, reporting the peak performance against the ground truth but providing no clue about how to operationally obtain near-peak performance without access to the ground truth. In this paper, we set to break this practicality barrier of DIP, and propose an effective ES strategy that consistently detects near-peak performance across several CI tasks and DIP variants. Simply based on the running variance of DIP intermediate reconstructions, our ES method not only outpaces the existing ones---which only work in very narrow regimes, but also remains effective when combined with methods that try to mitigate overfitting.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=231ZzrLC8X


Title: Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation

Authors: Max F Burg, Florian Wenzel, Dominik Zietlow, Max Horn, Osama Makansi, Francesco Locatello, Chris Russell

Abstract: Many approaches have been proposed to use diffusion models to augment training datasets for downstream tasks, such as classification. However, diffusion models are themselves trained on large datasets, often with noisy annotations, and it remains an open question to which extent these models contribute to downstream classification performance. In particular, it remains unclear if they generalize enough to improve over directly using the additional data of their pre-training process for augmentation. We systematically evaluate a range of existing methods to generate images from diffusion models and study new extensions to assess their benefit for data augmentation. Personalizing diffusion models towards the target data outperforms simpler prompting strategies. However, using the pre-training data of the diffusion model alone, via a simple nearest-neighbor retrieval procedure, leads to even stronger downstream performance. Our study explores the potential of diffusion models in generating new training data, and surprisingly finds that these sophisticated models are not yet able to beat a simple and strong image retrieval baseline on simple downstream vision tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xflYdGZMpv


Title: Transport with Support: Data-Conditional Diffusion Bridges

Authors: Ella Tamir, Martin Trapp, Arno Solin

Abstract: The dynamic Schrödinger bridge problem provides an appealing setting for solving constrained time-series data generation tasks posed as optimal transport problems. It consists of learning non-linear diffusion processes using efficient iterative solvers.
Recent works have demonstrated state-of-the-art results (eg., in modelling single-cell embryo RNA sequences or sampling from complex posteriors) but are limited to learning bridges with only initial and terminal constraints. Our work extends this paradigm by proposing the Iterative Smoothing Bridge (ISB). We integrate Bayesian filtering and optimal control into learning the diffusion process, enabling the generation of constrained stochastic processes governed by sparse observations at intermediate stages and terminal constraints.
We assess the effectiveness of our method on synthetic and real-world data generation tasks and we show that the ISB generalises well to high-dimensional data, is computationally efficient, and provides accurate estimates of the marginals at intermediate and terminal times.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Mbc58EzF5q


Title: Local Function Complexity for Active Learning via Mixture of Gaussian Processes

Authors: Danny Panknin, Stefan Chmiela, Klaus Robert Muller, Shinichi Nakajima

Abstract: Inhomogeneities in real-world data, e.g., due to changes in the observation noise level or variations in the structural complexity of the source function, pose a unique set of challenges for statistical inference. Accounting for them can greatly improve predictive power when physical resources or computation time is limited. In this paper, we draw on recent theoretical results on the estimation of local function complexity (LFC), derived from the domain of local polynomial smoothing (LPS), to establish a notion of local structural complexity, which is used to develop a model-agnostic active learning (AL) framework. Due to its reliance on pointwise estimates, the LPS model class is not robust and scalable concerning large input space dimensions that typically come along with real-world problems. Here, we derive and estimate the Gaussian process regression (GPR)-based analog of the LPS-based LFC and use it as a substitute in the above framework to make it robust and scalable. We assess the effectiveness of our LFC estimate in an AL application on a prototypical low-dimensional synthetic dataset, before taking on the challenging real-world task of reconstructing a quantum chemical force field for a small organic molecule and demonstrating state-of-the-art performance with a significantly reduced training demand.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=w4MoQ39zmc


Title: Towards a General Transfer Approach for Policy-Value Networks

Authors: Dennis J. N. J. Soemers, Vegard Mella, Eric Piette, Matthew Stephenson, Cameron Browne, Olivier Teytaud

Abstract: Transferring trained policies and value functions from one task to another, such as one game to another with a different board size, board shape, or more substantial rule changes, is a challenging problem. Popular benchmarks for reinforcement learning (RL), such as Atari games and ProcGen, have limited variety especially in terms of action spaces. Due to a focus on such benchmarks, the development of transfer methods that can also handle changes in action spaces has received relatively little attention. Furthermore, we argue that progress towards more general methods should include benchmarks where new problem instances can be described by domain experts, rather than machine learning experts, using convenient, high-level domain specific languages (DSLs). In addition to enabling end users to more easily describe their problems, user-friendly DSLs also contain relevant task information which can be leveraged to make effective zero-shot transfer plausibly achievable. As an example, we use the Ludii general game system, which includes a highly varied set of over 1000 distinct games described in such a language. We propose a simple baseline approach for transferring fully convolutional policy-value networks, which are used to guide search agents similar to AlphaZero, between any pair of games modelled in this system. Extensive results---including various cases of highly successful zero-shot transfer---are provided for a wide variety of source and target games.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=vJcTm2v9Ku


Title: ProtoCaps: A Fast and Non-Iterative Capsule Network Routing Method

Authors: Miles Everett, Mingjun Zhong, Georgios Leontidis

Abstract: Capsule Networks have emerged as a powerful class of deep learning architectures, known for robust performance with relatively few parameters compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). However, their inherent efficiency is often overshadowed by their slow, iterative routing mechanisms which establish connections between Capsule layers, posing computational challenges resulting in an inability to scale. In this paper, we introduce a novel, non-iterative routing mechanism, inspired by trainable prototype clustering. This innovative approach aims to mitigate computational complexity, while retaining, if not enhancing, performance efficacy. Furthermore, we harness a shared Capsule subspace, negating the need to project each lower-level Capsule to each higher-level Capsule, thereby significantly reducing memory requisites during training. Our approach demonstrates superior results compared to the current best non-iterative Capsule Network and tests on the Imagewoof dataset, which is too computationally demanding to handle efficiently by iterative approaches. Our findings underscore the potential of our proposed methodology in enhancing the operational efficiency and performance of Capsule Networks, paving the way for their application in increasingly complex computational scenarios. Code is available at https://github.com/mileseverett/ProtoCaps.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Id10mlBjcx


Title: Detecting danger in gridworlds using Gromov’s Link Condition

Authors: Thomas F Burns, Robert Tang

Abstract: Gridworlds have been long-utilised in AI research, particularly in reinforcement learning, as they provide simple yet scalable models for many real-world applications such as robot navigation, emergent behaviour, and operations research. We initiate a study of gridworlds using the mathematical framework of reconfigurable systems and state complexes due to Abrams, Ghrist & Peterson. State complexes, a higher-dimensional analogue of state graphs, represent all possible configurations of a system as a single geometric space, thus making them conducive to study using geometric, topological, or combinatorial methods. The main contribution of this work is a modification to the original Abrams, Ghrist & Peterson setup which we introduce to capture agent braiding and thereby more naturally represent the topology of gridworlds. With this modification, the state complexes may exhibit geometric defects (failure of Gromov's Link Condition). Serendipitously, we discover these failures for agent-only cases occur exactly where undesirable or dangerous states appear in the gridworld. Our results therefore provide a novel method for seeking guaranteed safety limitations in discrete task environments with single or multiple agents, and offer useful safety information (in geometric and topological forms) for incorporation in or analysis of machine learning systems. More broadly, our work introduces tools from geometric group theory and combinatorics to the AI community and demonstrates a proof-of-concept for this geometric viewpoint of the task domain through the example of simple environments.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=t4p612DftO


Title: Partial Optimal Transport for Support Subset Selection

Authors: Bilal Riaz, Yuksel Karahan, Austin J. Brockmeier

Abstract: In probabilistic terms, optimal transport aims to find a joint distribution that couples two distributions and minimizes the cost of transforming one distribution to another. Any feasible coupling necessarily maintains the support of both distributions. However, maintaining the entire support is not ideal when only a subset of one of the distributions, namely the source, is assumed to align with the other target distribution. For these cases, which are common in machine learning applications, we study the semi-relaxed partial optimal transport problem that relaxes the constraints on the joint distribution allowing it to under-represent a subset of the source by over-representing other subsets of the source by a constant factor. In the discrete distribution case, such as in the case of two samples from continuous random variables, optimal transport with the relaxed constraints is a linear program. When sufficiently relaxed, the solution has a source marginal with only a subset of its original support. We investigate the scaling path of solutions, specifically the relaxed marginal distribution for the source, across different relaxations and show that it is distinct from the solutions from penalty-based semi-relaxed unbalanced optimal transport problems and fully-relaxed partial optimal transport, which have previously been explored. We demonstrate the usefulness of this support subset selection in applications such as color transfer, partial point cloud alignment, and semi-supervised machine learning, where a part of data is curated to have reliable labels and another part is unlabeled or has unreliable labels. Our experiments show that optimal transport under the relaxed constraint can improve the performance of these applications by allowing for more flexible alignment between distributions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=75CcopPxIr


Title: Wrapped $\beta$-Gaussians with compact support for exact probabilistic modeling on manifolds

Authors: Sergey Troshin, Vlad Niculae

Abstract: We introduce wrapped $\beta$-Gaussians, a family of wrapped distributions on Riemannian manifolds, supporting efficient reparametrized sampling, as well as exact density estimation, effortlessly supporting high dimensions and anisotropic scale parameters. We extend Fenchel-Young losses for geometry-aware learning with wrapped $\beta$-Gaussians, and demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed family in a suite of experiments on hypersphere and rotation manifolds: data fitting, hierarchy encoding, generative modeling with variational autoencoders, and multilingual word embedding alignment.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=KrequDpWzt


Title: GIT-Net: Generalized Integral Transform for Operator Learning

Authors: Chao Wang, Alexandre H. Thiery

Abstract: This article introduces GIT-Net, a deep neural network architecture for approximating Partial Differential Equation (PDE) operators, inspired by integral transform operators. GIT-NET harnesses the fact that common differential operators commonly used for defining PDEs can often be represented parsimoniously when expressed in specialized functional bases (e.g., Fourier basis). Unlike rigid integral transforms, GIT-Net parametrizes adaptive generalized integral transforms with deep neural networks. When compared to several recently proposed alternatives, GIT-Net's computational and memory requirements scale gracefully with mesh discretizations, facilitating its application to PDE problems on complex geometries. Numerical experiments demonstrate that GIT-Net is a competitive neural network operator, exhibiting small test errors and low evaluations across a range of PDE problems. This stands in contrast to existing neural network operators, which typically excel in just one of these areas.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=0WKTmrVkd2


Title: Semi-Supervised Single Domain Generalization with Label-Free Adversarial Data Augmentation

Authors: Ronghang Zhu, Xiang Yu, Sheng Li

Abstract: Domain generalization (DG) has attracted increasing attention recently, as it seeks to improve the generalization ability of visual recognition models to unseen target domains. DG leverages multiple source domains for model training, while single domain generalization (SDG) further restricts such setting by exploiting only a single source domain. Nevertheless, both DG and SDG assume that the source domains are fully labeled, which might not be practical in many real world scenarios. In this paper, we present a new problem, i.e., semi-supervised single domain generalization (SS-SDG), which aims to train a model with a partially labeled single source domain to generalize to multiple unseen testing domains. We propose an effective framework to address this problem. In particular, we design a label-free adversarial data augmentation strategy to diversify the source domain, and propose a novel multi-pair FixMatch loss to generalize classifiers to unseen testing domains. Extensive experiments on OfficeHome, PACS and DomainNet20 datasets show that our method surpasses the latest SDG and semi-supervised methods. Moreover, on PACS and DomainNet20, our method approaches the fully supervised ERM upper bound within $5\%$ gap, but only uses less than $8\%$ of the labels.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sUlbRfLijj


Title: Beyond Boundaries: A Novel Data-Augmentation Discourse for Open Domain Generalization

Authors: Shirsha Bose, Ankit Jha, Hitesh Kandala, Biplab Banerjee

Abstract: The problem of Open Domain Generalization (ODG) is multifaceted, encompassing shifts in domains and labels across all source and target domains. Existing approaches have encountered challenges such as style bias towards training domains, insufficient feature-space disentanglement to highlight semantic features, and discriminativeness of the latent space. Additionally, they rely on a confidence-based target outlier detection approach, which can lead to misclassifications when target open samples visually align with the source domain data.
In response to these challenges, we present a solution named \textsc{ODG-Net}. We aim to create a direct open-set classifier within a \textit{discriminative}, \textit{unbiased}, and \textit{disentangled} semantic embedding space. To enrich data density and diversity, we introduce a generative augmentation framework that produces \textit{style-interpolated} novel domains for closed-set images and novel pseudo-open images by \textit{interpolating the contents of paired training images}. Our augmentation strategy skillfully utilizes \textit{disentangled style and content information} to synthesize images effectively.
Furthermore, we tackle the issue of style bias by representing all images in relation to all source domain properties, which effectively accentuates complementary visual features. Consequently, we train a multi-class semantic object classifier, incorporating both closed and open class classification capabilities, along with a style classifier to identify style primitives. The joint use of style and semantic classifiers facilitates the disentanglement of the latent space, thereby enhancing the generalization performance of the semantic classifier.
To ensure discriminativeness in both closed and open spaces, we optimize the semantic feature space using novel metric losses. The experimental results on six benchmark datasets convincingly demonstrate that \textsc{ODG-Net} surpasses the state-of-the-art by an impressive margin of $1-4\%$ in both open and closed-set DG scenarios.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jpZmhiIys1


New submissions

Title: Multitask Learning Can Improve Worst-Group Outcomes

Abstract: In order to create machine learning systems that serve a variety of users well, it is vital to not only achieve high average performance but also ensure equitable outcomes across diverse groups. However, most machine learning methods are designed to improve a model's average performance on a chosen end task without consideration for their impact on worst group error. Multitask learning (MTL) is one such widely used technique. In this paper, we seek not only to understand the impact of MTL on worst-group accuracy but also to explore its potential as a tool to address the challenge of group-wise fairness. We primarily consider the common setting of fine-tuning a pre-trained model, where, following recent work \citep{gururangan2020don, dery2023aang}, we multitask the end task with the pre-training objective constructed from the end task data itself. In settings with few or no group annotations, we find that multitasking often, but not always, achieves better worst-group accuracy than Just-Train-Twice (JTT; \citet{pmlr-v139-liu21f}) -- a representative distributionally robust optimization (DRO) method. Leveraging insights from synthetic data experiments, we propose to modify standard MTL by regularizing the joint multitask representation space. We run a large number of fine-tuning experiments across computer vision and natural language and find that our regularized MTL approach \emph{consistently} outperforms JTT on both worst and average group outcomes.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sPlhAIp6mk


Title: E-Valuating Classifier Two-Sample Tests

Abstract: We introduce a powerful deep classifier two-sample test for high-dimensional data based on E-values, called E-C2ST. Our test combines ideas from existing work on split likelihood ratio tests and predictive independence tests. The resulting E-values are suitable for anytime-valid sequential two-sample tests. This feature allows for more effective use of data in constructing test statistics. Through simulations and real data applications, we empirically demonstrate that E-C2ST achieves enhanced statistical power by partitioning datasets into multiple batches, beyond the conventional two-split (training and testing) approach of standard two-sample classifier tests. This strategy increases the power of the test, while keeping the type I error well below the desired significance level.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dwFRov8xhr


Title: Making Translators Privacy-aware on the User's Side

Abstract: We propose PRISM to enable users of machine translation systems to preserve the privacy of data on their own initiative. There is a growing demand to apply machine translation systems to data that require privacy protection. While several machine translation engines claim to prioritize privacy, the extent and specifics of such protection are largely ambiguous. First, there is often a lack of clarity on how and to what degree the data is protected. Even if service providers believe they have sufficient safeguards in place, sophisticated adversaries might still extract sensitive information. Second, vulnerabilities may exist outside of these protective measures, such as within communication channels, potentially leading to data leakage. As a result, users are hesitant to utilize machine translation engines for data demanding high levels of privacy protection, thereby missing out on their benefits. PRISM resolves this problem. Instead of relying on the translation service to keep data safe, PRISM provides the means to protect data on the user's side. This approach ensures that even machine translation engines with inadequate privacy measures can be used securely. For platforms already equipped with privacy safeguards, PRISM acts as an additional protection layer, reinforcing their security furthermore. PRISM adds these privacy features without significantly compromising translation accuracy. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PRISM using real-world translators, T5 and ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-turbo), and the datasets with two languages. PRISM effectively balances privacy protection with translation accuracy.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=0jL6SDOvPt


Title: Causal Mediation Analysis with Multi-dimensional and Indirectly Observed Mediators

Abstract: Causal mediation analysis (CMA) is a powerful method to dissect the total effect of a treatment into direct and mediated effects within the potential outcome framework. This is important in many scientific applications to identify the underlying mechanisms of a treatment effect. However, in many scientific applications the mediator is unobserved, but there may exist related measurements. For example, we may want to identify how changes in brain activity or structure mediate an antidepressant's effect on behavior, but we may only have access to electrophysiological or imaging brain measurements. To date, most CMA methods assume that the mediator is one-dimensional and observable, which oversimplifies such real-world scenarios. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a CMA framework that can handle complex and indirectly observed mediators based on the identifiable variational autoencoder (iVAE) architecture. We prove that the true joint distribution over observed and latent variables is identifiable with the proposed method. Additionally, our framework captures a disentangled representation of the indirectly observed mediator and yields an accurate estimation of the direct and mediated effects in synthetic and semi-synthetic experiments, providing evidence of its potential utility in real-world applications.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=EvJ5b4x2QN


Title: Layerwise complexity-matched learning yields an improved model of cortical area V2

Abstract: Human ability to recognize complex visual patterns arises through transformations performed by successive areas in the ventral visual cortex. Deep neural networks trained end-to-end for object recognition approach human capabilities, and offer the best descriptions to date of neural responses in the late stages of the hierarchy. But these networks provide a poor account of the early stages, compared to traditional hand-engineered models, or models optimized for coding efficiency or prediction. Moreover, the gradient backpropagation used in end-to-end learning is generally considered to be biologically implausible. Here, we overcome both of these limitations by developing a bottom-up self-supervised training methodology that operates independently on successive layers. Specifically, we maximize feature similarity between pairs of locally-deformed natural image patches, while decorrelating features across patches sampled from other images. Crucially, the deformation amplitudes are adjusted proportionally to receptive field sizes in each layer, thus matching the task complexity to the capacity at each stage of processing. In comparison with architecture-matched versions of previous models, we demonstrate that our layerwise complexity-matched learning (LCL) formulation produces a two-stage model (LCL-V2) that is better aligned with selectivity properties and neural activity in primate area V2. We demonstrate that the complexity-matched learning paradigm is critical for the emergence of the improved biological alignment. Finally, when the two-stage model is used as a fixed front-end for a deep network trained to perform object recognition, the resultant model (LCL-V2Net) is significantly better than standard end-to-end self-supervised, supervised, and adversarially-trained models in terms of generalization to out-of-distribution tasks and alignment with human behavior.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=lQBsLfAWhj


Title: Improved Convergence of Score-Based Diffusion Models via Prediction-Correction

Abstract: Score-based generative models (SGMs) are powerful tools to sample from complex data distributions. Their underlying idea is to \emph{(i)} run a forward process for time $T_1$ by adding noise to the data, \emph{(ii)} estimate its score function, and \emph{(iii)} use such estimate to run a reverse process. As the reverse process is initialized with the stationary distribution of the forward one, the existing analysis paradigm requires $T_1\to\infty$. This is however problematic: from a theoretical viewpoint, for a given precision of the score approximation, the convergence guarantee fails as $T_1$ diverges; from a practical viewpoint, a large $T_1$ increases computational costs and leads to error propagation.
This paper addresses the issue by considering a version of the popular \emph{predictor-corrector} scheme: after running the forward process, we first estimate the final distribution via an inexact Langevin dynamics and then revert the process. Our key technical contribution is to provide convergence guarantees which require to run the forward process \emph{only for a fixed finite time} $T_1$.
Our bounds exhibit a mild logarithmic dependence on the input dimension and the subgaussian norm of the target distribution, have minimal assumptions on the data, and require only to control the $L^2$ loss on the score approximation, which is the quantity minimized in practice.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=0zKvH7YiAq


Title: MC Layer Normalization for calibrated uncertainty in Deep Learning

Abstract: Efficiently estimating the uncertainty of neural network predictions has become an increasingly important challenge as machine learning models are adopted for high-stakes industrial applications where shifts in data distribution may occur. Thus, calibrated prediction uncertainty is crucial to determine when to trust a model's output and when to discard them as implausible. We propose a novel deep learning module - MC Layer Normalization - that acts as a drop-in replacement for Layer Normalization blocks and endows a neural network with uncertainty estimation capabilities. Our method is motivated from an approximate Bayesian perspective, but it is simple to deploy with no significant computational overhead thanks to an efficient one-shot approximation of Monte Carlo integration at prediction time. To evaluate the effectiveness of our module, we conduct experiments in two distinct settings. First, we investigate its potential to replace existing methods such as MC-Dropout and Prediction-Time Batch Normalization. Second, we explore its suitability for use cases where such conventional modules are either unsuitable or sub-optimal for certain tasks (as is the case with modules based on Batch Normalization, which is incompatible for instance with transformers). We empirically demonstrate the competitiveness of our module in terms of prediction accuracy and uncertainty calibration on established out-of-distribution image classification benchmarks, as well as its flexibility by applying it on tasks and architectures where previous methods are unsuitable.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=bG3ICt3E0C


Title: Federated Learning of Sparse Gaussian Processes

Abstract: Gaussian processes (GPs) are widely used flexible nonparametric probabilistic models, and sparse variational approximations for GPs (sparse GPs) have emerged as the go-to method for addressing their poor computational efficiency. In many applications in which we would like to use sparse GPs, datasets are distributed across multiple clients and data privacy is often a concern. This motivates the use of federated learning algorithms, which enable clients to train a model collaboratively without centralising data. Partitioned variational inference (PVI) is an established framework for communication-efficient federated learning of variational approximations. However, we show that PVI cannot support sparse GPs due to the need to share and learn variational parameters (the inducing point locations) across clients. Hence, we re-frame inducing points in sparse GPs as auxiliary variables in a hierarchical variational model (HVM). We use this reformulation to extend PVI to variational distributions with shared variational parameters across client-specific factors, enabling communication-efficient federated learning of inducing points. In addition, we develop a novel parameterisation of the variational distribution which, when combined with the HVM formulation of inducing points, improves the communication efficiency and quality of learning. Our experiments show that our method significantly outperforms baseline approaches for federated learning of sparse GPs on a number of real-world regression tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=LK3buxMrP9


Title: Path Development Network with Finite-dimensional Lie Group

Abstract: Signature, lying at the heart of rough path theory, is a central tool for analysing controlled differential equations driven by irregular paths. Recently it has also found extensive applications in machine learning and data science as a mathematically principled, universal feature that boosts the performance of deep learning-based models in sequential data tasks. It, nevertheless, suffers from the curse of dimensionality when paths are high-dimensional.

We propose a novel, trainable path development layer, which exploits representations of sequential data through finite-dimensional Lie groups, thus resulting in dimension reduction. Its backpropagation algorithm is designed via optimization on manifolds. Our proposed layer, analogous to recurrent neural networks (RNN), possesses an explicit, simple recurrent unit that alleviates the gradient issues.

Our layer demonstrates its strength in irregular time series modelling. Empirical results on a range of datasets show that the development layer consistently and significantly outperforms signature features on accuracy and dimensionality. The compact hybrid model (stacking one-layer LSTM with the development layer) achieves state-of-the-art against various RNN and continuous time series models. Our layer also enhances the performance of modelling dynamics constrained to Lie groups.

Code is available at \url{https://github.com/PDevNet/DevNet.git}.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=5xggNifExF


Title: Explainable Diagnosis of Melanoma Based on Localization of Clinical Indicators and Self-Supervised Learning

Abstract: Melanoma is a prevalent lethal type of cancer that is treatable if diagnosed at early stages of development. Skin lesions are a typical warning signs for diagnosing melanoma at early stage, but they often led to delayed diagnosis due to high similarities of cancerous and benign lesions at early stages of melanoma.Deep learning (DL) has been used to classify skin lesion pictures with a high classification accuracy, but clinical adoption of DL for this task has been quite limited. A major reason is that the decision processes of DL models are often uninterpretable which makes them black boxes that are challenging to trust. We develop an explainable DL architecture for melanoma diagnosis. Our architecture segments input images and generates clinically interpretable melanoma indicator masks that are then used for classification. Since our architecture is trained to mimic expert dermatologists, it generates explainable decisions. We also benefit from self-supervised learning to address the challenge of data annotations which is often expensive and time-consuming in medical domains. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed architectures matches clinical explanations considerably better than existing architectures and at the same time maintains high classification accuracies.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=IMSEfua3vo


Title: Policy Gradient with Kernel Quadrature

Abstract: Reward evaluation of episodes becomes a bottleneck in a broad range of reinforcement learning tasks. Our aim in this paper is to select a small but representative subset of a large batch of episodes, only on which we actually compute rewards for more efficient policy gradient iterations. We build a Gaussian process modeling of discounted returns or rewards to derive a positive definite kernel on the space of episodes, run an ``episodic" kernel quadrature method to compress the information of sample episodes, and pass the reduced episodes to the policy network for gradient updates. We present the theoretical background of this procedure as well as its numerical illustrations in MuJoCo tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=WFI9xhJrxF


Title: Using Higher-Order Moments to Assess the Quality of GAN-generated Image Features

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) necessitates the need to robustly evaluate these models. Among the established evaluation criteria, the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) has been widely adopted due to its conceptual simplicity, fast computation time, and strong correlation with human perception. However, FID has inherent limitations, mainly stemming from its assumption that feature embeddings follow a Gaussian distribution, and therefore can be defined by their first two moments. As this does not hold in practice, in this paper we explore the importance of third-moments in image feature data and use this information to define a new measure, which we call the Skew Inception Distance (SID). We prove that SID is a pseudometric on probability distributions, show how it extends FID, and present a practical method for its computation. Our numerical experiments support that SID either tracks with FID or, in some cases, aligns more closely with human perception when evaluating image features of ImageNet data. Our work also shows that principal component analysis can be used to speed up the computation time of both FID and SID. Although we focus on using SID on image features for GAN evaluation, SID is applicable much more generally, including for the evaluation of other generative models.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Io3jDUC4DP


Title: Demographically-Informed Prediction Discrepancy Index: Early Warnings of Demographic Biases for Unlabeled Populations

Abstract: An ever-growing body of work has shown that machine learning systems can be systematically biased against certain sub-populations defined by attributes like race or gender. Data imbalance and under-representation of certain populations in the training datasets have been identified as potential causes behind this phenomenon. However, understanding whether data imbalance with respect to a specific demographic group may result in biases for a given task and model class is not simple. An approach to answering this question is to perform controlled experiments, where several models are trained with different imbalance ratios and then their performance is evaluated on the target population. However, in the absence of ground-truth annotations at deployment for a new target population, most fairness metrics cannot be computed. In this work, we explore an alternative method to study potential bias issues based on the output discrepancy of pools of models trained on different demographic groups. Models within a pool are otherwise identical in terms of architecture, hyper-parameters, and training scheme. Our hypothesis is that the output consistency between models may serve as a proxy to anticipate biases concerning demographic groups. In other words, if models tailored to different demographic groups produce inconsistent predictions, then biases are more prone to appear in the task under analysis. We formulate the Demographically-Informed Prediction Discrepancy Index (DIPDI) and validate our hypothesis in numerical experiments using both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our work sheds light on the relationship between model output discrepancy and demographic biases and provides a means to anticipate potential bias issues in the absence of ground-truth annotations. Indeed, we show how DIPDI could provide early warnings about potential demographic biases when deploying machine learning models on new and unlabeled populations that exhibit demographic shifts.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=8W6IDyFZgC


Title: A Survey of Temporal Credit Assignment in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Abstract: The Credit Assignment Problem (CAP) refers to the longstanding challenge of Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents to associate actions with their long-term consequences. Solving the CAP is a crucial step towards the successful deployment of RL in the real world since most decision problems provide feedback that is noisy, delayed, and with little or no informa tion about the causes. These conditions make it hard to distinguish serendipitous outcomes from those caused by informed decision-making. However, the mathematical nature of credit and the CAP remains poorly understood and defined. In this survey, we review the state of the art of Temporal Credit Assignment (CA) in deep RL. We propose a unifying formalism for credit that enables equitable comparisons of state of the art algorithms and improves our understanding of the trade-offs between the various methods. We cast the CAP as the problem of learning the influence of an action over an outcome from a finite amount of experience. We discuss the challenges posed by delayed effects, transpositions, and a lack of action influence, and analyse how existing methods aim to address them. Finally, we survey the protocols to evaluate a credit assignment method, and suggest ways to diagnoses the sources of struggle for different credit assignment methods. Overall, this survey provides
an overview of the field for new-entry practitioners and researchers, it offers a coherent perspective for scholars looking to expedite the starting stages of a new study on the CAP, and it suggests potential directions for future research.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=bNtr6SLgZf


Title: Convergence Analysis of Fractional Gradient Descent

Abstract: Fractional derivatives are a well-studied generalization of integer order derivatives. Naturally, for optimization, it is of interest to understand the convergence properties of gradient descent using fractional derivatives. Convergence analysis of fractional gradient descent is currently limited both in the methods analyzed and the settings analyzed. This paper aims to fill in these gaps by analyzing variations of fractional gradient descent in smooth and convex, smooth and strongly convex, and smooth and non-convex settings. First, novel bounds will be established bridging fractional and integer derivatives. Then, these bounds will be applied to the aforementioned settings to prove $O(1/T)$ convergence for smooth and convex functions and linear convergence for smooth and strongly convex functions. Additionally, we prove $O(1/T)$ convergence for smooth and non-convex functions using an extended notion of smoothness that is more natural for fractional derivatives. Finally, empirical results will be presented on the potential speed up of fractional gradient descent over standard gradient descent as well as the challenges of predicting which will be faster in general.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=OycfV3Mhfq


Title: LIPEx – Locally Interpretable Probabilistic Explanations – To Look Beyond The True Class

Abstract: In this work, we instantiate a novel perturbation-based multi-class explanation framework, LIPEx (Locally Interpretable Probabilistic Explanation). We demonstrate that LIPEx not only locally replicates the probability distributions output by the widely used complex classification models but also provides insight into how every feature deemed to be important affects the prediction probability for each of the possible classes. We achieve this by defining the explanation as a matrix obtained via regression with respect to the Hellinger distance in the space of probability distributions. Ablation tests on text and image data, show that LIPEx-guided removal of important features from the data causes more change in predictions for the underlying model than similar tests based on other saliency-based or feature importance-based Explainable AI (XAI) methods. It is also shown that compared to LIME, LIPEx is more data efficient in terms of using a lesser number of perturbations of the data to obtain a reliable explanation. This data-efficiency is seen to manifest as LIPEx being able to compute its explanation matrix ∼ 53% faster than all-class LIME, for classification experiments with text data.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=W11uHaXw06


Title: Granger Causal Interaction Skill Chains

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has demonstrated promising results in learning policies for complex tasks, but it often suffers from low sample efficiency and limited transferability. Hierarchical RL (HRL) methods aim to address the difficulty of learning long-horizon tasks by decomposing policies into skills, abstracting states, and reusing skills in new tasks. However, many HRL methods require some initial task success to discover useful skills, which paradoxically may be very unlikely without access to useful skills. On the other hand, reward-free HRL methods often need to learn far too many skills to achieve proper coverage in high-dimensional domains. In contrast, we introduce the Chain of Interaction Skills (COInS) algorithm, which focuses on \textit{controllability} in factored domains to identify a small number of task-agnostic skills that allow for a high degree of control of the factored state. COInS uses learned detectors to identify interactions between state factors and then trains a chain of skills to control each of these factors successively. We evaluate COInS on a robotic pushing task with obstacles—a challenging domain where other RL and HRL methods fall short. We also demonstrate the transferability of skills learned by COInS, using variants of Breakout, a common RL benchmark, and show 2-3x improvement in both sample efficiency and final performance compared to standard RL baselines.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=iA2KQyoun1


Title: Synthetic data shuffling accelerates the convergence of federated learning under data heterogeneity

Abstract: In federated learning, data heterogeneity is a critical challenge. A straightforward solution is to shuffle the clients' data to homogenize the distribution. However, this may violate data access rights, and how and when shuffling can accelerate the convergence of a federated optimization algorithm is not theoretically well understood. In this paper, we establish a precise and quantifiable correspondence between data heterogeneity and parameters in the convergence rate when a fraction of data is shuffled across clients. We discuss that shuffling can, in some cases, quadratically reduce the gradient dissimilarity with respect to the shuffling percentage, accelerating convergence. Inspired by the theory, we propose a practical approach that addresses the data access rights issue by shuffling locally generated synthetic data. The experimental results show that shuffling synthetic data improves the performance of multiple existing federated learning algorithms by a large margin.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=c5o4HUypqm


Title: GUARD: A Safe Reinforcement Learning Benchmark

Abstract: Due to the trial-and-error nature, it is typically challenging to apply RL algorithms to safety-critical real-world applications, such as autonomous driving, human-robot interaction, robot manipulation, etc, where such errors are not tolerable. Recently, safe RL (i.e. constrained RL) has emerged rapidly in the literature, in which the agents explore the environment while satisfying constraints. Due to the diversity of algorithms and tasks, it remains difficult to compare existing safe RL algorithms. To fill that gap, we introduce GUARD, a Generalized Unified SAfe Reinforcement Learning Development Benchmark. GUARD has several advantages compared to existing benchmarks. First, GUARD is a generalized benchmark with a wide variety of RL agents, tasks, and safety constraint specifications. Second, GUARD comprehensively covers state-of-the-art safe RL algorithms with self-contained implementations. Third, GUARD is highly customizable in tasks and algorithms. We present a comparison of state-of-the-art on-policy safe RL algorithms in various task settings using GUARD and establish baselines that future work can build on.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=kZFKwApeQO


Title: Choosing the parameter of the Fermat distance: navigating geometry and noise

Abstract: The Fermat distance has been recently established as a valuable tool for machine learning tasks when a natural distance is not directly available to the practitioner or to improve the results given by Euclidean distances by exploding the geometrical and statistical properties of the dataset. This distance depends on a parameter $\alpha$ that significantly impacts the performance of subsequent tasks. Ideally, the value of $\alpha$ should be large enough to navigate the geometric intricacies inherent to the problem. At the same time, it should remain restrained enough to sidestep any deleterious ramifications stemming from noise during the distance estimation process.
We study both theoretically and through simulations how to select this parameter.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jDRNEoxVc7


Title: Noncommutative $C^*$-algebra Net: Learning Neural Networks with Powerful Product Structure in $C^*$-algebra

Abstract: We propose a new generalization of neural networks with noncommutative $C^*$-algebra.
An important feature of $C^*$-algebras is their noncommutative structure of products, but the existing $C^*$-algebra net frameworks have only considered commutative $C^*$-algebras.
We show that this noncommutative structure of $C^*$-algebras induces powerful effects in learning neural networks.
Our framework has a wide range of applications, such as learning multiple related neural networks simultaneously with interactions and learning invariant features with respect to group actions.
The validity of our framework numerically illustrates its potential power.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=qp6OQwLsF7


Title: Accurate Neural Network Pruning Requires Rethinking Sparse Optimization

Abstract: Obtaining versions of deep neural networks that are both highly-accurate and highly-sparse is one of the
main challenges in the area of model compression, and several high-performance pruning techniques have been investigated by the community. Yet, much less is known about the interaction between sparsity and the standard stochastic optimization techniques used for training sparse networks, and most existing work uses standard dense schedules and hyperparameters for training sparse networks. In this work, we examine the impact of high sparsity on model training using the standard computer vision and natural language processing sparsity benchmarks. We begin by showing that using standard dense training recipes for sparse training is suboptimal, and results in under-training. We provide new approaches for mitigating this issue for both sparse pre-training of vision models (e.g. ResNet50/ImageNet) and sparse fine-tuning of language models (e.g. BERT/GLUE), achieving state-of-the-art results in both settings in the high-sparsity regime, and providing detailed analyses for the difficulty of sparse training in both scenarios. Our work sets a new threshold in terms of the accuracies that can be achieved under high sparsity, and should inspire further research into improving sparse model training, to reach higher accuracies under high sparsity, but also to do so efficiently.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=vgthYeRBAF


Title: Multi-conditioned Graph Diffusion for Neural Architecture Search

Abstract: Neural architecture search automates the design of neural network architectures usually by exploring a large and thus complex architecture search space. To advance the architecture search, we present a graph diffusion-based NAS approach that uses discrete conditional graph diffusion processes to generate high-performing neural network architectures. We then propose a multi-conditioned classifier-free guidance approach applied to graph diffusion networks to jointly impose constraints such as high accuracy and low hardware latency. Unlike the related work, our method is completely differentiable and requires only a single model training. In our evaluations, we show promising results on six standard benchmarks, yielding novel and unique architectures at a fast speed, i.e. less than 0.2 seconds per architecture. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generalisability and efficiency of our method through experiments on ImageNet dataset.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=5VotySkajV


Title: Towards interpretable-by-design deep learning algorithms

Abstract: Most of the existing deep learning (DL) methods rely on parametric tuning and lack explainability. The few methods that claim to offer explainable DL solutions, such as ProtoPNet and xDNN, require end-to-end training and finetuning. In this study, we propose a framework called IDEAL (Interpretable-by-design DEep learning ALgorithms) which recasts the standard supervised classification problem into a function of similarity to a set of prototypes derived from the training data, while taking advantage of existing latent spaces of large neural networks forming so-called Foundation Models (FM). Using the IDEAL approach we can decompose the overall problem into two inherently connected stages: A) feature extraction (FE), which maps the raw features of the real-world data into a latent space, and B) identification of representative prototypes and decision making based on similarity and association between the query and the prototypes. This addresses the issue of interpretability (stage B) while retaining the benefits from the tremendous achievements offered by DL models (e.g., visual transformers, ViT) which are often pre-trained on huge datasets such as IG-3.6B + ImageNet-1K or LVD-142M (stage A). The key findings can be summarized as follows: (1) the proposed models are interpretable through prototypes, while also mitigating the issue of confounding bias, (2) the IDEAL framework circumvents the issue of catastrophic forgetting, allowing efficient class-incremental learning, and (3) the IDEAL approach demonstrates that ViT architectures narrow the gap between finetuned and non-finetuned models allowing for transfer learning in a fraction of time without finetuning of the feature space on a target dataset with iterative supervised methods. Using a range of datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, CalTech101, STL-10, Oxford-IIIT Pet, EuroSAT), we demonstrate, through an extensive set of experiments, how the choice of the latent space, prototype selection, and finetuning of the latent space affect the performance of the models. Building upon this knowledge, we demonstrate that the proposed models have an advantage over state-of-the-art baselines in class-incremental learning. Finally, we analyse the interpretations provided by the proposed IDEAL framework, as well as the impact of confounding on the interpretations, demonstrating that the proposed approach without finetuning improves the performance on confounded data over finetuned counterparts.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PRFe38d9HE


Title: On the Convergence of Adaptive Gradient Methods for Nonconvex Optimization

Abstract: Adaptive gradient methods are workhorses in deep learning. However, the convergence guarantees of adaptive gradient methods for nonconvex optimization have not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we provide a fine-grained convergence analysis for a general class of adaptive gradient methods including AMSGrad, RMSProp and AdaGrad. For smooth nonconvex functions, we prove that adaptive gradient methods in expectation converge to a first-order stationary point. Our convergence rate is better than existing results for adaptive gradient methods in terms of dimension. In addition, we also prove high probability bounds on the convergence rates of AMSGrad, RMSProp as well as AdaGrad, which have not been established before. Our analyses shed light on better understanding the mechanism behind adaptive gradient methods in optimizing nonconvex objectives.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Gh0cxhbz3c


Title: STViT: Improving Self-supervised Multi-Camera Depth Estimation with Spatial-Temporal Context and Adversarial Geometry Regularization

Abstract: Multi-camera depth estimation has recently garnered significant attention due to its practical implications in autonomous driving. While adapting monocular self-supervised methods to the multi-camera context has demonstrated promise, these techniques often overlook unique challenges specific to multi-camera setups, hindering the realization of their full potential. In this paper, we delve into the task of self-supervised multi-camera depth estimation and propose an innovative Transformer-based framework, STViT, featuring several noteworthy enhancements: 1) The Spatial-Temporal Transformer (STTrans) is designed to exploit local spatial connectivity and global context within image features, facilitating the learning of enriched spatial-temporal cross-view correlations and effectively recovering intricate 3D geometries. 2) To alleviate the adverse impact of varying illumination conditions in photometric loss calculation, we employ a spatial-temporal photometric consistency correction strategy (STPCC) to adjust the image intensities and maintain brightness consistency across frames. 3) In recognition of the profound impact of adverse conditions such as rainy weather and nighttime driving on depth estimation, we propose an Adversarial Geometry Regularization (AGR) module based on Generative Adversarial Networks. The AGR serves to provide added spatial positional constraints on depth estimation by leveraging unpaired normal-condition depth maps, effectively preventing improper model training in adverse conditions. Our approach is extensively evaluated on large-scale autonomous driving datasets, including Nuscenes and DDAD, demonstrating its superior performance, thus advancing the state-of-the-art in multi-camera self-supervised depth estimation.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Tu4vOiI2A7


Title: State-wise Constrained Policy Optimization

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms have shown tremendous success in simulation environments, but their application to real-world problems faces significant challenges, with safety being a major concern. In particular, enforcing state-wise constraints is essential for many challenging tasks such as autonomous driving and robot manipulation. However, existing safe RL algorithms under the framework of Constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP) do not consider state-wise constraints. To address this gap, we propose State-wise Constrained Policy Optimization (SCPO), the first general-purpose policy search algorithm for state-wise constrained reinforcement learning. SCPO provides guarantees for state-wise constraint satisfaction in expectation. In particular, we introduce the framework of Maximum Markov Decision Process, and prove that the worst-case safety violation is bounded under SCPO. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on training neural network policies for extensive robot locomotion tasks, where the agent must satisfy a variety of state-wise safety constraints. Our results show that SCPO significantly outperforms existing methods and can handle state-wise constraints in high-dimensional robotics tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=NgK5etmhz9


Title: Enhancing Vision-Language Model with Unmasked Token Alignment

Abstract: Contrastive pre-training on image-text pairs, exemplified by CLIP, becomes a standard technique for learning multi-modal visual-language representations. Although CLIP has demonstrated remarkable performance, training it from scratch on noisy web-scale datasets is computationally demanding. On the other hand, mask-then-predict pre-training approaches, like Masked Image Modeling (MIM), offer efficient self-supervised learning for single-modal representations. This paper introduces $\textbf{U}$nmasked $\textbf{T}$oken $\textbf{A}$lignment ($\textbf{UTA}$), a method that leverages existing CLIP models to further enhance its vision-language representations. UTA trains a Vision Transformer (ViT) by aligning unmasked visual tokens to the corresponding image tokens from a frozen CLIP vision encoder, which automatically aligns the ViT model with the CLIP text encoder. The pre-trained ViT can be directly applied for zero-shot evaluation even without training on image-text pairs. Compared to MIM approaches, UTA does not suffer from training-finetuning inconsistency and is much more training-efficient by avoiding using the extra $\mathrm{[MASK]}$ tokens. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that UTA can enhance CLIP models and outperform existing MIM methods on various uni- and multi-modal benchmarks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JkFEVbW6wE


Title: Continuous U-Net: Faster, Greater and Noiseless

Abstract: Image segmentation is a fundamental task in image analysis and clinical practice. The current state-of-the-art techniques are based on U-shape type encoder-decoder networks with skip connections called U-Net. Despite the powerful performance reported by existing U-Net type networks, they suffer from several major limitations. These issues include the hard coding of the receptive field size, compromising the performance and computational cost, as well as the fact that they do not account for inherent noise in the data. They have problems associated with discrete layers, and do not offer any theoretical underpinning. In this work we introduce continuous U-Net, a novel family of networks for image segmentation. Firstly, continuous U-Net is a continuous deep neural network that introduces new dynamic blocks modelled by second order ordinary differential equations. Secondly, we provide theoretical guarantees for our network demonstrating faster convergence, higher robustness and less sensitivity to noise. Thirdly, we derive qualitative measures to tailor-made segmentation tasks. We demonstrate, through extensive numerical and visual results, that our model outperforms existing U-Net blocks for several medical image segmentation benchmarking datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ongi2oe3Fr


Title: Scaling Vision-and-Language Navigation With Offline RL

Abstract: The study of vision-and-language navigation (VLN) has typically relied on expert trajectories, which may not always be available in real-world situations due to the significant effort required to collect them. On the other hand, existing approaches to training VLN agents that go beyond available expert data involve data augmentations or online exploration which can be tedious and risky. In contrast, it is easy to access large repositories of suboptimal offline trajectories. Inspired by research in offline reinforcement learning (ORL), we introduce a new problem setup of VLN-ORL which studies VLN using suboptimal demonstration data. We introduce a simple and effective reward-conditioned approach that can account for dataset suboptimality for training VLN agents, as well as benchmarks to evaluate progress and promote research in this area. We empirically study various noise models for characterizing dataset suboptimality among other unique challenges in VLN-ORL and instantiate it for the VLN⟳BERT and MTVM architectures in the R2R and RxR environments. Our ex periments demonstrate that the proposed reward-conditioned approach leads to significant performance improvements, even in complex and intricate environments.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=kPIU8PnJPo


Title: A VAE-based Framework for Learning Multi-Level Neural Granger-Causal Connectivity

Abstract: Granger causality has been widely used in various application domains to capture lead-lag relationships amongst the components of complex dynamical systems, and the focus in extant literature has been on a single dynamical system. In certain applications, one has access to data from a collection of related such systems, wherein the modeling task of interest is to extract the shared common structure that is embedded across them, as well as to identify the idiosyncrasies within individual ones. This paper introduces a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) based framework that jointly learns Granger-causal relationships amongst components in a collection of related-yet-heterogeneous dynamical systems, and handles the aforementioned task in a principled way. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated on several synthetic data settings and benchmarked against existing approaches designed for individual system learning. The method is further illustrated on a real dataset involving neuroimaging time series data and produces interpretable results.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=kNCZ95mw7N


Title: Inference from Real-World Sparse Measurements

Abstract: Real-world problems often involve complex and unstructured sets of measurements, which occurs when sensors are sparsely placed in either space or time. Being able to model this irregular spatiotemporal data and extract meaningful forecasts is crucial. Deep learning architectures capable of processing sets of measurements with positions varying from set to set, and extracting readouts anywhere are methodologically difficult. Current state-of-the-art models are graph neural networks and require domain-specific knowledge for proper setup.

We propose an attention-based model focused on robustness and practical applicability, with two key design contributions. First, we adopt a ViT-like transformer that takes both context points and read-out positions as inputs, eliminating the need for an encoder-decoder structure. Second, we use a unified method for encoding both context and read-out positions. This approach is intentionally straightforward and integrates well with other systems. Compared to existing approaches, our model is simpler, requires less specialized knowledge, and does not suffer from a problematic bottleneck effect, all of which contribute to superior performance.

We conduct in-depth ablation studies that characterize this problematic bottleneck in the latent representations of alternative models that inhibit information utilization and impede training efficiency. We also perform experiments across various problem domains, including high-altitude wind nowcasting, two-day weather forecasting, fluid dynamics, and heat diffusion. Our attention-based model consistently outperforms state-of-the-art models in handling irregularly sampled data. Notably, our model reduces the root mean square error (RMSE) for wind nowcasting from 9.24 to 7.98 and for heat diffusion tasks from 0.126 to 0.084.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=y9IDfODRns


Title: Finite-Time Analysis of Entropy-Regularized Neural Natural Actor-Critic Algorithm

Abstract: Natural actor-critic (NAC) and its variants, equipped with the representation power of neural networks, have demonstrated impressive empirical success in solving Markov decision problems with large (potentially infinite) state spaces. In this paper, we present a finite-time analysis of NAC with neural network approximation, and identify the roles of neural networks, regularization and optimization techniques (e.g., gradient clipping and weight decay) to achieve provably good performance in terms of sample complexity, iteration complexity and overparametrization bounds for the actor and the critic. In particular, we prove that (i) entropy regularization and weight decay ensure stability by providing sufficient exploration to avoid near-deterministic and strictly suboptimal policies and (ii) regularization leads to sharp sample complexity and network width bounds in the regularized MDPs, yielding a favorable bias-variance tradeoff in policy optimization. In the process, we identify the importance of uniform approximation power of the actor neural network to achieve global optimality in policy optimization due to distributional shift.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=BkEqk7pS1I


Title: In-distribution Generalization and Size Generalization for Graph Neural Networks

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are models that allow learning with structured data of varying sizes.
Despite their popularity, theoretical understanding of the generalization of GNNs is an under-explored topic.
In this work, we expand the theoretical understanding of both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization of GNNs.
Firstly, we improve upon the state-of-the-art PAC-Bayes (in-distribution) generalization bound primarily by reducing an exponential dependency on the node degree to a linear dependency.
Secondly, utilizing tools from spectral graph theory, we prove some rigorous guarantees about the out-of-distribution (OOD) size generalization of GNNs, where graphs in the training set have different numbers of nodes and edges from those in the test set.
To empirically verify our theoretical findings, we conduct experiments on both synthetic and real-world graph datasets.
Our computed generalization gaps for the in-distribution case significantly improve the state-of-the-art PAC-Bayes results.
For the OOD case, experiments on community classification tasks in large social networks show that GNNs achieve strong size generalization performance in cases guaranteed by our theory.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=TyK6jHn8n1


Title: Imitation Transformer

Abstract: We propose a simple but effective batch imitation learning method. Our algorithm works by solving a sequence of two supervised learning problems, first learning a reward function and then using a batch reinforcement learning oracle to learn a policy. We develop a highly scalable implementation using the transformer architecture and upside-down reinforcement learning. We also analyze an idealized variant of the algorithm for the tabular case and provide a finite-data regret bound. Experiments on a set of ATARI games and MuJoCo continuous control tasks demonstrate good empirical performance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=XB2BywKQEW


Title: FicClaim: A Framework for Claim Verification in Fictional Domains Using Synthetic Data Generation

Abstract: The spread of misinformation and disinformation on social medial platforms has made automatic claim verification an important concern in various domains. We study the problem of claim verification in the context of claims about fictional stories for the purpose of uncovering logical inconsistencies also known as plot holes. To this end, we first introduce FicClaim, a synthetic dataset containing plot holes. FicClaim is generated in part by large language models (LLMs) for learning how to apply claim verification to fictional settings. We then develop the FicVer algorithm for finding inconsistencies in a story based on our dataset. We benchmark our algorithm against various claim verification methods and demonstrate that the proposed algorithm leads to state-of-the-art performance. Our code is available at https://anonymized.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2vsl5fl9dt


Title: Semantic Positive Pairs for Enhancing Visual Representation Learning of Instance Discrimination methods

Abstract: Self-supervised learning algorithms (SSL) based on instance discrimination have shown promising results, performing competitively or even outperforming supervised learning counterparts in some downstream tasks. Such approaches employ data augmentation to create
two views of the same instance (i.e., positive pairs) and encourage the model to learn good representations by attracting these views closer in the embedding space without collapsing to the trivial solution. However, data augmentation is limited in representing positive pairs, and the repulsion process between the instances during contrastive learning may discard important features for instances that have similar categories. To address this issue, we pro pose an approach to identify those images with similar semantic content and treat them as positive instances, thereby reducing the chance of discarding important features during representation learning and increasing the richness of the latent representation. Our approach is generic and could work with any self-supervised instance discrimination frameworks such as MoCo and SimSiam. To evaluate our method, we run experiments on three benchmark datasets: ImageNet, STL-10 and CIFAR-10 with different instance discrimination SSL approaches. The experimental results show that our approach consistently outperforms the baseline methods across all three datasets; for instance, we improve upon the vanilla MoCo-v2 by 4.1% on ImageNet under a linear evaluation protocol over 800 epochs.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=z5AXLMBWdU


Title: Physical Reasoning and Object Planning for Household Embodied Agents

Abstract: In this study, we explore the sophisticated domain of task planning for robust household embodied agents, with a particular emphasis on the intricate task of selecting substitute objects. We introduce the CommonSense Object Affordance Task (COAT), a novel framework designed to analyze reasoning capabilities in commonsense scenarios. This approach is centered on understanding how these agents can effectively identify and utilize alternative objects when executing household tasks, thereby offering insights into the complexities of practical decision-making in real-world environments.Drawing inspiration from human decision-making, we explore how large language models tackle this challenge through three meticulously crafted commonsense question-and-answer datasets, featuring refined rules and human annotations. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art language models on these datasets sheds light on three pivotal considerations: 1) aligning an object's inherent utility with the task at hand, 2) navigating contextual dependencies (societal norms, safety, appropriateness, and efficiency), and 3) accounting for the current physical state of the object. To maintain accessibility, we introduce five abstract variables reflecting an object's physical condition, modulated by human insights to simulate diverse household scenarios. Our contributions include insightful Object-Utility mappings addressing the first consideration and two extensive QA datasets (15k and 130k questions) probing the intricacies of contextual dependencies and object states. The datasets, along with our findings, are accessible at: https://github.com/com-phy-affordance/COAT This research not only advances our understanding of physical commonsense reasoning in language models but also paves the way for future improvements in household agent intelligence.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xYkdmEGhIM


Title: Doubly Robust Kernel Statistics for Testing Distributional Treatment Effects

Abstract: With the widespread application of causal inference, it is increasingly important to have tools which can test for the presence of causal effects in a diverse array of circumstances. In this vein we focus on the problem of testing for \emph{distributional} causal effects, where the treatment affects not just the mean, but also higher order moments of the distribution, as well as multidimensional or structured outcomes. We build upon a previously introduced framework, Counterfactual Mean Embeddings, for representing causal distributions within Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHS) by proposing new, improved, estimators for the distributional embeddings. These improved estimators are inspired by doubly robust estimators of the causal mean, using a similar form within the kernel space. We analyse these estimators, proving they retain the doubly robust property and have improved convergence rates compared to the original estimators. This leads to new permutation-based tests for distributional causal effects, by constructing the test statistics based on the estimators we propose. We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate the validity of our tests.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=5g5zFVj33K


Title: Online Continual Learning via Logit Adjusted Softmax

Abstract: Online continual learning is a challenging problem where models must learn from a non-stationary data stream while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Inter-class imbalance during training has been identified as a major cause of forgetting, leading to model prediction bias towards recently learned classes. In this paper, we theoretically analyze that inter-class imbalance is entirely attributed to imbalanced class-priors, and the function learned from intra-class intrinsic distributions is the Bayes-optimal classifier. To that end, we present that a simple adjustment of model logits during training can effectively resist prior class bias and pursue the corresponding Bayes-optimum. Our proposed method, Logit Adjusted Softmax, can mitigate the impact of inter-class imbalance not only in class-incremental but also in realistic general setups, with little additional computational cost. We evaluate our approach on various benchmarks and demonstrate significant performance improvements compared to prior arts. For example, our approach improves the best baseline by 4.6% on CIFAR10.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=MyQKcQAte6


Title: Momentum-Based Policy Gradient with Second-Order Information

Abstract: Variance-reduced gradient estimators for policy gradient methods have been one of the main focus of research in the reinforcement learning in recent years as they allow acceleration of the estimation process. We propose a variance-reduced policy-gradient method, called SHARP, which incorporates second-order information into stochastic gradient descent (SGD) using momentum with a time-varying learning rate. SHARP algorithm is parameter-free, achieving $\epsilon$-approximate first-order stationary point with $O(\epsilon^{-3})$ number of trajectories, while using a batch size of $O(1)$ at each iteration. Unlike most previous work, our proposed algorithm does not require importance sampling which can compromise the advantage of variance reduction process. Moreover, the variance of estimation error decays with the fast rate of $O(1/t^{2/3})$ where $t$ is the number of iterations. Our extensive experimental evaluations show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on various control tasks and its advantage over the state of the art in practice.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2bURaH6RN8


Title: How good is Good-Turing for Markov samples?

Abstract: The Good-Turing (GT) estimator for the missing mass (i.e., total probability of missing symbols) in $n$ samples is the number of symbols that appeared exactly once divided by $n$. For i.i.d. samples, the bias and squared-error risk of the GT estimator can be shown to fall as $1/n$ by bounding the expected error uniformly over all symbols. In this work, we study convergence of the GT estimator for missing stationary mass (i.e., total stationary probability of missing symbols) of Markov samples on an alphabet $\mathcal{X}$ with stationary distribution $[\pi_x:x\in\cX]$ and transition probability matrix (t.p.m.) $P$. This is an important and interesting problem because GT is widely used in applications with temporal dependencies such as language models assigning probabilities to word sequences, which are modelled as Markov. We show that convergence of GT depends on convergence of $(P^{\sim x})^n$, where $P^{\sim x}$ is $P$ with the $x$-th column zeroed out. This, in turn, depends on the Perron eigenvalue $\lambda^{\sim x}$ of $P^{\sim x}$ and its relationship with $\pi_x$ uniformly over $x$. For randomly generated t.p.ms and t.p.ms derived from New York Times and Charles Dickens corpora, we numerically exhibit such uniform-over-$x$ relationships between $\lambda^{\sim x}$ and $\pi_x$. This supports the observed success of GT in language models and practical text data scenarios. For Markov chains with rank-2, diagonalizable t.p.ms having spectral gap $\beta$, we show minimax rate upper and lower bounds of $1/(n\beta^5)$ and $1/(n\beta)$, respectively, for the estimation of stationary missing mass. This theoretical result extends the $1/n$ minimax rate for i.i.d. or rank-1 t.p.ms to rank-2 Markov, and is a first such minimax rate result for missing mass of Markov samples. We also show, through experiments, that the MSE of GT decays at a slower rate as the rank of the t.p.m increases.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=KokkP2nQ24


Title: Optimal Inference in Contextual Stochastic Block Models

Abstract: The contextual stochastic block model (CSBM) was proposed for unsupervised community detection on attributed graphs where both the graph and the high-dimensional node information correlate with node labels. In the context of machine learning on graphs, the CSBM has been widely used as a synthetic dataset for evaluating the performance of graph-neural networks (GNNs) for semi-supervised node classification. We consider a probabilistic Bayes-optimal formulation of the inference problem and we derive a belief-propagation-based algorithm for the semi-supervised CSBM; we conjecture it is optimal in the considered setting and we provide its implementation. We show that there can be a considerable gap between the accuracy reached by this algorithm and the performance of the GNN architectures proposed in the literature. This suggests that the CSBM, along with the comparison to the performance of the optimal algorithm, readily accessible via our implementation, can be instrumental in the development of more performant GNN architectures.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Pe6hldOUkw


Title: Multi-domain improves out-of-distribution and data-limited scenarios for medical image analysis

Abstract: Current machine learning methods for medical image analysis primarily focus on developing models tailored for their specific tasks, utilizing data within their target domain. These specialized models tend to be data-hungry and often exhibit limitations in generalizing to out-of-distribution samples. In this work, we show that employing models that incorporate multiple domains instead of specialized ones significantly alleviates the limitations observed in specialized models. We refer to this approach as multi-domain model and compare its performance to that of specialized models. For this, we introduce the incorporation of diverse medical image domains, including different imaging modalities like X-ray, MRI, CT, and ultrasound images, as well as various viewpoints such as axial, coronal, and sagittal views. Our findings underscore the superior generalization capabilities of multi-domain models, particularly in scenarios characterized by limited data availability and out-of-distribution, frequently encountered in healthcare applications. The integration of diverse data allows multi-domain models to utilize information across domains, enhancing the overall outcomes significantly. To illustrate, for organ recognition, multi-domain model can enhance accuracy by up to 8% compared to conventional specialized models.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=EhxqEO330A


Title: Cooperative Online Learning with Feedback Graphs

Abstract: We study the interplay between communication and feedback in a cooperative online learning setting, where a network of communicating agents learn a common sequential decision-making task through a feedback graph. We bound the network regret in terms of the independence number of the strong product between the communication network and the feedback graph. Our analysis recovers as special cases many previously known bounds for cooperative online learning with expert or bandit feedback. We also prove an instance-based lower bound, demonstrating that our positive results are not improvable except in pathological cases. Experiments on synthetic data confirm our theoretical findings.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PtNyIboDIG


Title: On the Robustness of Neural Collapse and the Neural Collapse of Robustness

Abstract: Neural Collapse refers to the curious phenomenon in the end of training of a neural network, where feature vectors and classification weights converge to a very simple geometrical arrangement (a simplex). While it has been observed empirically in various cases and has been theoretically motivated, its connection with crucial properties of neural networks, like their generalization and robustness, remains unclear. In this work, we study the stability properties of these simplices.
We find that the simplex structure disappears under small adversarial attacks, and that perturbed examples "leap" between simplex vertices.
We further analyze the geometry of networks that are optimized to be robust against adversarial perturbations of the input, and find that Neural Collapse is a pervasive phenomenon in these cases as well, with clean and perturbed representations forming aligned simplices, and giving rise to a robust simple nearest-neighbor classifier. By studying the propagation of the amount of collapse inside the network, we identify novel properties of both robust and non-robust machine learning models, and show that earlier, unlike later layers maintain reliable simplices on perturbed data.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=OyXS4ZIqd3


Title: Causal Graphs Underlying Generative Models: Path to Learning with Limited Data

Abstract: Training generative models that capture rich semantics of the data and interpreting the latent representations encoded by such models are very important problems in un-/self-supervised learning. In this work, we provide a simple algorithm that relies on perturbation experiments on latent codes of a pre-trained generative autoencoder to uncover a causal graph that is implied by the generative model. We perform perturbation experiments to check for influence of a given latent variable on a subset of attributes. Given this, we show that one can fit an effective causal graph that models a structural equation model between latent codes taken as exogenous variables and attributes taken as observed variables. One interesting aspect is that a single latent variable controls multiple overlapping subsets of attributes unlike conventional approach that tries to impose full independence. Using a pre-trained generative autoencoder trained on a large dataset of small molecules, we demonstrate that the causal graph between various attributes and latent codes learned by our algorithm can be used to predict a specific property for molecules which are previously unseen. We compare prediction models trained on either all available attributes or only the ones in the derived Markov blanket and show empirically that the predictor that relies on Markov blanket attributes is more robust to distribution shifts when transferred or fine-tuned with a few samples from the new distribution, especially when training data is limited. Specifically, our model performs best in six of the seven smallest benchmark tasks with a maximum improvement of +9.4% and an average of +2.2%.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Vyw437epFz


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