Weekly TMLR digest for Feb 19, 2023

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Feb 18, 2023, 7:00:10 PM2/18/23
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New certifications

Featured Certification: SPADE: Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection under Distribution Mismatch

Jinsung Yoon, Kihyuk Sohn, Chun-Liang Li, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister



Accepted papers

Title: KRADA: Known-region-aware Domain Alignment for Open-set Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Chenhong Zhou, Feng Liu, Chen Gong, Rongfei Zeng, Tongliang Liu, William Cheung, Bo Han

Abstract: In semantic segmentation, we aim to train a pixel-level classifier to assign category labels to all pixels in an image, where labeled training images and unlabeled test images are from the same distribution and share the same label set. However, in an open world, the unlabeled test images probably contain unknown categories and have different distributions from the labeled images. Hence, in this paper, we consider a new, more realistic, and more challenging problem setting where the pixel-level classifier has to be trained with labeled images and unlabeled open-world images—we name it open world semantic segmentation (OSS). In OSS, the trained classifier is expected to identify unknown-class pixels and classify known-class pixels well. To solve OSS, we first investigate which distribution that unknown-class pixels obey. Then, motivated by the goodness-of-fit test, we use statistical measurements to show how a pixel fits the distribution of an unknown class and select highly-fitted pixels to form the unknown region in each test image. Eventually, we propose an end-to-end learning framework, known-region-aware domain alignment (KRADA), to distinguish unknown classes while aligning the distributions of known classes in labeled and unlabeled open-world images. The effectiveness of KRADA has been verified on two synthetic tasks and one COVID-19 segmentation task.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=5II12ypVQo


Title: Mean-field analysis for heavy ball methods: Dropout-stability, connectivity, and global convergence

Authors: Diyuan Wu, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Marco Mondelli

Abstract: The stochastic heavy ball method (SHB), also known as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with Polyak's momentum, is widely used in training neural networks. However, despite the remarkable success of such algorithm in practice, its theoretical characterization remains limited. In this paper, we focus on neural networks with two and three layers and provide a rigorous understanding of the properties of the solutions found by SHB: \emph{(i)} stability after dropping out part of the neurons, \emph{(ii)} connectivity along a low-loss path, and \emph{(iii)} convergence to the global optimum.
To achieve this goal, we take a mean-field view and relate the SHB dynamics to a certain partial differential equation in the limit of large network widths. This mean-field perspective has inspired a recent line of work focusing on SGD while, in contrast, our paper considers an algorithm with momentum. More specifically, after proving existence and uniqueness of the limit differential equations, we show convergence to the global optimum and give a quantitative bound between the mean-field limit and the SHB dynamics of a finite-width network. Armed with this last bound, we are able to establish the dropout-stability and connectivity of SHB solutions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gZna3IiGfl


Title: DEUP: Direct Epistemic Uncertainty Prediction

Authors: Salem Lahlou, Moksh Jain, Hadi Nekoei, Victor I Butoi, Paul Bertin, Jarrid Rector-Brooks, Maksym Korablyov, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: Epistemic Uncertainty is a measure of the lack of knowledge of a learner which diminishes with more evidence. While existing work focuses on using the variance of the Bayesian posterior due to parameter uncertainty as a measure of epistemic uncertainty, we argue that this does not capture the part of lack of knowledge induced by model misspecification. We discuss how the excess risk, which is the gap between the generalization error of a predictor and the Bayes predictor, is a sound measure of epistemic uncertainty which captures the effect of model misspecification. We thus propose a principled framework for directly estimating the excess risk by learning a secondary predictor for the generalization error and subtracting an estimate of aleatoric uncertainty, i.e., intrinsic unpredictability. We discuss the merits of this novel measure of epistemic uncertainty, and highlight how it differs from variance-based measures of epistemic uncertainty and addresses its major pitfall. Our framework, Direct Epistemic Uncertainty Prediction (DEUP) is particularly interesting in interactive learning environments, where the learner is allowed to acquire novel examples in each round. Through a wide set of experiments, we illustrate how existing methods in sequential model optimization can be improved with epistemic uncertainty estimates from DEUP, and how DEUP can be used to drive exploration in reinforcement learning. We also evaluate the quality of uncertainty estimates from DEUP for probabilistic image classification and predicting synergies of drug combinations.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=eGLdVRvvfQ


Title: SPADE: Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection under Distribution Mismatch

Authors: Jinsung Yoon, Kihyuk Sohn, Chun-Liang Li, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Semi-supervised anomaly detection is a common problem, as often the datasets containing anomalies are partially labeled. We propose a canonical framework: Semi-supervised Pseudo-labeler Anomaly Detection with Ensembling (SPADE) that isn't limited by the assumption that labeled and unlabeled data come from the same distribution. Indeed, the assumption is often violated in many applications -- for example, the labeled data may contain only anomalies unlike unlabeled data, or unlabeled data may contain different types of anomalies, or labeled data may contain only `easy-to-label' samples. SPADE utilizes an ensemble of one class classifiers as the pseudo-labeler to improve the robustness of pseudo-labeling with distribution mismatch. Partial matching is proposed to automatically select the critical hyper-parameters for pseudo-labeling without validation data, which is crucial with limited labeled data. SPADE shows state-of-the-art semi-supervised anomaly detection performance across a wide range of scenarios with distribution mismatch in both tabular and image domains. In some common real-world settings such as model facing new types of unlabeled anomalies, SPADE outperforms the state-of-the-art alternatives by 5% AUC in average.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JwDpZSv3yz


Title: Signed Graph Neural Networks: A Frequency Perspective

Authors: Rahul Singh, Yongxin Chen

Abstract: Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) and its variants are designed for unsigned graphs containing only positive links. Many existing GCNs have been derived from the spectral domain analysis of signals lying over (unsigned) graphs and in each convolution layer they perform low-pass filtering of the input features followed by a learnable linear transformation. Their extension to signed graphs with positive as well as negative links imposes multiple issues including computational irregularities and ambiguous frequency interpretation, making the design of computationally efficient low pass filters challenging. In this paper, we address these issues via spectral analysis of signed graphs and propose two different signed graph neural networks, one keeps only low-frequency information and one also retains high-frequency information. We further introduce magnetic signed Laplacian and use its eigendecomposition for spectral analysis of directed signed graphs. We test our methods for node classification and link sign prediction tasks on signed graphs and achieve state-of-the-art performances.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=RZveYHgZbu


Title: Guaranteed Discovery of Control-Endogenous Latent States with Multi-Step Inverse Models

Authors: Alex Lamb, Riashat Islam, Yonathan Efroni, Aniket Rajiv Didolkar, Dipendra Misra, Dylan J Foster, Lekan P Molu, Rajan Chari, Akshay Krishnamurthy, John Langford

Abstract: In many sequential decision-making tasks, the agent is not able to model the full complexity of the world, which consists of multitudes of relevant and irrelevant information. For example, a person walking along a city street who tries to model all aspects of the world would quickly be overwhelmed by a multitude of shops, cars, and people moving in and out of view, each following their own complex and inscrutable dynamics. Is it possible to turn the agent's firehose of sensory information into a minimal latent state that is both necessary and sufficient for an agent to successfully act in the world? We formulate this question concretely, and propose the Agent Control-Endogenous State Discovery algorithm (AC-State), which has theoretical guarantees and is practically demonstrated to discover the minimal control-endogenous latent state which contains all of the information necessary for controlling the agent, while fully discarding all irrelevant information. This algorithm consists of a multi-step inverse model (predicting actions from distant observations) with an information bottleneck. AC-State enables localization, exploration, and navigation without reward or demonstrations. We demonstrate the discovery of the control-endogenous latent state in three domains: localizing a robot arm with distractions (e.g., changing lighting conditions and background), exploring a maze alongside other agents, and navigating in the Matterport house simulator.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=TNocbXm5MZ


New submissions

Title: Bounded Space Differentially Private Quantiles

Abstract: Estimating the quantiles of a large dataset is a fundamental problem in both the streaming algorithms literature and the differential privacy literature. However, all existing private mechanisms for distribution-independent quantile computation require space at least linear in the input size $n$. In this work, we devise a differentially private algorithm for the quantile estimation problem, with strongly sublinear space complexity, in the one-shot and continual observation settings. Our basic mechanism estimates any $\alpha$-approximate quantile of a length-$n$ stream over a data universe $\mathcal{X}$ with probability $1-\beta$ using $O\left( \frac{\log (|\mathcal{X}|/\beta) \log (\alpha \epsilon n)}{\alpha \epsilon} \right)$ space while satisfying $\epsilon$-differential privacy at a single time point. Our approach builds upon deterministic streaming algorithms for non-private quantile estimation instantiating the exponential mechanism using a utility function defined on sketch items, while (privately) sampling from intervals defined by the sketch. We also present another algorithm based on histograms that is especially well-suited to the multiple quantiles case. We implement our algorithms and experimentally evaluate them on synthetic and real-world datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sixOD8YVvM


Title: SLM: End-to-end Feature Selection via Sparse Learnable Masks

Abstract: Feature selection has been widely used to alleviate compute requirements during training, elucidate model interpretability, and improve model generalizability. We propose SLM -- Sparse Learnable Masks -- a canonical approach for end-to-end feature selection that scales well with respect to both the feature dimension and the number of samples. At the heart of SLM lies a simple but effective learnable sparse mask, which learns which features to select, and gives rise to a novel objective that provably maximizes the mutual information (MI) between the selected features and the labels, which can be derived from a quadratic relaxation of mutual information from first principles.
In addition, we derive a scaling mechanism that allows SLM to precisely control the number of features selected, through a novel use of sparsemax. This allows for more effective learning as demonstrated in ablation studies. Empirically, SLM achieves state-of-the-art results against a variety of competitive baselines on eight benchmark datasets, often by a significant margin, especially on those with real-world challenges such as class imbalance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=qcXwX7CJvX


Title: Booster-SHOT: Boosting Stacked Homography Transformations for Multiview Pedestrian Detection with Attention

Abstract: Improving multi-view aggregation is integral for multi-view pedestrian detection, which aims to obtain a bird's-eye-view pedestrian occupancy map from images captured through a set of calibrated cameras. Inspired by the success of attention modules for deep neural networks, we first propose a Homography Attention Module (HAM) which is shown to boost the performance of existing end-to-end multiview detection approaches by utilizing a novel channel gate and spatial gate. Additionally, we propose Booster-SHOT, an end-to-end convolutional approach to multiview pedestrian detection incorporating our proposed HAM as well as elements from previous approaches such as view-coherent augmentation or stacked homography transformations. Booster-SHOT achieves 92.9% and 94.2% for MODA on Wildtrack and MultiviewX respectively, outperforming the state-of-the-art by 1.4% on Wildtrack and 0.5% on MultiviewX, achieving state-of-the-art performance overall for standard evaluation metrics used in multi-view pedestrian detection.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xVX1wdsiOi


Title: Early Stopping for Deep Image Prior

Abstract: Deep image prior (DIP) and its variants have shown remarkable potential to solve inverse problems in computational imaging (CI), needing no separate training data. Practical DIP models are often substantially overparameterized. During the learning process, these models first learn the desired visual content and then pick up potential modeling and observational noise, i.e., performing early learning then overfitting. Thus, the practicality of DIP hinges on early stopping (ES) that can capture the transition period. In this regard, most previous DIP works for CI tasks only demonstrate the potential of the models, reporting the peak performance against the ground truth but providing no clue about how to operationally obtain near-peak performance without access to the ground truth. In this paper, we set to break this practicality barrier of DIP, and propose an effective ES strategy that consistently detects near-peak performance across several CI tasks and DIP variants. Simply based on the running variance of DIP intermediate reconstructions, our ES method not only outpaces the existing ones---which only work in very narrow regimes, but also remains effective when combined with methods that try to mitigate overfitting.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gHsRMCdn6C


Title: Instance-Adaptive Video Compression: Improving Neural Codecs by Training on the Test Set

Abstract: We introduce a video compression algorithm based on instance-adaptive learning. On each video sequence to be transmitted, we finetune a pretrained compression model. The optimal parameters are transmitted to the receiver along with the latent code. By entropy-coding the parameter updates under a suitable mixture model prior, we ensure that the network parameters can be encoded efficiently. This instance-adaptive compression algorithm is agnostic about the choice of base model and has the potential to improve any neural video codec. On UVG, HEVC, and Xiph datasets, our codec improves the performance of a scale-space flow model by between 21% and 27% BD-rate savings, and that of a state-of-the-art B-frame model by 17 to 20% BD-rate savings. We also demonstrate that instance-adaptive finetuning improves the robustness to domain shift. Finally, our approach reduces the capacity requirements on compression models. We show that it enables a competitive performance even after reducing the network size by 70%.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=akg6kdx0Pk


Title: Memory-efficient Reinforcement Learning with Knowledge Consolidation

Abstract: Artificial neural networks are promising for general function approximation but challenging to train on non-independent or non-identically distributed data due to catastrophic forgetting. The experience replay buffer, a standard component in deep reinforcement learning, is often used to reduce forgetting and improve sample efficiency by storing experiences in a large buffer and using them for training later. However, a large replay buffer results in a heavy memory burden, especially for onboard and edge devices with limited memory capacities. We propose memory-efficient reinforcement learning algorithms based on the deep Q-network algorithm to alleviate this problem. Our algorithms reduce forgetting and maintain high sample efficiency by consolidating knowledge from the target Q-network to the current Q-network. Compared to baseline methods, our algorithms achieve comparable or better performance in both feature-based and image-based tasks while easing the burden of large experience replay buffers.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=zSDCvlaVBn


Title: Dual PatchNorm

Abstract: We propose Dual PatchNorm: two Layer Normalization layers (LayerNorms), before and after the patch embedding layer in Vision Transformers. We demonstrate that Dual PatchNorm outperforms the result of exhaustive search for alternative LayerNorm placement strategies in the Transformer block itself. In our experiments on image classification and contrastive learning, incorporating this trivial modification, often leads to improved accuracy over well-tuned vanilla Vision Transformers and never hurts.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jgMqve6Qhw


Title: Reward Poisoning in Reinforcement Learning: Attacks Against Unknown Learners in Unknown Environments

Abstract: We study black-box reward poisoning attacks against reinforcement learning (RL), in which an adversary aims to manipulate the rewards to mislead a sequence of RL agents with unknown algorithms to learn a nefarious policy in an environment unknown to the adversary a priori. That is, our attack makes minimum assumptions on the prior knowledge of the adversary: it has no initial knowledge of the rewards, transitions, or the learner, and neither does it observe the learner's internal mechanism except for its performed actions. We design a novel black-box attack, U2, that can provably achieve a near-matching performance to the state-of-the-art white-box attack, demonstrating the feasibility of reward poisoning even in the most challenging black-box setting.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=O0myNR7jtZ


Title: A Reproducible and Realistic Evaluation of Partial Domain Adaptation Methods

Abstract: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims at classifying unlabeled target images leveraging source labeled ones. In the case of an extreme label shift scenario between the source and target domains, where we have extra source classes not present in the target domain, the UDA problem becomes a harder problem called Partial Domain Adaptation (PDA). While different methods have been developed to solve the PDA problem, most successful algorithms use model selection strategies that rely on target labels to find the best hyper-parameters and/or models along training. These strategies violate the main assumption in PDA: only unlabeled target domain samples are available. In addition, there are also experimental inconsistencies between developed methods - different architectures, hyper-parameter tuning, number of runs - yielding unfair comparisons. The main goal of this work is to provide a realistic evaluation of PDA methods under different model selection strategies and a consistent evaluation protocol. We evaluate 7 state-of-the-art PDA algorithms on 2 different real-world datasets using 7 different model selection strategies. Our two main findings are: (i) without target labels for model selection, the accuracy of the methods decreases up to 30 percentage points; (ii) only one method and model selection pair performs well on both datasets. Experiments were performed with our PyTorch framework, BenchmarkPDA, which we open source.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=XcVzIBXeRn


Title: Mitigating Algorithmic Bias with Limited Annotations

Abstract: Existing work on fairness modeling commonly assumes that sensitive attributes for all instances are fully available, which may not be true in many real-world applications due to the high cost of acquiring sensitive information. When sensitive attributes are not disclosed or available, it is needed to manually annotate a small part of the training data to mitigate bias. However, the skewed distribution across different sensitive groups preserves the skewness of the original dataset in the annotated subset, which leads to non-optimal bias mitigation. To tackle this challenge, we propose Active Penalization Of Discrimination~(APOD), an interactive framework to guide the limited annotations towards maximally eliminating the effect of algorithmic bias. The proposed APOD integrates discrimination penalization with active instance selection to efficiently utilize the limited annotation budget, and it is theoretically proved to be capable of bounding the algorithmic bias. According to the evaluation on five benchmark datasets, APOD outperforms the state-of-the-arts baseline methods under the limited annotation budget, and shows comparable performance to fully annotated bias mitigation, which demonstrates that APOD could benefit real-world applications when sensitive information is limited. The source code of the proposed method is available at: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/APOD-fairness-4C02.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gzTLoYR2da


Title: Federated Learning under Covariate Shifts with Generalization Guarantees

Abstract: This paper addresses intra-client and inter-client covariate shifts in federated learning (FL) with a focus on the overall generalization performance. To handle covariate shifts, we formulate a new global model training paradigm and propose Federated Importance-weighteD Empirical risk Minimization (FIDEM) along with improving density ratio matching methods without requiring perfect knowledge of the supremum over true ratios. We also propose the communication-efficient variant FIIDEM with the same level of privacy guarantees as those of classical ERM in FL. We theoretically show that FIDEM achieves smaller generalization error than classical ERM under certain settings. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of FIDEM over existing FL baselines in challenging imbalanced federated settings in terms of data distribution shifts across clients.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=N7lCDaeNiS


Title: On Average-Case Error Bounds for Kernel-Based Bayesian Quadrature

Abstract: In this paper, we study error bounds for Bayesian quadrature (BQ), with an emphasis on noisy settings, randomized algorithms, and average-case performance measures. We seek to approximate the integral of functions in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), particularly focusing on the Mat\'ern-$\nu$ and squared exponential (SE) kernels, with samples from the function potentially being corrupted by Gaussian noise. We provide a two-step meta-algorithm that serves as a general tool for relating the average-case quadrature error with the $L^2$-function approximation error. When specialized to the Mat\'ern kernel, we recover an existing near-optimal error rate while avoiding the existing method of repeatedly sampling points. When specialized to other settings, we obtain new average-case results for settings including the SE kernel with noise and the Mat\'ern kernel with misspecification. Finally, we present algorithm-independent lower bounds that have greater generality and/or give distinct proofs compared to existing ones.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JJrKbq35l4


Title: When to Trust Aggregated Gradients: Addressing Negative Client Sampling in Federated Learning

Abstract: Federated Learning has become a widely-used framework which allows learning a global model on decentralized local datasets under the condition of protecting local data privacy. However, federated learning faces severe optimization difficulty when training samples are not independently and identically distributed (non-i.i.d.). In this paper, we point out that the client sampling practice plays a decisive role in the aforementioned optimization difficulty. We find that the negative client sampling will cause the merged data distribution of currently sampled clients heavily inconsistent with that of all available clients, and further make the aggregated gradient unreliable. To address this issue, we propose a novel learning rate adaptation mechanism to adaptively adjust the server learning rate for the aggregated gradient in each round, according to the consistency between the merged data distribution of currently sampled clients and that of all available clients. Specifically, we make theoretical deductions to find a meaningful and robust indicator that is positively related to the optimal server learning rate and can effectively reflect the merged data distribution of sampled clients, and we utilize it for the server learning rate adaptation. Extensive experiments on multiple image and text classification tasks validate the great effectiveness of our method in various settings.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=v73h3bYE2Z


Title: How Reliable is Your Regression Model's Uncertainty Under Real-World Distribution Shifts?

Abstract: Many important computer vision applications are naturally formulated as regression problems. Within medical imaging, accurate regression models have the potential to automate various tasks, helping to lower costs and improve patient outcomes. Such safety-critical deployment does however require reliable estimation of model uncertainty, also under the wide variety of distribution shifts that might be encountered in practice. Motivated by this, we set out to investigate the reliability of regression uncertainty estimation methods under various real-world distribution shifts. To that end, we propose an extensive benchmark of 8 image-based regression datasets with different types of challenging distribution shifts. We then employ our benchmark to evaluate many of the most common uncertainty estimation methods, as well as two state-of-the-art uncertainty scores from the task of out-of-distribution detection. We find that while methods are well calibrated when there is no distribution shift, they all become highly overconfident on many of the benchmark datasets. This uncovers important limitations of current uncertainty estimation methods, and the proposed benchmark therefore serves as a challenge to the research community. We hope that our benchmark will spur more work on how to develop truly reliable regression uncertainty estimation methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=WJt2Pc3qtI


Title: Multi-Source Transfer Learning for Deep Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Abstract: A crucial challenge in reinforcement learning is to reduce the number of interactions with the environment that an agent requires to master a given task. Transfer learning proposes to address this issue by re-using knowledge from previously learned tasks. However, determining which source task qualifies as the most appropriate for knowledge extraction, as well as the choice regarding which algorithm components to transfer, represent severe obstacles to its application in reinforcement learning. The goal of this paper is to address these issues with modular multi-source transfer learning techniques. The proposed techniques automatically learn how to extract useful information from source tasks, regardless of the difference in state-action space and reward function. We support our claims with extensive and challenging cross-domain experiments for visual control.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=1nhTDzxxMA


Title: A Characteristic Function for Shapley-Value-Based Attribution of Anomaly Scores

Abstract: In anomaly detection, the degree of irregularity is often summarized as a real-valued anomaly score. We address the problem of attributing such anomaly scores to input features for interpreting the results of anomaly detection. We particularly investigate the use of the Shapley value for attributing anomaly scores of semi-supervised detection methods. We propose a characteristic function specifically designed for attributing anomaly scores. The idea is to approximate the absence of some features by locally minimizing the anomaly score with regard to the to-be-absent features. We examine the applicability of the proposed characteristic function and other general approaches for interpreting anomaly scores on multiple datasets and multiple anomaly detection methods. The results indicate the potential utility of the attribution methods including the proposed one.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=eLX5XrajXh


Title: Classification with a Network of Partially Informative Agents: Enabling Wise Crowds from Individually Myopic Classifiers

Abstract: We consider the problem of classification with a (peer-to-peer) network of heterogeneous and partially informative agents, each receiving local data generated by an underlying true class, and equipped with a classifier that can only distinguish between a subset of the entire set of classes. We propose an iterative algorithm that uses the posterior probabilities of the local classifier and recursively updates each agent's local belief on all the possible classes, based on its local signals and belief information from its neighbors. We then adopt a novel distributed min-rule to update each agent’s global belief and enable learning of the true class for all agents. We show that under certain assumptions, the beliefs on the true class converge to one asymptotically almost surely. We provide the asymptotic convergence rate, and demonstrate the performance of our algorithm through simulation with image data and experimented with random forest classifiers and MobileNet.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=GEoGYOdwzJ


Title: The Meta-Evaluation Problem in Explainable AI: Identifying Reliable Estimators with MetaQuantus

Abstract: Explainable AI (XAI) is a rapidly evolving field that aims to improve transparency and trustworthiness of AI systems to humans. One of the unsolved challenges in XAI is estimating the performance of these explanation methods for neural networks, which has resulted in numerous competing metrics with little to no indication of which one is to be preferred. In this paper, to identify the most reliable evaluation method in a given explainability context, we propose \texttt{MetaQuantus}---a simple yet powerful framework that meta-evaluates two complementary performance characteristics of an evaluation method: its resilience to noise and reactivity to randomness. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through a series of experiments, targeting various open questions in XAI, such as the selection of explanation methods and optimisation of hyperparameters of a given metric. We release our work under an open-source license: \url{anonymous} to serve as a development tool for XAI researchers and Machine Learning (ML) practitioners to verify and benchmark newly constructed metrics (i.e., ``estimators'' of explanation quality). With this work, we provide clear and theoretically-grounded guidance for building reliable evaluation methods, thus facilitating standardisation and reproducibility in the field of XAI.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=j3FK00HyfU


Title: Pragmatic Fairness: Developing Policies with Outcome Disparity Control

Abstract: We introduce a causal framework for designing optimal policies that satisfy fairness constraints. We take a pragmatic approach asking what we can do with an action space available to us and only with access to historical data. We propose two different fairness constraints: a moderation breaking constraint which aims at blocking moderation paths from the action and sensitive attribute to the outcome, and by that at reducing disparity in outcome levels as much as the provided action space permits; and an equal benefit constraint which aims at distributing gain from the new and maximized policy equally across sensitive attribute levels, and thus at keeping pre-existing preferential treatment in place or avoiding the introduction of new disparity. We introduce practical methods for implementing the constraints and illustrate their uses on experiments with semi-synthetic models.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Y36iSnIbN7


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