Weekly TMLR digest for May 28, 2023

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May 27, 2023, 8:00:13 PM5/27/23
to tmlr-annou...@googlegroups.com

New certifications

Featured Certification: Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts

Kumail Alhamoud, Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Motasem Alfarra, Bernard Ghanem



Accepted papers

Title: Denise: Deep Robust Principal Component Analysis for Positive Semidefinite Matrices

Authors: Calypso Herrera, Florian Krach, Anastasis Kratsios, Pierre Ruyssen, Josef Teichmann

Abstract: The robust PCA of covariance matrices plays an essential role when isolating key explanatory features. The currently available methods for performing such a low-rank plus sparse decomposition are matrix specific, meaning, those algorithms must re-run for every new matrix. Since these algorithms are computationally expensive, it is preferable to learn and store a function that nearly instantaneously performs this decomposition when evaluated. Therefore, we introduce Denise, a deep learning-based algorithm for robust PCA of covariance matrices, or more generally, of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, which learns precisely such a function. Theoretical guarantees for Denise are provided. These include a novel universal approximation theorem adapted to our geometric deep learning problem and convergence to an optimal solution to the learning problem. Our experiments show that Denise matches state-of-the-art performance in terms of decomposition quality, while being approximately $2000\times$ faster than the state-of-the-art, principal component pursuit (PCP), and $200 \times$ faster than the current speed-optimized method, fast PCP.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=D45gGvUZp2


Title: Mean-Field Control based Approximation of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Presence of a Non-decomposable Shared Global State

Authors: Washim Uddin Mondal, Vaneet Aggarwal, Satish Ukkusuri

Abstract: Mean Field Control (MFC) is a powerful approximation tool to solve large-scale Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) problems. However, the success of MFC relies on the presumption that given the local states and actions of all the agents, the next (local) states of the agents evolve conditionally independent of each other. Here we demonstrate that even in a MARL setting where agents share a common global state in addition to their local states evolving conditionally independently (thus introducing a correlation between the state transition processes of individual agents), the MFC can still be applied as a good approximation tool. The global state is assumed to be non-decomposable i.e., it cannot be expressed as a collection of local states of the agents. We compute the approximation error as $\mathcal{O}(e)$ where $e=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\left[\sqrt{|\mathcal{X}|} +\sqrt{|\mathcal{U}|}\right]$. The size of the agent population is denoted by the term $N$, and $|\mathcal{X}|, |\mathcal{U}|$ respectively indicate the sizes of (local) state and action spaces of individual agents. The approximation error is found to be independent of the size of the shared global state space. We further demonstrate that in a special case if the reward and state transition functions are independent of the action distribution of the population, then the error can be improved to $e=\frac{\sqrt{|\mathcal{X}|}}{\sqrt{N}}$. Finally, we devise a Natural Policy Gradient based algorithm that solves the MFC problem with $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3})$ sample complexity and obtains a policy that is within $\mathcal{O}(\max\{e,\epsilon\})$ error of the optimal MARL policy for any $\epsilon>0$.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ZME2nZMTvY


Title: Interpretable Mixture of Experts

Authors: Aya Abdelsalam Ismail, Sercan O Arik, Jinsung Yoon, Ankur Taly, Soheil Feizi, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: The need for reliable model explanations is prominent for many machine learning applications, particularly for tabular and time-series data as their use cases often involve high-stakes decision making. Towards this goal, we introduce a novel interpretable modeling framework, Interpretable Mixture of Experts (IME), that yields high accuracy, comparable to `black-box' Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in many cases, along with useful interpretability capabilities. IME consists of an assignment module and a mixture of experts, with each sample being assigned to a single expert for prediction. We introduce multiple options for IME based on the assignment and experts being interpretable. When the experts are chosen to be interpretable such as linear models, IME yields an inherently-interpretable architecture where the explanations produced by IME are the exact descriptions of how the prediction is computed. In addition to constituting a standalone inherently-interpretable architecture, IME has the premise of being integrated with existing DNNs to offer interpretability to a subset of samples while maintaining the accuracy of the DNNs. Through extensive experiments on 15 tabular and time-series datasets, IME is demonstrated to be more accurate than single interpretable models and perform comparably with existing state-of-the-art DNNs in accuracy. On most datasets, IME even outperforms DNNs, while providing faithful explanations. Lastly, IME's explanations are compared to commonly-used post-hoc explanations methods through a user study -- participants are able to better predict the model behavior when given IME explanations, while finding IME's explanations more faithful and trustworthy.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=DdZoPUPm0a


Title: Comparative Generalization Bounds for Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Tomer Galanti, Liane Galanti, Ido Ben-Shaul

Abstract: In this work, we investigate the generalization capabilities of deep neural networks. We introduce a novel measure of the effective depth of neural networks, defined as the first layer at which sample embeddings are separable using the nearest-class center classifier. Our empirical results demonstrate that, in standard classification settings, neural networks trained using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) tend to have small effective depths. We also explore the relationship between effective depth, the complexity of the training dataset, and generalization. For instance, we find that the effective depth of a trained neural network increases as the proportion of random labels in the data rises. Finally, we derive a generalization bound by comparing the effective depth of a network with the minimal depth required to fit the same dataset with partially corrupted labels. This bound provides non-vacuous predictions of test performance and is found to be empirically independent of the actual depth of the network.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=162TqkUNPO


Title: Learning to correct spectral methods for simulating turbulent flows

Authors: Gideon Dresdner, Dmitrii Kochkov, Peter Christian Norgaard, Leonardo Zepeda-Nunez, Jamie Smith, Michael Brenner, Stephan Hoyer

Abstract: Despite their ubiquity throughout science and engineering, only a handful of partial differential equations (PDEs) have analytical, or closed-form solutions. This motivates a vast amount of classical work on numerical simulation of PDEs and more recently, a whirlwind of research into data-driven techniques leveraging machine learning (ML). A recent line of work indicates that a hybrid of classical numerical techniques and machine learning can offer significant improvements over either approach alone. In this work, we show that the choice of the numerical scheme is crucial when incorporating physics-based priors. We build upon Fourier-based spectral methods, which are known to be more efficient than other numerical schemes for simulating PDEs with smooth and periodic solutions. Specifically, we develop ML-augmented spectral solvers for three common PDEs of fluid dynamics. Our models are more accurate (2-4x) than standard spectral solvers at the same resolution but have longer overall runtimes (~2x), due to the additional runtime cost of the neural network component. We also demonstrate a handful of key design principles for combining machine learning and numerical methods for solving PDEs.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=wNBARGxoJn


Title: Cox-Hawkes: doubly stochastic spatiotemporal Poisson processes

Authors: Xenia Miscouridou, Samir Bhatt, George Mohler, Seth Flaxman, Swapnil Mishra

Abstract: Hawkes processes are point process models that have been used to capture self-excitatory
behaviour in social interactions, neural activity, earthquakes and viral epidemics. They can
model the occurrence of the times and locations of events. Here we develop a new class of
spatiotemporal Hawkes processes that can capture both triggering and clustering behaviour
and we provide an efficient method for performing inference. We use a log-Gaussian Cox
process (LGCP) as prior for the background rate of the Hawkes process which gives arbitrary
flexibility to capture a wide range of underlying background effects (for infectious diseases
these are called endemic effects). The Hawkes process and LGCP are computationally
expensive due to the former having a likelihood with quadratic complexity in the number
of observations and the latter involving inversion of the precision matrix which is cubic
in observations. Here we propose a novel approach to perform MCMC sampling for our
Hawkes process with LGCP background, using pre-trained Gaussian Process generators
which provide direct and cheap access to samples during inference. We show the efficacy
and flexibility of our approach in experiments on simulated data and use our methods to
uncover the trends in a dataset of reported crimes in the US.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xzCDD9i4IZ


Title: Personalized Federated Learning: A Unified Framework and Universal Optimization Techniques

Authors: Filip Hanzely, Boxin Zhao, mladen kolar

Abstract: We investigate the optimization aspects of personalized Federated Learning (FL). We propose general optimizers that can be applied to numerous existing personalized FL objectives, specifically a tailored variant of Local SGD and variants of accelerated coordinate descent/accelerated SVRCD. By examining a general personalized objective capable of recovering many existing personalized FL objectives as special cases, we develop a comprehensive optimization theory applicable to a wide range of strongly convex personalized FL models in the literature. We showcase the practicality and/or optimality of our methods in terms of communication and local computation. Remarkably, our general optimization solvers and theory can recover the best-known communication and computation guarantees for addressing specific personalized FL objectives. Consequently, our proposed methods can serve as universal optimizers, rendering the design of task-specific optimizers unnecessary in many instances.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ilHM31lXC4


Title: Generating Teammates for Training Robust Ad Hoc Teamwork Agents via Best-Response Diversity

Authors: Arrasy Rahman, Elliot Fosong, Ignacio Carlucho, Stefano V Albrecht

Abstract: Ad hoc teamwork (AHT) is the challenge of designing a robust learner agent that effectively collaborates with unknown teammates without prior coordination mechanisms. Early approaches address the AHT challenge by training the learner with a diverse set of handcrafted teammate policies, usually designed based on an expert's domain knowledge about the policies the learner may encounter. However, implementing teammate policies for training based on domain knowledge is not always feasible. In such cases, recent approaches attempted to improve the robustness of the learner by training it with teammate policies generated by optimising information-theoretic diversity metrics. The problem with optimising existing information-theoretic diversity metrics for teammate policy generation is the emergence of superficially different teammates. When used for AHT training, superficially different teammate behaviours may not improve a learner's robustness during collaboration with unknown teammates. In this paper, we present an automated teammate policy generation method optimising the Best-Response Diversity (BRDiv) metric, which measures diversity based on the compatibility of teammate policies in terms of returns. We evaluate our approach in environments with multiple valid coordination strategies, comparing against methods optimising information-theoretic diversity metrics and an ablation not optimising any diversity metric. Our experiments indicate that optimising BRDiv yields a diverse set of training teammate policies that improve the learner's performance relative to previous teammate generation approaches when collaborating with near-optimal previously unseen teammate policies.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=l5BzfQhROl


Title: Guillotine Regularization: Why removing layers is needed to improve generalization in Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Florian Bordes, Randall Balestriero, Quentin Garrido, Adrien Bardes, Pascal Vincent

Abstract: One unexpected technique that emerged in recent years consists in training a Deep Network (DN) with a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) method, and using this network on downstream tasks but with its last few layers entirely removed. This usually skimmed-over trick of throwing away the entire projector is actually critical for SSL methods to display competitive performances. For example, on ImageNet classification, more than 30 points of percentage can be gained that way. This is a little vexing, as one would hope that the network layer at which invariance is explicitly enforced by the SSL criterion during training (the last layer) should be the one to use for best generalization performance downstream. But it seems not to be, and this study sheds some light on why.
This trick, which we name Guillotine Regularization (GR), is in fact a generically applicable method that has been used to improve generalization performance in transfer learning scenarios. In this work, we identify the underlying reasons behind its success and challenge the preconceived idea that we should through away the entire projector in SSL. In fact, the optimal layer to use might change significantly depending on the training setup, the data or the downstream task. Lastly, we give some insights on how to reduce the need for a projector in SSL by aligning the pretext SSL task and the downstream task.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ZgXfXSz51n


Title: Successor Feature Representations

Authors: Chris Reinke, Xavier Alameda-Pineda

Abstract: Transfer in Reinforcement Learning aims to improve learning performance on target tasks using knowledge from experienced source tasks. Successor Representations (SR) and their extension Successor Features (SF) are prominent transfer mechanisms in domains where reward functions change between tasks. They reevaluate the expected return of previously learned policies in a new target task to transfer their knowledge. The SF framework extended SR by linearly decomposing rewards into successor features and a reward weight vector allowing their application in high-dimensional tasks. But this came with the cost of having a linear relationship between reward functions and successor features, limiting its application to tasks where such a linear relationship exists. We propose a novel formulation of SR based on learning the cumulative discounted probability of successor features, called Successor Feature Representations (SFR). Crucially, SFR allows to reevaluate the expected return of policies for general reward functions. We introduce different SFR variations, prove its convergence, and provide a guarantee on its transfer performance. Experimental evaluations based on SFR with function approximation demonstrate its advantage over SF not only for general reward functions, but also in the case of linearly decomposable reward functions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=MTFf1rDDEI


Title: Lightweight Learner for Shared Knowledge Lifelong Learning

Authors: Yunhao Ge, Yuecheng Li, Di Wu, Ao Xu, Adam M. Jones, Amanda Sofie Rios, Iordanis Fostiropoulos, shixian wen, Po-Hsuan Huang, Zachary William Murdock, Gozde Sahin, Shuo Ni, Kiran Lekkala, Sumedh Anand Sontakke, Laurent Itti

Abstract: In Lifelong Learning (LL), agents continually learn as they encounter new conditions and tasks. Most current LL is limited to a single agent that learns tasks sequentially. Dedicated LL machinery is then deployed to mitigate the forgetting of old tasks as new tasks are learned. This is inherently slow. We propose a new Shared Knowledge Lifelong Learning (SKILL) challenge, which deploys a decentralized population of LL agents that each sequentially learn different tasks, with all agents operating independently and in parallel. After learning their respective tasks, agents share and consolidate their knowledge over a decentralized communication network, so that, in the end, all agents can master all tasks. We present one solution to SKILL which uses Lightweight Lifelong Learning (LLL) agents, where the goal is to facilitate efficient sharing by minimizing the fraction of the agent that is specialized for any given task. Each LLL agent thus consists of a common task-agnostic immutable part, where most parameters are, and individual task-specific modules that contain fewer parameters but are adapted to each task. Agents share their task-specific modules, plus summary information ("task anchors") representing their tasks in the common task-agnostic latent space of all agents. Receiving agents register each received task-specific module using the corresponding anchor. Thus, every agent improves its ability to solve new tasks each time new task-specific modules and anchors are received. If all agents can communicate with all others, eventually all agents become identical and can solve all tasks. On a new, very challenging SKILL-102 dataset with 102 image classification tasks (5,033 classes in total, 2,041,225 training, 243,464 validation, and 243,464 test images), we achieve much higher (and SOTA) accuracy over 8 LL baselines, while also achieving near perfect parallelization. Code and data can be found at https://github.com/gyhandy/Shared-Knowledge-Lifelong-Learning

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Jjl2c8kWUc


Title: Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts

Authors: Kumail Alhamoud, Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Motasem Alfarra, Bernard Ghanem

Abstract: Recent progress in empirical and certified robustness promises to deliver reliable and deployable Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Despite that success, most existing evaluations of DNN robustness have been done on images sampled from the same distribution on which the model was trained on. However, in the real world, DNNs may be deployed in dynamic environments that exhibit significant distribution shifts. In this work, we take a first step towards thoroughly investigating the interplay between empirical and certified adversarial robustness on one hand and domain generalization on another. To do so, we train robust models on multiple domains and evaluate their accuracy and robustness on an unseen domain. We observe that: (1) both empirical and certified robustness generalize to unseen domains, and (2) the level of generalizability does not correlate well with input visual similarity, measured by the FID between source and target domains. We also extend our study to cover a real-world medical application, in which adversarial augmentation significantly boosts the generalization of robustness with minimal effect on clean data accuracy.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=XNFo3dQiCJ


New submissions

Title: On Adaptivity in Quantum Testing

Abstract: Can adaptive strategies outperform non-adaptive ones for quantum hypothesis selection?
We exhibit problems where adaptive strategies provably reduce the number of required samples by a factor four in the worst case, and possibly more when the actual difficulty of the problem
makes it possible. In addition, we exhibit specific hypotheses classes for which there is a provable polynomial separation between adaptive and non-adaptive strategies -- a specificity of the quantum framework that does not appear in classical testing.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Hf95zFnQ7H


Title: Vulnerability-Aware Instance Reweighting For Adversarial Training

Abstract: Adversarial Training (AT) has been found to substantially improve the robustness of deep learning classifiers against adversarial attacks. AT involves obtaining robustness by including adversarial examples in training a classifier. Most variants of AT algorithms treat every training example equally. However, recent works have shown that better performance is achievable by treating them unequally. In addition, it has been observed that AT exerts an uneven influence on different classes in a training set and unfairly hurts examples corresponding to classes that are inherently harder to classify. Consequently, various reweighting schemes have been proposed that assign unequal weights to robust losses of individual examples in a training set. In this work, we propose a novel instance-wise reweighting scheme. It considers the vulnerability of each natural example and the resulting information loss on its adversarial counterpart occasioned by adversarial attacks. Through extensive experiments, we show that our proposed method significantly improves over existing reweighting schemes, especially against strong white and black-box attacks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=kdPcLdJbt1


Title: VoLTA: Vision-Language Transformer with Weakly-Supervised Local-Feature Alignment

Abstract: Vision-language pre-training (VLP) has recently proven highly effective for various uni- and multi-modal downstream applications. However, most existing end-to-end VLP methods use high-resolution image-text-box data to perform well on fine-grained region-level tasks, such as object detection, segmentation, and referring expression comprehension. Unfortunately, such high-resolution images with accurate bounding box annotations are expensive to collect and use for supervision at scale. In this work, we propose VoLTA (Vision-Language Transformer with weakly-supervised local-feature Alignment), a new VLP paradigm that only utilizes image-caption data but achieves fine-grained region-level image understanding, eliminating the need for expensive box annotations. VoLTA adopts graph optimal transport-based weakly-supervised alignment on local image patches and text tokens to germinate an explicit, self-normalized, and interpretable low-level matching criterion. In addition, VoLTA pushes multi-modal fusion deep into the uni-modal backbones during pre-training and removes fusion-specific transformer layers, further reducing memory requirements. Extensive experiments on a wide range of vision- and vision-language downstream tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of VoLTA on fine-grained applications without compromising the coarse-grained downstream performance, often outperforming methods using significantly more caption and box annotations.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Kt2VJrCKo4


Title: Stochastic Mirror Descent: Convergence Analysis and Adaptive Variants via the Mirror Stochastic Polyak Stepsize

Abstract: We investigate the convergence of stochastic mirror descent (SMD) under interpolation in relatively smooth and smooth convex optimization. In relatively smooth convex optimization we provide new convergence guarantees for SMD with a constant stepsize. For smooth convex optimization we propose a new adaptive stepsize scheme --- the mirror stochastic Polyak stepsize (mSPS). Notably, our convergence results in both settings do not make bounded gradient assumptions or bounded variance assumptions, and we show convergence to a neighborhood that vanishes under interpolation. Consequently, these results correspond to the first convergence guarantees under interpolation for the exponentiated gradient algorithm for fixed or adaptive stepsizes. mSPS generalizes the recently proposed stochastic Polyak stepsize (SPS) (Loizou et al. 2021) to mirror descent and remains both practical and efficient for modern machine learning applications while inheriting the benefits of mirror descent. We complement our results with experiments across various supervised learning tasks and different instances of SMD, demonstrating the effectiveness of mSPS.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=28bQiPWxHl


Title: Lattice Convolutional Networks for Learning Ground States of Quantum Many-Body Systems

Abstract: Deep learning methods have been shown to be effective in representing ground-state wave functions of quantum many-body systems. Existing methods use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for square lattices due to their image-like structures. For non-square lattices, the existing method uses graph neural networks (GNNs) in which structure information is not precisely captured, thereby requiring additional hand-crafted sublattice encoding. In this work, we propose lattice convolutions in which a set of proposed operations are used to convert non-square lattices into grid-like augmented lattices on which regular convolution can be applied. Based on the proposed lattice convolutions, we design lattice convolutional networks (LCN) that use self-gating and attention mechanisms. Experimental results show that our method achieves performance on par or better than the GNN method on spin 1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg model over the square, honeycomb, triangular, and kagome lattices while without using hand-crafted encoding.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=GaQBRQ4Prt


Title: Meta-Calibration: Learning of Model Calibration Using Differentiable Expected Calibration Error

Abstract: Calibration of neural networks is a topical problem that is becoming more and more important as neural networks increasingly underpin real-world applications. The problem is especially noticeable when using modern neural networks, for which there is a significant difference between the confidence of the model and the probability of correct prediction. Various strategies have been proposed to improve calibration, yet accurate calibration remains challenging. We propose a novel framework with two contributions: introducing a new differentiable surrogate for expected calibration error (DECE) that allows calibration quality to be directly optimised, and a meta-learning framework that uses DECE to optimise for validation set calibration with respect to model hyper-parameters. The results show that we achieve competitive performance with existing calibration approaches. Our framework opens up a new avenue and toolset for tackling calibration, which we believe will inspire further work on this important challenge.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=R2hUure38l


Title: Self-Supervision is All You Need for Solving Rubik’s Cube

Abstract: Existing combinatorial search methods are often complex and require some level of expertise. This work introduces a simple and efficient deep learning method for solving combinatorial problems with a predefined goal, represented by Rubik's Cube. We demonstrate that, for such problems, training a deep neural network on random scrambles branching from the goal state is sufficient to achieve near-optimal solutions. When tested on Rubik's Cube, 15 Puzzle, and 7$\times$7 Lights Out, our method outperformed the previous state-of-the-art method DeepCubeA, improving the trade-off between solution optimality and computational cost, despite significantly less training data. Furthermore, we investigate the scaling law of our Rubik's Cube solver with respect to model size and training data volume.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=bnBeNFB27b


Title: Unlock the Black Box by Interpreting Graph Convolutional Networks via Additive Decomposition

Abstract: The vast adoption of graph neural networks (GNNs) in broad applications calls for versatile interpretability tools so that a better understanding of the GNNs' intrinsic structures can be gained. We propose an interpretable GNN framework to decompose the prediction into the additive combination of node features' main effects and the contributions of edges. The key component of our framework is the generalized additive model with the graph convolutional network (GAM-GCN) that allows for global node feature interpretations. The inherent interpretability of GAM and the expressive power of GCN are preserved and naturally connected. Further, the effects of neighboring edges are measured by edge perturbation and surrogate linear modeling, and the most important subgraph can be selected. We evaluate the proposed approach using extensive experiments and show that it is a promising tool for interpreting GNNs in the attempt to unlock the black box.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=sroF8hhbzW


Title: Dual Cognitive Architecture: Incorporating Biases and Multi-Memory Systems for Lifelong Learning

Abstract: Artificial neural networks (ANNs) exhibit a narrow scope of expertise on stationary independent data. However, the data in the real world is continuous and dynamic, and ANNs must adapt to novel scenarios while also retaining the learned knowledge to become lifelong learners. The ability of humans to excel at these tasks can be attributed to multiple factors ranging from cognitive computational structures, cognitive biases, and the multi-memory systems in the brain. We incorporate key concepts from each of these to design a novel framework, Dual Cognitive Architecture (DUCA), which includes multiple sub-systems, implicit and explicit knowledge representation dichotomy, inductive bias, and a multi-memory system. DUCA shows improvement across different settings and datasets, and it also exhibits reduced task recency bias, without the need for extra information. To further test the versatility of lifelong learning methods on a challenging distribution shift, we introduce a novel domain-incremental dataset DN4IL. In addition to improving performance on existing benchmarks, DUCA also demonstrates superior performance on this complex dataset.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PEyVq0hlO3


Title: Straggler-Resilient Personalized Federated Learning

Abstract: Federated Learning is an emerging learning paradigm that allows training models from samples distributed across a large network of clients while respecting privacy and communication restrictions. Despite its success, federated learning faces several challenges related to its decentralized nature. In this work, we develop a novel algorithmic procedure with theoretical speedup guarantees that simultaneously handles two of these hurdles, namely (i) data heterogeneity, i.e., data distributions can vary substantially across clients, and (ii) system heterogeneity, i.e., the computational power of the clients could differ significantly. Our method relies on ideas from representation learning theory to find a global common representation using all clients' data and learn a user-specific set of parameters leading to a personalized solution for each client. Furthermore, our method mitigates the effects of stragglers by adaptively selecting clients based on their computational characteristics, thus achieving for the first time near optimal sample complexity and provable logarithmic speedup. Experimental results support our theoretical findings showing the superiority of our method over alternative personalized federated schemes in system and data heterogeneous environments.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gxEpUFxIgz


Title: On Convergence of Federated Averaging Langevin Dynamics

Abstract: We propose a federated averaging Langevin algorithm (FA-LD) for uncertainty quantification and mean predictions with distributed clients. In particular, we generalize beyond normal posterior distributions and consider a general class of models. We develop theoretical guarantees for FA-LD for strongly log-concave distributions with non-i.i.d data and study how the injected noise and the stochastic-gradient noise, the heterogeneity of data, and the varying learning rates affect the convergence. Such an analysis sheds light on the optimal choice of local updates to minimize the communication cost. Important to our approach is that the communication efficiency does not deteriorate with the injected noise in the Langevin algorithms. In addition, we examine in our FA-LD algorithm both independent and correlated noise used over different clients. We observe there is a trade-off between the pairs among communication, accuracy, and data privacy. As local devices may become inactive in federated networks, we also show convergence results based on different averaging schemes where only partial device updates are available. In such a case, we discover an additional bias that does not decay to zero.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=R2eAOCYtam


Title: Longitudinal Modeling of Multiple Sclerosis using Continuous Time Models

Abstract: Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, it can lead to severe disability and has no known cure. The majority of prior work in machine learning for multiple sclerosis has been centered around using Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans or laboratory tests; these modalities are both expensive to acquire and can be unreliable. In a recent paper it was shown that disease progression can be predicted effectively using performance outcome measures (POMs) and demographic data. In our work we extend on this to focus on the modeling side, using continuous time models to predict progression. We evaluate four continuous time models using a publicly available multiple sclerosis dataset. We find that continuous models are often able to outperform discrete time models. We also carry out an extensive ablation to discover the sources of performance gains, we find that standardizing existing features leads to a larger performance increase than interpolating missing features.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2uMnAwWnRy


Title: Logistic-Normal Likelihoods for Heteroscedastic Label Noise

Abstract: A natural way of estimating heteroscedastic label noise in regression is to model the observed (potentially noisy) target as a sample from a normal distribution, whose parameters can be learned by minimizing the negative log-likelihood. This formulation has desirable loss attenuation properties, as it reduces the contribution of high-error examples. Intuitively, this behavior can improve robustness against label noise by reducing overfitting. We propose an extension of this simple and probabilistic approach to classification that has the same desirable loss attenuation properties. Furthermore, we discuss and address some practical challenges of this extension. We evaluate the effectiveness of the method by measuring its robustness against label noise in classification. We perform enlightening experiments exploring the inner workings of the method, including sensitivity to hyperparameters, ablation studies, and other insightful analyses.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=7wA65zL3B3


Title: Scalable Stochastic Gradient Riemannian Langevin Dynamics in Non-Diagonal Metrics

Abstract: Stochastic-gradient sampling methods are often used to perform Bayesian inference on neural networks. It has been observed that the methods in which notions of differential geometry are included tend to have better performances, with the Riemannian metric improving posterior exploration by accounting for the local curvature. However, the existing methods often resort to simple diagonal metrics to remain computationally efficient. This loses some of the gains. We propose two non-diagonal metrics that can be used in stochastic-gradient samplers to improve convergence and exploration but that have only a minor computational overhead over diagonal metrics. We show that for fully connected neural networks (NNs) with sparsity-inducing priors and convolutional NNs with correlated priors, using these metrics can provide improvements. For some other choices the posterior is sufficiently easy also for the simpler metrics.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dXAuvo6CGI


Title: DoCoM: Compressed Decentralized Optimization with Near-Optimal Sample Complexity

Abstract: This paper proposes the Doubly Compressed Momentum-assisted stochastic gradient tracking algorithm (DoCoM) for communication-efficient decentralized optimization. The algorithm features two main ingredients to achieve a near-optimal sample complexity while allowing for communication compression. First, the algorithm tracks both the averaged iterate and stochastic gradient using compressed gossiping consensus. Second, a momentum step is incorporated for adaptive variance reduction with the local gradient estimates. We show that DoCoM finds a near-stationary solution at all participating agents satisfying $\mathbb{E}[ \| \nabla f( \theta ) \|^2 ] = {\cal O}( 1 / T^{2/3} )$ in $T$ iterations, where $f(\theta)$ is a smooth (possibly non-convex) objective function. Notice that the proof is achieved via analytically designing a new potential function that tightly tracks the one-iteration progress of DoCoM. As a corollary, our analysis also established the linear convergence of DoCoM to a global optimal solution for objective functions with the Polyak-Łojasiewicz condition. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms several state-of-the-art algorithms in practice.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=W0ehjkl9x7


Title: GraphPNAS: Learning Probabilistic Graph Generators for Neural Architecture Search

Abstract: Neural architectures can be naturally viewed as computational graphs. Motivated by this perspective, we, in this paper, study neural architecture search (NAS) through the lens of learning graph generative models. In contrast to existing NAS methods which largely focus on searching for a single best architecture, i.e, point estimation, we propose GraphPNAS a deep graph generative model that learns a distribution of well-performing architectures. Relying on graph neural networks (GNNs), our GraphPNAS can better capture topologies of good neural architectures and relations between operators therein. Moreover, our graph generator leads to a learnable probabilistic search method that is more flexible and efficient than the commonly used RNN generator and random search methods. Finally, we learn our generator via an efficient reinforcement learning formulation for NAS. To assess the effectiveness of our GraphPNAS, we conduct extensive experiments on four search spaces, including the challenging RandWire on TinyImageNet, ENAS on CIFAR10, and NAS-Bench-101/201. We show that our proposed graph generator consistently outperforms RNN-based one and achieves better or comparable performances than state-of-the-art NAS methods.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ok18jj7cam


Title: Improved Group Robustness via Classifier Retraining on Independent Splits

Abstract: Deep neural networks learned by minimizing the average risk can achieve strong average performance, but their performance for a subgroup may degrade, if the subgroup is underrepresented in the overall data population. Group distributionally robust optimization (Sagawa et al., 2020a, GDRO) is a standard baseline for learning models with strong worst-group performance. However, GDRO requires group labels for every example during training and can be prone to overfitting, often requiring careful model capacity control via regularization or early stopping. When only a limited amount of group labels is available, Just Train Twice (Liu et al., 2021, JTT) is a popular approach which infers a pseudo-group-label for every unlabeled example. The process of inferring pseudo labels can be highly sensitive during model selection. To alleviate overfitting for GDRO and the pseudo labeling process for JTT, we propose a new method via classifier retraining on independent splits (of the training data). We find that using a novel sample splitting procedure achieves robust worst-group performance in the fine-tuning step. When evaluated on benchmark image and text classification tasks, our approach consistently reduces the requirement of group labels and hyperparameter search during training. Experimental results confirm that our approach performs favorably compared with existing methods (including GDRO and JTT) when either group labels are available during training or are only available during validation.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Qlvgq9eC63


Title: Two-Level Actor-Critic Using Multiple Teachers

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has successfully allowed agents to learn complex behaviors for many tasks. However, a key limitation of current learning approaches is the sample-inefficiency problem, which limits performance of the learning agent. This paper considers how agents can benefit from improved learning via teachers' advice. In particular, we consider the setting with multiple sub-optimal teachers, as opposed to having a single near-optimal teacher. We propose a flexible two-level actor-critic algorithm where the high-level network learns to choose the best teacher in the current situation while the low-level network learns the control policy.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=LfQ6uAVAEo


Title: A Systematic Approach to Universal Random Features in Graph Neural Networks

Abstract: Universal random features (URF) are state of the art regarding practical graph neural networks that are provably universal. There is great diversity regarding terminology, methodology, benchmarks, and evaluation metrics used among existing URF. Not only does this make it increasingly difficult for practitioners to decide which technique to apply to a given problem, but it also stands in the way of systematic improvements. We propose a new comprehensive framework that captures all previous URF techniques. On the theoretical side, among other results, we formally prove that under natural conditions all instantiations of our framework are universal. The framework thus provides a new simple technique to prove universality results. On the practical side, we develop a method to systematically and automatically train URF. This in turn enables us to impartially and objectively compare all existing URF. New URF naturally emerge from our approach, and our experiments demonstrate that they improve the state of the art.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=AXUtAIX0Fn


Title: Probabilistic Rank and Reward: A Scalable Model for Slate Recommendation

Abstract: We introduce Probabilistic Rank and Reward (PRR), a scalable probabilistic model for personalized slate recommendation. Our approach allows off-policy estimation of the reward in the ubiquitous scenario where the user interacts with at most one item from a slate of K items. We show that the probability of a slate being successful can be learned efficiently by combining the reward, whether the user successfully interacted with the slate, and the rank, the item that was selected within the slate. PRR outperforms existing off-policy reward optimizing methods and is far more scalable to large action spaces. Moreover, PRR allows fast delivery of recommendations powered by maximum inner product search (MIPS), making it suitable in low latency domains such as computational advertising.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jRqX4WOVpV


Title: Non-asymptotic approximations of Gaussian neural networks via second-order Poincar\'e inequalities

Abstract: There is a recent and growing interest on large-width asymptotic properties of Gaussian neural networks (NNs), namely NNs whose weights are initialized according to Gaussian distributions. A well-established result is that, as the width goes to infinity, a Gaussian NN converges in distribution to a Gaussian stochastic process, which provides an asymptotic or qualitative Gaussian approximation of the NN. In this paper, we introduce some non-asymptotic or quantitative Gaussian approximations of Gaussian NNs, quantifying the approximation error with respect to some popular distances for (probability) distributions, e.g. the $1$-Wasserstein distance, the total variation distance and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance. Our results rely on the use of second-order Gaussian Poincar\'e inequalities, which provide tight estimates of the approximation error, with optimal rates. This is a novel application of second-order Gaussian Poincar\'e inequalities, which are well-known in the probabilistic literature for being a powerful tool to obtain Gaussian approximations of general functionals of Gaussian stochastic processes. A generalization of our results to deep Gaussian NNs is discussed.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=BKtxHvwnut


Title: Quantifying Uncertainty of Uplift

Abstract: Uplift modeling refers to the task of estimating the causal effect of a treatment on an individual, also known as the conditional average treatment effect. Despite significant progress in uplift methods in recent years, the uncertainty of the estimates has been largely ignored in the literature. We explain why estimating uncertainty of the treatment effect is particularly important in many common use cases and we define epistemic uncertainty of the uplift estimates. We then provide two practical methods for quantifying the uncertainty of the estimates.
The methods are compatible with two commonly used uplift model families, namely double classifiers and uplift trees. We illustrate the methods on three datasets and show how information about the uncertainty can be used in uplift modeling tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=CfrnmxGeX2


Title: Combating Client Dropout in Federated Learning via Friend Model Substitution

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a new distributed machine learning framework known for its benefits on data privacy and communication efficiency. Since full client participation in many cases is infeasible due to constrained resources, partial participation FL algorithms have been investigated that proactively select/sample a subset of clients, aiming to achieve learning performance close to the full participation case. This paper studies a passive partial client participation scenario that is much less well understood, where partial participation is a result of external events, namely client dropout, rather than a decision of the FL algorithm. We cast FL with client dropout as a special case of a larger class of FL problems where clients can submit substitute (possibly inaccurate) local model updates. Based on our convergence analysis, we develop a new algorithm FL-FDMS that discovers friends of clients (i.e., clients whose data distributions are similar) on-the-fly and uses friends' local updates as substitutes for the dropout clients, thereby reducing the substitution error and improving the convergence performance. A complexity reduction mechanism is also incorporated into FL-FDMS, making it both theoretically sound and practically useful. Experiments on MNIST and CIFAR-10 confirmed the superior performance of FL-FDMS in handling client dropout in FL.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=fAJJMzAnKf


Title: Improved baselines for vision-language pre-training

Abstract: Contrastive learning has emerged as an efficient framework to learn multimodal representations. CLIP, a seminal work in this area, achieved impressive results by training on paired image-text data using the contrastive loss. Recent work claims improvements over CLIP using additional non-contrastive losses inspired from self-supervised learning.
However, it is sometimes hard to disentangle the contribution of these additional losses from other implementation details, \eg, data augmentation or regularization techniques, used to train the model. To shed light on this matter, in this paper, we first propose, implement and evaluate several baselines obtained by combining contrastive learning with recent advances in self-supervised learning.
In particular, we use the loss functions that were proven successful for visual self-supervised learning to align image and text modalities. We find that these baselines outperform a basic implementation of CLIP. However, when a stronger training recipe is employed, the advantage disappears. Indeed, we find that a simple CLIP baseline can also be improved substantially, up to a 25\% relative improvement on downstream zero-shot tasks, by using well-known training techniques that are popular in other subfields. Moreover, we discover that it is enough to apply image and text augmentations to make up for most of the improvement attained by prior works. With our improved training recipe for CLIP, we obtain state-of-the-art performance on four standard datasets, and consistently outperform prior work (up to +4\% on the largest dataset), while being substantially simpler.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=a7nvXxNmdV


Title: GPS++: Reviving the Art of Message Passing for Molecular Property Prediction

Abstract: We present GPS++, a hybrid Message Passing Neural Network / Graph Transformer model for molecular property prediction. Our model integrates a well-tuned local message passing component and biased global attention with other key ideas from prior literature to achieve state-of-the-art results on large-scale molecular dataset PCQM4Mv2. Through a thorough ablation study we highlight the impact of individual components and find that nearly all of the model’s performance can be maintained without any use of global self-attention, showing that message passing is still a competitive approach for 3D molecular property prediction despite the recent dominance of graph transformers. We also find that our approach is significantly more accurate than prior art when 3D positional information is not available.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=moVEUgJaHO


Title: FairGrad: Fairness Aware Gradient Descent

Abstract: We address the problem of group fairness in classification, where the objective is to learn models that do not unjustly discriminate against subgroups of the population. Most existing approaches are limited to simple binary tasks or involve difficult to implement training mechanisms which reduces their practical applicability. In this paper, we propose FairGrad, a method to enforce fairness based on a re-weighting scheme that iteratively learns group specific weights based on whether they are advantaged or not. FairGrad is easy to implement, accommodates various standard fairness definitions, and comes with minimal overhead. Furthermore, we show that it is competitive with standard baselines over various datasets including ones used in natural language processing and computer vision.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=0f8tU3QwWD


Title: Minorization-Maximization for Learning Determinantal Point Processes

Abstract: A determinantal point process (DPP) is a powerful probabilistic model that generates diverse random subsets from a ground set. Since a DPP is characterized by a positive definite kernel, a DPP on a finite ground set can be parameterized by a kernel matrix. Recently, DPPs have gained attention in the machine learning community and have been applied to various practical problems; however, there is still room for further research on the learning of DPPs. In this paper, we propose a simple learning rule for full-rank DPPs based on a minorization-maximization (MM) algorithm, which monotonically increases the likelihood in each iteration. We show that our minorizer of the MM algorithm provides a tighter lower-bound compared to an existing method locally. In our experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, our method outperforms existing methods in most settings.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=65AzNvY73Q


Title: Momentum Tracking: Momentum Acceleration for Decentralized Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Data

Abstract: SGD with momentum acceleration is one of the key components for improving the performance of neural networks. For decentralized learning, a straightforward approach using momentum acceleration is Distributed SGD (DSGD) with momentum acceleration (DSGDm). However, DSGDm performs worse than DSGD when the data distributions are statistically heterogeneous. Recently, several studies have addressed this issue and proposed methods with momentum acceleration that are more robust to data heterogeneity than DSGDm, although their convergence rates remain dependent on data heterogeneity and deteriorate when the data distributions are heterogeneous. In this study, we propose Momentum Tracking, which is a method with momentum acceleration whose convergence rate is proven to be independent of data heterogeneity. More specifically, we analyze the convergence rate of Momentum Tracking in the standard deep learning setting, where the objective function is non-convex and the stochastic gradient is used. Then, we identify that it is independent of data heterogeneity for any momentum coefficient $\beta \in [0, 1)$. Through experiments, we demonstrate that Momentum Tracking is more robust to data heterogeneity than the existing decentralized learning methods with momentum acceleration and can consistently outperform these existing methods when the data distributions are heterogeneous.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=8koy8QuTZD


Title: Optimizing Learning Rate Schedules for Iterative Pruning of Deep Neural Networks

Abstract: The importance of learning rate (LR) schedules on network pruning has been observed in a few recent works. As an example, Frankle and Carbin (2019) highlighted that winning tickets (i.e., accuracy preserving subnetworks) can not be found without applying a LR warmup schedule. Renda, Frankle and Carbin (2020) also demonstrated that rewinding the LR to its initial state at the end of each pruning cycle can improve pruning performance. In this paper, we go one step further by first providing a theoretical justification for the surprising effect of LR schedules. Next, we propose a LR schedule for network pruning called SILO, which stands for S-shaped Improved Learning rate Optimization. The advantages of SILO over existing LR schedules are two-fold: (i) SILO has a strong theoretical motivation and dynamically adjusts the LR during pruning to improve generalization. Specifically, SILO increases the LR upper bound (max_lr) in an S-shape. This leads to an improvement of 2% - 4% in extensive experiments with various types of networks (e.g., Vision Transformers, ResNet) on popular datasets such as ImageNet, CIFAR-10/100. (ii) In addition to the strong theoretical motivation, SILO is empirically optimal in the sense of matching an Oracle, which exhaustively searches for the optimal value of max_lr via grid search. We find that SILO is able to precisely adjust the value of max_lr to be within the Oracle optimized interval, resulting in performance competitive with the Oracle with significantly lower complexity.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=nGW2Hotpq3


Title: Not All Causal Inference is the Same

Abstract: Neurally-parameterized Structural Causal Models in the Pearlian notion to causality, referred to as NCM, were recently introduced as a step towards next-generation learning systems. However, said NCM are only concerned with the learning aspect of causal inference
and totally miss out on the architecture aspect. That is, actual causal inference within NCM is intractable in that the NCM won’t return an answer to a query in polynomial time. This insight follows as corollary to the more general statement on the intractability of arbitrary structural causal model (SCM) parameterizations, which we prove in this work through classical 3-SAT reduction. Since future learning algorithms will be required to deal with both high dimensional data and highly complex mechanisms governing the data, we ultimately believe work on tractable inference for causality to be decisive. We also show that not all “causal” models are created equal. More specifically, there are models capable of answering causal queries that are not SCM, which we refer to as partially causal models
(PCM). We provide a tabular taxonomy in terms of tractability properties for all of the different model families, namely correlation-based, PCM and SCM. To conclude our work, we also provide some initial ideas on how to overcome parts of the intractability of causal inference
with SCM by showing an example of how parameterizing an SCM with SPN modules can at least allow for tractable mechanisms. With this work we hope that our insights can raise awareness for this novel research direction since achieving success with causality in real world downstream tasks will not only depend on learning correct models but also require having the practical ability to gain access to
model inferences.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ySWQ6eXAKp


Title: Self-Attention in Colors: Another Take on Encoding Graph Structure in Transformers

Abstract: We introduce a novel self-attention mechanism, which we call CSA (Chromatic Self-Attention), which extends the notion of attention scores to attention _filters_, independently modulating the feature channels. We showcase CSA in a fully-attentional graph Transformer CGT (Chromatic Graph Transformer) which integrates both graph structural information and edge features, completely bypassing the need for local message-passing components. Our method flexibly encodes graph structure through node-node interactions, by enriching the original edge features with a relative positional encoding scheme. We propose a new scheme based on random walks that encodes both structural and positional information, and show how to incorporate higher-order topological information, such as rings in molecular graphs. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the ZINC benchmark dataset, while providing a flexible framework for encoding graph structure and incorporating higher-order topology.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=3dQCNqqv2d


Title: Beyond Distribution Shift: Shortcut Learning Through the Lens of Training Dynamics

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are prone to learning shortcut patterns that damage the generalization of the DNN during deployment. This paper aims to better understand shortcut learning through the lens of the learning dynamics of the internal neurons during the training process. We make the following observations: (1) While previous works treat shortcuts as synonymous with spurious correlations, we emphasize that not all spurious correlations are shortcuts. We show that shortcuts are only those spurious features that are “easier” than the core features. (2) We build upon this premise and use instance difficulty methods (like Prediction Depth) to quantify “easy” and to identify this behavior during the training phase. (3) We empirically show that shortcut learning can be detected by observing the learning dynamics of the DNN's early layers. In other words, easy features learned by the initial layers of a DNN early during the training are potential shortcuts. We verify our claims on medical and vision datasets, both simulated and real, and justify the empirical success of our hypothesis by showing the theoretical connections between Prediction Depth and information-theoretic concepts like $V$-usable information. Lastly, our experiments show the insufficiency of monitoring only accuracy plots during training (as is common in machine learning pipelines). We highlight the need for monitoring early training dynamics using example difficulty metrics.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Tkvmt9nDmB


Title: Graph Neural Networks for Temporal Graphs: State of the Art, Open Challenges, and Opportunities

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become the leading paradigm for learning on (static) graph-structured data. However, many real-world systems are dynamic in nature, since the graph and node/edge attributes change over time. In recent years, GNN-based models for temporal graphs have emerged as a promising area of research to extend the capabilities of GNNs. In this work, we provide the first comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art of temporal GNN, introducing a rigorous formalization of learning settings and
tasks and a novel taxonomy categorizing existing approaches in terms of how the temporal aspect is represented and processed. We conclude the survey with a discussion of the most relevant open challenges for the field, from both research and application perspectives.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=pHCdMat0gI


Title: A Latent Diffusion Model for Protein Structure Generation

Abstract: Proteins are complex biomolecules that perform a variety of crucial functions within living organisms. Designing and generating novel proteins can pave the way for many future synthetic biology applications, including drug discovery. However, it remains a challenging computational task due to the large modeling space of protein structures. In this study, we propose a latent diffusion model that can reduce the complexity of protein modeling while flexibly capturing the distribution of natural protein structures in a condensed latent space. Specifically, we propose an equivariant protein autoencoder that embeds proteins into a latent space and then uses an equivariant diffusion model to learn the distribution of the latent protein representations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can effectively generate novel protein backbone structures with high designability and efficiency.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=8zzjemksJd


Title: The Analysis of the Expected Change in the Classification Probability of the Predicted Label

Abstract: We present a formalism for estimating the expected change in the probability distribution of the predicted label of an object, with respect to all small perturbations to the object. We first derive analytically an estimate of the expected probability change as a function of the input noise. We then conduct three empirical studies: in the first study, experimental results on image classification show that the proposed measure can be used to distinguish the not-robust label predictions from those that are robust, even when they are all predicted with high confidence. The second study shows that the proposed robustness measure is almost always higher for the predictions on the corrupted images, compared to the predictions on the original versions of them. The final study shows that the proposed measure is lower for models when they are trained using adversarial training approaches.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gvqzvUVPiQ


Title: Pseudo-Differential Neural Operator: Generalize Fourier Neural operator for Learning Solution Operators of Partial Differential Equations

Abstract: Learning mapping between two function spaces has attracted considerable research attention. However, learning the solution operator of partial differential equations (PDEs) remains a challenge in scientific computing. Fourier neural operator (FNO) is recently proposed to learn the solution operators with an excellent performance. In this study, we propose a novel pseudo-differential integral operator (PDIO) to analyze and generalize the Fourier integral operator in FNO. PDIO is inspired by a pseudo-differential operator, which is a generalization of a differential operator and characterized by a certain symbol. We parameterize the symbol by using a neural network and show that the neural-network-based symbol is contained in a smooth symbol class. Subsequently, we prove that the PDIO is a bounded linear operator, and thus is continuous in the Sobolev space. We combine the PDIO with the neural operator to develop a pseudo-differential neural operator (PDNO) to learn the nonlinear solution operator of PDEs. We experimentally validate the effectiveness of the proposed model by using Darcy flow and the Navier-Stokes equation. The results reveal that the proposed PDNO outperforms the existing neural operator approaches in most experiments.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=805jKZ0Gqf


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