Weekly TMLR digest for Apr 24, 2022

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Apr 23, 2022, 8:00:05 PM4/23/22
to tmlr-annou...@googlegroups.com

New submissions

Title: Queried Unlabeled Data Improves and Robustifies Class-Incremental Learning

Abstract: Class-incremental learning (CIL) suffers from the notorious dilemma between learning newly added classes and preserving previously learned class knowledge. That catastrophic forgetting issue could be mitigated by storing historical data for replay, which yet would cause memory overheads as well as imbalanced prediction updates. To address this dilemma, we propose to leverage "free" external unlabeled data querying in continual learning. We first present a CIL with Queried Unlabeled Data (CIL-QUD) scheme, where we only store a handful of past training samples as anchors and use them to query relevant unlabeled examples each time. Along with new and past stored data, the queried unlabeled are effectively utilized, through learning-without-forgetting (LwF) regularizers and class-balance training. Besides preserving model generalization over past and current tasks, we next study the problem of adversarial robustness for CIL-QUD. Inspired by the recent success of learning robust models with unlabeled data, we explore a new robustness-aware CIL setting, where the learned adversarial robustness has to resist forgetting and be transferred as new tasks come in continually. While existing options easily fail, we show queried unlabeled data can continue to benefit, and seamlessly extend CIL-QUD into its robustified versions, RCIL-QUD. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CIL-QUD achieves substantial accuracy gains on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, compared to previous state-of-the-art CIL approaches. Moreover, RCIL-QUD establishes the first strong milestone for robustness-aware CIL. Codes will be publicly released upon acceptance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=oLvlPJheCD


Title: Mixed-Memory RNNs for Learning Long-term Dependencies in Irregularly-sampled Time Series

Abstract: Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with continuous-time hidden states are a natural fit for modeling irregularly-sampled time series. These models, however, face difficulties when the input data possess long-term dependencies. We prove that similar to standard RNNs, the underlying reason for this issue is the vanishing or exploding of the gradient during training. This phenomenon is expressed by the ordinary differential equation (ODE) representation of the hidden state, regardless of the ODE solver's choice. We provide a solution by equipping arbitrary continuous-time networks with a memory compartment separated from their time-continuous state. This way, we encode a continuous-time dynamical flow within the RNN, allowing it to respond to inputs arriving at arbitrary time-lags while ensuring a constant error propagation through the memory path. We call these models Mixed-Memory-RNNs (mmRNNs). We experimentally show that Mixed-Memory-RNNs outperform recently proposed RNN-based counterparts on non-uniformly sampled data with long-term dependencies.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=P9zYyG4MKT


Title: Layerwise Batch-Entropy Regularization

Abstract: Training deep neural networks is a very demanding task, especially challenging is how to adapt architectures to improve the performance of trained models. We can find that sometimes, shallow networks generalize better than deep networks, and the addition of more layers results in higher training and test errors. The deep residual learning framework addresses this degradation problem by adding skip connections to several neural network layers. It would at first seem counter-intuitive that such skip connections are needed to train deep networks successfully as the expressivity of a network would grow exponentially with depth. In this paper, we first analyze the flow of information through neural networks. We introduce and evaluate the batch-entropy which quantifies the flow of information through each layer of a neural network. We prove empirically and theoretically that a positive batch-entropy is required for gradient descent-based training approaches to optimize a given loss function successfully. Based on those insights, we introduce batch-entropy regularization to enable gradient descent-based training algorithms to optimize the flow of information through each hidden layer individually. We show empirically that we can train a "vanilla" fully connected network---no skip connections, batch normalization, dropout, or any other architectural tweak---with 500 layers by simply adding the batch-entropy regularization term to the loss function. Additionally, we show that the proposed method also improves the performance of state-of-the-art network architectures such as residual networks, autoencoders, and also transformer models over a wide range of computer vision as well as natural language processing tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=LJohl5DnZf


Title: Optimizing Functionals on the Space of Probabilities with Input Convex Neural Networks

Abstract: Gradient flows are a powerful tool for optimizing functionals in general metric spaces, including the space of probabilities endowed with the Wasserstein metric. A typical approach to solving this optimization problem relies on its connection to the dynamic formulation of optimal transport and the celebrated Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto (JKO) scheme. However, this formulation involves optimization over convex functions, which is challenging, especially in high dimensions. In this work, we propose an approach that relies on the recently introduced input-convex neural networks (ICNN) to parametrize the space of convex functions in order to approximate the JKO scheme, as well as in designing functionals over measures that enjoy convergence guarantees. We derive a computationally efficient implementation of this JKO-ICNN framework and experimentally demonstrate its feasibility and validity in approximating solutions of low-dimensional partial differential equations with known solutions. We also demonstrate its viability in high-dimensional applications through an experiment in controlled generation for molecular discovery.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dpOYN7o8Jm


Title: Integrating Rankings into Quantized Scores in Peer Review

Abstract: In peer review, reviewers are usually asked to provide scores for the papers. The scores are then used by Area Chairs or Program Chairs in various ways in the decision-making process. The scores are usually elicited in a quantized form to accommodate the limited cognitive ability of humans to describe their opinions in numerical values. It has been found that the quantized scores suffer from a large number of ties, thereby leading to a significant loss of information. To mitigate this issue, conferences have started to ask reviewers to additionally provide a ranking of the papers they have reviewed. There are however two key challenges. First, there is no standard procedure for using this ranking information and Area Chairs may use it in different ways (including simply ignoring them), thereby leading to arbitrariness in the peer-review process. Second, there are no suitable interfaces for judicious use of this data nor methods to incorporate it in existing workflows, thereby leading to inefficiencies.
We take a principled approach to integrate the ranking information into the scores. The output of our method is an updated score pertaining to each review that also incorporates the rankings. Our approach addresses the two aforementioned challenges by: (i) ensuring that rankings are incorporated into the updates scores in the same manner for all papers, thereby mitigating arbitrariness, and (ii) allowing to seamlessly use existing interfaces and workflows designed for scores.
We empirically evaluate our method on synthetic datasets as well as on peer reviews from the ICLR 2017 conference, and find that it reduces the error by approximately 30% as compared to the best performing baseline on the ICLR 2017 data.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Kb1lb0vSLa


Title: QuaRL: Quantization for Fast and Environmentally Sutainable Reinforcement Learning

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning continues to show tremendous potential in achieving task-level autonomy, however, its computational and energy demands remain prohibitively high. In this paper, we tackle this problem by applying quantization to reinforcement learning. To that end, we introduce a novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) training paradigm, \textit{ActorQ}, to speed up actor-learner distributed RL training. \textit{ActorQ} leverages 8-bit quantized actors to speed up data collection without affecting learning convergence. Our quantized distributed RL training system, \textit{ActorQ}, demonstrates end-to-end speedups of $>$ 1.5 $\times$ - 2.5 $\times$, and faster convergence over full precision training on a range of tasks (Deepmind Control Suite) and different RL algorithms (D4PG, DQN). Furthermore, we compare the carbon emissions (Kgs of CO2) of \textit{ActorQ} versus standard reinforcement learning on various tasks. Across various settings, we show that \textit{ActorQ} enables more environmentally friendly reinforcement learning by achieving 2.8$\times$ less carbon emission and energy compared to training RL-agents in full-precision. Finally, we demonstrate empirically that aggressively quantized RL-policies (up to 4/5 bits) enable significant speedups on quantization-friendly (supports native quantization) resource-constrained edge devices, without degrading accuracy. We believe that this is the first of many future works on enabling computationally energy-efficient and sustainable reinforcement learning. The source code for QuaRL is available here for the public to use: \url{https://bit.ly/quarl-tmlr}.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xwWsiFmUEs


Title: Adversarial Feature Augmentation and Normalization for Visual Recognition

Abstract: Recent advances in computer vision take advantage of adversarial data augmentation to ameliorate the generalization ability of classification models. Here, we present an effective and efficient alternative that advocates adversarial augmentation on intermediate feature embeddings, instead of relying on computationally-expensive pixel-level perturbations. We propose Adversarial Feature Augmentation and Normalization (A-FAN), which (i) first augments visual recognition models with adversarial features that integrate flexible scales of perturbation strengths, (ii) then extracts adversarial feature statistics from batch normalization, and re-injects them into clean features through feature normalization. We validate the proposed approach across diverse visual recognition tasks with representative backbone networks, including ResNets and EfficientNets for classification, Faster-RCNN for detection, and Deeplab V3+ for segmentation. Extensive experiments show that A-FAN yields consistent generalization improvement over strong baselines across various datasets for classification, detection, and segmentation tasks, such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, Pascal VOC2007, Pascal VOC2012, COCO2017, and Cityspaces. Comprehensive ablation studies and detailed analyses also demonstrate that adding perturbations to specific modules and layers of classification/detection/segmentation backbones yields optimal performance. Codes are fully provided in the supplement.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2VEUIq9Yff


Title: Sparse Coding with Multi-layer Decoders using Variance Regularization

Abstract: Sparse representations of images are useful in many computer vision applications.
Sparse coding with an $l_1$ penalty and a learned linear dictionary requires regularization of the dictionary to prevent a collapse in the $l_1$ norms of the codes. Typically, this regularization entails bounding the Euclidean norms of the dictionary's elements.
In this work, we propose a novel sparse coding protocol which prevents a collapse in the codes without the need to regularize the decoder. Our method regularizes the codes directly so that each latent code component has variance greater than a fixed threshold over a set of sparse representations for a given set of inputs. Furthermore, we explore ways to effectively train sparse coding systems with multi-layer decoders since they can model more complex relationships than linear dictionaries.
In our experiments with MNIST and natural image patches, we show that decoders learned with our approach have interpretable features both in the linear and multi-layer case. Moreover, we show that sparse autoencoders with multi-layer decoders trained using our variance regularization method produce higher quality reconstructions with sparser representations when compared to autoencoders with linear dictionaries. Additionally, sparse representations obtained with our variance regularization approach are useful in the downstream tasks of denoising and classification in the low-data regime.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=4GuIi1jJ74


Title: Ensemble Policy Optimization with Diversity-regularized Exploration

Abstract: In machine learning tasks, ensemble methods have been widely adopted to boost the performance by aggregating multiple learning models. However, ensemble methods are much less explored in the task of reinforcement learning, where most of previous works only combine multiple value estimators or dynamics models and use a mixed policy to explore the environment. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective ensemble policy optimization method to improve the joint performance of the policy ensemble. This method utilizes a policy ensemble where heterogeneous policies explore the environment collectively and a diversity regularizer is designed to maintain the diversity of policies. The performance in test time is greatly improved by aggregating the learned policies into an ensemble policy. We evaluate the proposed method on continuous control tasks. Extensive experiments show its substantial improvement over previous single-policy training schemes. Code will be made publicly available.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=lWeSoudtUA


Title: Learning to Switch Among Agents in a Team

Abstract: Reinforcement learning agents have been mostly developed and evaluated under the assumption that they will
operate in a fully autonomous manner---they will take all actions. In this work, our goal is to develop algorithms that, by learning to switch control between agents, allow existing reinforcement learning agents to operate under different automation levels. To this end, we first formally define the problem of learning to switch control among agents in a team via a 2-layer Markov decision
process. Then, we develop an online learning algorithm that uses upper confidence bounds on the agents' policies and the environment's
transition probabilities to find a sequence of switching policies. The total regret of our algorithm with respect to the optimal switching policy is sublinear in the number of learning steps and, whenever
multiple teams of agents operate in a similar environment, our algorithm greatly benefits from maintaining shared confidence bounds for the
environments' transition probabilities and it enjoys a better regret bound than problem-agnostic algorithms. Simulation experiments in an obstacle avoidance task illustrate our theoretical findings and demonstrate that, by exploiting the
specific structure of the problem, our proposed algorithm is superior to problem-agnostic algorithms.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=NT9zgedd3I

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