Weekly TMLR digest for Jan 29, 2023

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Jan 28, 2023, 7:00:10 PM1/28/23
to tmlr-annou...@googlegroups.com

Accepted papers

Title: Dropped Scheduled Task: Mitigating Negative Transfer in Multi-task Learning using Dynamic Task Dropping

Authors: Aakarsh Malhotra, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh

Abstract: In Multi-Task Learning (MTL), K distinct tasks are jointly optimized. With the varying nature and complexities of tasks, few tasks might dominate learning. For other tasks, their respective performances may get compromised due to a negative transfer from dominant tasks. We propose a Dropped-Scheduled Task (DST) algorithm, which probabilistically “drops” specific tasks during joint optimization while scheduling others to reduce negative transfer. For each task, a scheduling probability is decided based on four different metrics: (i) task depth, (ii) number of ground-truth samples per task, (iii) amount of training completed, and (iv) task stagnancy. Based on the scheduling probability, specific tasks get joint computation cycles while others are “dropped”. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DST algorithm, we perform multi-task learning on three applications and two architectures. Across unilateral (single input) and bilateral (multiple input) multi-task net- works, the chosen applications are (a) face (AFLW), (b) fingerprint (IIITD MOLF, MUST, and NIST SD27), and (c) character recognition (Omniglot) applications. Experimental results show that the proposed DST algorithm has the minimum negative transfer and overall least errors across different state-of-the-art algorithms and tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=myjAVQrRxS


New submissions

Title: Learning Deformation Trajectories of Boltzmann Densities

Abstract: We introduce a training objective for continuous normalizing flows that can be used in the absence of samples but in the presence of an energy function. Our method relies on either a prescribed or a learnt interpolation $f_t$ of energy functions between the target energy $f_1$ and the energy function of a generalized Gaussian $f_0(x) = |x/\sigma|^p$. This, in turn, induces an interpolation of Boltzmann densities $p_t \propto e^{-f_t}$ and we aim to find a time-dependent vector field $V_t$ that transports samples along this family of densities.
Concretely, this condition can be translated to a PDE between $V_t$ and $f_t$ and we minimize the amount by which this PDE fails to hold.
We compare this objective to the reverse KL-divergence on Gaussian mixtures and on the $\phi^4$ lattice field theory on a circle.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=TH6YrEcbth


Title: Neural Monge Map estimation and its applications

Abstract: Monge map refers to the optimal transport map between two probability distributions and provides a principled approach to transform one distribution to another. Neural network-based optimal transport map solver has gained great attention in recent years. Along this line, we present a scalable algorithm for computing the neural Monge map between two probability distributions. Our algorithm is based on a weak form of the optimal transport problem, thus it only requires samples from the marginals instead of their analytic expressions, and can be applied in large-scale settings. Furthermore, using the duality gap we prove rigorously \textit{a posteriori} error analysis for the method. Our algorithm is suitable for general cost functions, compared with other existing methods for estimating Monge maps using samples, which are usually for quadratic costs. The performance of our algorithms is demonstrated through a series of experiments with both synthetic and realistic data, including text-to-image generation, class-preserving map, and image inpainting tasks.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2mZSlQscj3


Title: Understanding Finetuning for Factual Knowledge Extraction from Language Models

Abstract: Language models (LMs) pretrained on large corpora of text from the web have been observed to contain large amounts of various types of knowledge about the world. This observation has led to a new and exciting paradigm in knowledge graph construction where, instead of manual curation or text mining, one extracts knowledge from the parameters of an LM. Recently, it has been shown that finetuning LMs on a set of factual knowledge makes them produce better answers to queries from a different set, thus making finetuned LMs a good candidate for knowledge extraction and, consequently, knowledge graph construction. In this paper, we analyze finetuned LMs for factual knowledge extraction. We show that along with its previously known positive effects, finetuning also leads to a (potentially harmful )phenomenon which we call Frequency Shock, where at the test time the model over-predicts rare entities that appear in the training set and under-predicts common entities that do not appear in the training set enough times. We show that Frequency Shock leads to a degradation in the predictions of the model and beyond a point, the harm from Frequency Shock can even outweigh the positive effects of finetuning, making finetuning harmful overall. We then consider two solutions to remedy the identified negative effect: 1- model mixing and 2- mixture finetuning with the LM’s pre-training task. The two solutions combined lead to significant improvements compared to vanilla finetuning.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=oT3mUVZwGC


Title: Bayesian Optimization with Informative Covariance

Abstract: Bayesian optimization is a methodology for global optimization of unknown and expensive objectives. It combines a surrogate Bayesian regression model with an acquisition function to decide where to evaluate the objective. Typical regression models are given by Gaussian processes with stationary covariance functions. However, these functions are unable to express prior input-dependent information, including possible locations of the optimum. The ubiquity of stationary models has led to the common practice of exploiting prior information via informative mean functions. In this paper, we highlight that these models can perform poorly, especially in high dimensions. We propose novel informative covariance functions for optimization, leveraging nonstationarity to encode preferences for certain regions of the search space and adaptively promote local exploration during optimization. We demonstrate that the proposed functions can increase the sample efficiency of Bayesian optimization in high dimensions, even under weak prior information.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=JwgVBv18RG


Title: A portfolio approach to massively parallel Bayesian optimization

Abstract: One way to reduce the time of conducting optimization studies is to evaluate designs in parallel rather than just one-at-a-time. For expensive-to-evaluate black-boxes, batch versions of Bayesian optimization have been proposed. They work by building a surrogate model of the black-box to simultaneously select multiple designs via an infill criterion. Still, despite the increased availability of computing resources that enable large-scale parallelism, the strategies that work for selecting a few tens of parallel designs for evaluations become limiting due to the complexity of selecting more designs. It is even more crucial when the black-box is noisy, necessitating more evaluations as well as repeating experiments. Here we propose a scalable strategy that can keep up with massive batching natively, focused on the exploration/exploitation trade-off and a portfolio allocation. We compare the approach with related methods on noisy functions, for mono and multi-objective optimization tasks. These experiments show orders of magnitude speed improvements over existing methods with similar or better performance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=hTHvYC1e1i


Title: Multi-dimensional concept discovery (MCD): A unifying framework with completeness guarantees

Abstract: The completeness axiom renders the explanation of a post-hoc XAI method only locally faithful to the model, i.e. for a single decision.
For the trustworthy application of XAI, in particular for high-stake decisions, a more global model understanding is required. %to detect subtle model biases. Recently, concept-based methods have been proposed, which are however not guaranteed to be bound to the actual model reasoning. To circumvent this problem, we propose Multi-dimensional Concept Discovery (MCD) as an extension of previous approaches that fulfills a completeness relation on the level of concepts. Our method starts from general linear subspaces as concepts and does neither require reinforcing concept interpretability nor re-training of model parts. We propose sparse subspace clustering to discover improved concepts and fully leverage the potential of multi-dimensional subspaces. MCD offers two complementary analysis tools for concepts in input space: (1) concept activation maps, that show where a concept is expressed within a sample, allowing for concept characterization through prototypical samples, and (2) concept relevance heatmaps, that decompose the model decision into concept contributions. Both tools together enable a detailed understanding of the model reasoning, which is guaranteed to relate to the model via a completeness relation. This paves the way towards more trustworthy concept-based XAI. We empirically demonstrate the superiority of MCD against more constrained concept definitions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=KxBQPz7HKh


Title: A Stochastic Proximal Polyak Step Size

Abstract: Recently, the stochastic Polyak step size (SPS) has emerged as a competitive adaptive step size scheme for stochastic gradient descent. Here we develop ProxSPS, a proximal variant of SPS that can handle regularization terms. Developing a proximal variant of SPS is particularly important, since SPS requires a lower bound of the objective function to work well. When the objective function is the sum of a loss and a regularizer, available estimates of a lower bound of the sum can be loose. In contrast, ProxSPS only requires a lower bound for the loss which is often readily available. As a consequence, we show that ProxSPS is easier to tune and more stable in the presence of regularization. Furthermore for image classification tasks, ProxSPS performs as well as AdamW with little to no tuning, and results in a network with smaller weight parameters. We also provide an extensive convergence analysis for ProxSPS that includes the non-smooth, smooth, weakly convex and strongly convex setting.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jWr41htaB3


Title: Bayesian Transformed Gaussian Processes

Abstract: The Bayesian transformed Gaussian (BTG) model, proposed by Kedem and Oliviera in 1997, was developed as a Bayesian approach to trans-Kriging. In this paper, we revisit BTG in the context of modern Gaussian Process literature by framing it as a fully Bayesian counterpart to the warped Gaussian process that marginalizes out a joint prior over input warping and kernel hyperparameters. As with any other fully Bayesian approach, this treatment introduces prohibitively expensive computational overhead; unsurprisingly, the BTG posterior predictive distribution, itself estimated through high-dimensional integration, must be inverted in order to perform model prediction. To address these challenges, we introduce principled numerical techniques for computing with BTG efficiently using a combination of doubly sparse quadrature rules, tight quantile bounds, and rank-one matrix algebra to enable both fast model prediction and model selection. These efficient methods allow us to regress over higher-dimensional datasets and apply BTG with layered transformations that greatly improve its expressibility. We demonstrate that BTG achieves superior empirical performance over MLE-based models in the low-data regime ---situations in which MLE tends to overfit.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=4zCgjqjzAv


Title: 3D-Aware Video Generation

Abstract: Generative models have emerged as an essential building block for many image synthesis and editing tasks. Recent advances in this field have also enabled high-quality 3D or video content to be generated that exhibits either multi-view or temporal consistency. With our work, we explore 4D generative adversarial networks (GANs) that learn unconditional generation of 3D-aware videos. By combining neural implicit representations with time-aware discriminator, we develop a GAN framework that synthesizes 3D video supervised only with monocular videos. We show that our method learns a rich embedding of decomposable 3D structures and motions that enables new visual effects of spatio-temporal renderings while producing imagery with quality comparable to that of existing 3D or video GANs.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=SwlfyDq6B3


Title: Integrating Bayesian Network Structure into Normalizing Flows and Variational Autoencoders

Abstract: Deep generative models have become more popular in recent years due to their scalability and representation capacity. Unlike probabilistic graphical models, they typically do not incorporate specific domain knowledge. As such, this work explores incorporating arbitrary dependency structures, as specified by Bayesian networks, into variational autoencoders (VAEs). This is achieved by developing a new type of graphical normalizing flow, which extends residual flows by encoding conditional independence through masking of the flow’s residual block weight matrices, and using these to extend both the prior and inference network of the VAE. We show that the proposed graphical VAE provides a more interpretable model that generalizes better in data-sparse settings, when practitioners know or can hypothesize about certain latent factors in their domain. Furthermore, we show that graphical residual flows provide not only density estimation and inference performance competitive with existing graphical flows, but also more stable and accurate inversion in practice as a byproduct of the flow’s Lipschitz bounds.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=OsKXlWamTQ


Title: Data Models for Dataset Drift Controls in Machine Learning With Images

Abstract: Camera images are ubiquitous in machine learning research. They also play a central role in the delivery of important public services spanning medicine or environmental surveying. However, the application of machine learning models in these domains has been limited because of robustness concerns. A primary failure mode are performance drops due to differences between the training and deployment data. While there are methods to prospectively validate the robustness of machine learning models to such dataset drifts, existing approaches do not account for explicit models of machine learning's primary object of interest: the data. This limits our ability to study and understand the relationship between data generation and downstream machine learning model performance in a physically accurate manner. In this study, we demonstrate how to overcome this limitation by pairing traditional machine learning with physical optics to obtain explicit and differentiable data models. We demonstrate how such data models can be constructed for image data and used to control downstream machine learning model performance related to dataset drift. The findings are distilled into three applications. First, drift synthesis enables the controlled generation of physically faithful drift test cases to power model selection and targeted generalization. Second, the gradient connection between machine learning task model and data model allows advanced, precise tolerancing of task model sensitivity to changes in the data generation. These drift forensics can be used to precisely specify the acceptable data environments in which a task model may be run. Third, drift optimization opens up the possibility to create drifts that can help the task model learn better faster, effectively optimizing the data generating process itself to support the downstream machine vision task. This is an interesting upgrade to existing imaging pipelines which traditionally have been optimized to be consumed by human users but not machine learning models. Alongside the data model code we release two datasets to the public that we collected as part of this work. In total, the two datasets, Raw-Microscopy and Raw-Drone, comprise 1,488 scientifically calibrated reference raw sensor measurements, 8,928 raw intensity variations as well as 17,856 images processed through twelve data models with different configurations. A guide to access the open code and datasets is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/tmlr/.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=I4IkGmgFJz


Title: DSDF: Coordinated look-ahead strategy in multi-agent reinforcement learning with noisy agents

Abstract: Existing methods of Multi-Agent Reinforcement learning, involving Centralized Training and Decentralized execution, attempt to train the agents towards learning a pattern of coordinated actions to arrive at optimal joint policy. However, during the execution phase, if some of the agents degrade and develop noisy actions to varying degrees, the above methods provide poor coordination. In this paper, we show how such random noise in agents, which could be a result of the degradation or aging of robots, can add to the uncertainty in coordination and thereby contribute to unsatisfactory global rewards. In such a scenario, the agents which are in accordance with the policy have to understand the behavior and limitations of the noisy agents while the noisy agents have to plan in cognizance of their limitations. In our proposed method, Deep Stochastic Discount Factor (DSDF), based on the degree of degradation the algorithm tunes the discount factor for each agent uniquely, thereby altering the global planning of the agents. Moreover, given the degree of degradation in some agents is expected to change over time, our method provides a framework under which such changes can be incrementally addressed without extensive retraining. Results on benchmark environments show the efficacy of the DSDF approach when compared with existing approaches.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xbt6pSHfYN


Title: Training Data Size Induced Double Descent For Denoising Feedforward Neural Networks and the Role of Training Noise

Abstract: When training an unregularized denoising feedforward neural network, we show that the generalization error versus number of training data points is a double descent curve.
We formalize the question of how many training data points should be used by looking at the generalization error for denoising noisy test data. Prior work on computing the generalization error focus on adding noise to target outputs. However, adding noise to the input is more in line with current pre-training practices. In the linear (in the inputs) regime, we provide an asymptotically exact formula for the generalization error for rank 1 data and an approximation for the generalization error for rank $r$ data.
From this, we derive a formula for the amount of noise that needs to be added to the training data to minimize the denoising error. This results in the emergence of a shrinkage phenomena for improving the performance of denoising DNNs by making the training SNR smaller than test SNR. Further, we see that the amount of shrinkage (ratio of train to test SNR) follows a double descent curve as well.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=FdMWtpVT1I


Title: Understanding Noise-Augmented Training for Randomized Smoothing

Abstract: Randomized smoothing is a technique for providing provable robustness guarantees against adversarial attacks while making minimal assumptions about a classifier. This method relies on taking a majority vote of any base classifier over multiple noise-perturbed inputs to obtain a smoothed classifier, and it remains the tool of choice to certify deep and complex neural network models. Nonetheless, non-trivial performance of such smoothed classifier crucially depends on the base model being trained on noise-augmented data, i.e., on a smoothed input distribution. While widely adopted in practice, it is still unclear how this noisy training of the base classifier precisely affects the risk of the robust smoothed classifier, leading to heuristics and tricks that are poorly understood. In this work we analyze these trade-offs theoretically in a binary classification setting, proving that these common observations are not universal. We show that, without making stronger distributional assumptions, no benefit can be expected from predictors trained with noise-augmentation, and we further characterize distributions where such benefit is obtained. Our analysis has direct implications to the practical deployment of randomized smoothing, and we illustrate some of these via experiments on CIFAR-10 and MNIST, as well as on synthetic datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=fvyh6mDWFr


Title: Data Distillation: A Survey

Abstract: The popularity of deep learning has led to the curation of a vast number of massive and multifarious datasets. Despite having close-to-human performance on individual tasks, training parameter-hungry models on large datasets poses multi-faceted problems such as (a) high model-training time; (b) slow research iteration; and (c) poor eco-sustainability. As an alternative, data distillation approaches aim to synthesize terse data summaries, which can serve as effective drop-in replacements of the original dataset for scenarios like model training, inference, architecture search, etc. In this survey, we present a formal framework for data distillation, along with providing a detailed taxonomy of existing approaches. Additionally, we cover data distillation approaches for different data modalities, namely images, graphs, and user-item interactions (recommender systems), while also identifying current challenges and future research directions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=lmXMXP74TO


Title: Supervised Knowledge May Hurt Novel Class Discovery Performance

Abstract: Novel class discovery (NCD) aims to infer novel categories in an unlabeled dataset by leveraging prior knowledge of a labeled set comprising disjoint but related classes. Given that most existing literature focuses primarily on utilizing supervised knowledge from a labeled set at the methodology level, this paper considers the question: Is supervised knowledge always helpful at different levels of semantic relevance? To proceed, we first establish a novel metric, so-called transfer leakage, to measure the semantic similarity between labeled/unlabeled datasets. To show the validity of the proposed metric, we build up a large-scale benchmark with various degrees of semantic similarities between labeled/unlabeled datasets on ImageNet by leveraging its hierarachical class structure. The results based on the proposed benchmark show that the proposed transfer leakage is in line with the hierarachical class structure; and that NCD performance is consistent with the semantic similarities (measured by the proposed metric). Next, by using the proposed transfer leakage, we conduct various empirical experiments with different levels of semantic similarity, yielding that supervised knowledge
may hurt NCD performance. Specifically, using supervised information from a low-similarity labeled set may lead to a suboptimal result as compared to using pure self-supervised knowledge. These results reveal the inadequacy of the existing NCD literature which usually
assumes that supervised knowledge is beneficial. Finally, we develop a pseudo-version of the transfer leakage as a practical reference to decide if supervised knowledge should be used in NCD. Its effectiveness is supported by our empirical studies, which show that the pseudo transfer leakage (with or without supervised knowledge) is consistent with the corresponding accuracy based on various datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=oqOBTo5uWD


Title: Federated High-Dimensional Online Decision Making

Abstract: We resolve the main challenge of federated bandit policy design via exploration-exploitation
trade-off delineation under data decentralization with a local privacy protection argument.
Such a challenge is practical in domain-specific applications and admits another layer of
complexity in applications of medical decision-making and web marketing, where high-
dimensional decision contexts are sensitive but important to inform decision-making. Exist-
ing (low dimensional) federated bandits suffer super-linear theoretical regret upper bound
in high-dimensional scenarios and are at risk of client information leakage due to their in-
ability to separate exploration from exploitation. This paper proposes a class of bandit
policy design, termed Fedego Lasso, to complete the task of federated high-dimensional
online decision-making with sub-linear theoretical regret and local client privacy argument.
Fedego Lasso relies on a novel multi-client teamwork-selfish bandit policy design to per-
form decentralized collaborative exploration and federated egocentric exploration with log-
arithmic communication costs. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
algorithms on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=TjaMO63fc9


Title: Neural Collapse: A Review on Modelling Principles and Generalization

Abstract: Deep classifier neural networks enter the terminal phase of training (TPT) when training error reaches zero and tend to exhibit intriguing Neural Collapse (NC) properties. Neural collapse essentially represents a state at which the within class variability of final hidden layer outputs is infinitesimally small and their class means form a simplex equiangular tight frame. This simplifies the last layer behaviour to that of a nearest-class center decision rule. Despite the simplicity of this state, the dynamics and implications of reaching it are yet to be fully understood. In this work, we review the principles which aid in modelling neural collapse, followed by the implications of this state on generalization and transfer learning capabilities of neural networks. Finally, we conclude by discussing potential avenues and directions for future research.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=QTXocpAP9p


Title: Learning Graph Structure from Convolutional Mixtures

Abstract: Machine learning frameworks such as graph neural networks typically rely on a given, fixed graph to exploit relational inductive biases and thus effectively learn from network data. However, when said graphs are (partially) unobserved, noisy, or dynamic, the problem of inferring graph structure from data becomes relevant. In this paper, we postulate a graph convolutional relationship between the observed and latent graphs, and formulate the graph structure learning task as a network inverse (deconvolution) problem. In lieu of eigendecomposition-based spectral methods or iterative optimization solutions, we unroll and truncate proximal gradient iterations to arrive at a parameterized neural network architecture that we call a Graph Deconvolution Network (GDN). GDNs can learn a distribution of graphs in a supervised fashion, perform link prediction or edge-weight regression tasks by adapting the loss function, and they are inherently inductive as well as node permutation equivariant. We corroborate GDN's superior graph recovery performance and its generalization to larger graphs using synthetic data in supervised settings. Moreover, we demonstrate the robustness and representation power of GDNs on real world neuroimaging and social network datasets.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=OILbP0WErR


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