Daily TMLR digest for Jun 20, 2024

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Jun 20, 2024, 12:00:06 AM (11 days ago) Jun 20
to tmlr-anno...@googlegroups.com

Accepted papers

Title: Cooperative Online Learning with Feedback Graphs

Authors: Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, Tommaso Cesari, Riccardo Della Vecchia

Abstract: We study the interplay between communication and feedback in a cooperative online learning setting, where a network of communicating agents learn a common sequential decision-making task through a feedback graph. We bound the network regret in terms of the independence number of the strong product between the communication network and the feedback graph. Our analysis recovers as special cases many previously known bounds for cooperative online learning with expert or bandit feedback. We also prove an instance-based lower bound, demonstrating that our positive results are not improvable except in pathological cases. Experiments on synthetic data confirm our theoretical findings.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=PtNyIboDIG


Title: On the numerical reliability of nonsmooth autodiff: a MaxPool case study

Authors: Ryan Boustany

Abstract: This paper considers the reliability of automatic differentiation for neural networks involving the nonsmooth MaxPool operation across various precision levels (16, 32, 64 bits), architectures (LeNet, VGG, ResNet), and datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, SVHN, ImageNet). Although AD can be incorrect, recent research has shown that it coincides with the derivative almost everywhere, even in the presence of nonsmooth operations. On the other hand, in practice, AD operates with floating-point numbers, and there is, therefore, a need to explore subsets on which AD can be {\em numerically} incorrect. Recently, \cite{bertoin2021numerical} empirically studied how the choice of $\ReLU'(0)$ changes the output of AD and define a numerical bifurcation zone where using $\ReLU('0) = 0$ differs from using $\ReLU'(0) = 1$. To extend this for a broader class of nonsmooth operations, we propose a new numerical bifurcation zone (where AD is incorrect over real numbers) and define a compensation zone (where AD is incorrect over floating-point numbers but correct over reals). Using SGD for training, we found that nonsmooth MaxPool Jacobians with lower norms maintain stable and efficient test accuracy, while higher norms can result in instability and decreased performance. We can use batch normalization, Adam-like optimizers, or increase precision to reduce MaxPool Jacobians influence.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=142xsInVfp


Title: Universal Neurons in GPT2 Language Models

Authors: Wes Gurnee, Theo Horsley, Zifan Carl Guo, Tara Rezaei Kheirkhah, Qinyi Sun, Will Hathaway, Neel Nanda, Dimitris Bertsimas

Abstract: A basic question within the emerging field of mechanistic interpretability is the degree to which neural networks learn the same underlying mechanisms. In other words, are neural mechanisms universal across different models?
In this work, we study the universality of individual neurons across GPT2 models trained from different initial random seeds, motivated by the hypothesis that universal neurons are likely to be interpretable. In particular, we compute pairwise correlations of neuron activations over 100 million tokens for every neuron pair across five different seeds and find that 1-5\% of neurons are universal, that is, pairs of neurons which consistently activate on the same inputs. We then study these universal neurons in detail, finding that they usually have clear interpretations and taxonomize them into a small number of neuron families. We conclude by studying patterns in neuron weights to establish several universal functional roles of neurons in simple circuits: deactivating attention heads, changing the entropy of the next token distribution, and predicting the next token to (not) be within a particular set.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=ZeI104QZ8I


Title: Generalized Oversampling for Learning from Imbalanced datasets and Associated Theory: Application in Regression

Authors: Samuel Stocksieker, Denys Pommeret, Arthur Charpentier

Abstract: In supervised learning, it is quite frequent to be confronted with real imbalanced datasets. This situation leads to a learning difficulty for standard algorithms. Research and solutions in imbalanced learning have mainly focused on classification tasks. Despite its importance, very few solutions exist for imbalanced regression. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation procedure, the GOLIATH algorithm, based on kernel density estimates and especially dedicated to the problem of imbalanced data. This general approach encompasses two large families of synthetic oversampling: those based on perturbations, such as Gaussian Noise, and those based on interpolations, such as SMOTE. It also provides an explicit form of such machine learning algorithms. New synthetic data generators are deduced. We apply GOLIATH in imbalanced regression combining such generator procedures with a new wild-bootstrap resampling technique for the target values. We evaluate the performance of the GOLIATH algorithm in imbalanced regression where we compare our approach with state-of-the-art techniques.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=DLqPhQxgYu


Title: SwinGNN: Rethinking Permutation Invariance in Diffusion Models for Graph Generation

Authors: Qi Yan, Zhengyang Liang, Yang Song, Renjie Liao, Lele Wang

Abstract: Permutation-invariant diffusion models of graphs achieve the invariant sampling and invariant loss functions by restricting architecture designs, which often sacrifice empirical performances. In this work, we first show that the performance degradation may also be contributed by the increasing modes of target distributions brought by invariant architectures since 1) the optimal one-step denoising scores are score functions of Gaussian mixtures models (GMMs) whose components center on these modes and 2) learning the scores of GMMs with more components is often harder. Motivated by the analysis, we propose SwinGNN along with a simple yet provable trick that enables permutation-invariant sampling. It benefits from more flexible (non-invariant) architecture designs and permutation-invariant sampling. We further design an efficient 2-WL message passing network using the shifted-window self-attention. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world protein and molecule datasets show that SwinGNN outperforms existing methods by a substantial margin on most metrics. Our code is released at https://github.com/qiyan98/SwinGNN.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=abfi5plvQ4


Title: Bit-by-Bit: Investigating the Vulnerabilities of Binary Neural Networks to Adversarial Bit Flipping

Authors: Shamik Kundu, Sanjay Das, Sayar Karmakar, Arnab Raha, Souvik Kundu, Yiorgos Makris, Kanad Basu

Abstract: Binary Neural Networks (BNNs), operating with ultra-low precision weights, incur a significant reduction in storage and compute cost compared to the traditional Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). However, vulnerability of such models against various hardware attacks are yet to be fully unveiled. Towards understanding the potential threat imposed on such highly efficient models, in this paper, we explore a novel adversarial attack paradigm pertaining to BNNs. In specific, we assume the attack to be executed during deployment phase, prior to inference, to achieve malicious intentions, via manipulation of accessible network parameters. We aim to accomplish a graceless degradation in BNN accuracy to a point, where the fully functional network can behave as a random output generator at best, thus subverting the confidence in the system. To this end, we propose an Outlier Gradient-based Evolutionary (OGE) attack, that learns injection of minimal amount of critical bit flips in the pre-trained binary network weights, to introduce classification errors in the inference execution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that leverages the outlier gradient weights to orchestrate a hardware-based bit-flip attack, that is highly effective against the typically resilient low-quantization BNNs. Exhaustive evaluations on popular image recognition datasets including Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR10, GTSRB, and ImageNet demonstrate that, OGE can drop up to 68.1% of the test images mis-classification, by flipping as little as 150 binary weights, out of 10.3 millions in a BNN architecture.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=nB8foAclpo


New submissions

Title: Threshold Moving for Online Class Imbalance Learning with Dynamic Evolutionary Cost Vector

Abstract: Existing online class imbalance learning methods fail to achieve optimal performance because their assumptions about enhancing minority classes are hardcoded in model parameters. To learn the model for the performance measure directly instead of using heuristics, we introduce a novel framework based on a dynamic evolutionary algorithm called Online Evolutionary Cost Vector (OECV). By bringing the threshold moving method from the cost-sensitive learning paradigm and viewing the cost vector as a hyperparameter, our method transforms the online class imbalance issue into a bi-level optimization problem. The first layer utilizes a base online classifier for rough prediction, and the second layer refines the prediction using a threshold moving cost vector learned via a dynamic evolutionary algorithm (EA). OECV benefits from both the efficiency of online learning methods and the high performance of EA, as demonstrated in empirical studies against four state-of-the-art methods on 30 datasets. Additionally, we show the effectiveness of the EA component in the ablation study by comparing OECV to its two variants, OECV-n and OECV-ea, respectively. This work reveals the superiority of incorporating EA into online imbalance classification tasks, while its potential extends beyond the scope of the class imbalance setting and warrants future research attention. We release our code1 for future research.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=EIPnUofed9


Title: Ask Your Distribution Shift if Pre-Training is Right for You

Abstract: Pre-training is a widely used approach to develop models that are robust to distribution shifts. However, in practice, its effectiveness varies: fine-tuning a pre-trained model improves robustness significantly in some cases but *not at all* in others (compared to training from scratch). In this work, we seek to characterize the failure modes that pre-training *can* and *cannot* address. In particular, we focus on two possible failure modes of models under distribution shift: poor extrapolation (e.g., they cannot generalize to a different domain) and biases in the training data (e.g., they rely on spurious features). Our study suggests that, as a rule of thumb, pre-training can help mitigate poor extrapolation but not dataset biases. After providing theoretical motivation and empirical evidence for this finding, we explore two of its implications for developing robust models: (1) pre-training and interventions designed to prevent exploiting biases have complementary robustness benefits, and (2) fine-tuning on a (very) small, non-diverse but *de-biased* dataset can result in significantly more robust models than fine-tuning on a large and diverse but biased dataset.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=edULLIVnoc


Title: Learning Hierarchical Relational Representations through Relational Convolutions

Abstract: A maturing area of research in deep learning is the study of architectures and inductive biases for learning representations of relational features. In this paper, we focus on the problem of learning representations of hierarchical relations, proposing an architectural framework we call "relational convolutional networks". The key to the framework is a novel operation that captures the relational patterns in groups of objects by convolving graphlet filters—learnable templates of relational patterns—against subsets of the input. Composing relational convolutions gives rise to a deep architecture that learns representations of higher-order, hierarchical relations. We present the motivation and details of the architecture, together with a set of experiments to demonstrate how relational convolutional networks can provide an effective framework for modeling relational tasks that have hierarchical structure.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=vNZlnznmV2


Title: Deciphering Attention Mechanisms: Optimization and Fenchel Dual Solutions

Abstract: Attention has been widely adopted in many state-of-the-art deep learning models. While the significant performance improvements it brings have attracted great interest, the theoretical understanding of attention remains limited. This paper presents a new perspective on understanding attention by showing that it can be seen as a solver of a family of estimation problems. Specifically, we explore a convex optimization problem central to many estimation tasks prevalent in the development of deep learning architectures. Instead of solving this problem directly, we address its Fenchel dual and derive a closed-form approximation of the optimal solution. This approach results in a generalized attention framework, with the popular dot-product attention used in transformer networks being a special case. We show that T5 transformer has implicitly adopted the general form of the solution by demonstrating that this expression unifies the word mask and the positional encoding functions. Finally, we discuss how these new attention structures can be practically applied in model design and argue that the underlying convex optimization problem offers a principled justification for the architectural choices in attention mechanisms.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=lHnbmXtJXf


Title: Amortizing Bayesian Posterior Inference in Tractable Likelihood Models

Abstract: Bayesian inference provides a natural way of incorporating prior beliefs and assigning a probability measure to the space of hypotheses. However, it is often infeasible in practice as it requires expensive iterative routines like MCMC to approximate the posterior distribution. Not only are these methods computationally expensive, but they must also be re-run whenever new observations are available, making them impractical or of limited use. To alleviate such difficulties, we amortize the posterior parameter inference for probabilistic models through permutation invariant architectures. While this paradigm is briefly explored in Simulation Based Inference (SBI), Neural Processes (NPs) and Gaussian Process (GP) kernel estimation, a more general treatment of amortized Bayesian inference in known likelihood models has been largely unexplored. We additionally utilize a simple but strong approach to further amortize on the dimensionality of observations, allowing a single system to infer variable dimensional parameters. In particular, we rely on the reverse-KL based amortized Variational Inference (VI) approach to train inference systems and compare them with forward-KL based SBI approaches across different architectural setups. We conduct thorough experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, especially in real-world and model misspecification settings.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=zZmDfmcFUi


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