Daily TMLR digest for Nov 15, 2022

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Nov 14, 2022, 7:00:11 PM11/14/22
to tmlr-anno...@googlegroups.com

Accepted papers

Title: Competition over data: how does data purchase affect users?

Authors: Yongchan Kwon, Tony A Ginart, James Zou

Abstract: As the competition among machine learning (ML) predictors is widespread in practice, it becomes increasingly important to understand the impact and biases arising from such competition. One critical aspect of ML competition is that ML predictors are constantly updated by acquiring additional data during the competition. Although this active data acquisition can largely affect the overall competition environment, it has not been well-studied before. In this paper, we study what happens when ML predictors can purchase additional data during the competition. We introduce a new environment in which ML predictors use active learning algorithms to effectively acquire labeled data within their budgets while competing against each other. We empirically show that the overall performance of an ML predictor improves when predictors can purchase additional labeled data. Surprisingly, however, the quality that users experience---i.e., the accuracy of the predictor selected by each user---can decrease even as the individual predictors get better. We demonstrate that this phenomenon naturally arises due to a trade-off whereby competition pushes each predictor to specialize in a subset of the population while data purchase has the effect of making predictors more uniform. With comprehensive experiments, we show that our findings are robust against different modeling assumptions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=63sJsCmq6Q


Title: Diffusion Models for Video Prediction and Infilling

Authors: Tobias Höppe, Arash Mehrjou, Stefan Bauer, Didrik Nielsen, Andrea Dittadi

Abstract: Predicting and anticipating future outcomes or reasoning about missing information in a sequence are critical skills for agents to be able to make intelligent decisions. This requires strong, temporally coherent generative capabilities. Diffusion models have shown remarkable success in several generative tasks, but have not been extensively explored in the video domain.
We present Random-Mask Video Diffusion (RaMViD), which extends image diffusion models to videos using 3D convolutions, and introduces a new conditioning technique during training.
By varying the mask we condition on, the model is able to perform video prediction, infilling, and upsampling. Due to our simple conditioning scheme, we can utilize the same architecture as used for unconditional training, which allows us to train the model in a conditional and unconditional fashion at the same time. We evaluate RaMViD on two benchmark datasets for video prediction, on which we achieve state-of-the-art results, and one for video generation. High-resolution videos are provided at https://sites.google.com/view/video-diffusion-prediction.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=lf0lr4AYM6


Title: Efficient Gradient Flows in Sliced-Wasserstein Space

Authors: Clément Bonet, Nicolas Courty, François Septier, Lucas Drumetz

Abstract: Minimizing functionals in the space of probability distributions can be done with Wasser-
stein gradient flows. To solve them numerically, a possible approach is to rely on the
Jordan–Kinderlehrer–Otto (JKO) scheme which is analogous to the proximal scheme in
Euclidean spaces. However, it requires solving a nested optimization problem at each it-
eration, and is known for its computational challenges, especially in high dimension. To
alleviate it, very recent works propose to approximate the JKO scheme leveraging Brenier’s
theorem, and using gradients of Input Convex Neural Networks to parameterize the density
(JKO-ICNN). However, this method comes with a high computational cost and stability is-
sues. Instead, this work proposes to use gradient flows in the space of probability measures
endowed with the sliced-Wasserstein (SW) distance. We argue that this method is more flex-
ible than JKO-ICNN, since SW enjoys a closed-form differentiable approximation. Thus,
the density at each step can be parameterized by any generative model which alleviates the
computational burden and makes it tractable in higher dimensions.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Au1LNKmRvh


New submissions

Title: A Free Lunch with Influence Functions? An Empirical Evaluation of Influence Functions for Average Treatment Effect Estimation

Abstract: The applications of causal inference may be life-critical, including the evaluation of vaccinations, medicine, and social policy. However, when undertaking estimation for causal inference, practitioners rarely have access to what might be called `ground-truth' in a supervised learning setting, meaning the chosen estimation methods cannot be evaluated and must be assumed to be reliable. It is therefore crucial that we have a good understanding of the performance consistency of typical methods available to practitioners. In this work we provide a comprehensive evaluation of recent semiparametric methods (including neural network approaches) for average treatment effect estimation. Such methods have been proposed as a means to derive unbiased causal effect estimates and statistically valid confidence intervals, even when using otherwise non-parametric, data-adaptive machine learning techniques. We also propose a new estimator `MultiNet', and a variation on the semiparametric update step `MultiStep', which we evaluate alongside existing approaches. The performance of both semiparametric and `regular' methods are found to be dataset dependent, indicating an interaction between the methods used, the sample size, and nature of the data generating process. Our experiments highlight the need for practitioners to check the consistency of their findings, potentially by undertaking multiple analyses with different combinations of estimators.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=dQxBRqCjLr


Title: Cherry Hypothesis : Identifying the Cherry on the Cake for Dynamic Networks

Abstract: Dynamic networks, e.g., Dynamic Convolution (DY-Conv) and the Mixture of Experts (MoE), have been extensively explored as they can considerably improve the model's representation power with acceptable computational cost. The common practice in implementing dynamic networks is to convert given static layers into fully dynamic ones where all parameters are dynamic (at least within a single layer) and vary with the input. Recent studies empirically show the trend that the more dynamic layers contribute to ever-increasing performance. However, such a fully dynamic setting 1) may cause redundant parameters and high deployment costs, limiting the applicability of dynamic networks to a broader range of tasks and models, and more importantly, 2) contradicts the previous discovery in the human brain that \textit{when human brains process an attention-demanding task, only partial neurons in the task-specific areas are activated by the input, while the rest neurons leave in a baseline state.} Critically, there is no effort to understand and resolve the above contradictory finding, leaving the primal question -- whether to make the computational parameters fully dynamic or not? -- unanswered. The main contributions of our work are challenging the basic commonsense in dynamic networks, and, proposing and validating the \textsc{cherry hypothesis} -- \textit{A fully dynamic network contains a subset of dynamic parameters that when transforming other dynamic parameters into static ones, can maintain or even exceed the performance of the original network.} Technically, we propose a brain-inspired partially dynamic network, namely PAD-Net, to transform the redundant dynamic parameters into static ones. Also, we further design Iterative Mode Partition to partition the dynamic- and static-subnet, which alleviates the redundancy in traditional fully dynamic networks. Our hypothesis and method are comprehensively supported by large-scale experiments with two typical advanced dynamic methods, i.e., DY-Conv and MoE, on both image classification and GLUE benchmarks. Encouragingly, we surpass the fully dynamic networks by $+0.7\%$ top-1 acc with only $30\%$ dynamic parameters for ResNet-50 and $+1.9\%$ average score in language understanding tasks with only $50\%$ dynamic parameters for BERT-base. As for reproducibility, the code has been uploaded to OpenReview and will be released upon acceptance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=70E72aMWVO


Title: Bidirectional View based Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation

Abstract: Distinguished from unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), semi-supervised domain adaptation (SSDA) could access a few labeled target samples during learning additionally. Although achieving remarkable progress, target supervised information is easily overwhelmed by massive source supervised information, as there are many more labeled source samples than those in the target domain. In this work, we propose a novel method BVCR that better utilizes the supervised information by three schemes, i.e., modeling, exploration, and interaction. In the modeling scheme, BVCR models the source supervision and target supervision separately to avoid target supervised information being overwhelmed by source supervised information and better utilize the target supervision. Besides, as both supervised information naturally offer distinct views for the target domain, the exploration scheme performs intra-domain consistency regularization to better explore target information with bidirectional views. Moreover, as both views are complementary to each other, the interaction scheme introduces inter-domain consistency regularization to activate information interaction bidirectionally. Thus, the proposed method is elegantly symmetrical by design and easy to implement. Extensive experiments are conducted, and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=WVwnccBJLz


Title: TESH-GCN: Text Enriched Sparse Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Networks

Abstract: Heterogeneous networks, which connect informative nodes containing text with different edge types, are routinely used to store and process information in various real-world applications. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and their hyperbolic variants provide a promising approach to encode such networks in a low-dimensional latent space through neighborhood aggregation and hierarchical feature extraction, respectively. However, these approaches typically ignore metapath structures and the available semantic information. Furthermore, these approaches are sensitive to the noise present in the training data. To tackle these limitations, in this paper, we propose Text Enriched Sparse Hyperbolic Graph Convolution Network (TESH-GCN) to capture the graph’s metapath structures using semantic signals and further improve prediction in large heterogeneous graphs. In TESH-GCN, we extract semantic node information, which successively acts as a connection signal to extract relevant nodes’ local neighborhood and graph-level metapath features from the sparse adjacency tensor in a reformulated hyperbolic graph convolution layer. These extracted features in conjunction with semantic features from the language model (for robustness) are used for the final downstream task. Experiments on various heterogeneous graph datasets show that our model outperforms the current state-of-the-art approaches by a large margin on the task of link prediction. We also report a reduction in both the training time and model parameters compared to the existing hyperbolic approaches through a reformulated hyperbolic graph convolution. Furthermore, we illustrate the robustness of our model by experimenting with different levels of simulated noise in both the graph structure and text, and also, present a mechanism to explain TESH-GCN’s prediction by analyzing the extracted metapaths.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gYo8y67uNe


Title: DisCo: Improving Compositional Generalization in Visual Reasoning through DIStribution COverage

Abstract: We present DisCo, a learning paradigm for improving compositional generalization of visual reasoning models by leveraging unlabeled, out-of-distribution images. DisCo has two components. The first is an iterative pseudo-labeling framework with an entropy measure, which effectively labels images of novel attribute compositions paired with randomly sampled questions. The second is a distribution coverage metric, serving as a model selection strategy that approximates generalization capability to out-of-distribution test examples, without the use of labeled data from the test distribution. Both components are built on strong empirical evidence of the correlation between the chosen metric and model generalization, and improve distribution coverage on unlabeled images. We apply DisCo to visual question answering, with three backbone networks (FiLM, TbD-net, and the Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner), and demonstrate that it consistently enhances performance on a variety of compositional generalization tasks with varying levels of train data bias.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=EgHnKOLaKW


Title: Learning Identity-Preserving Transformations on Data Manifolds

Abstract: Many machine learning techniques incorporate identity-preserving transformations into their models to generalize their performance to previously unseen data. These transformations are typically selected from a set of functions that are known to maintain the identity of an input when applied (e.g., rotation, translation, flipping, and scaling). However, there are many natural variations that cannot be labeled for supervision or defined through examination of the data. As suggested by the manifold hypothesis, many of these natural variations live on or near a low-dimensional, nonlinear manifold. Several techniques represent manifold variations through a set of learned Lie group operators that define directions of motion on the manifold. However, these approaches are limited because they require transformation labels when training their models and they lack a method for determining which regions of the manifold are appropriate for applying each specific operator. We address these limitations by introducing a learning strategy that does not require transformation labels and developing a method that learns the local regions where each operator is likely to be used while preserving the identity of inputs. Experiments on MNIST and Fashion MNIST highlight our model's ability to learn identity-preserving transformations on multi-class datasets. Additionally, we train on CelebA to showcase our model's ability to learn semantically meaningful transformations on complex datasets in an unsupervised manner.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=gyhiZYrk5y


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