Daily TMLR digest for Jun 03, 2024

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Jun 3, 2024, 12:00:09 AMJun 3
to tmlr-anno...@googlegroups.com

New certifications

Reproducibility Certification: Reproducibility study of “LICO: Explainable Models with Language-Image Consistency"

Luan Fletcher, Robert van der Klis, Martin Sedláček, Stefan Vasilev, Christos Athanasiadis



Accepted papers

Title: Physical Reasoning and Object Planning for Household Embodied Agents

Authors: Ayush Agrawal, Raghav Prabhakar, Anirudh Goyal, Dianbo Liu

Abstract: In this study, we explore the sophisticated domain of task planning for robust household embodied agents, with a particular emphasis on the intricate task of selecting substitute objects. We introduce the \textbf{C}ommonSense \textbf{O}bject \textbf{A}ffordance \textbf{T}ask \textbf{(COAT)}, a novel framework designed to analyze reasoning capabilities in commonsense scenarios. This approach is centered on understanding how these agents can effectively identify and utilize alternative objects when executing household tasks, thereby offering insights into the complexities of practical decision-making in real-world environments. Drawing inspiration from factors affecting human decision-making, we explore how large language models tackle this challenge through four meticulously crafted commonsense question-and-answer datasets featuring refined rules and human annotations. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art language models on these datasets sheds light on three pivotal considerations: 1) aligning an object's inherent utility with the task at hand, 2) navigating contextual dependencies (societal norms, safety, appropriateness, and efficiency), and 3) accounting for the current physical state of the object. To maintain accessibility, we introduce five abstract variables reflecting an object's physical condition, modulated by human insights, to simulate diverse household scenarios. Our contributions include insightful human preference mappings for all three factors and four extensive QA datasets (2K, 15k, 60k, 70K questions) probing the intricacies of utility dependencies, contextual dependencies and object physical states. The datasets, along with our findings, are accessible at: \url{https://github.com/com-phy-affordance/COAT}. This research not only advances our understanding of physical commonsense reasoning in language models but also paves the way for future improvements in household agent intelligence.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=xYkdmEGhIM


Title: Reproducibility study of “LICO: Explainable Models with Language-Image Consistency"

Authors: Luan Fletcher, Robert van der Klis, Martin Sedláček, Stefan Vasilev, Christos Athanasiadis

Abstract: The growing reproducibility crisis in machine learning has brought forward a need for careful examination of research findings. This paper investigates the claims made by Lei et al. (2023) regarding their proposed method, LICO, for enhancing post-hoc interpretability techniques and improving image classification performance. LICO leverages natural language supervision from a vision-language model to enrich feature representations and guide the learning process. We conduct a comprehensive reproducibility study, employing (Wide) ResNets and established interpretability methods like Grad-CAM and RISE. We were mostly unable to reproduce the authors' results. In particular, we did not find that LICO consistently led to improved classification performance or improvements in quantitative and qualitative measures of interpretability. Thus, our findings highlight the importance of rigorous evaluation and transparent reporting in interpretability research.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Mf1H8X5DVb


Title: Robust Distortion-free Watermarks for Language Models

Authors: Rohith Kuditipudi, John Thickstun, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Percy Liang

Abstract: We propose a methodology for planting watermarks in text from an autoregressive language model that are robust to perturbations without changing the distribution over text up to a certain maximum generation budget. We generate watermarked text by mapping a sequence of random numbers—which we compute using a randomized watermark key—to a sample from the language model. To detect watermarked text, any party who knows the key can align the text to the random number sequence. We instantiate our watermark methodology with two sampling schemes: inverse transform sampling and exponential minimum sampling. We apply these watermarks to three language models—OPT-1.3B, LLaMA-7B and Alpaca-7B—to experimentally validate their statistical power and robustness to various paraphrasing attacks. Notably, for both the OPT-1.3B and LLaMA-7B models, we find we can reliably detect watermarked text ($p \leq 0.01$) from $35$ tokens even after corrupting between $40$-$50$\% of the tokens via random edits (i.e., substitutions, insertions or deletions). For the Alpaca-7B model, we conduct a case study on the feasibility of watermarking responses to typical user instructions. Due to the lower entropy of the responses, detection is more difficult: around $25\%$ of the responses—whose median length is around $100$ tokens—are detectable with $p \leq 0.01$, and the watermark is also less robust to certain automated paraphrasing attacks we implement.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=FpaCL1MO2C


New submissions

Title: IMProv: Inpainting-based Multimodal Prompting for Computer Vision Tasks

Abstract: In-context learning allows adapting a model to new tasks given a task description at test time. In this paper, we present IMProv - a generative model that is able to in-context learn visual tasks from multimodal prompts. Given a textual description of a visual task (e.g. “Left: input image, Right: foreground segmentation”), a few input-output visual examples, or both, the model in-context learns to solve it for a new test input. We train a masked generative transformer on a new dataset of figures from computer vision papers and their associated captions, together with a captioned large-scale image-text dataset. During inference time, we prompt the model with text and/or image task example(s) and have the model inpaint the corresponding output. We show that training our model with text conditioning and scaling the dataset size improves in-context learning for computer vision tasks by over $+10\%$ AP for Foreground Segmentation, over $+5\%$ gains in AP for Single Object Detection, and almost $20\%$ lower LPIPS in Colorization. Our emperical results suggest that vision and language prompts are complementary and it is advantageous to use both to achieve better in-context learning performance.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=qBTgnk2HAf


Title: Object-Centric Learning of Neural Policies for Zero-shot Transfer over Domains with Varying Quantities of Interest

Abstract: Our goal is to learn policies that generalize across variations in quantities of interest in the domain (e.g., number of objects, motion dynamics, distance to the goal) in a zero-shot manner. Recent work on object-centric approaches for image and video processing has shown significant promise in building models that generalize well to unseen settings. In this work, we present {\em Object Centric Reinforcement Learning Agent (ORLA)}, an object-centric approach for model-free RL in perceptual domains. ORLA works in three phases: first, it learns to extract a variable number of object masks via an expert trained using encoder-decoder architecture, which in turn generates data for fine-tuning a YOLO-based model for extracting bounding boxes in unseen settings. Second, bounding boxes are used to construct a symbolic state consisting of object positions across a sequence of frames. Finally, a Graph Attention Network (GAT) based architecture is employed over the extracted object positions to learn a dense state embedding, which is then decoded to get the final policy that generalizes to unseen environments. Our experiments over a number of domains show that ORLA can learn significantly better policies that transfer across variations in different quantities of interest compared to existing baselines, which often fail to do any meaningful transfer.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=OymQgY792o


Title: Approximation , Estimation and Optimization Errors for a Deep Neural Network

Abstract: The error of supervised learning is typically split into three components: Approximation, estimation and optimization errors. While all three have been extensively studied in the literature, a unified treatment is less frequent, in part because of conflicting assumptions: Approximation results typically rely on carefully hand crafted weights, which are difficult to achieve by gradient descent. Optimization theory is best understood in over-parametrized regimes with more weights than samples, while classical estimation errors typically require the opposite regime with more samples that weights.

This paper contains two results which bound all three error components simultaneously for deep fully connected networks. The first uses a regular least squares loss and shows convergence in the under-parametrized regime. The second uses a kernel based loss function and shows convergence in both under and over-parametrized regimes.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=nnTKcGNrbV


Title: A Survey of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a variant of reinforcement learning (RL) that learns from human feedback instead of relying on an engineered reward function. Building on prior work on the related setting of preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL), it stands at the intersection of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. This positioning offers a promising avenue to enhance the performance and adaptability of intelligent systems while also improving the alignment of their objectives with human values. The training of large language models (LLMs) has impressively demonstrated this potential in recent years, where RLHF played a decisive role in directing the model's capabilities toward human objectives. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of RLHF, exploring the intricate dynamics between RL agents and human input. While recent focus has been on RLHF for LLMs, our survey adopts a broader perspective, examining the diverse applications and wide-ranging impact of the technique. We delve into the core principles that underpin RLHF, shedding light on the symbiotic relationship between algorithms and human feedback, and discuss the main research trends in the field. By synthesizing the current landscape of RLHF research, this article aims to provide researchers as well as practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly growing field of research.

URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=f7OkIurx4b


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