Pre/Post workout drinks / supplements

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Jan 7, 2008, 12:37:59 PM1/7/08
to Tough Love Nutrition Group
I'm drinking N.O.-XPLODE (from GNC) before workouts. I like it since
it gives me the kick I need but doesn't jack me up bouncing through
the roof and it's got no carbs. My workout consists of running 1-2
miles, light weights and elliptical (30-40 mins) each day.

Any suggestions on before/after drinks or supplements?

My goals are to keep my weight down (lose some also), keep in shape
for basketball (2 times a week) and add some muscle...
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TLN Phil

Jan 10, 2008, 11:56:01 PM1/10/08
to Tough Love Nutrition Group

If no N.O.-XPLODE is working for you, then by all means continue using
it. Just keep in mind that it provides little to no nutritional
support. So prior to workout, you should be eating a balanced meal
2-3 hours prior, or eating a nutrition bar or small snack 30-60
minutes prior. As active as you are, post-workout meals are just as
important. If you can't get to a meal right away, have a nutrition
bar or protein shake. Both should consist of a balance of carbs and
protein and fat (the non-hydrogenated or saturated types of fat, that

Since you are trying to gain some muscle mass, here's two suggestions:

1. Cut into your cardio time by spending more time with the weights.
Take 2-3 days per week and make weight training your focus (i.e.
instead of "light weights", try "light cardio" on your weight training

2. Ensure that you are eating adequate amounts of muscle-building
protein DAILY. Recommendations range from 0.5 - 1.0 grams per pound
of body weight. As active as you are, make the math easy and shoot
DAILY to eat 1.0 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Spread out
of course throughout the day with several meals (30-40 grams each) and
snacks (20-30 grams each) using a variety of quality sources (i.e.
lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, whey powder, etc.).

For more specific info on balanced meals, quality protein sources and
weight training, poke around the Articles and Pages section of this
site including:


TLN Phil
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