How to get all possible initial states from mutually exclusive sets of records?

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Chris Ortiz

Dec 4, 2023, 7:28:32 PM12/4/23
to tlaplus
Hello TLAPlus Group,

I need help as I am trying to understand why I am getting this error below.

Attempted to enumerate S \cup T when S:
<<[data |-> "a"]>>
and T:
(0 :> [data |-> Erased])
are not both enumerable
While working on the initial state:
jumboblock = {<<[data |-> "a"]>> \cup (0 :> [data |-> Erased])}

Here is the Module I am working on where I am getting this problem. I appreciate any help or tips to make me understand what I am missing on my spec or make it better.

EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets


VARIABLES jumboblock
vars == <<jumboblock>>

Invalid == CHOOSE d : d \notin Data
Erased == CHOOSE d : d \notin Data

TypeOK ==
    /\ jumboblock \in {[ JB -> [data : (Data \cup {Erased})]]}

Init ==
    /\ \E s, d \in (SUBSET JB), z \in Data:
            /\ s # {} /\ d # {} /\ s \cap d = {}
            /\ jumboblock = {[ x \in s |-> [ data |-> z]] \cup [ y \in d |-> [ data |-> Erased ]]}

Relocate(s,d) ==
    /\ jumboblock[s].data \in Data
    /\ jumboblock[d].data = Erased
    /\ jumboblock' = [jumboblock EXCEPT ![d].data = jumboblock[s].data]

Next ==
    \/ \E s, d \in JB : Relocate(s, d)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars


Andrew Helwer

Dec 5, 2023, 11:13:23 AM12/5/23
to tlaplus
  1. In your TypeOK, remove the curly braces enclosing the right hand side; all that's doing is making a set with a single element, that single element being a set of functions
  2. Same thing in your Init, remove the enclosing curly braces.
  3. You can't stick two functions together by taking their union. If you want to do that you have to define a function over the union of the domains of your two functions.

Hillel Wayne

Dec 5, 2023, 3:08:56 PM12/5/23

You can also stick two functions together with the TLC module:


Data' = Data @@ Erased

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Chris Ortiz

Dec 6, 2023, 2:10:00 PM12/6/23
to tlaplus
Thank you very much Andrew and Hillel for the advices. I am still trying to express my simple state machines in math. My intent with a very simple and tiny model is:

2 possible initial states where
[ 0 :> [data |-> "a"] @@ 1 :> [data |-> Erased] ] and [ 0 :> [data |-> Erased] @@ 1 :> [data |-> "a" ] ]

Will transition via Relocate action into a single state
[ 0 :> [data |-> "a"] @@ 1 :> [data |-> "a"] ] 

Any advice how to express this in both Init and Next formulas, I really appreciate it. 

Best regards,

Stephan Merz

Dec 7, 2023, 7:01:20 AM12/7/23
Please note that the operators :> and @@ construct functions, do not use function brackets with those operators. That is, you should write something like

(0 :> [data |-> "a"]) @@ (1 :> [data |-> "erased"])


Chris Ortiz

Dec 7, 2023, 12:54:32 PM12/7/23
to tlaplus
Thank you Stephan for clarification and correcting me on my nomenclature. The one I posted lastly is not an actual TLA+ but just the idea of what my spec intend to do, as I prematurely thought of but I found better insights from it. 

Just a side note: I finally got my spec right by re-writing it as the following below. It took me days to write this simple TLA+ than writing a working program at work. The satisfaction of having a working TLA+ spec gives me a different sense of satisfaction than writing a program. The former gives me this sense of intelligence satisfaction and the latter gives me sense of deliverable accomplishment. Honestly, the former provided me a Eureka moment and an insights which I would have missed in my understanding of what I am trying to accomplish. I am starting to feel what Leslie is saying in those TLA+ videos that there is a benefit of working with TLA+, that is to think abstractly and think better. It hurts my brain but I am started to enjoy this.

EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets


ASSUME /\ Cardinality(JB) >= 2

VARIABLES jumboblock
vars == <<jumboblock>>

Invalid == CHOOSE d : d \notin Data
Erased == CHOOSE d : d \notin Data

\*This is possible initial states of jumboblocks which will be involved for relocation
AllPossibleInit == [ jbid: JB, data : (Data \cup {Erased})]

TypeOK ==
    /\ jumboblock \in  AllPossibleInit \X AllPossibleInit

\*Relocation is a tuple with direction from source to destination, not vice versa.
\*It is only possible if initial conditions below are met    
Init ==
    /\ jumboblock \in { <<s,d>> \in AllPossibleInit \X AllPossibleInit : /\ s.jbid # d.jbid \*Source and destination should not be same jbid
                                                                                                                       /\ \in Data \*Source has valid user data
                                                                                                                       /\ = Erased } \*Destination jbid should be erased

Relocate(s,d) ==
    /\ jumboblock[1].jbid = s \*Enforce tuple should be source first
    /\ jumboblock[2].jbid = d \*Enforce tuple should be destination second
    /\ jumboblock[1].data \in Data
    /\ jumboblock[2].data = Erased
    /\ jumboblock' = [jumboblock EXCEPT ![2].data = jumboblock[1].data ] \*Relocation of valid user data to destination jumboblock
Next ==
    \/ \E s,d \in JB : Relocate(s,d)

Thanks again Andrew, Hillel, and Stephan.

More power to TLA+ and to tlaplus group,
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