tkhtml for Windows and Linux 64 bit or HV3 control

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May 11, 2013, 4:45:38 PM5/11/13
As many others I am trying to use HV3 or tkhtml to have an HTML based application help.
So far HV3 is working great displaying my help but as many others the web browsing functionalilty is too much from what I need and I am thinking it may expose internal setup of my compiled/bundled application. I could not find any comand line options. I think it would be cool just to have an option to disable the menus, URL, right click bind, etc. I think the history, back.florward buttons, home are fine. Maybe just restrict the URL browser to one directory and its subdirectories (anything else will fail).
I am looking for a very basic (no big web browser capabilities) HTML file display widget but has to suport images, tables, etc. It seems that tkhtml is the right thing to use.
I downloaded the source files from but I could not get them to compile in a Linux machine.
Does anyone has the TCL packages or a pointer for tkhtml3 that can share? I need Windows 64 and Linux 64.
Any recommendations on how to control hv3 or something better out there would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Ole Streicher

May 12, 2013, 8:09:04 AM5/12/13
Am Samstag, 11. Mai 2013 22:45:38 UTC+2 schrieb
Does anyone has the TCL packages or a pointer for tkhtml3 that can share? I need Windows 64 and Linux 64.

For Linux, I packaged tkhtml and hv3 for Debian (7.0/Wheezy; just released) and Ubuntu (since 12.10). You can install it on these systems (and derivatives) with the package manager as tk-html3 for many platforms, including amd-64.
Any recommendations on how to control hv3 or something better out there would be greatly appreciated.

The development of the package is almost stopped since a few years, so you are probably on your own here. However, if you extend the package, it would be nice to share your changes here so that others could prticipate as well.

Best regards


Aivar Annamaa

Dec 17, 2015, 3:11:00 AM12/17/15
to tkhtml3
Here's a script that shows how I compiled Tkhtml for 64-bit in Windows:
There are also binaries. You can also use binaries from Active Tcl.

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