destroy does not work on Tree-view item

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Dec 8, 2010, 3:43:23 AM12/8/10
to Tk Documentation and Resources
Hi All,

I'm trying to get the treeview running but I'm having problems.
The currenty (and biggest) issue is that I cannot destroy any item of
teh tree view.

I have this command in my perl script:
It produces this error:
bad command "destroy": must be bbox, children, cget, column,
configure, delete, detach, drag, exists, focus, heading, identify,
index, instate, insert, item, move, next, parent, prev, see,
selection, set, state, tag, xview, or yview at C:\depot\dev\twalenzyk
\Deviator\Deviator_0.3\Perl\ line 1255.

bad command "destroy": must be bbox, children, cget, column,
configure, delete, detach, drag, exists, focus, heading, identify,
index, instate, insert, item, move, next, parent, prev, see,
selection, set, state, tag, xview, or yview
while executing
".t destroy {\\station18602\c$\TestStandLogs}"
invoked from within
(command bound to event)

I need some help to get the destroy working.
(I have also tried detach andd it refuses to work too)

Best regards,
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