Invitation to speak at Open Source and Free Software conference - Miguel de Icaza

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Jan 25, 2008, 3:16:04 PM1/25/08
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Hi Miguel,
I'm not sure my email reached you so I'll try here again with our
invitation. I hope you will read it and at least give us a sign. Thank
you in advance!

-- Invitation to speak at eLiberatica 2008--

We would like to send our official invitation to speak at eLiberatica
- The benefits of Open and Free Technologies conference, this year.

The first edition, last year, gained a great success in the region; we
had keynotes or sessions from Brian Behlendorf, Georg Greve, Monty
Widenius, Rasmus Lerdorf and other FLOSS leaders -

Summary eLiberatica 2008:

* Date: May 30/31 in Bucharest
* 300 - 500 participants expected
* 90% English presentation 10% Romanian presentation
* full details at

All the venue (transportation, hotel, meals and tourist program -
Romania is an amazing place to visit) will be covered by eLiberatica
organization team (eLiberatica is prepared by ROSI - Romanian Open
Source and Free Software Initiative - - and Agora Media - .)

I'm trying to keep this email short so I will end it here.
You are an iconic figure in the community, and we strongly consider
your presence there will make a stand and accelerate the growth of
FLOSS adoption in the region.

We would welcome any kind of feedback from your side and we hope that
you are going to consider our invitation and honor us with you
presence this year.

Lucian Savluc
eLiberatica and ROSI coordinator
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