Tipfy and multi-threading

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Dmytro Dogadailo

Jun 12, 2011, 6:54:51 AM6/12/11
to tipfy
It was announced that GAE team plans to allow multi-threading for
python apps in next (aka Python 2.7) release. Do tipfy developers have
plans to support it and freeze 1.0 release before GAE will release
it's first stable release (probably later this summer)?


Jun 14, 2011, 7:39:19 PM6/14/11
to tipfy
Where was that announced? I had assumed that it was true but I had
not read an official announcement.


Dmytro Dogadailo

Jun 15, 2011, 2:29:18 PM6/15/11
to tipfy

Q: Will there be a solution for Python concurrency? Will this require
code changes?
Python concurrency will be handled by our release of Python 2.7 on App
Engine. We’ve heard a lot of feedback from our Python users who are
that the incentive is to move to Java because of its support for
requests, so we’ve made a change to the new pricing to account for
that. *While
Python 2.7 support is currently in progress it is not yet done so we
will be
providing a half-sized instance for Python (at half the price) until
2.7 is released.*

Noah McIlraith

Jun 17, 2011, 8:54:06 AM6/17/11
to ti...@googlegroups.com
Honestly, I'm pretty clueless about multi-threading and such in Python, but I have been making use of werkzeug's simple http server to run Tipfy in a threaded environment without issues.

Rodrigo Moraes

Jun 18, 2011, 9:16:46 AM6/18/11
to tipfy
Tipfy 1.0b1 already uses thread-local for global variables (app and
request), so it is already thread-safe. This was done when we started
to support running tipfy outside of App Engine, similarly to what was
done in webapp2 (I ported the same werkzeug thread-local utilities to
webapp2). As far as I know, everything else is thread safe (one
exception, *maybe*: I need to review i18n and backport what was done
in webapp2).

-- rodrigo
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