I made some progress on this. I got it working in a hello_world project, but it's not quite there on a more complicated project.
Drop the gae_mini_profiler folder into your tipfy app's folder, and add the following.
at the top of your app.yaml add:
- url: /gae_mini_profiler/static
static_dir: gae_mini_profiler/static
- url: /gae_mini_profiler/.*
script: gae_mini_profiler/main.py
in your tipfy main.py add:
def enable_gae_mini_profiler(app):
"""Enables gae_mini_profiler middleware."""
from google.appengine.dist import use_library
use_library('django', '1.2')
from gae_mini_profiler import profiler
app._debugged_wsgi_app = profiler.ProfilerWSGIMiddleware(app._debugged_wsgi_app)
app.dispatch = profiler.ProfilerWSGIMiddleware(app.dispatch)
and where you'd normally add the enable_appstats(app) call add:
in your handler script add:
from gae_mini_profiler import profiler
from gae_mini_profiler.templatetags import profiler_includes_request_id
and in your get or post method and this to the template's context:
context['gae_mini_profiler'] = profiler_includes_request_id(profiler.request_id),
right before the closing body tag of your template add:
{{ gae_mini_profiler|safe }}
Then if the email address of the current user is in the gae_mini_profiler/config.py "enabled_profile_emails" list you should see the profile tab on your pages.