Tipfy without google app engine GAE

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Sep 7, 2011, 8:03:13 PM9/7/11
to tipfy
Is it possible to run tipfy without google app engine, ie just on a
standard webhost with a python install?

Rodrigo Moraes

Sep 8, 2011, 6:56:44 AM9/8/11
to tipfy
It is. You deploy it like other WSGI applications. We don't have docs
for that but it is much like you'd setup web.py or other frameworks to
work with Apache+modwsgi or whatever WSGI server+adapter combination
you want to use.

Tipfy is thread-safe etc, and App Engine-specific stuff is isolated so
it won't cause import errors.

Hope this helps.

-- rodrigo

Mauro Asprea

Sep 8, 2011, 9:21:00 AM9/8/11
to ti...@googlegroups.com
I have tried my app using code.google.com/p/typhoonae/ (you should get the vmware image) and everything seemed to work :D

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Mauro Sebastián Asprea

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Algunos hombres ven las cosas como son y se preguntan porque. Otros sueñan cosas que nunca fueron y se preguntan por qué no?. 
George Bernard Shaw

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