tinypy with Texas Instruments Microcontroller MSP430F5510

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VGNU Linux

Feb 25, 2011, 2:28:24 AM2/25/11
to tin...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,
I am fairly new to embedded systems. For one of my project I need to use Python with C/C++ for Texas Instruments Microcontroller MSP430F5510. I have few question related to tinypy.
1) Can tinypy be used for embedded systems ?
2) Can I embed it within C/C++ code ?
3) Can it be used with microcontrollers ? If yes what should be minimum requirement for microcontrollers ?
4) Can it work with Texas Instruments Microcontroller MSP430F5510 ?
5) Do tinypy has list of supported HW/Architectures ?

I sincerely apologize if any previously asked question is repeated over here.
Any help here is appreciated.



Feb 25, 2011, 3:19:27 AM2/25/11
to tin...@googlegroups.com

tinypy isn't really designed for micro controllers.  I think someone may have done a port once, but I'm not sure.

However... there is the excellent PyMite and python-on-a-chip project:


VGNU Linux

Feb 25, 2011, 3:49:01 AM2/25/11
to tin...@googlegroups.com
Thanks illume.
I tried python-on-a-chip also, unfortunately it does not support MSP430F5510, since p14p requirement are little higher.


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Feb 25, 2011, 5:08:05 AM2/25/11
to tin...@googlegroups.com

Hi again,

I found out some more information...
   "On Mac/x86 tinypy executable is 164k. Just the vm is 97k"

  "A quick check with valgrind shows that the VM, when running a simple iterative factorial, has a peak requirement of 320K heap space. Stack stays under 1K most of the time, except at one point where it jumps to 3,568 bytes. "

This thread has more information:

It looks like the MSP430F5510 has 2+4KB of ram, and 32KB of flash.  So I'd think you'd have a bit of work to do to fit tinypy on there.  So it doesn't look like it'd be possible on that chip.

Maybe someone went away and modified tinypy to fit on some small microcontroller... but I'm still not able to find anything about someone doing so.


Dean Hall

Feb 25, 2011, 12:24:30 PM2/25/11
to tin...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the nod, /Rene/illume/?, but his micro only has 4 K RAM.
P14p won't fit on that yet.

The only interpreted languages that will fit in 4 K that I'm aware of
are: Forth, Scheme and Basic. VGNU, you may want to see this:


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