Am i correct in thinking i am missing something in valid_elements?
Could someone provide an example or a site on getting it to work? I do
not think i understand the syntax for the valid_elements
Here is the code:
Tinymce::Hammer.install_path = ['/javascripts/tiny_mce']
Tinymce::Hammer.plugins = ['style, table, paste, emotions, media,
spellchecker, print, save']
Tinymce::Hammer.languages = ['en']
Tinymce::Hammer.init = [
[:theme, 'advanced'],
[:theme_advanced_toolbar_align, 'left'],
[:theme_advanced_toolbar_location, 'top'],
[:theme_advanced_buttons3, 'save,
styleprops,|,table,tablecontrols,|,emotions, media, spellchecker,
[:valid_elements, "a[href|
Just be warned, this is javascript filtering the content the editor
will return. All a user needs to do is disable javascript and they
can post any information they want through the form, unfiltered. It
is therefore highly recommended you filter user-supplied html server-
side. I recomend HTML sanitizer ( for
sanitizing html via a whitelist in ruby. If you filter server size
you could disable client side filtering.
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