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Updated tutorial3 -- now a complete level!

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Greg DeKoenigsberg

Jun 27, 2011, 10:40:58 AM6/27/11
to tinygames
Go try it out. It's a complete puzzle block level. I'm happy with it so far.

Next for this week: tutorial4, which will autogenerate a series of
small rooms with these puzzles. It will also be the first instance of
a level with a map built dynamically from smaller template blocks.


Ed Jones

Jun 27, 2011, 2:18:06 PM6/27/11
to tinygames
Looks great! 1 perhaps issue?

Whilst college may have cost me a number of basic brain cels, I'm
thinkin that 13+22=35. The level I got gave me 6,7,8,9,0 as choices to
place in the 10"s column. :-)


On Jun 27, 10:40 am, Greg DeKoenigsberg <>
> Go try it out.  It's a complete puzzle block level.  I'm happy with it so far.

Greg DeKoenigsberg

Jun 27, 2011, 2:22:09 PM6/27/11
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Ed Jones <> wrote:
> Looks great! 1 perhaps issue?
> Whilst college may have cost me a number of basic brain cels, I'm
> thinkin that 13+22=35. The level I got gave me 6,7,8,9,0 as choices to
> place in the 10"s column. :-)

10 digits, 10 choices, right? :) Interesting take, though. Maybe
the numbers should be lined up underneath the puzzle instead.


Ed Jones

Jun 27, 2011, 2:58:00 PM6/27/11
to tinygames
OK, so Ed is not your ideal testing guy! :-) I did not realize there
were numbers to the right of the visible play area.

Next stupid question: if I am dumb enough to allow the block along the
south border, what is my recourse?

On Jun 27, 2:22 pm, Greg DeKoenigsberg <>

Robyn Bergeron

Jun 27, 2011, 2:58:14 PM6/27/11
I think he means there are only 5 digits, and none of them are the
correct answer. :)


> --g

Greg DeKoenigsberg

Jun 27, 2011, 3:03:44 PM6/27/11
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Ed Jones <> wrote:
> OK, so Ed is not your ideal testing guy! :-) I did not realize there
> were numbers to the right of the visible play area.

No, Ed, you're perfect. Your childlike reasoning allows me to fill my
TODO list. ;)

> Next stupid question: if I am dumb enough to allow the block along the
> south border, what is my recourse?

Good question. One option: have a special set of tiles around the
border that the player can walk on, but the blocks cannot be pushed
into. I think I'll go with that.

Thanks for the quick feedback.


Robyn Bergeron

Jun 27, 2011, 3:11:18 PM6/27/11
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Ed Jones <> wrote:
> OK, so Ed is not your ideal testing guy! :-) I did not realize there
> were numbers to the right of the visible play area.

I didn't figure it out either.

Neither did the fourth grader in my house, immediately, but did once
she decided to walk around a bit. Took her about 30 seconds to figure
out how to push the blocks, but then had the, "OH I GET IT" moment,
out loud. (You have to be aligned fairly precisely, or you walk right
between the numbers, it seemed.)

Greg DeKoenigsberg

Jun 27, 2011, 3:15:14 PM6/27/11
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Robyn Bergeron
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Ed Jones <> wrote:
>> OK, so Ed is not your ideal testing guy! :-) I did not realize there
>> were numbers to the right of the visible play area.
> I didn't figure it out either.
> Neither did the fourth grader in my house, immediately, but did once
> she decided to walk around a bit. Took her about 30 seconds to figure
> out how to push the blocks, but then had the, "OH I GET IT" moment,
> out loud.  (You have to be aligned fairly precisely, or you walk right
> between the numbers, it seemed.)

Yep. Getting the collisions right still needs a bit of work -- some
if it is making those puzzle blocks the proper size (and more
attractive -- we need someone who can do "pretty").

I suspect I'll make some of these fixes on this level, and will push
some of them to the next version of this level -- which will be
multi-room and autogenerated.

Has anyone looked at the code itself? Is it daunting? I'm getting to
the point where I can't tell.


Robyn Bergeron

Jun 27, 2011, 3:55:54 PM6/27/11

It's not daunting.

One thing I noticed in this tutorial was the use of fun terminology
like arrays and strings.

In this tutorial, you said (lines 58-60),

"We re-map the level using a more intuitive "string"
approach, rather than the "array" approach used
by default. "

In tutorial1/bundle-map-begin.js, when you first introduced the map,
you said (lines 76-77):
"The technical term for this grid is an "array", but we'll get more
into that later."

I feel a bit like we never really got into arrays later (that I
remember, but of course, my memory is short), and now I'm seeing
something else called a string, which seems to have similar
functionality, and I can sort of see how objects are working here.
But what's the advantage of one over the other? How do I know when one
is more appropriate than the other? Why not just use strings, if
they're more intuitive?

> --g

Greg DeKoenigsberg

Jun 27, 2011, 4:05:33 PM6/27/11
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:55 PM, Robyn Bergeron

Honestly, part of this is just my evolving understanding of the
codebase and what best practices are.


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