Syntax Error when trying to set the domain of a function

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Randy Michaels

Jan 28, 2011, 5:17:44 PM1/28/11
to tinspire
I'm brand new to the TI-Nspire and still trying to learn my way around
the block. I'm currently going through some exercises I found online.
My specific question deals with setting the domain of a piecewise
function (see
Note 4E). Note that my keypad is not the same as the one they are
using, e.g. they access piecewise via <ctrl><x>, while my keypad has
piecewise access without needing the <ctrl> key and is just to the
left of the catalog key.

The exercise says to enter the function followed by the right arrow,
then the domain using the inequality keys. I cannot get this to work.
Here's what happens with a 3 piecewise setup:

I want to enter "3x - 4, x < 5"

1. I enter the first function: 3x - 4.
2. Pressing <right arrow> takes me out of the piecewise box so I
assume this is an invalid step for my keypad.
3. Instead of pressing <right arrow> I simply enter a <comma> after
the function followed by the variable. I now have: 3x - 4,x
4. I then press <ctrl><=> to bring up the inequality signs and select
<less than> and press <Enter>.

At this point I get a syntax error.

I've also tried accessing inequality signs via the Catalog and get the
same error.

I know the solution is going to embarrass me but I've been struggling
with this for several days and cannot figure out how to set the domain
without getting an error. I notice there are multiple examples of
setting domains in the pages of this group and they all show the
function followed by a comma, the <variable<inequality><value>, but
none of them show the keystrokes.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone would point out my error.

Thank you :]


Sean Bird

Jan 28, 2011, 5:35:53 PM1/28/11
It sounds like you are using the 'system of equations' instead of the 'piecewise'
Look in the catalog to get a little help for what the different math templates mean. If you have the TI-Nspire CAS, it is Catalog and then 5 (numeric Nspire is Catalog 4).

Piecewise is the one that already has the commas built in.

I like to use TAB to navigate around the fields, but either the right arrow or TAB should work well.

That is my guess on what you may have missed.
Thanks for asking. Have a great day,
Sean Bird
Covenant Christian High School
Indianapolis, IN

Randy Michaels

Jan 28, 2011, 6:34:54 PM1/28/11
to tinspire
That was it!!

I hadn't noticed the help text at the bottom of the screen.

Thank you so much. :)
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