I try to setup tinode to work FCM push. My expectation is
1. Title: Sender name
2. Body: Message content
I can config notification body = message content by config body = "$content" in tinode.conf, but don't know how to config title = sender name. Please help me, thanks.
Below is my current configuration.
"apns": {
"msg": {
"body": "$content"
// Payload of AndroidNotification. If enabled, this will take precedence over data payload.
"android": {
// Set to false to push a data-only message.
"enabled": true,
// Android drawable resource ID to use as a notification icon.
"icon": "ic_logo_push",
// Notification color.
"color": "#3949AB",
// Name of intent filter which will catch this notification.
// Notification of a new message. You can include custom "icon", "color", "click_action"
// into this section and it will override the value above.
"msg": {
// Literal title string. Not recommended because it's not localized.
// Literal message body. Not recommended because it's not localized.
"body": "$content",
// Android string resource ID to use as a notification title. Localized.
// Takes precedence over "title". "new_message" is "New message" in Tindroid.
"title_loc_key": "",
// Android string resource ID to use as a notification body. Localized.
// Takes precedence over "body".
"body_loc_key": ""
// Notification of a new subscription. Same rules as section "msg" above.
"sub": {
// Android resource string ID to use as notification title. Localized.
// "new_chat" is "New chat" in Tindroid.
"title_loc_key": "",
// Android resource string ID to use as notification body. Localized.
"body_loc_key": ""