Tinkerer 1.2 released

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Vlad Riscutia

Jun 6, 2013, 12:22:32 PM6/6/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
I just released Tinkerer 1.2 on PyPI last evening, and added a new theme.

Thanks for your help everyone!

Thank you,

David Carmean

Oct 20, 2013, 9:53:12 PM10/20/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com

Hi Vlad,

I'd like to advocate for git 'tags' on your release commits.  I think that the rough hg equivalent is 'bookmarks', which in earlier  versions are local-only?  As is, I'm going by commit messages on your 'release' branch to guess where your releases came from.

(I know, I should just install from PyPI :)  But I'm a ... tinkerer :)

Yarko Tymciurak

Oct 20, 2013, 10:00:14 PM10/20/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com

Yes - please.

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