generate a big pdf file with all tinkerer content?

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charles-albert lehalle

Jul 30, 2017, 6:25:23 AM7/30/17
to tinkerer-dev
I am a new user of Tinkerer (I use it intensively for one week now), and I would like to create one "big" pdf file with all my posts (like sphinx can generate a manual in pdf from inline doc). Is there a simple way to do this?

charles-albert lehalle

Jul 30, 2017, 7:30:04 AM7/30/17
to tinkerer-dev
ok tried this awk script. It is a first start for someone (like me) how does not understand the way tinkerer uses sphinx to ask it to sphinx...

  awk 'FNR==1{print ""}{print}' 2017/*/*/*.rst | awk -f _static/filter_tinker.awk | rst2pdf -o all.pdf

with the following script:

  /author::/ { next }
  /categories::/ { next }
  /tags::/ { next }
  /comments::/ { next }
    gsub("../../../_static/", "_static/");
    txt = $0
    print txt

Vlad Riscutia

Jul 31, 2017, 11:22:56 AM7/31/17
Hi Charles,

I never tried doing this and it's not something officially supported. Under the covers, Tinkerer just calls sphinx-build with html output, you could try a sphinx-build with latex output then use pdflatex as per Sphinx documentation: That being said, Tinkerer hooks up a number of extensions to the html builder events, so I'm not sure how much of the stuff Tinkerer adds on top would still work for another builder (also not sure how much of it you really need :)). You should give it a try and build your blog using latex builder and see if things look good enough for you needs.

Thank you,

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