Where do custom template settings get set?

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John Anderson

Jul 13, 2014, 10:53:30 PM7/13/14
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
I'm looking at building my own theme and I noticed in the boilerplate theme there are settings like show_copyright and show_sphinx:

But I have tried setting those in theme.conf and conf.py and those seem to be the wrong places.  So where would I define those?

Vlad Riscutia

Jul 19, 2014, 2:06:57 PM7/19/14
to tinker...@googlegroups.com

theme.conf should work. Take a look here: http://sphinx-doc.org/templating.html Tinkerer isn’t doing anything extra for this features, it just leverages what Sphinx has. Please let me know what exactly is not working (could even be a Tinkerer bug).


Thank you,


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