ipython notebook blogging with tinkerer

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John Gill

May 8, 2014, 1:54:39 PM5/8/14
to tinker...@googlegroups.com

Vlad Riscutia

May 8, 2014, 2:08:23 PM5/8/14
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
I am not an IPython user, but definitely sounds interesting. I'm wondering though if this could be implemented as a Sphinx extension? In that case, it would also work with Sphinx for embedding notebooks in documentation. Also interesting that such an extension doesn't exist already :)

Thank you,

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John Anderson

Jul 14, 2014, 3:00:19 AM7/14/14
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
I just started playing this and would love to see this supported.

Pelican has it:

Nikola has it:

and Sphinx has some of the support already.  For example I am using these two extensions for sphinx:


This allows me to use .. ipython:    and .. code-block: ipython to render out ipython data.  To generate rst from the ipython notebook I'm currently running `ipython nbconvert <my notebook> --to rst`  and once I have rST I just copy it into my blog post.

What I would like to see provided by tinkerer is built-in support for the nbconvert step.  Something like  .. notebook: <filename>   and have it auto run the convert to get the restructured text and embed it with any images generated.

Vlad Riscutia

Jul 18, 2014, 12:06:36 PM7/18/14
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
This sounds like it can be implemented as an extension hooked up to Tinkerer. I can try and take a look at some point, when I have enough free time to ramp up on iPython. 

Pull requests are welcomed in the meantime :)

Thank you,
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