What's needed to re-land RSS for categories?

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Hal Wine

Feb 23, 2013, 11:27:17 PM2/23/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
I'm new to Tinkerer, but a big Sphinx fan.

The one feature I need is per-category RSS feeds. It looks like this almost made in into Tinker with pull request #16. That needed to be backed out due to broken unit tests. (The main "all" feed moves from 'rss.html' to 'rss/all.html'.)

My question is, what's needed to get this to stick? I'd be willing to patch the patch to get it into the main line.

I assume just tweaking the tests to reflect the new position of the main feed isn't acceptable, as that would create a backward compatibility issue. What would an acceptable solution?

Thanks for everyone's work on Tinkerer!

Vlad Riscutia

Feb 24, 2013, 3:43:43 PM2/24/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
I think Robert had a similar pull request recently (https://bitbucket.org/vladris/tinkerer/pull-request/41/multi-rss-feed-support/diff), though with the new plug-in model, I believe this particular feature can go into tinkerer-contrib instead as it is not necessarily a core piece of Tinkerer. Not sure if Robert plans to refactor it into a plugin, otherwise you can take a look at the code and do it yourself. With the new design, I don't want to pull this into tinkerer but would gladly pull it to contrib.

Thank you,


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Hal Wine

Feb 25, 2013, 1:27:15 PM2/25/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:43:43 PM UTC-8, vladris wrote:
I think Robert had a similar pull request recently (https://bitbucket.org/vladris/tinkerer/pull-request/41/multi-rss-feed-support/diff), though with the new plug-in model, I believe this particular feature can go into tinkerer-contrib instead as it is not necessarily a core piece of Tinkerer. Not sure if Robert plans to refactor it into a plugin, otherwise you can take a look at the code and do it yourself. With the new design, I don't want to pull this into tinkerer but would gladly pull it to contrib.


Thanks - I'll see if I can help Robert.

Can you point me to any docs on how the tinkerer-contib model is intended to work? I'm not finding a post about it, and it appears some features (e.g authorurl) are currently implemented in both places, leaving me confused on what goes where :)


Vlad Riscutia

Feb 25, 2013, 2:27:39 PM2/25/13
to tinker...@googlegroups.com
In short. tinkerer-contrib should consist of Sphinx extensions that apply to Tinkerer. Tinkerer passes around all its metadata via the context so extensions can leverage that. Authorurl is only in tinkerer-contrib and what it does is it hyperlink author name. Author extension in tinkerer provides the .. author: directive.

I have some details but didn't publish them online yet, will do soon:

Thank you,

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