RAM Consumption; Multi CPU; tilestache-seed

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Jan 8, 2018, 7:21:51 AM1/8/18
to Tilestache
 Hi, My company is developing GIS related technology. As a result we are looking into employing a map server for the display of water infrastructure networks. I've start investigating tilestache as an optional solution for our performance issues relating to the layers display.

First I would like to congratulate you on the magnificent project.

I've encountered some issues in which I require some assistance. Any Help will be greatly appreciated

The First subject relates to release of consumed RAM. We have not implemented the usage of tilestache seed, and the map png are generated "on demand". However we noticed that once RAM is consumed for the purpose of the images generation it  is not released even when we close the site. Are there any  guidlines for memory release which needs to be implemented in order to achieve efficient usage of the memory. Currently we can easily consume all the   memory of a monster server with 32GB RAM

Second issues relates to the CPU usage. Is there any way for to configure tilestache to employ more than one core. When images are generated "on "Demand  the cpu easily reaches 100%, and although the server has additional cores the are not  used.

Lastly, I'm planning to start testing the usage of tilestache-seed. I hope the preprocess procedure will help with the cpu consumption and user experience, but should it have any effect on the memory consumption? In addition , we have noticed that every time the server crashes the images are deleted from the cache. Is there any configuration in which we can place the image on a different location and configure the server to get them form this location. Maybe also locate the on the cloud and share them via cdn.

Thanks & Kind Regards

Travis Kirstine

Jan 8, 2018, 10:40:27 AM1/8/18
to Tilestache

I cannot comment on the memory consumption.

I'm guessing that if you deploy tilestache as a wsgi using something like gunicorn you can define multiple workers which would result in multiple cores being used (never tried this myself).  There could be issues with file locking though if tilestache tries to write the same tile from seperate workers (metatiles)... It appears that the seed command doesn't support multiple threads / processes. 

If you are still in the investigation phase I would have a look at MapProxy and MapServer MapCache which are great open source solutions as well.


From: tiles...@googlegroups.com <tiles...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of guy.be...@aquarius-spectrum.com <guy.be...@aquarius-spectrum.com>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 7:21 AM
To: Tilestache
Subject: [tilestache] RAM Consumption; Multi CPU; tilestache-seed
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