Some plugins released this year

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Nov 16, 2024, 12:45:49 PM11/16/24
to TiddlyWikiClassic
Hello everyone,

this year was rather hard, especially the first half when I was looking for a new job, so my attention to TW was seriously reduced. However, I've added to Github several plugins (some were switched from pre-release to release, some got updated, some are new), so I'd like to share them in this thread:

TwFormulaPlugin – a multilibrary solution to show and edit math formulas (got various improvements since the pre-release);

🔒 EncryptionPlugin – a heavily updated successor of EncryptedVaultPlugin, uses AES encryption;

🧮 HandsontablePlugin – to deal with tables via the spreadsheet-like interface;

💬 DisqusPlugin – to add comments to your TW (now supports multiple threads);

🖼 InsertImagePlugin – to insert images from clipboard (for now, inserts inline as base64).

These and also FancyBox2Plugin are now available in my collection via ExtensionsExplorerPlugin.

If you find any of them useful, please star those on Github, so that I have a better idea of what is needed and maybe improve them further.

Best regards,
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