Tiddlers Created when colour of tag changed

已查看 109 次

Jon Light

2021年2月25日 12:11:542021/2/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki

I have already read posts that document that changing the colour of a particular tag necessitates the creation of a new tiddler.

So adopting a different angle I wondered if anyone knew the best way to avoid displaying this kind of tiddler on the story river or perhaps having an optional switch so that they are only displayed when needed?

I would also ideally like to filter out the tiddlers that appear on the story river when I import an image - for me these are unwanted 'by products' although I appreciate they are required by tiddlywiki but I would prefer not to see them on the story river.

In every day terms my tiddlers are very similar to wikipedia entries - text around a subject and graphics, they always include text, I would prefer to see only these article like tiddlers on the story river. 

Since starting with TiddlyWiki last year my knowledge base has grown to around 20MB - and I have created many tags with colour coding - it is simply the best knowledge base I have ever tried - connections have been made that would have been impossible without TW - however the proliferation of 'auxillary' tiddlers that do not contain content that I have composed myself get in the way.

Thanks Jon


2021年2月25日 12:41:222021/2/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki
So adopting a different angle I wondered if anyone knew the best way to avoid displaying this kind of tiddler on the story river or perhaps having an optional switch so that they are only displayed when needed?

"This kind of tiddler" - do you want to hide all tiddlers tagged "foo"? HIde in the story river, but not in the sidebar lists? 

I would also ideally like to filter out the tiddlers that appear on the story river when I import an image - for me these are unwanted 'by products' although I appreciate they are required by tiddlywiki but I would prefer not to see them on the story river.

"the tiddlers that appear"? The $:/Import tiddler, or what are you talking about?
In every day terms my tiddlers are very similar to wikipedia entries - text around a subject and graphics, they always include text, I would prefer to see only these article like tiddlers on the story river. 

Are you saying you only want to see tiddlers in the story river that are of a certain kind? What about, say, the Controlpanel or other system tids?

As you can tell, I find your requests highly confusing.


Jon Light

2021年2月25日 13:32:582021/2/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki
Hi Mat - confusing? Yes sorry I am don't have a clear overview.

>>Are you saying you only want to see tiddlers in the story river that are of a certain kind? What about, say, the Controlpanel or other system tids?
I take your point - sorry for my unclear explanation, its not laziness but more a fairly patchy knowledge

A while ago someone on this forum kindly provided me with a sidebar tab widget  - a tiddler with tag $:/tags/SideBar which I use to filter the river story.

I get two  buttons, both filter out system tiddlers.

the first shows all tiddlers apart from system
the second button only shows journal tiddlers
beneath these I get a list of all of my tags which I can filter the story river with.

All working as desired apart except that I would like to filter out tiddlers that are created when I change the colour of an existing tag ( I am going to drop the question regards image import I think that might be a misconception on my part ).

The code within the tiddler is as follows.


<$vars limit={{{ [[$:/state/limit]is[tiddler]then{$:/state/limit}else[10]] }}}>

<$range tiddler="$:/state/limit" min="10" max="100" default="10" increment="5"/><br>
limit: <$text text=<<limit>>/> tiddlers

<div class="tc-tags-wrapper">

<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag="All tiddlers" element-tag="$button" actions="""<$wikify name="filteredList" text="<$list filter='[!is[system]!sort[created]limit<limit>]'><$text text='[['/><$text text={{!!title}}/><$text text=']] '/></$list>"><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/StoryList" list=<<filteredList>>/></$wikify>"""/>

<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag="Journal" element-tag="$button" actions="""<$wikify name="filteredList" text="<$list filter='[!is[system]!sort[created]tag[Journal]limit<limit>]'><$text text='[['/><$text text={{!!title}}/><$text text=']] '/></$list>"><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/StoryList" list=<<filteredList>>/></$wikify>"""/>

<$list filter="[tags[]sort[title]] -Journal" variable="tagItem">
<$macrocall $name="tag-pill" tag=<<tagItem>> element-tag="$button" actions="""<$wikify name="filteredList" text="<$list filter='[!is[system]!sort[modified]tag<tagItem>limit<limit>]'><$text text='[['/><$text text={{!!title}}/><$text text=']] '/></$list>"><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/StoryList" list=<<filteredList>>/></$wikify>"""/>




So I ideally I would like to filter out the tiddlers that are created when I change the colour of a tag.

Thanks - and sorry again - I hope my second attempt is a bit more coherent.



2021年2月25日 17:36:302021/2/25
收件人 TiddlyWiki
So you want to not display the tiddlers in the river that are themselves a tag, which has a different color than default (i.e they have a color field), right? So, assuming you can modify the filters you use, then you can try to add this filter to the end of it

:and[!is[tag]] :and[!has[color]]

I never used :and before and I obviously didn't test this filter, but it's an idea... let's see what happens.


Jon Light

2021年3月1日 07:30:182021/3/1
收件人 TiddlyWiki
Hi Mat

Many thanks - I have not yet succeeded but your example showed me where to start looking so at least now I have an idea where I need to play around.  I have started with except: which may simplify.

Jon Light

2021年5月15日 03:47:472021/5/15
收件人 TiddlyWiki
Update: Solved.

My problem was unwanted tiddlers on the story river of the following nature
  1. Tiddlers created when I change the colour of a tag
  2. Tiddlers created when I import an image
In the case of number 2. I wanted to use the image within other tiddlers just like illustrations in a book but I did not want to see the actual image tiddler in the story river.

I have been getting better with writing filters but came to the conclusion that it would be too complicated to express what I considered 'by product' tiddlers and someone else would
have a different opinion as it is subjective.

In the end I chose a pragmmatic approach - I have a new tag 'z hidden' - the prefix 'z' simply assures it will appear at the end of alphabetically ordered tag lists.

When a tiddler is created as a 'by product' (subjective view) I simply tag it 'z hidden' and my modified story river filters are instructed not to show it, now my story river shows only tiddlers I consider to be 'main content'.

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