Consistency on TiddlyWiki translations - Or let us consider the use of a Translation Memory (TM)

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Paco Rivière

Jun 16, 2020, 3:20:20 PM6/16/20
to TiddlyWiki
Following here a conversation with JR from a few weeks ago, about TiddlyWiki translation aids, I enclose an export of a tiddler I have prepared, containing a table with the translated strings that took me the longest to decide, or even drove me crazy.
I will try to better explain my proposal.

The goal is the translation system looks for the strings to be translated in a list like this, and shows the translator. previously adopted solutions.
It could also be after clicking a button.
This would allow for a more consistent translation over time. It would also be quite helpful when there are changes in the translation teams.
I’ve used other translation tools, and all of them that are well done, have such an aid.
In fact it even has a name, it's called Translation Memory (TM). You can search for this term on Google. (See references 1, 2, 3, and 4)

I have found I have translated myself in one way, words that 8 years ago I had translated in another way. Imagine a new user who finds just 5 words from TiddlyWiki slang translated in different ways! The result is an incomprehensible text.
Taking advantage of the lockout, I spent some hours reviewing previous translations and improving the consistency of the TiddlyWiki Catalan translation.
I imagine what this can mean with translations in which translators have changed over time. That is probably why I found other translations, I have also revised, such as those to French, Portuguese or Italian, with some inconsistencies.

Although this table is usually generated automatically, this is not what I propose. Only the manually entered strings need to be displayed. If it seems interesting, we could consider the automatic generation of the table later.
Do you think it would be possible to prepare such a system?

Another simple improvement would be to check, and warn! if some strings to be translated are blank, or both source and target strings match. This is necessarily a quite simple filter in TW. The present "translated" filter from the translators edition is of very little help.

PS: Main benefits
Translation memory managers are most suitable for translating technical documentation and documents containing specialized vocabularies. Their benefits include:
    Ensuring that the document is completely translated (translation memories do not accept empty target segments)
    Ensuring that the translated documents are consistent, including common definitions, phrasings and terminology. This is important when different translators are working on a single project.
    Enabling translators to translate documents in a wide variety of formats without having to own the software typically required to process these formats.
    Accelerating the overall translation process; since translation memories "remember" previously translated material, translators have to translate it only once.
    Reducing costs of long-term translation projects; for example the text of manuals, warning messages or series of documents needs to be translated only once and can be used several times.
    For large documentation projects, savings (in time or money) thanks to the use of a TM package may already be apparent even for the first translation of a new project, but normally such savings are only apparent when translating subsequent versions of a project that was translated before using translation memory.

2) 18 open source translation tools to localize your project

Paco Rivière

Jun 17, 2020, 6:48:58 PM6/17/20
I found this plugin, that may be used to look up the dictionary table:

El dimarts, 16 juny de 2020 21:20:20 UTC+2, Paco Rivière va escriure:
Following here a conversation with JR from a few weeks ago, about TiddlyWiki translation aids, I enclose an export of a tiddler I have prepared, containing a table with the translated strings that took me the longest to decide, or even drove me crazy.


Jun 17, 2020, 7:23:47 PM6/17/20
to TiddlyWiki
IMO that is a great piece of work.

The one thing that might help is rather than have to open and edit a Tiddler is if the actual contents of a Tiddler could be directly edited on click, in context.

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