Is there an editable Wiki for TiddlyWiki somewhere?

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Jul 7, 2020, 7:32:31 AM7/7/20
to TiddlyWiki
Is there an editable Wiki for TiddlyWiki somewhere?

TW Tones

Jul 7, 2020, 8:14:01 AM7/7/20
to TiddlyWiki
Search the forum for my post on a playground wiki I have online.

But I am not sure what you want.



Jul 7, 2020, 8:23:38 AM7/7/20

But I am not sure what you want.

I imagine a publicly accessible wiki, where people collaboratively create a documentation for TiddlyWiki. Something like (DokuWiki's wiki, based on DokuWiki itself)

 - Michael Sy.


Jul 7, 2020, 10:55:07 AM7/7/20
maybe you can clone the tiddlywiki5 repo, and npm i npm start a nodejs wiki, edit it, and submit a PR?

Michaelsy <> 于2020年7月7日周二 下午8:23写道:
Search the forum for my post on a playground wiki I have online.

But I am not sure what you want.

I imagine a publicly accessible wiki, where people collaboratively create a documentation for TiddlyWiki. Something like

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Mark S.

Jul 7, 2020, 11:13:33 AM7/7/20
to TiddlyWiki
The package "Bob" can do this. But it is best inside a home or office, not for facing the internet. The internet poses security challenges.


Jul 8, 2020, 3:52:53 AM7/8/20
Thank you very much for your answers!

The answer to my question, as it was meant, seems to be: No, there isn't.

I think that is a great pity.

This seems to be also due to the fact that TiddlyWiki is obviously not designed and conceived for this application.

If someone has the idea to create such a collaborative wiki, I can highly recommend DokuWiki. (The forum there is as friendly as this one.)

By the way, DokuWiki is also available as a portable version for the home desktop. Who attaches importance to data security (!!!), a user administration and access control, you should have a look at this. The portable DokuWiki is called DokuWiki on a Stick. After start on the desktop it is available in the whole LAN/WLAN (and of course on the local computer). An editing of the DokuWiki via mobile devices does not miss anything.

Sorry for the advertisement, I could not resist... :-)

  - Michael Sy.

Birthe C

Jul 8, 2020, 4:20:20 AM7/8/20
to TiddlyWiki

Sure and be a Windows user. I did see the howto for Ubuntu users - but really it looks rather involved to me.

Is that to say, that the documentation should be written by Windows users only?



Jul 8, 2020, 4:55:01 AM7/8/20
Sure and be a Windows user. I did see the howto for Ubuntu users - but really it looks rather involved to me.
Is that to say, that the documentation should be written by Windows users only?

Sorry, that was perhaps a little misrepresented by me. I wrote about two different things.

One was about DokuWiki as a common web application. It is usually installed on a Linux system and is available as Wikipedia for example.

The other one is DokuWiki on a Stick. (Addressing this was off topic - sorry for that). This is indeed designed out of the box for Windows. Running DokuWiki on a stick on a Linux system does not seem to be trivial in the same way.

As a web application there are many different methods to install DokuWiki on all common platforms. There are unmanageable many ways to do this. For example also on a Raspberry Pi for home using.

  - Michael Sy.

Birthe C

Jul 8, 2020, 5:39:57 AM7/8/20
to TiddlyWiki

Thank you for your explanation. I do see, why you think that would be interesting.



Jul 8, 2020, 8:46:41 AM7/8/20
to TiddlyWiki
Is there an editable Wiki for TiddlyWiki somewhere?
Thank you very much for your answers!

The answer to my question, as it was meant, seems to be: No, there isn't.

I think that is a great pity.

Also thought about that - with the same sad reaction (since I would be one of the "consumers", not "contributors" though due to the lack of knowledge). :( 
I think that would allow the documentation, manuals and tutorials about TW expand much faster and in much more detail than it is currently on
Just to appoint one-two adequate moderators to this "public tw-wiki" and it would be awesome (if it is technically possible in the first place).


Jul 8, 2020, 9:14:43 AM7/8/20
Also thought about that - with the same sad reaction (since I would be one of the "consumers", not "contributors" though due to the lack of knowledge). :( 

I think anyone could be a contributor to such a wiki. Especially as a beginner. Documentations like are often written from the perspective of the developer, i.e. an expert. But they are hardly able to put themselves into the worries and needs of an absolute beginner. (For example, no general concepts are explained there. And if they are there, they could be hard to find.)

Furthermore, it is difficult to recognize on what an abundance of information is hidden within. It's simply a matter of making the content more accessible. I think the question is rather whether you are interested in the topic and whether you enjoy writing.

- Michael Sy.
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