[INTRO] uni-link V1.0.0

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Feb 11, 2019, 4:40:29 PM2/11/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Folks,

I just released the "uni-link" plugin V 1.0.0 [1]:  also discussed in different threads [2-4], here in the group.

Intro-Video: latest: https://youtu.be/IelDdM7iXrA

Alias Handling

Alberto Molina wrote at TW group:

For instance, I would like the links: [[Darwinism]], [[darwinism]], NeoDarwinism, NaturalSelection, [[natural selection]], [[theory of evolution]] all refer to the same tiddler (or different twin tiddlers with the same content in view mode) without needing to specify: [[darwinism|Darwinism]], [[NaturalSelection|Darwinism]], [[theory of evolution|Darwinism]], etc.

The unilink alias functionality does that. It allows users to assign an aliases field to tiddlers, that can be referenced with a slightly modified link syntax.

  • CamelCase link behaviour has not been changed!
  • Aliases are NOT case sensitive!


[[Neo Darwinism|?]]Neo Darwinism
[[theory of evolution|?]]theory of evolution
[[Natural Selection|?]]Natural Selection
[[natural selection|?]]natural selection
[[NaturaL sElEcTiOn|?]]NaturaLsElEcTiOn ... fixed since: v0.3.1

Since Version 1.0.0 the alias links have the possibility to select the field, that should be shown.


[[darwinism|?c]]darwin caption
[[darwinism|?s]]darwin subtitle field text - not wikified!!
[[darwinism|?my-field]]text stored in "my-field"

All those links open the same tiddler! Open it in edit-mode, to see the fields!

New Edit Feature
  • The editor has a new Toolbar Button now: CTRL-SPACE
  • It opens a new selector dropdown, similar to the link-dropdown.
  • Watch the Video

Filter Operators:

Link Handling

It's a new parser for the the TW link / prettylink detection: eg: [[test]]  ... it links to the tiddler named: test  but it shows a different text. Depending on the fields available at the "test" tiddler. If used like this: [[prettylink text|test]] it behaves as in existing TWs. No special function used. prettylink text will be shown.

title: test
caption: short title
subtitle: a tiddler to test the uni-link plugin

There is a global setting now in the ControlPanel, that lets you define the field, that should be shown. Title is the default! (This is different to the last version)

This functionality is backwards compatible with existing tiddlywikis. So if tiddlers are copy / pasted between TWs, that don't have the plugin installed, it just falls back to the already existing behavior. Which imo is a nice idea, created by Mark S. in the first reply post.

@All .... Feedback very welcome!

have fun!

PS - If you like it: Support it :)

[1] https://wikilabs.github.io/editions/uni-link/


Feb 11, 2019, 4:41:06 PM2/11/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

V 1.2.0 - 2020.03.26

V 1.1.2 - 2020.03.16

  • Fix issue #44 problem with backlink cases sensitivity

V 1.1.1 - 2020.01.19

  • Update license link/text

V 1.1.0 - 2019.08.13

  • Fixed problem introduced with TW V 5.1.20 link-widget core changes

V 1.0.0 - 2019.02.09

  • Add [[alias|?t]], [[alias|?c]] and [[alias|?s]], that show the tiddler title, caption and subtitle field as the link text
  • Add [[alias|?my-field]] shows the content of the field named: my-filed as the link text
  • Add a new editor toolbar button, which opens an alias search menue.
    • Default keyboard shortcut is to Ctrl-Space

Incompatible changes

  • There is a new $:/ControlPanel setting, that defines the default behaviour of the uni-link macro globally.
  • uni-link now only shows the tiddler title, or the caption or the subtitle field.
  • If you need different behaviour, you'll need to use the alias mechanism!

V 0.3.4 - 2018.09.09

  • Add "aliasify" button to tiddler editor toolbar
  • Add ctrl-k to activate "aliasify"

V 0.3.3 - 2018.08.06

V 0.3.2 - 2018.02.02

  • new Undefined Aliases Sidebar tab under More: Aliases
  • [[?]aliasbacklinks[]sort[title]] shows a list of tiddlers that contain undefined alias links

V 0.3.1 - 2018.01.31

V 0.3.0 - 2018.01.27

  • add: styling possibility for missing aliases
  • improve: history and copyright

V 0.2.1 - 2018.01.27

  • fix: uni-link creates an unused a-element

V 0.2.0 - 2017.12.15

  • added: alias link syntax
    • using aka-makros for tiddler alias handling
  • added: Alias backlinks
    • open the tiddler (i)nfo area: References
  • added filter operators:
  • added: Right-Sidebar: More tab: "Aliases"
    • Sorted by Alias
    • Sorted by Tiddler Title
  • added: uni-link $:/ControlPanel setting
  • added: different colors for title, caption, subtitle and alias links

V0.1.0 - 2017.07.25

  • fix "backlink" and "missing" issue

V0.0.1 - 2017.07.23

  • initial release


Feb 11, 2019, 6:27:18 PM2/11/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks Mario for this seriously valuable tool. I am still trying to work out If I should place it in all my wikis, or in what conditions It should be mandatory.

I think for any information rich wikis it may be essential.


On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 8:41:06 AM UTC+11, PMario wrote:


Feb 11, 2019, 11:08:15 PM2/11/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hello Mario,

Thank you for update. Gives a lot of flexibility.



Feb 12, 2019, 7:21:31 AM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
On Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 12:27:18 AM UTC+1, TonyM wrote:
Thanks Mario for this seriously valuable tool.

You are welcome :)
I am still trying to work out If I should place it in all my wikis, or in what conditions It should be mandatory.
I think for any information rich wikis it may be essential.

I think it can improve the "rename tiddler" -> "lost links" problem! ... I'm not finished with the plugin.

I want to improve the "create alias-link" toolbar button. ... It should be possible to show both: a) the existing aliases and b) tiddlers, that could be new aliases. + a minimal "add alias" interface.

I'm thinking about an internal trie-index, that could speed up the alias handling, for many many tiddler, quite a bit. ...

If it works, it could also be used to "track" simple transclusion backlinks eg: {{HelloThere}}, which isn't possible atm.

-have fun!

Diego Mesa

Feb 12, 2019, 7:29:21 AM2/12/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hey Mario,

As always - thanks! I love the added flexibility! 

I really like your work on the "create alias link" button/dropdown. For what its worth, I would love if TW had some kind of centralized search bar, like chrome,  sublime text, etc. And plugins added things to that bar. 

For example, I love Thomas Elmiger's simple search bar. I think using that kind of search bar should be more general purpose/extendable. In a perfect world this plugin would also "plugin" to that search bar. 

Again, just thinking out loud, not really suggesting you also combine your plugin with his. Just suggesting TW should have a core large search bar, like Thomas', that others can also use.



Aug 13, 2019, 7:13:49 PM8/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi folks,

I did just update the uni-link plugin to Version 1.1.0, which is a bug-fix release. It fixes a problem with TW 5.1.20


Aug 13, 2019, 8:38:45 PM8/13/19
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks mario


Mar 26, 2020, 6:56:07 AM3/26/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi folks,

I did just update the uni-link plugin to Version 1.2.0, which makes uni-link compatible with tw5-relink plugin from flibbles.

have fun!

PS - If you like it: Support it :)

Also see the history list here.

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