Italian Pasta - List of Pasta Varieties

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Duarte Farrajota Ramos

Jul 9, 2020, 6:52:57 AM7/9/20
Hey guys, do you like Italian pasta?

After quite a few years on and off in the making I can finally say I finished my long term project of documenting many common types of Italian Pasta.
(Warning site contains some large images if your have limited bandwidth or a slow device)


It'd be totally off-topic here other than the site being powered by out beloved TiddlyWiki. There is nothing fancy or particularly remarkable Tiddly-wise, just an attestment to its versatility.

Revealing a little more technical details about it, it was started in version 5.1.11 back in 2016, and has been in the making for the past four years, though most of the time it was actually just stalled as I procrastinated or attended other matters.
Makes use of plenty of Wiki Filters, View Templates, SVG vector icons, some CSS numbered tables and other minor tricks I learned (read stole eheh) here and there through the web.
The original Past Chart was made from a large SVG file with links.
It started with some basic research about pasta names and types, then went on to actually try to figure out what they look like, describing them, and real world measurements for reference that would allow the creation of the 3D models.
Illustrations were all made with Blender 3D, rendered with EEVEE and labeled in Inkscape. Original render was huge, 24000 x 12000 pixels, takes about forty minutes to produce, and has to be rendered in four parts and cobbled together.

Hope you find like it.

Birthe C

Jul 9, 2020, 7:21:47 AM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Duarte

It sure looks good and is a good example of what tiddlywiki can do - and of course a testament to your ability to stick to your subject and keep on year in and year out. It sure must be a labour of love.

I can hardly bear to tell you, but I got hungry - just some pasta, any pasta ;-)

Thanks for sharing,



Jul 9, 2020, 7:25:18 AM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki

What a fun creation! IMO it will serve (no pun intended) as a great reference example on I hope @Jeremy will add it.

An un-asked for opinion: The background should be pasta yellow ;-)



Jul 9, 2020, 7:25:57 AM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
P.S the embedded image in your original post here is not showing for me.


Duarte Farrajota Ramos

Jul 9, 2020, 7:39:51 AM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks, glad you like it :)

On Thursday, 9 July 2020 12:25:57 UTC+1, Mat wrote:
P.S the embedded image in your original post here is not showing for me.

Indeed I somehow messed it up, replaced it with a smaller local upload. Thanks for the headsup


Jul 9, 2020, 8:05:40 AM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki

Molto, molto bene! :-)

Great resource on the subject! (FWIW, I live in Italy.)

Good you record not just the shapes but also the variations in ingredients. In the North we tend to use tipo "00" flour for everyday fresh pasta. But it's not so good for dried pastas IMO :-). Southern everyday pastas often use semolina flour. That is just as good for dried as fresco. 

I note you include pastas make with ingredients like buckwheat & maize. Shows you know your subject! Northern Italians have always made some pastas that are mainly buckwheat. Arises mainly from the fushion-cultures, especially in the North-East, with buckwheat pastas being made in neighboring Slovenia & Switzerland too. Really excellent you include types like ... Blecs. That is a wonderful pasta!

Apart from planning lunch, technically it's an interesting wiki. How you made it. It illustrates great use of tags among other things.


On Thursday, 9 July 2020 12:52:57 UTC+2, Duarte Farrajota Ramos wrote:
Hey guys, do you like Italian pasta?

After quite a few years on and off in the making I can finally say I finished my long term project of documenting many common types of Italian Pasta.


It'd be totally off-topic here other than the site being powered by out beloved TiddlyWiki. There is nothing fancy or particularly remarkable technology wise, just an attestment to its versatility.

Revealing a little more technical details about it, it was started in version 5.1.11 back in 2016, and has been in the making for the past four years, though most of the time it was actually just stalled as I procrastinated or attended other matters.
Makes use of plenty of Wiki Filters, View Templates, some SVG icons here and there, some CSS numbered tables and other minor tricks I learned here and there through the web.

The original Past Chart was made from a large SVG file with links.
It started with some basic research about pasta names and types, then went on to actually try to figure out what they look like, describing them, and real world measurements for reference that would allow the creation of the 3D models.
Illustrations were all made with Blender 3D, rendered with EEVEE and labeled in Inkscape. Original render was huge, 24000 x 12000 pixels, takes about forty minutes to produce, and has to be rendered in four parts and cobbled together.

David Gifford

Jul 9, 2020, 8:38:26 AM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
Awesome! Now I even have to watch my carbs when opening a TW!

On Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 5:52:57 AM UTC-5 wrote:
Hey guys, do you like Italian pasta?

After quite a few years on and off in the making I can finally say I finished my long term project of documenting many common types of Italian Pasta.
(Warning site contains some large images if your have limited bandwidth or a slow device)


It'd be totally off-topic here other than the site being powered by out beloved TiddlyWiki. There is nothing fancy or particularly remarkable Tiddly-wise, just an attestment to its versatility.

Revealing a little more technical details about it, it was started in version 5.1.11 back in 2016, and has been in the making for the past four years, though most of the time it was actually just stalled as I procrastinated or attended other matters.
Makes use of plenty of Wiki Filters, View Templates, some SVG icons here and there, some CSS numbered tables and other minor tricks I learned here and there through the web.

The original Past Chart was made from a large SVG file with links.

Michael Wiktowy

Jul 9, 2020, 12:45:19 PM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
Very cool use! I've never heard of most of those ... time to start eating more pasta dinners.

I am hesitant to mention a bug report after your description of the amount of work to render it but ... Is there supposed to be two identical piles of "Orzo, Risoni" in the bottom left row of your image map or (following the pattern and knowing no Italian) is there such a thing as "Risini"?


Duarte Farrajota Ramos

Jul 9, 2020, 3:28:13 PM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks guys glad you like it, hope I didn't make everyone too hungry.

On Thursday, 9 July 2020 17:45:19 UTC+1, Michael Wiktowy wrote:
I am hesitant to mention a bug report after your description of the amount of work to render it but ... Is there supposed to be two identical piles of "Orzo, Risoni" in the bottom left row of your image map or (following the pattern and knowing no Italian) is there such a thing as "Risini"?

Hey nice catch Mike glad you caught it, you guys really are paying attention :) Luckily it is just a mislabeling on the overlay, no need to re-render, though I would if it did.
Some shapes can have different names in different regions, likewise the same name can be used for different shapes too such is the case here. The lower right one is supposed to read Risoni only.

Fixed all instances of it, should be up now (may need a hard refresh). Thanks for the report, don't hesitate to point any others, I'll try yo fix all I can.

TW Tones

Jul 9, 2020, 7:40:03 PM7/9/20
to TiddlyWiki

Love the site and Pasta. This is a most fascinating demo of tiddlywiki in so far as it demonstrates how good it is at organising knowledge. Once a comprehensive set of data is captured the value is synergistic and it becomes more than the sum of its parts. I love your zoom in to the picture, perhaps one day someone can click through to the pasta in there?

To contribute to your endeavour I do think there are ways to present even more information directly to the user, as a quick example I attached my simple tag pill enhancement. It allows you to open all tagged, or close all tagged. On seeing your site I realise tags can have a description or tooltip that is displayed in the tag pill (ask and I will make it), this itself can be by lookup to information elsewhere, It may make the tags much more functional and meaningful to users.

I hope you achieve some sales through your amazon links but this also prompts me to suggest allowing visitors to select items they want to try and giving them something similar to a cart - perhaps just the favourites plugin eg ajh/favorites or Mohammads

And the future ? start to collect recipes that are typically used for each pasta type. I had a close connection to an Italian family, making sauce, pickled eggplant, black spaghetti and more.  The Italians seem to have acquired some of the best food in the world and made it their own.

TW Tones


Duarte Farrajota Ramos

Jul 10, 2020, 7:59:11 AM7/10/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hey TW Tones, thanks for the feedback

On Friday, 10 July 2020 00:40:03 UTC+1, TW Tones wrote:
 I love your zoom in to the picture, perhaps one day someone can click through to the pasta in there?

Not sure if you missed it but labels are clickable in the fullscreen version of the chart. Unfortunately I am bound by my lack of skills with these things.
I could not get it to work in the zoomable version, having an SVG overlay prevents some mouse events, and moving the cursor away from the "minimap" generally misplaces the framed area making the experience unpleasant.

I attached my simple tag pill enhancement. It allows you to open all tagged, or close all tagged.

This is a pretty useful plugin, not just for end users, more as an actual convenience tool used during development. It would definitely have saved me a some time in the creation phase,
Hell I might use it myself on my personal wikis in the future.

Only suggestion is removing the hardcoded blue color for the Open All Tagged button. Just a matter of removing the fill=blue from $:/PSaT/open-all-tagged.

I hope you achieve some sales through your amazon links but this also prompts me to suggest allowing visitors to select items they want to try and giving them something similar to a cart - perhaps just the favourites plugin eg ajh/favorites or Mohammads

I'm having really mixed feelings about those adds, like all of you here I'm not at all a fan and they look quite intrusive.
It was more of a personal test to see how the system works and how easy it was to integrate them, I don't think it will never generate enough traffic to have any meaningful benefit. I might just remove them at some point.

And the future ? start to collect recipes that are typically used for each pasta type. I had a close connection to an Italian family, making sauce, pickled eggplant, black spaghetti and more.  The Italians seem to have acquired some of the best food in the world and made it their own.

Those are actually quite good ideas. In the future I'd like to improve this with more information about where geographically each pasta comes from, improve the descriptions and details and like you mention common recipes or presentation suggestions.


Jul 10, 2020, 10:01:44 AM7/10/20
to TiddlyWiki
This is amazing and to the difference of others I opened that after lunch so I did not have to lick the screen.

On the technical part: I am glad I saw that as I am re-re-re-starting my blog and wrote one based off Hugo and Vue. I now realize that I will have all that I need in ToddlyWiki and it will be a good opportunity to learn.

On the pasta side, I am French and we have lots of pasta in the supermarkets. Or so I thought before glancing through your site. I have at home maybe a dozen of different pasta but 80% of the ones on your site I have not even seen in real life.
Since I have never really paid attention when travelling to Italy: do you have a few, some, a majority, most or all of these in a typical (large) supermarket?


Jul 10, 2020, 4:50:04 PM7/10/20
to TiddlyWiki
Beautiful TiddlyWiki!

CJ Veniot

Jul 11, 2020, 12:10:45 AM7/11/20
to TiddlyWiki
I love pasta, and I am a huge TiddlyWiki fan.

Pasta and TiddlyWiki?  That is a marriage that makes me right happy!  Che bello! 

On Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 7:52:57 AM UTC-3, Duarte Farrajota Ramos wrote:

Duarte Farrajota Ramos

Jul 13, 2020, 9:11:44 AM7/13/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks guys, glad you like it.

On Friday, 10 July 2020 15:01:44 UTC+1, Wpq wrote:
Since I have never really paid attention when travelling to Italy: do you have a few, some, a majority, most or all of these in a typical (large) supermarket?

Not being Italian I can't tell for sure, but I suspect many (probably most) of these are regional or home made traditional varieties, relatively obscure and localized.
Most are probably not something you'd be able to buy in a super market, probably not even in regional stores. Many of these were hard to find information even in the internet, and I suspect even most Italians nowadays aren't familiar with them.
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