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IndieWeb and TW

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Tristan Kohl

Feb 28, 2017, 10:08:10 AM2/28/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hey guys,

I read about IndieWeb some time ago and managed to dive into it a little the last days. As far as I can tell TW would be a perfect fit for this and since we are moving to federation it should be quite easy to integrate - at least that is what I thought... I found Hangout #52 when Jeremy mentioned IndieWeb - but unfortunately these 5 seconds is all there is about this matter.

First of I thought adding the "rel-me" to the single page version was all one had to do, but I think that was naive ;)
My next idea was that maybe I could tweak the static page generation template but that again would destroy dynamic syndication...

So my question is (please bare with me if I missed some source) does anybody has something running or some pre-release stuff in this direction?
And if not (most probably) do you have any idea/advice/hint...?


Jed Carty

Feb 28, 2017, 10:27:30 AM2/28/17
to TiddlyWiki
I added some of the rel-me things to my thing over at and it worked. You have to put the rel-me things in a tiddler tagged with $:/tags/RawMarkup like the tiddler here

As a general thing about IndieWeb, they specifically talk about how singe page applications don't fit into their vision so they dismissed tiddlywiki without consideration. Other than that I agree, tiddlywiki and indieweb seems like a good match, I haven't looked at it since I started working on federation.

Tristan Kohl

Mar 1, 2017, 2:57:28 AM3/1/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jed,

thank you for your help :)

Am Dienstag, 28. Februar 2017 16:27:30 UTC+1 schrieb Jed Carty:
I added some of the rel-me things to my thing over at and it worked. You have to put the rel-me things in a tiddler tagged with $:/tags/RawMarkup like the tiddler here

I thought, I had to put it in the top of my wiki...  but I wonder, what you meant by "they dismissed" TW, as I could not see a problem with it (maybe static for search engines) used for this.

Jed Carty

Mar 1, 2017, 6:53:50 AM3/1/17
to TiddlyWiki
Somewhere on the site (right after they said 'implementation matters far more than technology, make it work then we will worry about how it works') it said 'and no, so-called single page applications don't count, if you can't curl it it isn't online'. They may have changed this since it has been a while since I had time to look at any new progress being made.

Tristan Kohl

Apr 4, 2017, 6:57:10 AM4/4/17
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jed,

sorry for my late reply, I did not get the notification somehow.

On Wednesday, 1. March 2017 12:53:50 UTC+1 Jed Carty wrote:
[...] if you can't curl it it isn't online' [...]

Yes you are right and they did not change it but if I generate a static site from my TW they can curl it - if they want to :D.


Chris Aldrich

Apr 14, 2020, 6:38:00 PM4/14/20
TiddlyWiki is a very solid looking platform for IndieWeb use (essentially using TW as a personal website). I am having some issues with the js;dr (cURL-ability) issue, but there are some methods for using it to create a static website.

To help others out and provide some examples, I've started a stub page for TiddlyWiki on the IndieWeb wiki, which uses MediaWiki. (If you have the rel="me" stuff set up in the second article about h-card linked below, you should be able to use your TiddlyWiki URL to log into the IndieWeb wiki and document yourself, changes, and ideas.) 

I've been writing up some of my explorations using TiddlyWiki for IndieWeb on my primary website (with copies on my TiddlyWiki) for those who are interested in taking a look or experimenting for themselves.
For those interested in following my particular progress, you can find all of my related content on my site with this tag: or follow via RSS at

For those who are interested in delving in further, I might suggest looking at my IndieWeb/TiddlyWiki To Do List for things that could potentially be worth working on next:
* adding proper h-entry and h-feed microformats markup 
* adding microformats markup and/or customizing tiddlers as articles, notes, bookmarks, and other types of posts
* backfeed of comments from Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, GitHub, Mastodon using
* adding a full implementation of webmentions for core
** figuring out the js;dr problem for sending webmentions
* Adding set up to potentially allow posting to TiddlyWiki using Micropub (may run into js;dr problems?)
* Look into using TiddlyWiki as a Micropub server
* Adding header information for using TiddlyWiki with Microsub readers (this should be fairly easy)

There is a lot of open source code in a variety of languages that does a lot of this stuff already in addition to lots of examples, so do search the IndieWeb wiki or ask in the IndieWeb chat for help or pointers so that you won't necessarily need to reinvent the wheel. 

Chris Aldrich

Scott Kingery

Apr 14, 2020, 7:29:50 PM4/14/20
to TiddlyWiki
Hey Chris, welcome! Looks like you are off and running with TW. I look forward to reading up on what you are doing re: Webmentions.

I've added links to your notes on my TW5 Tribal Knowledge site:


Chris Aldrich

Apr 17, 2020, 7:42:33 PM4/17/20
to TiddlyWiki
For those who may be interested in using TiddlyWiki in public or as a personal website, you might appreciate this upcoming (free) IndieWebCamp session I'll be hosting on April 25th at 10:00 AM Pacific:

Gardens and Streams: Wikis, Blogs, and UI—a pop up IndieWebCamp session 

There has been some sporadic conversation about doing impromptu IndieWebCamp sessions and thus far we’ve yet to organize one. Given our physical distancing and the dearth of bigger IndieWebCamps, I thought I would propose this single topic stand alone camp session to get something rolling. I’d invite others to propose and schedule others in the future.  
April 25, 2020
Sat 10:00 – 11:00am (America/Los_Angeles)
This is an online only event. We will provide a Zoom video conference link 30 minutes before the session here and in the IndieWeb chat
Session Topic
We’ll be discussing and brainstorming ideas related to wikis and the IndieWeb, user interfaces, functionalities, examples of wikis and how they differ from blogs and other social media interfaces, and everyones’ ideas surrounding these. Bring your ideas and let’s discuss.
Hashtag: #GardenAndStream
Session facilitator: Chris Aldrich
This is just a single one hour IndieWebCamp-like session (though we have the option to go over a bit since there isn’t a session following us) where we’ll brainstorm and discuss a particular topic. Hopefully the weekend time will be convenient for a wide range of people in Europe and North America who have previously shown interest in the topic. Everyone is welcome to attend.
To prepare for the session we’ll be using the following: 
* Zoom: for the audio/video conference portion
* Etherpad: (for real time chat, questions, and note taking during the session)
See also:
This event is covered by the IndieWeb Code of Conduct. By participating, you’re acknowledging your acceptance of this code.
Questions? Concerns? Feel free to ask in the IndieWeb chat:


Apr 18, 2020, 4:29:59 AM4/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
Chris, that session sounds interesting - but what is that about "gardens and streams"? Is it just some metaphor I don't understand or does the session concern gardening in any way? Maybe it's your usename?


Chris Aldrich

Apr 18, 2020, 6:03:23 PM4/18/20
to TiddlyWiki
Mat, sorry! Your confusion may be the result of a somewhat sideways reference to an old post by Mike Caulfield:

Wikis are often looked at as gardens with posts that are regularly revisited and maintained while blogs are posted on in streams of posts that aren't as frequently revisited.

I hope anyone interested in the design and UI of wikis on the web will join us.


Apr 19, 2020, 8:32:26 AM4/19/20
to TiddlyWiki
@Chris:  Thanks for sharing this and for the nice memories it triggered!
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