I tried to implement the CSS Stylesheet code in these two tutorials, but it seems like the sheets were never loaded.
Though I'm I'm very good with CSS code, so that's not it. Besides, I'm just running the simple stuff from the tutorial examples anyway. It's not affecting the code in the Tiddlers.
I am naming the Stylesheet tiddler this: "$:/tags/Stylesheet" like it says in the tutorials.
Then I paste in the code from the tut.
Then I set the "type" to "text/css"
Both of these tuts mention module, but I don't see a field for that.
Then I save the Tiddler and the whole file
Then I reload the file in the browser.
Is there something wrong with the way I'm creating the stylesheet tiddler?
I'm mainly interested in adding some extra styles to the Heading elements. But for the future, it would be good to get the stylesheets working in general.