[AddON] - file-backups - There is a new version on the way ++ some Stats

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Aug 29, 2019, 6:02:32 AM8/29/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Folks,

There is a new version of file-backups AddOn on the way. I decided to go with manual beta installs first, since there are about 800 daily users (in average) relying on the plugin. I want to be sure, that everything works. More about the stats later!

If you help to test the beta, your version will automatically be updated to stable, once it is released. So there is no risk, that you forget to change to the stable branch again.

Please test the latest beta, that can be downloaded at the development repository.    <-- backup the backups - first!!
and give feedback! Feedback here is also welcome!

What's New
  • Automatic addOn updates are only activated on browser restarts.
  • IMPORTANT: There is NO URL-BAR ICON any more. Only the "diamond" icon is left.

  • Backups are enabled by default

  • Initial Number of saved files go from 5 to 7

  • Changed toolbar icon hover text from "TiddlyBackups" to "File Backups - for TiddlyWiki"

  • Added Version number to toolbar "dropdown" dialog.

  • With the very first save, the plugin detects a new wiki, an "out of order" backup will be created.

    • It looks like this: wiki-name(2018-08-13T11-54-07-179Z).html

  • Saving problem with TiddlyWiki-calssic on unix system starting with FF 68
  • memory leak mentioned in the google groups.
    • This problem only comes up, if the browser or the tab, that contains the wiki isn't closed for a long time.
    • or the wiki is really big 20+ MByte

Latest stable: at Mozillas AddOn page.

Some Stats

The stats, that are provided by mozilla are 2-3 days old and only contain info about the "addOn update request". That means: the addon is installed and active but we don't know, if users really used TiddlyWiki and the addOn that day.

The high "download spikes" are bugs :/ ... Downloads per day are usually between 5-20. ... and higher if the addOn is mentioned in the group. It doesn't matter if it's an announcement by me, or an issue report by users.

You can see, that we are at the holiday season at the moment. The big "dent" is Christmas an New Year :)

Users last 365 days:

Users full history

The history started with the first "listed and stable version". Initial betas are not shown.

Users by plattform

Users by FF app

I hope you like the info.

have fun!

PS - If you USE it: Support it :)

PPS - Please also rate the plugin at addOn page
We have 1000+ users but only 10 reviews.


Aug 29, 2019, 6:08:33 AM8/29/19
to TiddlyWiki
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