Possible to save tiddlers as individual files?

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Jared Lettau

Dec 21, 2019, 4:06:04 PM12/21/19
to TiddlyWiki
I have been extremely satisfied with with using dropbox folder integration to sync my .html file. However, since every save modifies the single .html save file:
  • Every save results in a full wiki sync to all devices which chews up bandwidth.
  • While rare, dropbox versioning conflicts are between large .html files, not the individual tiddlers that create the conflict.
I'd like to create/modify the tw to save each tiddler as a separate file. So instead of one .html file tw would save and work with as many files as there are tiddlers. In this way, only the tiddler files that are changed will sync in dropbox and conflicts will be between specific tiddlers not the entire .html wiki file.

I've been unable to find a plugin that allows tw to save each tiddler as an individual file.
  • Before I go make one, does one already exist?
  • Any thoughts on producing this behavior by modifying source or shadow/system tiddlers?
Thank you


Dec 21, 2019, 7:57:24 PM12/21/19
to TiddlyWiki

Out of the box the behavior to save individual tiddler only happens using nodejs or a folder based install. You can do this on top of drop box but either you need a server that all your devices can reach over the network or be able to run a server on each device to access the folders (one at a time)

So what devices are you using?


Jared Lettau

Jan 4, 2020, 2:28:04 PM1/4/20
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tony. Right now I'm keeping the .html file within my DropBox "Apps" folder. That's only because of the limitations of Quine on IOS. (I'll soon be ditching IOS for Librem5 :) I also manipulate the file via TiddlyDesktop on Linux and Win10. I'd rather not run a server if possible.

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