[advice] for encryption and mobile performance

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HC Haase

Mar 6, 2020, 11:35:25 AM3/6/20
to TiddlyWiki
Sharing my discovery

In retrospect, it is obvious, but it didn't occur to me for a long time.

when I use TW on mobile it is always encrypted because the risk of loss or other compromising is higher than my pc, so unencrypted wiki is not an option IMO. This led to the wiki being very slow on save and therefore hard to use.

The obvious solution.

If you use an encrypted wiki on mobile:

Turn off automatic saving, and save manually when you need to.

This is simple, but it made my wiki workable again on mobile, so a big impact.


Mar 6, 2020, 4:13:18 PM3/6/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for sharing insights.

Personally I find that I don't edit stuff via mobile other than possibly checking checkboxes. Too iffy to type on mobile. So rarely need to save stuff. I'm not sure what people do on their TWs over the phone actually. Of course depend on what the wiki is for... Hm, may I ask that, i.e what you're actually using your TW for that you use so actively over the phone?



Mar 6, 2020, 6:02:43 PM3/6/20
to TiddlyWiki
HC Thanks for sharing, its importiantfor the community.

I use a large wiki on top of sharepoint and use the same method. I think it can apply in many cases. Keeping the save button that goes red visible, when automatic saving is off can be important. 

Another thing to consider in similar circumstances is the local storage plugin, at least on browser accessed wikis (I am not sure about the apps). Saving takes place in the browser continuously and the manual save commits it to the server/file system. If you did accidently close the tab returning to the same url should reload the temp storage items, from which you have another opportunity to save (in this case I think of the word "commit" the changes)

I am working on a Local storage helper icon to make this clearer to the user but the combinations make it a small challenge.


HC Haase

Mar 9, 2020, 7:14:28 AM3/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
You may.. I always find it interesting how diverse TW is used.

Normally I don't use TW on my phone often, because I work in front of a pc. BUT

 * I have begun /(try to make the habit) to use TW as a personal journal. It is more convenient to sit in the couch with my phone at the end of the day, than pull out the laptop.
* I like to travel light, but my thinking (also through my second brain TW) is seldom light. So I want my notes and I dont want to be hindered by interface.
** not long ago I moved to another country for 4 months and it was not practical to bring my laptop. I was very much dependent on my phone.

so what do I do... the same stuff, but lighter. my texts are shorter. making notes from read material, connect them to other notes, write thoughts and connect or contradict other thoughts in the notes. save inspiring quotes, links or books to read.


Mar 9, 2020, 12:36:55 PM3/9/20
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for an insight into how you work. Considering the kind of text you write (i.e not code), I'm wondering if perhaps som voice-to-text software would be useful. 

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