Showcase: TiddlyWiki instance

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CJ Veniot

May 23, 2020, 12:25:53 AM5/23/20
to TiddlyWiki
G'day all,

Although I don't find writing particularly easy,  I fiercely enjoy the challenge.

Maybe I enjoy the challenge of writing because I am ridiculously happy when organizing a whole mess of deeply intertwingled topics/thoughts/concepts/ideas.

Might be a wee sprinkling of OCPD/ADHD juicing all o' that.

Anyhoo ...

I've always thought that even the silliest out-of-left-field thinking can sometimes trigger some of the best ideas.

In that spirit, I submit to you this latest TiddlyWiki endeavor o' mine just in case there's anything in there that gives you any oh-so-awesome big-brain moments of TiddlyWiki magic to share:

Cheers !


May 23, 2020, 9:43:23 AM5/23/20
to TiddlyWiki

Thanks for sharing this introductory information. I quite enjoyed it; being more of an Oldie than a Newbie, myself.

I admire your obvious ambition in starting your development since you did state that this would be a large, long-term undertaking.  And your long-term devotion to SQL is also something I understand.  Those points, however, leave me curious as to why you are apparently now using as of the light-weight variant such as SQLlite.


CJ Veniot

May 23, 2020, 11:29:47 AM5/23/20
G'day and Happy Saturday!  (Well, happy whichever current day anybody happens to read this.)

  • When I say/write "SQLWindows", the majority of people think SQL.  SQLWindows (that is the really old name for the product) is a 4GL Windows programming tool
    • Back in the 90's, SQLWindows and PowerBuilder were top products for Windows development of, typically, corporate database applications with whatever database back-end products
  • "SQLWindows" today is owned by OpenText, and the product is called "Gupta Team Developer"
  • If you have some free time, this OpenText introduction to "Gupta Team Developer" is pretty good:
I have more of a devotion to "SQLWindows" than to SQL.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE SQL ever since getting introduced to relational algebra back in my university years.  And I rather enjoy the kind of application development for Windows that involves a database.

Career-wise, I am (sticking to modern monikers) an "OpenText Gupta Team Developer" + Oracle DB back-end specialist.

But that's my day job.

I've always loved programming ever since my early years with my Commodore Vic-20 and BASIC.  Today, I get my hobby programming fix with SpiderBasic, which fits me better than anything else out there.  Light, fun, works A-1 on my Linux-enabled Chromebook, compiles to javascript so apps will work on any browser, and I'm fascinated by it.

SpiderBasic only works with SQLite, which isn't a bad thing, really.  SpiderBasic is all about creation of client-side web applications, and SQLite is an excellent choice for that.  Plus: SpiderBasic + SQLite + Kexi makes for a pretty awesome suite for the full RAD monty on a tight budget and zero tolerance for anything "heavy".  (Unless I'm building corporate applications, then I'm all about RAD with "Gupta Team Developer" and a preference for Oracle back-end.)

There seem to be some pretty sweet no-code/zero-code options out there that do intrigue me a little.  But this kid wants to code. is a pretty ambitious project, but I'm a pretty happy camper when tackling intertwingularity (a mission with loads of interconnected/intertwined things to consider).  Rock'n roll!

Oops.  I got wordy.

All of that aside, I love wikis in general, and am completely fascinated with (and a huge fan of) TiddlyWiki.  So documenting with TiddlyWiki, that just makes me giddy and full of warm fuzzies all over.

My RAD suite, along with SpiderBasic + SQLite + Kexi (and Neocities for deployment),  includes TiddlyWiki for RAD documentation.

Birthe C

May 23, 2020, 12:06:52 PM5/23/20
to TiddlyWiki
CJ Veniot,

I must be the most unlikely of readers. Knowing nothing about development or programming. But I enjoy your writing style. I followed a link to a neocities site of yours. Writing about Geocities and more. Reading this is like reliving the era. Thank you!


CJ Veniot

May 23, 2020, 1:34:24 PM5/23/20
Aw shucks, thanks Birthe C.  Unexpected warm fuzzies are a fun gift.

I can't offer much to TiddlyWiki development-wise, but if I can somehow contribute some ideas via sample TiddlyWiki use cases, then I'm in.

Suffering from "intertwingulitis" , I'm always desperate to organize the flood of things in my head (like a huge, disorganized mess of puzzle pieces) into a visual form (a "completed" puzzle) so I can see it and say "there it is, I see it, I understand it").  That's where TiddlyWiki is my Huckleberry.
  • Technically recently diagnosed with ADHD (without climbing the walls, as in no outer physical phenomena going on, but some serious "everything is connected to everything" over-stimulation), which I prefer call intertwingulitis because that's way more fun to me, explains it better for me, and I'm a bit of a Ted Nelson fan.
So if this old sponge o' mine is going to be crazier than a Space X rocket full of hamsters fighting over an exercise wheel mid-way to Mars, might as well do something on-the-off-chance-useful to other folk.

If you enjoy the occasional stiff drink, might as well nurse a fine one while experiencing this carnival ride ...
  • Might I recommend for all to try:  pick your favourite dark rum, a couple ounces in a tall glass, an overflowing tablespoon or two of pure maple syrup, and top up with water (and/or a few ice cubes)!  Puts me in a right zen place just thinking about it...
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