author: OleghBondarenko
core-version: >=5.0.0
description: Ukrainian (Ukrainian)
name: uk-UA
plugin-type: language
title: $:/languages/uk-UA
type: application/json
{"tiddlers": {}}
title: $:/languages/uk-UA/icon
type: image/svg+xml
<svg xmlns="" height="480" width="640" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
<g fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="1pt">
<path fill="#ffd500" d="M0 0h640v480H0z"/>
<path fill="#005bbb" d="M0 0h640v240H0z"/>
Hi Olegh,
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I can help you for one :Your fake language plugin is almost good. The flag icon has to be embedded in the language plugin ($:/languages/uk-UA)replace{"tiddlers": {}}with{"tiddlers": {
"text": "<svg xmlns=\"\" height=\"480\" width=\"640\" viewBox=\"0 0 640 480\">\n <g fill-rule=\"evenodd\" stroke-width=\"1pt\">\n <path fill=\"#ffd500\" d=\"M0 0h640v480H0z\"/>\n <path fill=\"#005bbb\" d=\"M0 0h640v240H0z\"/>\n </g>\n</svg>",
"title": "$:/languages/uk-UA/icon",
"type": "image/svg+xml"
}}For the second (title translations), a workaround could be modifying tiddler template ($:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title) to display a lg-LG_title field (if exists through a $view widget) instead of <$view field="title" />. You will also have to put a macro to call the good field based upon $:/Language tiddler... But, as I told you before, no solution is simple for this. I'll take a look, but not immediately...cheers
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