Tiddler Sticky Notepads? Tag stickers?

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Alex Hough

Jan 26, 2015, 6:33:17 AM1/26/15
to TiddlyWiki
Dear All,

The GTD methodology had a huge influence everyone was going round with index cards. I did this and in hindsite it got me nowhere.

I am now using sticky notes -- a freebie from a business school -- and wondered about ordering my own custom "tiddler"  notes. A paper version of tiddler promoting TW at the same time

It got me thinking about tags to... maybe a set of stickers in tag pill shapes... with enough space to write on.

The thing is I don't want to order 100s of pads...

Anyone interested?
Could sickly pads be an accompaniment to the poster?
* making the start of a "promo pack"
** leading to an analogue 'workshop version' of TW

just thought I'd share the thought


Mark S.

Jan 26, 2015, 10:52:58 AM1/26/15
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Just curious -- how are you using sticky notes in a GTD system? The problem with stickies is that they don't stack very well, making them inconvenient to sort and view. They also like to unstick from the edges of monitors which typically have less than an inch margin nowadays. I suppose you could dedicate the inside cover of a notebook to arranging them.


Alex Hough

Jan 26, 2015, 11:17:10 AM1/26/15
to TiddlyWiki
I'm using them in an attic room:
* sticking them to beams, wall and ceiling
* not for GTD, 
**rather planning the writing of a paper - and 
**developing ideas. 

Its like I have tiddlers all around me. I can move them about then put them into a TW


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Tobias Beer

Jan 26, 2015, 12:24:50 PM1/26/15
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Anyone interested?
Could sickly pads be an accompaniment to the poster?
* making the start of a "promo pack"
** leading to an analogue 'workshop version' of TW

Hi Alex, can you elaborate a bit on...
  • Interested ...in what exactly?
  • Which "pads", poster, promo pack?
  • What workshop?
  • How does all that relate to GTD or stickies?
Best wishes, Tobias. 

Alex Hough

Jan 26, 2015, 1:42:06 PM1/26/15
to TiddlyWiki

OK.... I think I was rather slack on my communications skills today :(

In many workshops I've attended sticky "Post-it" notes are often used in so called "brainstorming sessions" to facilitate "creativity" in groups. 

TW is perhaps more associated with the index card. The popularity of index cards was greatly enhanced by David Allen's GTD and the "Hipster PDA [2]". MonkeyGTD uses the hipster PDA in its logo [3]

While index cards are for my money, way cooler than Post-it notes, they are used to promote organisations,along with  other stationary items: pens, mouse mats, mugs. The market caters for organisations who with to give away pads of Post-it notes emblazoned with logos, strap-lines and other marketing paraphernalia. Today, I have been using some kindly given away by a university.

The Post-it has the advantages over the index card in that it can be stuck to a wall and grouped. It's part of the everyday business paraphernalia - everyone knows what they are.

TiddlyWiki is not a company, so it doesn't have a budget to promote itself using these kind of items, but TW users could buy TW post-its for their own use, in workshops (if they were running them) for the purpose of promoting TW. One could print the TW poster (or a variant of it), put it on the wall of a room being used for a "brainstorming" session. After the brainstorming session, the Post-its would be used to populate a TW which would then be shared amongst the participants. Some of the Post-it pads might go missing, just like the ones I was using today.

I was also thinking about Ketso [4] only something based on TW and Post-its... where paper and technology come together. Just as Ketso has a methodology and a brand, a product / use case could come out of TW. It would be one of a suite of use cases TW, uses which could join together. For example a group workshop's data have a GTD tool bolted on, or a TW Scholar tools. 

The use case would not be a full blown wiki, but rather one which would be used by a facilitator. A pack could be offered to faciliators and part of that pack could be a set of Post-its designed for integration with a particular TW. While folk may not want to pay for TW itself, they may buy some branded Post-its - especially if they thought the profits would initiatives to validate TW use as a serious tool used by serious people...

The output of the workshop could be something similar to TW.com, where changes are proposed on GitHub

best wishes



Birthe C

Jan 26, 2015, 3:20:35 PM1/26/15
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Alex,
One of the reasons I started using TW, was to get rid of all those Post-it notes everywhere. At first I thought you would make people use TW Post-it notes until they simply had to turn to TW for help :-D

Your description of how you use them creatively and especially the ketso link gave a clearer picture. I might even try to make better use of my remaining Post-it notes. They are simple, yellow and without decoration.

On the ketso link the notes are leave shaped, you suggested tiddler shape I hate to write on such formed preprinted and small notes.

I would much prefer something looking like our beloved tiddlers. New user would get used to that, and old users get help fighting withdrawal symptoms after computer break down. Who knows some might put them in zettelkasten.


Jeremy Ruston

Jan 26, 2015, 3:44:21 PM1/26/15
to TiddlyWiki
I think it's a great idea. If this experiment works, perhaps we might develop the idea into merchandise that we can sell to help raise project funds.

Best wishes


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Jeremy Ruston

Alex Hough

Jan 26, 2015, 3:48:43 PM1/26/15
to TiddlyWiki

I too thought that TW would see the end of the dreaded Post-it -- especially the fluorescent variety.

I was thinking of the Post-it resembling our beloved edit template.

Today I was up in an attic space. I posted the Post-its onto the roof and wall. the effect was kind of three dimensional, like a swarm or shoal of tiddlers. My background in art school and the stuff around installations gave rise to ideas about liberating tiddlers into 3-d space. The system could work both ways: a TW could output onto Post-its and the workshop could go though -- heaven forbid -- a second iteration

best wishes


Alex Hough

Jan 26, 2015, 3:52:58 PM1/26/15
to TiddlyWiki

The Ketso model is interesting to look at... 

The value of the culture of co-operation generated by TW could be instantiated into a method of non-linear note-taking in groups


Mark S.

Jan 27, 2015, 11:10:43 AM1/27/15
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
You guys must have some industrial strength stickies if they're able to stick to attic rafters. My experience with stickies is that they always end up on the ground somewhere, especially if the sticking surface isn't perfectly smooth.

If you bound several pages of cardboard stock together, then you could have a portable hardware tiddlywiki. In this case, each page would represent a tag and you could organize your stickies (tiddlers) by primary tag. Maybe have a grid one the bottom where you could put colored dots to indicate other tags.

In all computer systems that I know of, including the brain, there's a portion of memory for manipulating information (current events) and another for long-term storage. The portable wiki could be the equivalent short-term memory for note-taking and scheduling. Notes would be moved into the tiddlywiki as they aged out.


On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 3:33:17 AM UTC-8, AlexHough wrote:


Mar 24, 2016, 4:49:13 AM3/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,
Beginners question,
I found the "http://stickynotes.tiddlyspot.com/",
what are the specific steps I need to do to install stickynotes to my tiddlerwiki?
best regards,


Mar 24, 2016, 5:37:38 AM3/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I found the "http://stickynotes.tiddlyspot.com/",
what are the specific steps I need to do to install stickynotes to my tiddlerwiki?

What exactly did you try? The instructions in that link are pretty clear..? Which step causes problems?



Mar 24, 2016, 5:50:50 AM3/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
True it is clear, I had missed that I need to click "import" after I had dragged the icon to
my tiddler. Now I got it to work. :-)
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