refer to recently created tiddler when creating a bunch of tiddlers tagged with the name of that tiddler and whose name are the name of the tiddler with various words appended, or something like that....

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Mar 21, 2019, 6:43:54 PM3/21/19
[ 2019 03 23 UPDATE]

I have found a macro tidexist that I can use to test to see if the original tiddler exists, and if not suggest entering a new name instead.

This approach renders the original question moot. The final result is posted at very bottom for future reference.

I am creating a button that will create a tiddler and a bunch of tiddlers tagged with the name of that tiddler and whose name are the name of the tiddler with various words appended. 

for example, "Tiddler one" and "Tiddler one - Category one" , with tag: "Tiddler one"

The problem I have is that in this line
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} tags="Workshop createdByButton" text={{$:/plugins/reidgould/dpbd/templates/view/Board}} focus=yes /

I create the tiddler, but if a tiddler with that name, Say "Tiddler One" exists, the actual name of the tiddler with not be 'Tiddler One' but 'Tiddler One 1" (or 2 or 3, if prior ones exist...). This is alright as far as it stands, but now the tags, which are based on  "{{$:/state/new-button-caption}}" will not have the additional number, will all be to the original tiddler, not the newly created tiddler. 

I also had ot use the strange tagme tagx scheme in order to get tiddler names with spaces into the tag, otherwise the name became several tags (for example, if I used "tags={{$:/state/new-button-caption}}" directly). There may be a better way to do this???

Is there any way to fix this? I think I have to update
<$set name=tagx value={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} >
somehow...but how to identify the correct value, i.e. the exact name of the tiddler I just created?

P.S. I cribbed most of the code from other places, and it is well likely that there is a better approach for this or other aspects of it...Thanks in advance.

[OLD CODE, see below for corrected]
\define songs() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Songs
\define games() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Games
\define art() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Art
\define intro() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Intro
\define books() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Books
\define tagme() [[$(tagx)$]]
\define concat(text,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) $text$
\define myTags(title) <<concat "'{{$:/state/new-button-caption}}'" >>
<<concat "' {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} '" >>
<<myTags {{$:/state/new-button-caption}}>>

<$set name=tagx value={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} >

 Title: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/state/new-button-caption" tag="input" default=""/>
Button below will create a Workshop with the following names and tags:<br>

* {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} tags: Workshop, createdByButton 
* <<songs>> TAGS: "<<tagx>>"
* <<games>> TAGS:  "<<tagx>>"
* <<art>> TAGS:  "<<tagx>>"
* <<intro>> TAGS:  "<<tagx>>"
* <<books>> TAGS:  "<<tagx>>"


<$wikify name="songs" text=<<songs>> >
<$wikify name="games" text=<<games>> >
<$wikify name="art" text=<<art>> >
<$wikify name="intro" text=<<intro>> >
<$wikify name="books" text=<<books>> >

<$action-createtiddler $basetitle={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} tags="Workshop createdByButton" text={{$:/plugins/reidgould/dpbd/templates/view/Board}} focus=yes />

<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<songs>> tags=<<tagme>> text="Homemade Button" focus=yes />
New Tiddler


[UPDATED CODE as mentioned in preamble]
\define songs() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Songs
\define games() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Games
\define art() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Art
\define intro() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Intro
\define books() {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} - Books
\define tagme() [[$(tagx)$]]
\define nontidexist(tiddler)

* Workshop <span class="tagme"> <<tagme>> </span>  does NOT exist. You are GOOD TO GO, Houston!

This &nbsp;
<$wikify name="songs" text=<<songs>> >
<$wikify name="games" text=<<games>> >
<$wikify name="art" text=<<art>> >
<$wikify name="intro" text=<<intro>> >
<$wikify name="books" text=<<books>> >
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} tags="Workshop createdByButton Board" text={{$:/plugins/reidgould/dpbd/templates/view/Board}} focus=yes />

<$set name=tagx value={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} >
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<songs>> tags=<<tagme>> text="Homemade Button" focus=yes />
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<games>> tags=<<tagme>> text="Homemade Button" focus=yes />
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<art>> tags=<<tagme>> text="Homemade Button" focus=yes />
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<intro>> tags=<<tagme>> text="Homemade Button" focus=yes />
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<books>> tags=<<tagme>> text="Homemade Button" focus=yes />

&nbsp; button will create a Workshop with the following names and tags:<br>
* {{$:/state/new-button-caption}} TAGS: <<tag Workshop>> <<tag createdByButton>> <<tag Board>>
* <<songs>> TAGS: {{$(tagx)$||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}<br>
* <<games>> TAGS: {{$(tagx)$||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}<br>
* <<art>> TAGS: {{$(tagx)$||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}<br>
* <<intro>> TAGS: {{$(tagx)$||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}<br>
* <<books>> TAGS: {{$(tagx)$||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}<br>

\define tidexist(tiddler)
<$vars tiddler="""$tiddler$""">
<$list filter="[title[$tiddler$]] +[has[title]]" emptyMessage=<<nontidexist """$tiddler$""">>>
<span class=tagme><<tagme>></span> EXISTS. Overwriting existing tiddler prohibited. Enter new name or click to edit<span class=tagme> [[existing tiddler|$tiddler$]]</span>.
#createAWorkshop  input:not([type]), .tagme {
color: red;
font-family: Arial, non-serif;
font-weight: 600;
width: 80%;
#createAWorkshop  input:not([type]) {
left: 5%;

<div id="createAWorkshop" style="background: lightblue; color:maroon; padding:10px;">

!!!__Create a Workshop__
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/state/new-button-caption" tag=input default="" size=35 placeholder=<<now "YYYY 0MM 0DD Workshop" >>  />  
<$set name=tagx value={{$:/state/new-button-caption}} >
<$reveal text=<<tagx>> type="match" default=""  >
 (enter the date/name of the workshop)
<$reveal text=<<tagx>> type="nomatch" default=""  >
<<tidexist $(tagx)$ >>

<!-- <pre><$view /></pre> -->

Mar 22, 2019, 6:20:09 PM3/22/19
to TiddlyWiki
Per forum instructions...original post resolved/updated.
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